If You Press and Hold This Point On Your Forefinger For 60 Seconds THIS Happens To Your Body

There is an ever ongoing and constant search for alternative, natural ways to help treat health conditions and disorders. People don’t want to be forced to rely on modern health options that usually involve harsh, complex, and expensive pharmaceuticals. Perhaps the answer lies not just in the complex modern products out there, but also in the more simple and ancient practices that were developed centuries ago.

Many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally balance, restore, and heal both their bodies and minds. One of the most popular, effective, non-invasive, and natural treatment methods comes from the alternative medicine field of reflexology. Reflexology is the stimulation of reflex points to relieve and help regulate abnormalities between different body parts.

By massaging and applying pressure to specific points you can help bring about physical changes to your body. It works by increasing the blood flow and stimulating the thousands of nerves located in our hands and feet. In fact, human hands and feet have well over 15,000 nerves and they all connect to form a network that reaches different areas of the body, such as our main organs and glands.

Reflexology offers an easy, all natural way to help treat a variety of health issues and people have found that by using the simple techniques at home they could dramatically relieve pain and discomfort caused by many common ailments.

One major point found on the hand is primarily used to help relieve pain and discomfort stemming from headaches and migraines. The point is located right above the webbing between the thumb and index fingers on each hand. To activate it, press firmly down on the point while massaging and rotating in a circular or back and forth motion for at least 60 seconds and up to a couple of minutes at a time.

Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, sit back and close your eyes, and breathe evenly in and out. This may be done anywhere at anytime of the day and it can be repeated however many times you’d like. The accompanying video shows you exactly where and how this self-massage should be done and also demonstrates a number of other hand reflexology points and techniques.

Who knows, a simple hand and finger massage may be just the thing your health and body could benefit from. Either way, it’s a great way to both start off and unwind after a long stressful day. Plus, there’s no harm in trying so you may as well do so today. Don’t forget to pass this along to help others find comfort and better health in their own lives!

Below is more information on what organs and bodily ills each finger corresponds with:

Thumb: Linked to the stomach and spleen. It helps eliminate stress, digestion, and tension in the upper body, lungs, and head. It also helps with nervousness, headaches, skin issues, and stomach aches.

Index Finger: Linked with the kidneys and bladder. It helps eliminate mental confusion, fear, frustration, and self-criticism. It also helps with backaches, constipation, digestion, and jaw, teeth and gum issues.

Middle Finger: Linked to the liver and gall bladder. It helps eliminate irritability and anger. It also helps with eyesight, frontal lobe headaches, indecision, and feelings over general fatigue.

Ring Finger: Linked to the lungs and large intestine. It helps eliminate negativity, sadness, grief, and feelings of rejection. It also helps with skin conditions, excessive mucus, ringing in the ear, respiratory functions, and negative attitude.

Little Finger: Linked to the heart and small intestine. It helps to eliminate insecurity, nervousness, and low self esteem. It also helps with blood pressure, sore throat, bloating, bone and nerve problems, and heart conditions.

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Mama Confronts Her Dogs About The Poop In The Kitchen. The Pup Points And Rats Out The Guilty Party.

Many of our four-legged canine friends have bathroom manners that are slightly lacking in certain areas. Sometimes they get excited and pee all over the floor, other times they just have to go and can’t help but make a mess. There are times in life when you just can’t hold it in any longer, and when you gotta go, you gotta go! That seems to be the case for the little dog in this video.

The poor guy just couldn’t help himself and ended up going potty in the house while his owners were out and about. When they returned they noticed the stinky mess and decided to ask their two dogs who did it. So to find out who did it, mama begins an ‘intensive investigation’ to see which one of these 2 adorable fur babies is the guilty party.

While dogs may be known as man’s best friend and loyal to the end, this doesn’t appear to ring true when it comes to doggy friendships. The bigger of the two dogs knew what was being asked of him and ended up ratting out his guilty friend right away! All he had to do was raise a paw up and point it at the smaller dog, bringing the investigation to a quick end.

The guilty party didn’t try to deny it or shift the blame like most people would attempt to do when accused of such a crime. Instead, he played it cool and just sat there looking as cute and adorable as he possibly could. How could anyone be mad at that face for more than just a second, if you’re a dog lover, you just can’t!

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These Are The Symptoms and Signs That You Are Having a Blood Clot. THIS Is What You Need To Do.

Although blood clots are not uncommon (as many as 900,000 people develop blood clots in the United States every year), they often aren’t treated in time because they go undiagnosed. According to the National Blood Clot Alliance, the lack of early diagnosis of clots (which are easily treated) is responsible for approximately one in three of those who do eventually get diagnosed, to die.

