Baby’s Parents Couldn’t Stop His Crying. But Watch What Proceeds When The Dog Does THIS

Nothing is quite as adorable as a newborn baby is. They’re just so precious and innocent with their tiny hands and feet, you can’t help but fall in love with them. As lovable as babies are, there also happens to be a few dogs out there that rival their cuteness. The sweet, angelic looking white Maltese in this video is one of them!

When the dog heard the little baby in the clip crying it went over and sat beside the child. Every time the baby cried out, the cute Maltese tried his best to soothe him by throwing his head back and howling at the ceiling. The technique seems to work because as soon as the baby hears the dog it quiets down and stops crying. While some people and pets have the magic touch, this dog has mastered the magic bark!

While it’s unclear as to what exactly the dog was doing, there are several possibilities. Perhaps he was commiserating with the baby or just showing it some extra love and attention. It even looks as if the dog was trying to drown the newborn out, as he focused his yowling on when the cries came. Either way, the pair are simply adorable together and who doesn’t love babies and puppies?

On a final note, the child’s mother was close by watching the adorable interaction the whole time. The parents seem to have already made sure that both their newborn baby, and their fur baby, get along well together.

Any pet that lives and shares a house with a young child needs to be comfortable around them. In this case it looks like the two little ones are going to grow up just fine together, they’re already bonding and getting close. Soon they’ll be best friends, if they aren’t already.

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If You Have Dry and Cracked Feet THIS Simple Foot Hack Will Get Rid Of It For Good!

Dry, rough or cracked heels, is a common problem most people face at one time or another. With summer here, we become more conscious of it as our feet are exposed in sandals. The reason our feet suffer from intense dryness is that there are no oil glands in them, making sweat glands their sole source of moisture, as they bear the weight of our entire body each day!

As sweat glands alone usually aren’t enough to keep our feet comfortably moisturized, it is necessary to avoid things that cause excessive dryness. Finding home remedies that will replace moisture, needed to avoid uncomfortable cracked heels, is provided in the video you are about to watch below.

Cold weather, drying soaps, aging, low humidity, overly hot and prolonged showers and sun exposure are the usual suspects that contribute to dry feet, according to “Foot Vitals.” Their recommendations for home remedies include a 10-minute lemon juice foot bath, because the acid helps to dissolve dead skin; a homemade cream of olive oil mixed with lavender essential oil or lemon help to soothe and heel.

Livestrong” recommends Vaseline spread over your entire feet and covered with cotton socks overnight for a great healing effect over time, as well as an exfoliating scrub with equal parts of olive oil and brown sugar for 10-15 minutes. Sesame Oil, Honey and Milk as well as some other great solutions are illustrated in the VIDEO below. It offers some easy-to-follow remedies to resolve troublesome cracked heels.

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He Cuts an X His Peaches As Soon As He Gets Home. But When He’s Done YUM!

Summer is the best time of year to eat fresh fruits and vegetables because it’s when the majority of them are in season. It’s also when we tend to crave them the most, especially sweet juicy peaches. When it gets hot and humid outside nothing tastes better than a ripe peach or two. They just hit the spot and are the perfect, most refreshing, light and healthy food to snack on.

While there are all sorts of different varieties of peaches readily available at the grocery store, freshly picked and locally grown options can be easily found at farmer’s markets and roadside stands. They often have the absolute tastiest fruits at bargain prices which have been picked right of the tree only hours before you buy them. If you come across any, pick up a bunch to enjoy both right away and later on in the year.

With this clever storage method, you can preserve fresh peaches and have them on hand all year round. The frozen fruits are perfect for blending into smoothies or yogurt and can be used to make baked goods or simply eaten on their own! So gather up a bushel of ripe peaches and prepare them for storage with the following list of items:

Large pot filled with boiling water
Bowl filled with ice water
Cookie sheet
Plastic wrap
Freezer-safe storage containers

The accompanying video from the Better Homes and Gardens channel covers everything you need to know about freezing fresh peaches so check it out for more information and read on below for instructions:

Bring a large pot of water to a boil and get the ice bath ready. Take a knife and on the bottom end of each peach slice a shallow X. Marking it like this is key because it allows for the fruit to expand when it’s cooking and it lets out pressure, so the peach won’t split open randomly or get mushy.

Place a few of the cut peaches into the boiling water at a time and remove them promptly after about 30 seconds. Transfer them immediately into the ice water and remove the skins once they’ve cooled down enough. Next, take out the pits, slice the peaches into evenly-sized pieces, place them on the baking sheet so they’re not touching, and cover it completely with plastic wrap.

Pop the baking sheet in the freezer for the night and the next day take it out. Transfer the frozen peach slices to freezer-safe containers and then stick them back in the freezer. Whenever you’re in need of a peach, you’ll have fresh ripe ones on hand that are ready to be enjoyed!

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Have You Seen These Parking Spots That Have Been Painted Purple? THIS Is What It Means!

