You Won’t Get Poison Ivy Again Even If You Come Into Contact With It After You Learn THIS Trick

Poison ivy earned its foreboding name because the vines of the plant creep and climb up things and can be highly toxic to humans when they come into contact with skin. When that occurs most people develop an allergic reaction and an extremely itchy, painful, uncomfortable rash breaks out!

While a small minority of people have a high threshold for poison ivy and never develop a reaction, most others are highly sensitive to it. If they make even slight contact with the plant, like barely brush against it, they are bound to break out. That’s why the best way to prevent a poison ivy rash is to avoid the plant in the first place, but that’s not always possible. If and when you ever do come into contact with poison ivy down the line, you need to know the following information. It can help minimize your risks and save you a lot of pain!

First off, poison ivy reactions are caused by urushiol which is found on the stems and leaves. Urushiol is an oily resin that sticks to everything and so whatever comes into contact with the oil can further spread it all around. Say for example you drive over poison ivy plants, it will get on the tires and then if you touch the tires it can get on your skin. Other more common items that urushiol may contaminate are gardening tools, rakes, chainsaws, and clothing.

Next, if you ever think you may have touched poison ivy then you need to know Jim Brauker’s tip on how to minimize the potential of it turning into a gross, nasty rash. The scientist and wildlife enthusiast explains the best technique for this and demonstrates it himself in the accompanying video. He explains that if you come into contact with poison ivy you need to wash the oil off your skin within 2-8 hours. The sooner you wash the better and even if you’re unsure about whether or not you got any oil on you, wash the area no matter what. Use cold water, soap, and a washcloth to help get it completely off your skin.

The key to this trick is a washcloth, so make sure you use one, because it provides the friction necessary to scrub and lift the oil off your body. Use it on all contaminated areas and a loofah or towel will also work just as well at picking up and removing the oil. As for soap, it doesn’t matter what kind you use, but never wash with hot water!! It causes pores to open up and that will allow the urushiol in.

Poison ivy rashes are no laughing matter and in a perfect world we’d all avoid the plant in the first place. To help you do that, here’s what you need to know on how to identify it:

“Leaves of three, let them be. Leaves of five, let them thrive.” The first half of this old saying is a helpful way to remember how to identify a poison ivy plant, the second part serves to prevent other similar looking vine-type plants from being confused or wrongly associated with it. Other sayings provide more details on how to identify the plant, two of which include; “longer middle stem, don’t touch them” and “hairy vine, no friend of mine.” Out of the three total leaves it’s the middle one that has the longest stem and the vines will have tons of small ‘hairs’ that help it stick to things as it climbs. This is important to know since the leaves die and fall off in the fall/winter but the stems, roots, and vines can still all give you a rash because they also contain urushiol oil. Other things to look for are glossy leaves with smooth or toothed edges and in late summer the plants sometimes grow white berry clusters.

Hopefully you never have to use Jim Brauker’s poison ivy removal method, but if you do you’ll be glad you took the time to check his video out! Pass this tip on to the gardeners, hikers, nature enthusiasts, and the people most likely to run into poison ivy in your life, and stay safe!

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It Looks Like A Normal Painting Of a Wolf. But When I Saw The Truth I Was Blown Away!

Look closely as you watch this video of a wolf howling towards the sky as snow swirls down in the backdrop. Its head is tilted back as it calls out its wolf song and gusts of wind can be heard in the lonely scene. Do you notice anything in particular that stands out or is different about this wolf?

If you haven’t realized it yet, keep watching as the secret is revealed about 20 seconds into the short clip! That’s when a person peels off from the animal’s back, gets up and walks away, showing that the wolf is actually three people painted and posed to look exactly like their wild counterpart found in nature!

The artist who created this piece, titled “The Wolf,” is Johannes Stötter. He’s a master at creating hyper-realistic optical illusions out of just two basic mediums; human models and body paint. Stötter begins by expertly painting extremely realistic details and attributes onto either one or several model’s bodies. He then positions and poses them in a very precise and exact arrangement. By doing this he’s able to trick the viewer into believing that they are looking at a photo or video that was captured by a professional in the wild.

At first glance his images appear to be straightforward, it’s only upon closer inspection that one realizes the picture is actually several models. It’s amazing and crazy how real-life spot on he’s able to make his pieces look!

Part of the magic behind the visual trickery on display in Stötter’s work has to do with optical illusions, which are all about the eyes-brain-perception connection. The eyes visually perceive an image which the brain processes as not fitting in line or matching the stimulus source that it’s coming from. Basically, it’s when you look at something and end up seeing something else completely different, so you look at X but think you’re seeing Y. Generally speaking, there’s all sorts of different types of illusions but optical ones, aka visual illusions, happen to be best known sub-category and this wolf piece is a great example of one.

