The Family Dog Was Flipping Out So This Girl’s Mom Called Her School. What The Dog Sensed Is Unbelievable!

4-year-old Sadie, developed Type 1 Diabetes, at a very young age.  It is a disease that is hard to deal with, for adults, let alone for managing in young children who have difficulty comprehending what is happening to their bodies.  Strict dietary control and constant monitoring of blood sugars, can mean the difference between life and death!

Sadie’s parents made the decision to get her a ‘diabetic alert dog’, whom they named Hero, to aid in the monitoring of her blood sugar levels, so no severe change ever gets missed.  This gentle loving dog is trained, and has the ability to detect a dangerous blood sugar change through scent.  He is actually capable of letting her parents know whether it is too high or too low, by raising his right or left paw!

This ability, in and of itself is amazing, but the story you are about to hear in the video below, about Sadie and Hero is mind boggling.  Little Sadie was at school, more than 5 miles away from home and Hero, when the dog began to act up.  Atypical for his behavior, he began to whine relentlessly, until Sadie’s mom called the school to check on her condition.  She was told Sadie was fine, but what happened next…well, you let us know your thoughts are, after watching the footage below.

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She Begins Hot Glueing Marbles To a Ball Made of Foam. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to make your lawn or garden pop, then you have to check out these beautiful homemade gazing balls. They shimmer and sparkle when they catch the sunlight and add an extra-special touch to the landscape. They’re fun and easy to make, but the best part about them is that they’re super affordable and won’t cost you more than a few dollars. In comparison, store bought versions can be very pricey and the less expensive ones are usually dull, plain, cheaply made, and not too exciting to look at!

This craft project is also something that kids will enjoy making and it allows them to really get creative. You can make different sized balls in any color or combination and you can customize them to your exact standards. All you really need are Smoothfoam balls and flat glass marbles that most dollar stores carry in stock.

Craft extraordinaire Jennifer Priest, who runs her own blog named Hydrangea Hippo, shows us how to make them in the accompanying video. She conveniently included a list of all the supplies that she used and links to them as well. The materials you will need include Smoothfoam balls, flat glass marbles, a hot glue gun, acrylic paint, and a foam brush.

It’s important that you use Smoothfoam balls and not Styrofoam ones because Styrofoam will absorb all the paint you put on it and melts very easily. You’ll also want to use something that you can stick into the foam ball to hold on to, like a chopstick or long pin, that way you can paint the entire ball without making a mess and getting your hands all dirty.

Start out by painting the foam balls and then set them aside to dry. Once the paint has completely dried fire up your glue gun and apply a dab of glue to the smooth side of each marble. Stick them onto the ball smooth and glued side down and as close to one another as you can until the entire thing is coated in marbles.

Now you can place the ball in the garden, flower beds or pots, on a pedestal or stand, or wherever else you desire. They can be hung as well, just stick a small screw hook into the side and it’s ready to be strung up. The decorating uses for these go beyond lawn and garden and they make beautiful additions to party or wedding décor as well.

These gazing balls turned out looking anything but cheap and you’d never guess they were made with simple items from the dollar store. They would make a lovely and thoughtful Mother’s Day gift and with everything starting to really bloom, now is the time to make them!

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This Sleepy Little Boy Struggles To Stay Awake. But What The Dog Does Is Priceless!

You know the saying, “sleeping like a baby”?  Well, the little one in this 30 second video clip you are about to watch below, is very, very sleepy.  It’s the kind of the fatigue, where you are already kind of asleep before your eyes are even closed.

This little darling, is sitting beside his big dog on the floor; the dog offers a few licks, in an effort to help out his little friend with his overwhelming fatigue. The dynamic duo is probably the most adorable thing I’ve seen all year. If you are having a rough day this is sure to turn that frown upside down.

As you will see, the pup’s efforts, don’t do much to keep this baby boy from giving in to “sleepy time”.  The exact moment that this little guy succumbs to sleep, is so adorably captured in the footage below.  If you tried to choreograph this, it could never happen with such perfection!

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Stop This From Happening To Your Dog’s Paws This Spring and Summer Using This 5 Second Trick!