For the men and women who have been wounded in combat, the sudden shift from military life to civilian life can be especially difficult. After sacrificing so much while serving their country, injured veterans often face long uphill battles on their road to recovery. While many show outward signs of their injuries and bear bodily scars, many more are wounded internally, in their hearts and minds. These men and women often witnessed horrific tragedies and yet they fail to receive the treatment and help they truly deserve and need. Some go on to develop PTSD or depression and all too often they end up suffering in silence.

Many veterans return home and successfully resume a normal civilian life but countless others struggle with the transition. There are many organizations, charities, support groups, and local community members who want to raise awareness and help those veterans readjust to life outside the military. They offer medical and financial assistance, job training, special housing for those who return disabled, counseling, and much more!

Recently the Wounded Warriors Family Support Organization wrote that in America today “There are an estimated 1.8 million Purple Heart recipients, combat wounded service members who have transitioned back into civilian life.” The organization noted that many of these veterans often go unrecognized by society and without help, and as such our country can do a whole heck of a lot more for them.

Which is why the organization has decided to offer ‘Combat Wounded Parking Signs’ to local businesses across the country who wish to offer reserved parking spaces for those injured in combat. The signs feature a prominent Purple Heart image along with the words ‘combat wounded’ and ‘reserved’ written in purple to clearly signify what it all means. In addition, all of the reserved spots will be painted purple which helps to attract more attention and the signs can be obtained free of charge from the organization.

So far the parking spots and signs have attracted positive interest and both veterans and civilians alike have welcomed and hailed them as a great idea. One social media user commented online “Priorities well placed! Even if the spot is empty, a good reminder for those who walk by.” Now that the word is out and more and more spots are popping up across the country, the concept is steadily gaining and bringing much needed attention to the plight of our nation’s veterans.

The next time you see a purple parking spot, don’t park in it unless you have a Purple Heart! It’s just one small act of respect and acknowledgment that our veteran’s so clearly deserve.

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If Your Car Is Underwater and Sinking Quickly You Need To Do THIS If You Want To Live!

Imagine driving along down the road when suddenly a deer pops out of nowhere. Instinctively you swerve to avoid hitting it and in the process you lose control of the car and end up in a lake. Immediately the car starts to sink and it quickly begins to fill up with water! What do you do?

If you were inside of a sinking vehicle, would you know what to do? Many people have no idea what their best course of action would be in such a situation. They’ve probably never even thought about it before because the chances of that ever happening seem so remote.

In the United States alone it’s estimated that upwards of 400 people drown every year in cars that become trapped in water. While it may be rare, the possibility of it happening to anyone, anywhere, at anytime remains. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

If you know what to do and how to escape a sinking car, you’ll be much better prepared and more likely to survive the event. Most people panic and freeze when caught up in a flooded car because they don’t know what to do. Some try to call 911 for help, but by the time it arrives it’ll be too late and that type of reaction is more likely to get you killed than saved. Every single second matters and from the moment you hit the water the clock starts ticking.

The main thing you want to do is get out of the car as quickly as you possibly can. The first thing you should do is roll the window down while taking off your seat belt. It’s vital to roll down the window because the water can cause a car’s computerized electronic system to malfunction or short out.

If you go under trapped in a car with rolled up windows and closed doors, getting out becomes all but impossible. Unless you have a special tool designed to break the car window, nothing short of superhuman strength will be able to smash through the pressurized glass.

Once the window is down and your seat belt is off, get out of the car as quickly as you can because oftentimes you have less than one minute to react and get out. If you are a passenger in the back seat of a car with windows that don’t roll all the way down, you’ll have to go out the front window. If there are young children in the back seat they need help from an adult and should be taken out of their seats and passed through the front window, after it has been rolled down and the adults seat belt unbuckled.

Be sure to watch the accompanying ABC News clip that shows you exactly how to react and escape from a sinking car. They run through several different scenarios, including getting out from the front seat driver’s perspective, as a rear passenger, and helping kids out. Share this article and clip with friends and family because the information it contains may end up saving your life one day, or that of someone you love.

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Neglected Circus Lion Lived In an Old Pick Up Truck For 20 Years. Now Watch His Reaction When They Free Him!

The back of a rusty old pickup truck is no place for any animal to live, let alone a full grown lion. Sadly, that’s exactly where a mountain lion named Mufasa was forced to live his life as part of a traveling roadside circus in Peru.

While the details of Mufasa’s early life remain mostly unknown, it is believed that he had originally been born free in the wild somewhere in South America. He was likely stolen from his mother when he was still very young and sold into captivity shortly thereafter. Over the following 20 years he was mistreated and kept bound up in heavy metal chains while being forced to endure life on the road with the circus.

