She Cuts The Top Off a Banana and Places It In Boiling Water Before Bed. The End Result Is Incredible!

Millions of people experience difficulty falling and staying asleep. When bedtime rolls around they lay down in bed and roll their eyes shut but their minds and brains stay active, preventing them from getting a good nights rest. Not getting enough sleep can wreak havoc on your health and sanity, it adds stress and leads to even more exhaustion.

That’s why so many people turn to different things like sleeping pills, warm baths and milk, or even counting sheep, in a desperate attempt to pass out quickly. Some of these remedies may work for certain people, but most of them fail to bring about the desired effect.

One alternative method that has proven successful and helped many people fall asleep is banana tea. It’s incredibly all-natural, simple to make, and relatively inexpensive compared to lots of other sleep remedies. Minerals are what makes banana peel tea effective and the large amounts of potassium and magnesium naturally act to relax both muscles and nerves.

In addition, bananas are rich in vitamin B6 and tryptophan, which our bodies use and turn into serotonin. Serotonin is a brain neurotransmitter that makes people feel relaxed, happy, calm, and improves overall mood, all of which can lead to better and more sound sleep!

A hot cup tea in and of itself can also work wonders at helping you relax and fall asleep. To brew up a batch of banana peel tea tonight you’ll need the following ingredients:

– Filtered Water – 1 Organic Banana – 1 Teaspoon of Cinnamon –

1. Wash and clean the banana before cutting both ends off of it – 2. Bring a pot of water to a boil and then add the whole banana and one teaspoon of cinnamon – 3. Allow it to simmer for ten minutes and then remove the banana – 4. Pour the remaining water through a fine mesh strainer over a cup – 5. Let it cool a bit before drinking – 6. Eat the banana and crawl into bed!

Give banana peel sleepy tea a try because it may be just what your mind, body, and bedtime routine need!

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He Starts Rubbing A Raw Tomato Against a Cheese Grater. But The Reason Is Unexpectedly GENIUS!

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I consider myself a “foodie” and what makes a dish outstandingly delicious for me, is when the taste is truly FRESH.  I enjoy preparing food for myself and my family, but I don’t want to spend  hours cooking…it just leaves me exhausted and without an appetite.

Most people enjoy a simple pasta and tomato sauce, and have great memories (if you are Italian) of Grandma’s Sunday dinners. They always included a marinara sauce (for the pasta) that had to be stirred and simmered for hours to reach the peak of perfection.

I am always looking online for simple recipes that use really fresh ingredients, and can be completed quickly.  When I came across the video that you are about to watch below, Food & Wine’s Justin Chapple astounded me, with a way to make a fantastically fresh, delicious tomato sauce that requires NO COOKING!

All you need is a box grater and ripe, good quality tomatoes. The bonus is that the grater actually saves you from having to peel the tomato.  Watch Justin, add a few ingredients to enhance the taste and consistency, and then pour it on the cooked pasta.

When I watched his preparation, which he does with such simple pleasure that exudes his love of fresh food, I was inspired.  I made it last night for my husband and kids and all I could hear was a resounding Yummmmm!

Let us know how yours turns out! Bon appetite! 🙂

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This Man Was Gardening In His Backyard 60 Minutes Later He Died. The Reason Is Scary!

Not only was I shocked and saddened by the tragic story you are about to hear in the video below, but I found out something that I never knew.  Where I live, yellow jackets appear in huge numbers in August, and I always complain that the “bees” are back.  Apparently I, like many others, thought that yellow jackets are “bees”. They look and sting like “meat bees”, but they are actually WASPS!

This is very important to know, because we all love being outdoors during the summer..swimming, barbecuing, taking walks and gardening…but need to be aware and prepared.  While bees are generally less aggressive, produce honey and are critical for balancing the eco-system, yellow jackets (wasps) are a different story.