The video you are about to watch below, does a concise job of describing the dangers of blood clots; they become seriously harmful to the body, if they are formed in a place they aren’t supposed to, because they decrease blood flow which can eventually be fatal.

The doctor in the following footage is an interventional cardiologist, who says that the most common place outside of the heart, where there may be artery blockage, is the legs.

Blood clots in the legs are known as deep vein thrombosis (DVT); Dr. Attar will discuss the SYMPTOMS, DIAGNOSIS and TREATMENT of BLOOD CLOTS IN THE LEGS. Swelling, tenderness, a certain kind of episodic cramping and skin color discoloration are some of the warnings he will discuss.

He goes on to discuss in greater detail what to look out for, the importance of getting to a doctor in time to diagnosis and enable the treatment necessary. The information you will hear can prevent a serious threat to your health, that can ultimately be fatal.

Please SHARE this important HEALTH video with your friends and family it could save a life!

Mama Asks Her Dog To Make His Happy Face. He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face Ever.

A relaxed and smiling dog is a happy and content dog, at least that’s the viewpoint most people have in regards to their pets upturned facial expressions. While that could very well be the case for many animals, when it comes to dogs a smile is not as simple and straight-forward as we often assume it to be.

Dogs have their own special way of showing happiness that doesn’t always include smiling with their mouths. Instead, many dogs express emotions of joy and contentment through their overall body language. When a dog appears completely loose and at ease, with their mouth parted and tongue hanging slightly out, then they are well and truly happy.

In regards to a human looking smile on a dog’s face that could be an indication of a number of things that include anxiety, aggression, subordination, nervousness, or even fear. It differs from dog to dog and the key to deciphering whether or not it’s a genuine smile lies in both the context of the situation and the at rest of their body language.

In the case of the dog featured in this video, his smile is as real as can be! The handsome yellow lab knows how to turn the charm on and gives the camera his best goofy-looking grin, all on command. When his mom tells him to smile he instantly raises the corners of his mouth, it’s so darn cute! As you can see, his body language tells us that he’s relaxed as can be. In fact, he’s so relaxed that he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. And while his tongue doesn’t loll out of his mouth, it likely would have, had he been fully awake and alert.

This is one intelligent and adorable dog, be sure to check out his awesome smile and pass it on because it’ll instantly brighten anyone’s day!

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If You Eat 12 Almonds a Day THIS Happens To Your Body

Although many people have heard that almonds have extensive health benefits, they often get ignored because of their high calorie count.  This should not deter you from making them a part of your daily dietary intake; eating up to 12 almonds per day will afford you the incredible health benefits that you will hear about in the video below, and eaten in that moderation, may actually help you to lose, rather than gain weight.

Eating raw almonds, or soaking them overnight (described in the video) is the optimal way to reap the benefits of this SUPERFOOD.  Being a great source of Vitamin E, it’s preservation of your collagen and elastin keeps skin and hair healthy and MAINTAINS A YOUTHFUL APPEARANCE.  The “GOOD FATS” found in almonds actually aid weight loss, when eaten in moderation.

Because almonds are high in omega-3 fatty acids, they LOWER YOUR RISK OF HEART DISEASE as well as YOUR BAD CHOLESTEROL.  The video will go on to discuss how and why almonds PREVENT DIABETES, RAISE ENERGY LEVELS, REDUCE CANCER RISKS, IMPROVES DIGESTION and many other health and BEAUTY PERKS!

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Instead of Spending $200 on an Exterminator Do THIS $2 Trick To Get Rid of Your Ant Problem!

Ants can be found in virtually every corner of the world, but the one place that nobody ever wants to see them is inside their house. Even if you happen to see one lone ant, the chances are high that hundreds or thousands more are lurking somewhere nearby. If you ever have a dreadful infestation, or just need to get rid of a few pesky ants, definitely try this simple all-natural solution.

It’s a much safer and less harsh alternative to using a toxic chemical based insecticide, such as Raid, yet it’s just as effective. Plus, the best thing about it is that it’s cheap to make, so stir up a batch and restore your home back into an ant-free setting!

In the accompanying video Greg The Gardener demonstrates how to mix up and use this ant control solution which calls for hot water, borax, sugar, honey, and a spray bottle. Start out by boiling up some water. While you wait, grab a cup and combine 6 teaspoons of sugar with 6-8 teaspoons of Borax in it.

Once the water is boiling, carefully pour in some water and stir until the sugar and borax mixture completely dissolves. Next, add some honey to the cup and more hot water if it’s needed, stir it all together and let it sit. When it’s cooled, pour the mixture into the spray bottle, and now you’re ready to go find some ants to get rid of.