Life was anything but natural and comfortable for Mufasa. His captors brought him from one town to the next in the back of an old pickup truck, where he was further chained to some old rusty pieces of equipment. He barely had any room to move around and no bed or clean spot to lay on, just a dusty corner surrounded by metal bars and dirt. There was no shelter over his head to protect him from the elements and so the hot sun and pouring rain beat down on him The neglectful state he was held in was shockingly horrible and sad.

The circus that Mufasa was found with was believed to be the last of many in Peru which for years had been illegally using wild animals in their shows. The country recently changed the law and passed a circus animal ban in response to widespread abuse, cruelty, and the sub-par conditions in which most circus animals were kept. The ban made it illegal to keep and/or use animals in circus shows and authorities, with the help of animal advocacy non-profits, including Animal Defenders International (ADI), have been enforcing it strictly.

The ADI group had recently received a tip that the circus was still holding a mountain lion and they accompanied police and local wildlife officials to investigate it further. That’s when they found Mufasa chained up in the back of the truck. What followed was a long, strained eight hour standoff, but eventually the circus surrendered Mufasa and this video captures the emotional moment he was finally released from his heavy chains.

The elderly lion can be seen sitting quietly as he patiently waits for officials to cut the harness off and finally free him from a life of captivity and neglect. For the first time in perhaps 20 years he’s able to fully stretch himself out and perform the one action that cats of all types and breeds seem to love best.

Wildlife officials, with the help and support of the many volunteers who’d worked tirelessly to track down and free circus animal all across Peru, transported Mufasa to ADI’s Spirit of Freedom rescue center for rehabilitation. After he’d been checked out and deemed healthy enough to travel, he was taken on a 3 day journey into the Amazon rainforest to his new home.

Mufasa will live out the rest of his life at the Tambopata Reserve where he’s free to wander about his new habitat completely unchained. He no longer faces a life full of uncertainty and constant travel and there are no more people gawking at him. Instead, he finally has the chance to spend his final few years in the wild jungle where he’s protected and able to move about on his own, and that is beautiful.

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VIDEO: Husky Wants His Bath Time But His Human Says No. His Response Is A Hysterical Tantrum!

Bath time definitely doesn’t fall into “My Favorite Activity” for most dogs.  In fact they try to avoid it at all cost.  However, just the word “walk” usually gets the tail wagging,  running in circles in anticipation, and waiting at the door for the great event!

Well, that is the case for most dogs….but not Zeus the adorable stubborn Husky.  Apparently Zeus has made up his mind, that his majesty, is ready for his bath to be drawn.  He has placed himself in the empty bathtub, and every time he is told it isn’t bath time, but time to for a walk…well you will see his hilarious reaction in the video below.

Let’s just say that Zeus is like a big toddler, who practically sounds like he is talking, as he responds to his mom saying “Get out of the bathtub!”  He knows it’s time for his walk, but his preference for a nice relaxing bath is something he is willing to fight for. Watch the laugh-out-loud footage to see who wins!

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This Bear Was Locked In a Rusty Cage For His Whole Life. Now Watch His Reaction When They Free Him!

After spending years locked away in a tiny metal cage this bear finally got to know what grass, dirt, and water feel like beneath his paws. The absolutely heartwarming, and breaking, moment took place after the bear, now named Tuffy, was rescued from a bile farm and brought to Animals Asia, a sanctuary in Vietnam.

Tuffy had been forced to live his entire life surrounded by metal bars in an extremely cramped cage that was barely large enough for him to fit in. Day in and day out he was tortured and abused so that his captors could extract bile from his gall bladder and sell it at a premium for use in traditional Asian medicines.

He didn’t have regular access to for or water and medical care was non-existent. The psychological and bodily trauma he went through are unimaginable and he was one of the lucky ones who got out and was given a second chance at living a normal life.

Tuffy was rescued along with five other bears in September of 2015. His first few months at the sanctuary were filled with rehabilitation and medical procedures. In particular his gall bladder was so badly damaged from all the bile extraction that it had to be removed!

Since metal bars were all he had to walk on, his paws were dry and deeply cracked. In addition, he was severely dehydrated and suffering from three fractured teeth. A dedicated veterinarian team worked tirelessly to restore him back to health and he was soon ready to move into his new home.

As you can see in the video his new habitat has all the creature comforts a bear could ever ask for, including a little pool to cool off and relax in. This clip captured Tuffy’s first few dips in the pond and he took to the water immediately, splashing and playing around in it like a little kid! It’s wonderful to see him happy and free for once and according to his caretakers he absolutely loves being outside. Instead of returning to his den that night, he spent the evening outside sleeping under the moon, stars, and wide open sky.

No living creature should spend their life in a cage being tortured and denied the simple pleasures life has to offer. At least Tuffy has the chance to live out his final years in peace and harmony among other bears at the sanctuary.

However, according to Animals Asia an estimated 1,200 bears remain trapped on bile farms in Vietnam and over 10,000 more are believed held in China. Help share his story and this video, it will make a difference and serve to help the many other bears stuck in this cruel situation that Tuffy was luckily rescued from.

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