The video tells the story of John who was gardening, and put his hand into a yellow jacket nest in the earth.  Yellow jacket stings, as with all wasps, are very painful.  I found out one day when I was cutting some flowers from my garden, and unknowingly disturbed a wasp nest.  They attacked my face, and within one minute my lips blew up to 5 times their normal size.

Luckily I took 2 Benadryl and was okay after a few hours. John was not so lucky.  It is unclear if he had ever been stung by yellow jackets before; he had several bites, lay down and asked his wife for an ice pack to sooth the pain and inflammation.

Within one hour he was dead!  He had gone into anaphylactic shock, due to a severe allergic reaction.  The truth is that you may have been bitten by wasps previously in life and never had an allergic reaction, but it is quite possible to develop such a severe allergy at any point in your life, and not know it until it is too late.  His wife describes what happened and her terrible shock at losing her husband in an instant.  The only thing that could have saved him, as his breathing became increasingly difficult, would have been EPINEPHRINE…having an EPI pen in their home.

Please SHARE John’s story with your family and friends; IT COULD SAVE A LIFE!

He Touches This Strange Frog He Discovered In His Home. The Frog’s Reaction WOW!

As a kid, I used to love playing with frogs, which were everywhere around the wooded area of my home. They never seemed resistant to being held, and the feeling of their little feet on the palm of my hands, is a great memory!

However frogs, which are part of the amphibian group, are a diverse species of nearly 4,800 different types. When a frog grows to adulthood, they typically have a rounded central body without a tail, bulging eyes, a cleft tongue and legs that fold underneath them. All of these characteristics are most probably adaptations that protect them through camouflage and enhanced vision, from other animals and humans.

The frog that you are about to watch in the VIDEO below, is unlike any I played with as a kid. It somehow made it’s way into this person’s house. As you will see, there is one other way that frogs have of frightening off perceived predators…watch as this human touches him!

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Sick Of Aggressive Wasps Harassing You In Your Yard? THIS Simple Trick Will Stop Them For Good!

Just recently we heard about the shocking and tragic death of a man out gardening, and getting several wasp bites as he disturbed a nest.  As noted, the yellow jacket is often thought of as a “bee”, when in fact it is part of the wasp family!

Unlike most bees, the wasp is an angry an aggressive insect, whose bites are very painful.  Although people may be aware of having an allergy to the bee sting, they may have no knowledge of one to wasps.  A severe allergy to these scary pests can not only be painful, but has the potential to be deathly if not immediately treated with Epinephrine or an “EPI pen”.

According to the video you are about to watch below, as much as WE fear being attacked by wasps, the WASPS themselves ironically FEAR OTHER WASPS!!  So you may be asking yourself, as I did, what am I going to do…get other wasps to go to war with the wasps in my garden?  Hardly!  You will not believe this hack, that tricks those horrible wasps into leaving the area in which you are trying to relax and enjoy your summer…it’s amazingly simple, costs nothing and works!

Please SHARE this INCREDIBLE WASP LIFE HACK with your family and friends

Woman Takes A Morning Walk With Her 2 Pups. But She Never Expected THESE Surprise Visitors To Join!

Ahhh the tranquility of country life…a quiet morning walk on the farm with your two dogs and sunshine warming your back.  Sound good?  City life offers excitement and culture, while country living allows human beings a chance for quiet and serenity.

Sure there are benefits to both environments, but watching this unexpected moment caught on the video you are about to watch below, gives you a glimpse of rural charm.  As you will see in this surprising footage, country life is anything but lonely!

On a morning walk with her two dogs, you can imagine this woman is lost in thought as sheenjoys the fresh air and companionship of her “best friends”.  What she doesn’t realize is she is being watched by others, who are not about to be left out!  Be sure to watch this hilarious video to the end…you’ve heard of the “Pied Piper’?  This may inspire you to get away from it all in a different way, the next time you plan a vacation.

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Hidden Camera Caught This Cat By The Pool. But Wait Till You See Who Sneaks Up Behind Him!

