Mom Is Baffled When She Finds Anti-Diarrhea Meds In Her Son’s Room. But The Reason Is Scary!

Drug dependency to opiates has become an epidemic in the US.  Teenagers, in particular, have increased use of heroine (as it has become so inexpensive) as well as prescription pain killers, in order to get high.  Physical addiction to opiates can occur within daily use in one week’s time!

There is a new trend that has recently been revealed, that is both surprising, and extremely dangerous.  The anti-diarrheal medication, Immodium, has an active ingredient called Loperamide.  When taken in very large doses it will stimulate the same high as heroine or prescription opiates.

This replication of a heroin-like high, has teenagers buying Immodium in large quantities…abusers are taking anywhere between 50-300 pills per day!  The recommended dosage for diarrhea is 2 pills, to give you a perspective of what people are putting into their bodies in order to reach the high they want.

As mothers have been discovering boxes of Immodium in their teens’s rooms, awareness about this trend has come to the fore.  The video you are about to watch below discusses this extremely dangerous trend, which can not only wreak havoc on the digestive tract, but cause heart damage and even death!  Increasing parental awareness about this trend, so that they can be on the lookout for this medication amongst your child’s things, is extremely important.  There have already been multiple deaths reported as a result of this new drug “fad”.

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She Crumbles Up a Ball Of Tin Foil And Puts It In The Laundry Machine. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Laundry. Because dirty clothes aren’t going to clean themselves. It’s an unavoidable and necessary part of life which makes it all the more painful. We all have to wash our sheets, towels, and clothing regularly to stay as fresh and clean as can be and it helps us get the most mileage and wear out of them.

Now you can get the most out of how you go about doing laundry with these tips from the WhatsUpMoms YouTube channel. They cover a bunch of laundry hacks that show you new simple ways to get the same old things done better and more efficiently. We listed some of the best tips below but be sure to check out the video for more and pass it along to anyone else who could use the information!

No time to iron a wrinkly shirt? Grab a spray bottle and fill it with clean water. Spray the shirt, stretch it out, and the wrinkles should go away.

Socks going missing in the wash? Take a mesh zippered laundry bag and clip it to the side of a hamper with a couple of clothes pins. Have everyone place their dirty socks in the bag, zipper it up when full, then toss it in with a load when you go to do laundry.

Ironing board always in the way leaning haphazardly up against stuff? Secure it in one safe spot off the ground by sticking two clothing hooks on the wall. Place them high and wide enough apart so that the board fits and hangs up against the wall. Now you won’t be constantly moving it out of the way or knocking it over!

Drying rack leaving an ugly, prominent wrinkle where clothing hangs over the bar? Take a foam pool noodle and cut it to fit the length of the bar. Slide it on to cover the metal and place clothing over it for crease-free results.

Need more hanging space? Install a cheap towel rack and instantly have more room for hanging clothes up to air dry. It will also come in handy as a spot to hang wet, dirty, stinky clothing that you need to wash soon. Always try to hang up damp or wet clothing as soon as possible, instead of tossing in the hamper with all the other dry clothes, to prevent it from forming mildew and becoming all rank.

Need to dry clothes in a hurry? Speed up the process by tossing a clean dry towel in with the wet clothes. Set the timer for 15 minutes and when it goes off remove the towel. It will have absorbed a lot of the moisture and thus lessen the overall amount of time needed to dry everything.

Out of dryer sheets? Grab some tinfoil and scrunch it up into a ball. Toss it in the dryer and clothes will come out static-cling free. The same ball of tinfoil can be used for up to 6 months so it can easily save you a lot of money. This is also great for people with sensitive skin issues because you won’t end up with all the chemical and perfume additives that are used in commercial dryer sheets on your clothes.

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This New Trick Is Being Used At The ATM By Scammers To Get Your Personal Info. I Had No Idea.


We have all heard of identity theft, and thieves getting hold of your credit card information and going on shopping sprees.  One of the most “tech savvy” ways for these unscrupulous people to attain your credit card information, is through a device called ATM SKIMMERS.

They were first rumored to be around in the early 2000s; not taken seriously at first, these devices which could read credit cards were indeed being installed in ATMs.  The video you are about to watch below, discusses how the sophistication of these Skimmers have grown over the years. One of the former “bad guys” who was caught, is now helping law enforcement, the FBI and even the Secret Service to better detect and prevent the successful use of the Skimmers.

As you will hear in the report below, not only ATMs, but gas station self-serve slots, are frequently the targets for placing Skimmers to get access to your credit card information.  You will be given clues on detecting when something looks off, as well as other ways to avoid being a victim.

The new Chip credit cards will make the skimming more difficult, but not impossible.  Palm scanners are in development by several governments, already being used in Japan, to avoid this hazard completely.

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This Guy Puts 2 Sponges Inside His Refrigerator. The Reason Is Brilliant!

I consider myself to be pretty strong in the housekeeping department, but never cease to be amazed at all the “tricks of the trade”that are out there on the internet, that I’ve never even heard of!  I love finding really useful life hacks, like the ones you are about to watch in the video below, that are really clever and innovative!

