Nobody Believed Mom When She Described Her Dog’s Nightly Ritual. So She Caught This!

Pet owners love chatting with their animal companions and oftentimes our furry friends love talking back! Just about everyone is guilty of having full-on conversations with their pets as if they were a fellow human being at some point in time. After all, they’re part of the family and besides, it just happens!

Which leads us to this adorable video of a family trying to figure out what the heck their dog is trying to say. The camera is trained on the sweet white puppy named Charlie and as you can see he’s very vocal. He’s hanging out in the kitchen with a little girl, probably his sister, who’s egging him on and getting him to talk!

Charlie makes some interesting noises that can be interpreted to sound like “blahblahblah” and “i love you,” but it’s anyone’s guess as to what he’s truly saying. If he’s like most dogs then he’s most likely asking for food!

When we talk to our pets it’s a natural, normal, and possibly even instinctual way to both communicate and bond with them. Some pets will even initiate conversations rather than just talk back and a recent survey found that 67% of pet owners claim they understand their animals barks, meows, purrs and all of the other sounds they make. Out of those surveyed, 62% reported that when they speak their animals seem to understand and get the message!

The numbers above are from an AP-Petside poll conducted in 2008 so they’ve likely higher now, as pets are increasingly being considered important family members. Many people even place their beloved animals on equal footing with children, hence the name fur-babies!

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If You Drink 1 Serving Of THIS 4x Per Week You Will Get Rid Of Your Joint Pain Within 1 Month!

Aches and pains can become chronic ailments that occur in a large portion of the population; common areas include: the legs, back, joints and neck.  These afflictions become much worse with age and the increase in arthritis.  Living on anti-inflammatory pain medications can seriously impact your gastrointestinal tract, making that solution dangerous in resolving chronic pain.

Finding a natural remedy to alleviate pain symptoms that impact your life daily, offers a solution that will not only minimize your experience of pain, but will have multiple areas of impact on your overall health!

As you will hear in the video below, adding  NATURAL EDIBLE GELATIN (brands she has carefully researched) to your daily diet WILL BE LIFE-CHANGING.  To use it in a drink, 5 grams of gelatin peptides can be added to water or juices, or in other forms that “Wellness Mama” explains in the video, if you prefer a jello-like consistency.

She goes on to explain the other vast health benefit impacts of daily consumption of natural gelatin.  It affects your resistance and treatment of serious diseases, digestion as well as contributing to how YOUTHFUL you are from the INSIDE OUT!

You will begin to feel the effects of this drink within one week’s time;  it adds amino acids which build collagen, recover lost tissue in tendons, bones and cartilage and ultimately prevents and/ or alleviates osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

Maintaining this SuperFood in your daily diet, can make a substantial difference in how you live out your life.

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This Color Is Breaking The Internet Appearing Different To Everyone! Is It Green Or Blue To You?

The internet has become divided yet again over what shade of color people are seeing. This time it’s not the infamous dress of yesteryear that appeared to be either black and blue or gold and white. Now it’s simply one color that is splitting people up in two distinct camps and it’s those that see blue versus those that see green. Check out the color below and decide for yourself which one you see!

Optical Express, a company based in the United Kingdom, conducted a public survey on color perception in which they asked people to identify the color as belonging to either the blue or green color family. At first glance, 64% answered green and 32% answered blue.

The same participants were then asked to identify the same color once again, but this time it was in-between two colors that were clearly blue. The second time around a whopping 90% responded that the color was green! According to the Optical Express website, the color is in fact more green than blue, and this becomes much more clear when it’s placed next to shades that are definitely blue.

However, the real lesson to take from all of this is that how we see and visually interpret the world can drastically differ from one person to the next. It’s not only that particular shade of color we see differently, that’s a very basic example, it can be anything else we’re visually perceiving that may be different..

Amazing how one little swatch of color can spark such interest and illustrate how unique we all are. Share this with your friends and family and see what color they think it is!

What color do you see? let us know in the comments

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Mom Was Filling Up The Pool When Her Baby Got Splashed and Started Crying. The Reason Is Scary!

Summer officially starts on June 20th but much of the country has already experienced extremely high temperatures, especially in the Southwest region which is currently in the midst of a heat wave. Cities all across America will soon all be under the heat of a long summer,

When the thermostat is soaring people turn to all sorts of different things to beat the heat. They stay indoors and out of the sun, crank the air conditioning, drink lots and stay hydrated, and play in the water. Nothing cools you down faster like jumping in a pool can and floating around in the refreshing water is just about the most relaxing thing you can do on a super-hot day.

Residents in and around Phoenix, Arizona, aka the hottest city in America, know the simple joys a dip in the pool can bring. About a week ago Dominique Woodger, a mother who lives in San Tan Valley, Arizona, decided to set up a small kiddie pool for her 9 month old baby boy.

It was extremely hot outside and she thought her son would enjoy a nice cooling dip. She took him outside with her, grabbed the garden hose, and started to fill the pool up when she heard her son crying.

She told the local news station KNXV that at first “I thought he was crying because he was mad. He hates when he gets sprayed in the face.” However, after checking on her baby to see what was the matter she was shocked to find that his tiny body was covered with red, blistering skin. Realizing the seriousness of the situation she rushed him to the hospital where she later found out he’d suffered second-degree burns on over 30% of his body.

The water from the garden hose that Dominique accidentally sprayed on her son was what caused his burns. When a hose sits in the sun and the temperature is 115 degrees outside, close to what it was on the day Woodger’s son was injured, the water inside of it can reach temperatures as high as 150 degrees.