This clip perfectly captures three well known characteristics that cats often display:

1. They are very curious creatures!
2. Felines are easily spooked!
3. They really hate getting wet!

The home surveillance video from a camera overlooking a backyard swimming pool caught a little black cat staring off into the water. The kitty was perched carefully at the edge of the pool, completely focused on the task at hand, and appeared to be mesmerized by something in the water.

Seconds later he is joined by another black cat who strolls into view. The second kitty notices his brother is looking intently at something and heads over to check it out. His presence, still unknown to the first cat, startles the poor little guy and he suddenly freaks out, jumps up, and falls right over the side into the pool! The soaked cat wastes no time in clawing his way out of the pool and back onto dry land before bolting off to safety far away from the water.

The moment clearly shows that if there’s anything that almost all domestic cats universally hate, it’s getting wet. They seem to go absolutely nuts whenever they have to take a bath or end up in the water. Some cats even loathe getting their paws just a little damp, never mind having their fur completely soaked. Felines are also naturally curious animals who are known to become easily frightened, hence the term “scaredy cat.” The two hilarious kitties in this short video are no exceptions to the rule, check out their hilariously adorable antics and share this with the cat lovers in your life who would appreciate the clip!

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She Stacks 2 Terra Cotta Pots On Top Of Eachother. The End Result Is Priceless!

If your thinking ahead for the perfect Father’s Day gift or a birthday present for your brother son or husband this could be the perfect homemade present for any of the special men in your life!

Generally speaking, men are hard to shop for and finding the perfect gift for your father can be downright difficult to do. Most dads don’t even ask for anything, leaving you further in the dark, and would be happy to simply get a nice card and spend some time with you. However, a thoughtful present is the way to go if you want to show just how much you care and appreciate him.

If you need some ideas or inspiration for what to get, check out this video on how to build a homemade smoker. It’s not only affordable and easy to make, it’s also super cool and original. No store is selling anything like this and ones that are available cost well over $500. So if you’re dad loves meat and grilling out, he’ll love this smoker and the fact that you made it yourself.

All that this simple smoker requires is the following:

For the smoker: For the handle you will need these parts:
— 2 large terra cotta pots ½ x 8 inch steel pipe — 1 hot plate ½ inch coupling — 1 pie plate tinfoil ½ inch T pipe — 2-4 bricks 2 steel washers — woods chips 2 ½ x 3 inch pipes — grill grate 3 ½ inch pipe caps

Start by assembling the handle first. Attach the coupling to one end of the 8 inch steel pipe and the T pipe to the opposite end. Screw in each of the 3 inch pipes to the T pipe and seal them off with the ½ inch pipe caps. Attach the handle to the bottom of the terra cotta pot by placing a washer on the inside hole and threading the remaining pipe cap through it. Place the other washer on the outside of the hole and on the pipe cap, then twist on the end of the 8 inch steel pipe into the pipe cap. Make sure it’s tight and sturdy, then set it aside.

To assemble the smoker portion take the other terra cotta pot and balance it on the bricks. Use at least 2 or more to ensure that it’s secure and not rickety. Take the hot plate and place it in the bottom of the pot, thread the cord through the bottom hole, and set the pie pan filled with wood chips atop it. Next, put in the grill grate and make sure it sits flat and rests snugly against the sides because you don’t want the meat tipping off it later on! All that’s left to do is place the pot with the handle directly atop this bottom piece and you’re finished.

To use, simply plug in the hot plate and place some meat on the grill. Set a timer for 6-8 hours and by then the meat should be smoked to tender perfection. Smoking times will vary depending on the type of meat, the cut, and size you use, so adjust accordingly.

Elissa Benzie, the woman who guides us through this project on the Rare Life channel, says that she spent under $100 total on all the materials for this. If you already have some of the parts on hand, it’ll be even less. This smoker even turned out to be good looking, dad won’t be embarrassed to use it, and it works great which is most important!

Check out the video for more detailed instructions and to get a better visual idea of what it will look like at each step.

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