The simple life hacks, brought to you by HouseholdHacker, offers EIGHT great ideas that are beyond simple, and just make life easier… and who doesn’t like that?  These tricks are simply amazing and will help to make your household chores less painstaking.  The footage will give you a step-by-step tutorial that I hope you will find as useful as I did.

For full instructions watch to see how to:








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He Places Chocolate Chips Inside THIS Crock Pot. When He’s Done I Can’t Stop Drooling!

I don’t know about you, but for me there is nothing better than a simple recipe that isn’t labor intensive, which results in a delicious dessert.  The Cooking With Jack Show, aka The Lazy Man’s recipes, offers just such a trick, for a really decadent dessert often served in fancy restaurants!

The video you are about to watch is perfect for chocolate lovers.  If you have ever tasted a mouth-watering lava cake, you understand how amazing it would be to concoct this at home.  Something definitely brain-altering occurs when you taste a great lava cake.  I was once at a party where one such dessert was served, and as the first tastes were taken the whole group fell silent, and then all you heard was the buzz of yummmmmm!

Jovial Jack, our lazy chef, demonstrates how to produce this in a slow cooker.  In fact, he’s so lazy that he shows us how to line the cooker so no clean-up is necessary!  Ingredients required are: Devil’s food cake mix, water, eggs, canola oil, 2% milk, chocolate pudding mix and semisweet chocolate chips.

After 5-7 minutes of mixing, everything gets poured into the slow cooker, while Jack takes a nap for 3 hours!  The results look sumptuous.  I can’t wait to try this as a confirmed lava cake lover.  Let us know how your’s turns out if you give it a try.  Don’t miss the last minute of bloopers on the video!

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She Picks Up A Weird Textured Sand Dollar At The Beach. But When She Flips It Over It’s Incredible!

When we go to the beach, we often find flat, white discs, which almost look like they have been painted on the front with a star/flower design.  They are pretty and smooth to the touch, and a nice ornament to bring home and put in a dish or on a shelf.

These disk-like objects are known as “sand dollars”; amazingly these pretty objects were once live organisms in the ocean, that are part of the sea urchin species.  Relatives of Starfish, Sea Urchins and Sea Cucumbers, we rarely see them alive.

To be completely honest, I’ve always thought of them as inanimate objects and have collected them like pretty seashells.  This being said, when I came upon this video below, that is a clip from the “Sea Something” YouTube channel, I was more than a little freaked out when the narrator scooped up a live sand dollar and turned it over.  Watch this footage, and let us know if you’ve ever seen one of these alive.

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Video: He Takes an Aquarium And Turns It Over So It’s Inverted. The Result Is STUNNING!

Aquariums tend to be quite limited in terms of shape and what you can do with them. Most are simple rectangles or bowls that end up sitting on a flat surface or stand. The same cannot be said for the majority of outdoor fish ponds, they’re much more versatile and many are custom made. Even so, they also seem to follow a very general design type!

However, if the two are combined, like how YouTuber TCHelmut did in this video, you end up with one truly amazing looking aquascape! The creative German took his outdoor koi pond to the next level by flipping a plain old aquarium upside down and sticking it in the middle of the water. His ingenious idea is the perfect way to transform a run of the mill garden pond into a stunning masterpiece that’s fun to look at!

It’s also fun and neat for the koi fish. According to TCHelmut every day the koi in the pond swim up into the glass tower to check things out and have a look around. They’re free to come and go and they please and some even stay there for hours on end taking in the 360 degree view.

And while at first glance the tank looks incredibly cramped and overcrowded with way too many koi fish, it’s not as bad as it initially appears. The water and glass distort our view of what’s inside and make the koi appear larger than they actually are.

The visually impressive inverted fish tank is one part magic, one part work of art. Check it out and show this unique idea with friends, family, and any fish or aquarium enthusiasts you may know!

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Prisoners Start Walking Towards The Camera In Formation. But What They Do Next WOW!

In celebration of Michael Jackson, his longtime choreographer Travis Payne, and dancers Daniel Celebre and Dres Reid, went to The Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in The Philippines in 2010. Perhaps the reason they chose that particular prison to choreograph an inmate performance of Michael Jackson’s “They Don’t Care About Us”, was that a few years before, an amateur video exhibiting amazing talent from this prison had gone viral!

At that time the inmates performed to Jackson’s hit “Thriller”, which Payne brought to Jackson’s attention before his death. That video wasn’t uploaded for entertainment, according to Byron Garcia, a security consultant for the CPDRC.

His intention at that time, was to show other prison systems what they were doing there, and how it had curbed discipline issues and violence within the prison.

The video you are about to watch below is absolutely stunning! Payne said that working with these talented inmates was one of the most moving experiences of his life.

Aside from being blown away by this incredible performance, it really gives food for thought about the importance of fostering self esteem and self-discipline, so that prisoners are less likely to become repeat offenders.

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