I’m sure you’ve had the experience of walking out your front door barefoot on flagstone or blacktop on a warm day, and your feet feeling a burning sensation within seconds. The air can feel quite comfortable, in the high 70’s to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, yet the sun-drenched pavement is scorching to the bottoms of our feet. We run inside to get sandals or flip-flops before walking out on hot cement again!

The pads of a dog’s paws offer some protection against the heat of pavement, but very often that natural protection is not enough. In the video you are about to watch below, the man uses an instrument to show us the actual heat of blacktop and even non-blacktop surfaces on a sunny day that is only 80 degrees outside. You will be shocked to see the difference in degrees between the air and the surfaces your dog’s paws will be forced to endure!

According to “Pet Sitters”, 120 degree Fahrenheit surfaces (common on an 85 degree day) will be painful for dogs, but won’t permanently damage their paws. However surfaces at 140 degrees will cause permanent damage within one minute, and at 150 degrees dog’s paws will immediately burn and blister! In warmer climates like Florida, such daily hot surfaces are to be expected, and can occur in summertime all around the country.

The thermometer carried by the man in the video to measure surface temperatures, isn’t something most people carry, so taking precautions suggested by “Moon Valley Canine Training” will help to ensure that your pup’s paws are protected.

They suggest placing the back of your hand on the pavement for 5 seconds; if that hurts then the surface is unsafe for your dog. “Dog shoes”, disposable dog booties or socks are available if you have to take them onto dangerously hot surfaces. Walking them in the morning, staying on grassy surfaces, and moisturizing your pup’s paws will also help.

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If You Put Some Of These Leaves In and Outside Your Home Will Get Rid Of All Cockroaches For Good!

Cockroaches are two things; gross and scary as heck. When one unexpectedly scurries across the floor most of us either try to kill it or scream and run away in horror. No one wants to share their space with the disease carrying vermin. Not only do the nasty little creatures spread germs and poop all over the place, they also bite and do nothing else except make us feel sick and dirty in our own homes!

Chances are if you spot one cockroach in your house, there’s probably a whole lot more somewhere nearby. Anyone who has ever had to deal with them knows how hard they are to kill and get rid of. It usually takes a few visits from the exterminator and highly toxic chemicals to completely eradicate a roach problem.

But before you go spending your money on a professional exterminator to come in and poison the little suckers try this simple, and much less expensive, alternative method. It’s just as, if not more, effective, and you likely have it on hand in your kitchen cabinet right now. What is it? Bay leaves!

Bay leaves help to keep cockroaches at bay because roaches absolutely hate how they smell and will not go anywhere near them. Placing a few dried bay leaves around the house and anywhere else you don’t want roaches ensures they stay away. Stick them in kitchen cabinets, drawers, under sinks, near baseboards, and in the garage to naturally repel the nasty pests.

One last thing ~ since bay leaves are all-natural, they’re also a whole lot safer to use, especially if your household includes pets and young children!

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Doctors Are Telling People To Stop Taking Ibuprofen Now Because Of The Potential Health Dangers.

We all have become accustomed to popping Ibuprofen for every little ache or pain, and thinking nothing of it.  So what’s the problem?  It turns out that using non-steroidal anti-inflammatories on a regular basis, instead of when absolutely necessary for severe pain, can pose a serious health hazard over time.

As you will hear in the video you are about to watch below, recent research has found that chronic use of  Ibuprofen will eventually cause heart muscle to deteriorate.  By the time you are 40 years of age or over, such regular use can result in a heart attack that could be deathly.  Doctors are now seriously warning patients to only use ibuprofen when absolutely necessary.  Aspirin, as you will hear, does not present this danger to the heart but does impact stomach health.

Some conditions require daily pain management, so what’s a person to do?  Asian medicine has long used TURMERIC as a natural, non-toxic means of pain relief.  It’s efficacy for treating osteoarthritis, a common source of pain as we age, was found in a study published by the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Patients who had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, were either treated with 800 mg of Ibuprofen or 2,000 mg of Turmeric.  After 6 weeks, pain level was compared between the two sets of subjects as they performed various forms of daily types of exercise, such as stair climbing, walking and biking.  Those who had taken turmeric had significantly less pain than the ibuprofen subjects!