Stötter’s work has made him world famous and it’s clear to see that he truly has a unique gift. He has won many awards, including being named the 2012 World Bodypainting Champion, so check him out for more amazing images and watch the video to see how the added movement makes his images look even more real.

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Minutes After This Baby Was Born They Realized She Was The Rarest Horse In The World.

Before this miniature horse was born, she was expected to be a truly special and unique horse.  Named ITTY BITTY HOPE, by her owners Linda and Jim Woods, they and breeder Diana Gilger,  first “met” her during her mother’s ultrasounds.  As the pregnancy progressed, they came to the realization that Hope would be one of the smallest horses on earth;  her mom barely looked pregnant!

In the video you are about to watch below, you will meet adorable Itty Bitty Hope, whom it turns out actually tied the world record for the smallest horse that has ever existed.  She is being socialized, by Diana and her family, to get her ready for the truly wonderful role she will play in peoples’ lives.

You see, the Woods own a miniature horse therapy business, called “Mini Hooves of Love”.   Horse therapy, for people trying to recover from severe trauma in their lives, has been done with normal size horses for decades.  When you get a look at darling little Hope, it will be easy for you to imagine her impact on people suffering from emotional damage.  The extreme emotional pain of PTSD on soldiers, and people who have suffered unthinkable abuse, has been eased tremendously through horse therapy.  Itty Bitty Hope, should indeed bring hope back, into the lives of many suffering people.

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This House Plant Will Prevent Spiders Mice and Other Creepy Critters From Coming In Your Home.

No one likes seeing mice, spiders, or other creepy little pests inside the house. When you spot something crawling around it can leave you feeling uncomfortable in your own home, especially if you happen to suffer from arachnophobia. Even if you are not one of the estimated 3.5 to 6.1% of the population that is deathly afraid of spiders (source: Wikipedia), you likely don’t want bugs and mice hanging around where you live and sleep at night.

Fortunately there is a simple and effective way to naturally keep unwanted critters out and away from your home. You don’t need to use any gruesome mousetraps, poisons, or toxic chemical sprays. Instead, just use some peppermint, it’s totally safe for humans and non-toxic so if you have children you don’t have to worry about them being harmed. Peppermint is widely available, inexpensive, all-natural, and mice and spiders absolutely hate the smell of it. If they get a whiff they’ll turn right around and head back the way they came from!

For a first line of defense against pests you can plant peppermint all around your house. This acts as a natural barrier to keeping mice at bay, plus it smells wonderful and compliments a garden. You can also use the peppermint spray that’s covered below and in the accompanying video to treat patios, decks, and other outdoor spaces with.

For inside your house there are a couple of things you can do with peppermint. One method is to fill a clean sock with a bunch of dried peppermint and place it strategically around your house in places wherever mice can get in.

The second way to make a natural pest repellent is to brew up a simple batch of peppermint tea. Take a pot of hot water and drop in a handful or two of dried peppermint. Allow it to sit for awhile before straining all of the peppermint out. Finally, place the peppermint infused water into a spray bottle and mist it around any interior spaces like closets, cabinets, carpets, even on clothing. Focus on doors and windows and enjoy the fresh, clean, minty smell!

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She Rubs Epsom Salt All Over Her Hair. But When She’s Done STUNNING!

Summer hair is best worn loose and natural, you want a style that’s easy to manage and pull off. When the weather gets hot, cool beachy waves are the go-to look for many of us. Nothing looks as pretty and summery as beautiful wavy hair does. The style is perfect for every type of event or occasion you may find yourself at and it transitions seamlessly from day to night. With soft, tousled waves you’ll look great whether you’re at the beach or a fancy wedding!

While a lucky few were blessed with naturally wavy hair that doesn’t require any styling, the rest of us weren’t, and this simple beauty trick is for those who need the help! The key to attaining bouncy beautiful waves lies in a simple sea salt hair spray. Many stores and salons sell name brand versions of the basic spray, but why buy it at a drastically marked up premium when you can make it yourself at home for a fraction of the cost?

The girls in this AwesomenessTV video show you how to create your own sea salt hair spray that’s guaranteed to work because they tested it out as well on their hair model. You only need a spray bottle, hot water, hair gel, and Epsom salt, nothing more, nothing less. It’s essential that you use only Epsom salt for this and not pink Himalayan, Celtic, table, or any other type of salt, because they are not nearly as effective. Epsom salt will add body to the waves without building up or harming your scalp, so don’t skip it!