According to Phoenix Fire Department Captain Larry Subveri, it takes only about 10 seconds of exposure to waters at that temperature for a person to develop second-degree burns, and for a young infant, even less time.

Woodger is speaking out about what happened to her son in order to warn others about the hidden risk and to urge parents to be extra careful when turning the water on outside in the heat. Water trapped inside the hose can easily become super-heated and most people don’t stop to think about this, or even realize it, before it’s too late.

Test the water temperature first before letting any young children near it, and please pass this warning along to help spread the word. Stay safe!

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This Guy Says Hello To These 2 Pups. Now Watch The Small Ones Unexpected Response!

We are SOOOO attached to our dogs, that we often project human-like characteristics to them.  Dogs are certainly loving and are definitely capable of being trained to understand commands, however the question often remains as to whether they actually understand our words, or is it our tone of voice?

Personally, when it comes to my little pup being asked in a lively voice, “Do you wanna go for a walk?”, his wagging tail,  jumping up with excitement and heading towards the door, leads me to believe he knows what the word ‘WALK’ means. Comprehension is one thing, but actually having the ability to mimic and produce words is another!

In the video you are about to watch below, two friendly neighborhood dogs are hanging out, when a man passes by and greets them with “Hello!”  A Boston Terrier and his buddy look up, and as his buddy seems to smile, the terrier’s barked response makes you think you’re hearing things…

As the interchange continues you will be laughing out loud, along with the incredulous people around them.

Please SHARE This Hysterical Video With Family and Friends 🙂

Kittens Walk Up To a Street Performer With a Guitar. Now Watch Their Reaction When The Music Begins!

Sometimes you come upon a street singer, who has a certain quality in his voice, that resonates in a way that just makes you stop and listen with awe. The lilting sound of this particular singer/guitarist playing on the  streets of Pangkor, Malaysia, had that certain something that just pulled you into his musicality!

In the video you are about to watch below, you will see why he draws an audience. At front and center are four fans who are mesmerized by his sound; they sit right in front of him in complete fascination with what they are hearing.

Their heads are tilted up, as they barely move, except to occasionally bop their heads to the beat. What makes this quartet of fans so unusual is that they are kittens!! Sitting in rapt attention, their postures and absorption in the performance is so unbelievable, that if it hadn’t been filmed by someone.. well, no one would believe it!

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The Simplest Way To Lose Those Annoying Love Handles Side and Back Fat!

As summer approached, did you up your amount of exercise to get in shape for summer clothes and the dreaded bathing suits?! You, like so many of us, may still be struggling with those love handles no matter how hard you’ve worked.

According to Kyla Gagnon, a fitness guru from British Columbia who informed the “Huffington Post”, love handles are a part of the body where fat settles in and can’t be conquered by exercise alone! While exercise is important in “[strengthening] the muscles underneath the fat”, losing them requires the eating of certain foods along with strategic exercises.

HEALTHY FATS should comprise 25-35% of your daily diet, while eliminating unhealthy saturated and trans fat foods, according to “Health”; seeds and avocados are good examples of healthy fats.

Gagnon further suggested to “Huffington Post” that to achieve the most weight loss, ELIMINATE REFINED SUGARS AND CARBS. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins are the foods that have the highest “glycemic index”, which means the body uses them more easily for fuel and energy.

“WebMD” suggests that burning as little as 100 more calories per day will make an amazing difference in SHEDDING that EXTRA FAT that still lurks in your LOVE HANDLES. Simple things such as: (1) parking further from your destination and walking (2) washing your own car (3) taking the stairs instead of an escalator or elevator whenever you can (4) turning on some music in your house and dancing for 15 minutes (5) Drinking water instead of beverages that contain calories (6) Use mustard on your sandwich instead of mayo.

Making these changes in your daily diet, along with the TARGETED EXERCISES illustrated in the EASY-TO-FOLLOW VIDEO you are about to watch BELOW, will give you the results you want in ELIMINATING YOUR LOVE HANDLES within a few weeks!

Please SHARE this sure-fire way to get RID OF LOVE HANDLES with your family and friends!

These Two Girls Start To Make Fun of This Girl. But Watch What He Takes Out Of His Bag.

Bullying has been around for generations and generations.  In the case of children bullying other kids, you usually see this instinct stronger in children who have been abused or feel powerless in some way in their homes.  However, with the anonymity provided by the internet, kids and adults whom you would never think of being capable of bullying, express their anger in a vicious way that they would never do when face to face!

Whether bullying occurs in the schoolyard or on the internet, we who see it occurring need to stand up for the victims of this cruel behavior, that can cause a lifetime of psychological damage and even suicide!  It is estimated that nearly 70% of kids either experience bullying or witness it’s occurrence on a regular basis.  This translates into millions of kids going to school in a state of fear daily!

Doing something about this isn’t just a question of teaching kids to stand up for requires adults stepping in to do what is required to teach life lessons, that will prevent further bullying.  The video you are about to watch below highlights the dangers of bullying and the importance of anyone stepping in to stop it, when they witness it occurring to a stranger on the street or when teachers and parents are informed of it happening in or outside of school.

Every child deserves to grow up without paralyzing fear of being a chronic victim of bullying!  When we ignore this destructive behavior we become part of the problem, instead of the solution.  So if you ever see someone being bullied remember this video.

Let us know what you think after watching the footage below.

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