A proven turmeric “cocktail” that will make your life substantially pain-free can be made by: Mixing a Tablespoon of Turmeric Powder, one cup of Honey and squeezing the juice of one Fresh Lemon; Stir this mixture with a wooden spoon and Pour One Teaspoon into Warm Water or Tea 3X per day.  Many health food mavens mix this into fruit or vegetable shakes.  Get rid of that Ibuprofen, and live a long healthy Pain-Free life!

Please SHARE this important HEALTH information with your family and friends; it could SAVE A LIFE!

This Home Was Abandoned 70 Years Ago In Paris And Remained Untouched. What They Find Inside WOW!

In 1939 a young woman locked the door to her Paris apartment for the last time ever and fled the city of light. Word War II had begun and with the German defensive nearing the city she knew she’d be much safer in the south of France. She was 23 years old when she left the apartment her grandmother had bequeathed her, and over the next 70 years, she never returned. Her name was Madame de Florian and year after year, up until the age of 91, she dutifully paid the rent and upkeep on the apartment.

Upon her death in 2010, it was transferred and given to her family, who hired an auctioneer to go through and inventory its contents. Oliver Choppin-Janvry was the man who first stepped into the long-ago forgotten apartment and he was immediately blown away by the sight that lay before him. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and yet it appeared as though Madame de Florian had only been gone for just a moment.

There was an assortment of makeup, brushes, and perfume bottles laying in a dressing table, candle stubs were scattered about, and glassware and books lined shelves. The artwork had been taken down off the walls and sat propped up against furniture, one of the inventory experts described it as “stumbling into the castle of Sleeping Beauty.” True in a sense, but it was more like stepping into early 1900s Paris, a glamorous and exciting place.

Among all of the treasures lay the most valuable and exciting discovery of all, a painting of a woman in a luxurious pink gown. The woman turned out to be Marthe de Florian, the owner Madam de Florian’s grandmother. She had been a well known actress in Paris who lived lavishly and had many lovers. The man who had painted her portrait was one of them, an Italian artist by the name of Giovanni Boldini.

The painting had never been displayed before and no record of it existed but researchers had a hunch that it was done by him. They only discovered that to be true when they found a love note from him in the apartment, which also showed her to be his muse. The painting was put up for auction and sold for $3.4 million dollars, a record for a Boldini work.

Take a peek inside the amazing apartment and check out the video. See for yourself all of the little details and the unbelievable shape it’s in after being forgotten for 70 years! It’s so cool 🙂

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She Places Fondant Over This Cake. When She’s Done A STUNNING Surprise!

Watch this lifelike 3-D cake come to life before your eyes! What takes 4 days is shown in 4 minutes. Anyone can try their hand at crafting a sculptured cake at home. The ideas and possibilities are limitless. Any occasion can merit a personally created cake that is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

Some helpful insights into the process include starting with a quality, moist cake as your base. Try to avoid any mix-ins like chocolate chips or nuts as they make the carving process difficult. Next, whip up a smooth ganache or buttercream for your cake layers. The smoother the better for when the sculpting part comes.

Depending on your design the next step may involve inserting doweling rods down into the cake to ensure the structure stays secure. Once the cake layers have been assembled, the carving begins.

Try and have a selection of knives for this part and experiment to see which ones work best for the creation your working on. Another helpful tip is to place the cake on a turntable. It will make the shaping and moving of the cake much easier.

Once your cake has been designed and shaped it is time for the icing. Many professionals use fondant, an edible type of icing that molds to your cake and is easy to shape. Typically it is smoothed out with a rolling pin and then draped over and fitted to the shape of the cake, with the excess being cut off.

You can also make shapes out of it and add further details by painting it as well. When your done it is time to store your cake in either a safe place or the refrigerator. Lastly, it is time to eat your cake!!

Remember, there is no one way to carve a cake. Trial and error are inevitable and overall just have fun with it. Get creative and add candies, decorative touches and personalized messages with piped icing. People will love that you even tried, so go forth and carve cake!!

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