Check out the video for approximate measurements and the correct combinations, then try mixing up a bottle of it yourself at home. You can look and smell like you’ve spent the day at the beach even if you never left your couch!

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He Places Potatoes and Ketchup Into A Crock Pot. But When He’s Done YUM!

Slow cookers make preparing delicious, home cooked meals so easy they’re practically effortless! Instead of having to bang around the kitchen making all of the separate components that most dishes call for, you just mix up a few basic ingredients and then combine them all together in the pot. Set the timer, put the lid on, and you’re good to go!

While many traditional recipes have been pared down and honed specifically for crock pot cooking, this easy meatloaf one retains all of its classic ingredients. Make this soon and you won’t be disappointed! The sweet, savory aroma will greet you when you walk in the door and dinner will be ready, warm, and waiting. What more could you ask for? Everything you’ll need is listed below and directions on how to prepare the slow cooked meatloaf follow:

5 potatoes2 pounds of ground beef½ pound hot Italian turkey sausage with casings removed1 large onion2 eggs1 ½ cup ketchup, divided in half (so that you have two ¾ cups of it)¾ cup crushed crackers, butter-flavored, 1/3 cup packed light brown sugar, 2 teaspoons salt½ teaspoon yellow mustardblack pepper, to taste

Start by peeling the potatoes. Cut them into 2-inch chunks and place them in the bottom of a large crock pot. Mix together the beef, sausage, onion, eggs, cracker crumbs, ¾ cup of ketchup, and salt in a separate bowl. Make sure to combine the ingredients together really well and then form them into the shape of a loaf. Add the loaf to the slow cooker, placing them directly on top of the potatoes!

Now combine and stir up the brown sugar, mustard, and remaining ¾ cup of ketchup. Spread the resulting sauce evenly across the top of the meat loaf before placing the lid on the slow cooker. Cook on the low setting for 6-10 hours, the time may vary depending on your crock pot. When the time is up simply drain any excess liquid from the pot and then serve!

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These 2 Pups Got Trapped On a Boat Going Down Stream. But Watch Who Comes To Their Rescue.

Heroes come in many different forms and sometimes they turn out to be dogs! It seems that our faithful companions never cease to amaze us with their immense hearts and spectacular abilities. The brave Labrador in this video is no exception to that belief and when his friends got into a bit of trouble he did not hesitate to step right up and jump into action.

The group of three dogs were outside enjoying a day by the river with their owner when disaster suddenly struck. Two of the pups had hopped into a lightweight canoe that had been beached loosely on a gravel bar in the stream when a strong breeze came up and knocked it into the water. The current quickly picked it up from there and in the blink of an eye the canoe was headed downriver with the two dogs stuck inside it.

The poor animals seemed unsure about what to do and every move they made threatened to overturn the tipsy canoe. They were stuck on the runaway boat barking and whimpering up a storm when the third dog sprang into action. The Labrador Retriever had been across the river with the owner on the opposite bank when he was alerted to the situation by their cries.

Without hesitating the black lab leaped into the water and made a bee-line for his friends. It’s clear to see how powerful the current was flowing because the naturally strong swimming dog was working overtime just to get thought it. When he reached the side of the boat he took up a rope dangling over the side and towed his friends back to shore.

While it looks like a one-way rescue where the Lab in the water did all the work, it turns out that the dog in the front of the canoe played a major role in his own recovery effort as well. He dropped his leash over the side of the boat into the water so that the Labrador could grab onto it and pull them all back to safety and dry land.

It just goes to show what a clever, loyal, brave group of beautiful dogs they all are. Check it out and watch a real hero in action!

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Are Ants About To Mess Up Your Year? Try THIS Simple Trick To Get Rid Of Them Immediately!

Spring and Summer are almost here, at least for half the earth, and with it comes great outdoor activities and freedom from the cold!  However, there are some annoying things that come along with summer treats, that could use a clever remedy.  YouTuber Grant Thompson has come up with 10 SUMMER LIFE HACKS, that you don’t want to miss in the video below!

You will be amazed at the cool tips he’s come up with, from getting rid of ants naturally by making homemade corn meal, to ridding your home of fruit flies which are everywhere during this season.  We all love hamburgers on a bun, but it’s usually a messy eating experience, often embarrassing when you are out with friends…he’s got a trick that’s foolproof!

Every kid loves a popsicle…but ohhh those sticky hands..Thompson has the cutest trick for that one!  Going to have a relaxing day at the beach and getting to go into the water together is always a problem…how do you keep your valuables secure and hidden?  This hack is great!

These and 5 other Phenomenal Hacks are offered in the footage you are about to watch.  Let us know which are your favorites.

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