Spray the mix on and around ant trails and focus on cracks and places where they may be entering the house. Allow the solution to pool in high problem ant traffic areas and spray around the foundation. A word of caution, only use this spray outside the house, but it’s safe to use on plants.

Do NOT let pets or animals near it because they can get very sick if they lick or ingest it. You can take a small plastic bottle cap or similar object and pour some of the solution into it, then place it somewhere that animals can’t reach. Also, to be extra safe block access to the mixture even further by placing a pot or cover over it.

This works so well because the ants will be attracted to the sugar and honey. They’ll go back and tell all their fellow ants about it and lead them strait to the sugar source. Once they ingest it, the borax builds up a gas inside of them which causes their death. In particular, this is a great way to get rid of carpenter ants that may be causing a lot of damage to your house, deck areas, and stored lumber or wood piles.

This simple spray is by far the safest, cheapest, and easiest ant control solution I’ve ever come across. As you can see, the comments under the video say that it works extremely well and since it can be made for around fifty cents or so, you may as well try it!

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Kitten Stuck In Cage Is Desperate To Visit Her Puppy Best Friend. How She Does It Is Incredible!

Cats are naturally curious and love to climb on things and explore, especially kittens. If something catches their attention they’ll often stop at nothing to check it out up close and personal. Even if there are obstacles in the way, they usually manage to figure out a way around them, or over it!

Such was the case of one adorable kitten at a pet store in Taipei, Taiwan. The little kitty was caught in action clambering from her pen over to the one right next to her, which held a sweet puppy! It’s hard to tell for sure but the mischievous cat was either going to visit and sniff out her neighbor, or perhaps she was making a break for freedom.

In the video posted by the JoLinn Pet House it’s clear to see that the kitten is a natural climber as she jumps right up on the glass side. She struggles for a moment before clawing her way onto the top ledge and that’s when she realizes she has only two options.

One is to go back down in her pen the way she came, the other is to try and get over to the dog’s pen next to hers. Not wanting to turn back, she takes the second route and shimmies her way over to the puppy.

The little dog could not be happier, he rears up on his hind legs and wags his tail at the sight of the kitten coming to join him. That’s when the poor kitty starts to struggle with the slippery glass, and the excited puppy doesn’t help by showering her with kisses!

However, she makes it safely over the side and into the dog’s pen where she heads straight to the back corner in a hopeless attempt to try and escape the puppy’s overzealous attention. He can’t stop licking and jumping on her, at this point she’s probably wishing she’d stayed in her pen!

Whether you’re a dog person or a cat person, you’ll love and appreciate this adorable video so check it out and enjoy 🙂

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She Starts Cutting a Pie Crust Using a Pizza Slicer. But When She’s Done YUM!

Apple pie fries are a fun and delicious take on dessert that everyone will love to chow down on. The ‘fusion’ food blends together the shape of fried potato sticks and their finger-food friendly functionality with the sweet, yummy taste of all-American apple pie. The pie fries are topped with salt, aka sparkling sugar, and served with a side of ketchup, aka warm gooey caramel sauce!

Even if you’re not a baker you can manage to pull this recipe off, it’s quick, easy, and much more convenient than making a traditional apple pie from scratch. They will make your house smell amazing and come out the oven all crispy, warm, crunchy, and sugary sweet. Is your mouth watering yet?!
Here’s what you need and how to make them:


1 can of apple pie filling – 2 pie crusts (Pillsbury were used in the video) – 1 egg (for egg wash) – ¼ cup sugar – 1 teaspoon cinnamon – ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg – sparkling sugar (coarse, large grained sugar)


Set the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. While that’s heating up, place the can of apple pie filling in a food processor and pulse or blend it until smooth or the chunks are tiny. Lightly dust a flat surface with flour and lay out one of the pie crusts. Evenly spread the apple pie filling over the entire crust and then place the remaining pie crust right on top of it.

Use a pizza cutter to slice a series of vertical lines down the crust, then run a few horizontal cuts across it to make fry shapes. Refer to the video for a better idea on how to space the lines and exactly how large to make the fries. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper and use a spatula to transfer the fries onto it.

In a bowl mix together ¼ cup of sugar, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and ¼ teaspoon of nutmeg. Make an egg wash by mixing one egg with a dash of water, brush it over the fries, and then sprinkle the sugar mixture over them. Lightly sprinkle them with a little bit of sparkling sugar before baking for 15-20 minutes at 350 degrees. Remove and allow them to cool before serving.

These taste great on their own but are definitely kicked up a notch when served with whipped cream, caramel, chopped nuts, or whatever toppings and dipping sauces you like!

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