They Attempt To Get Their Baby To Say His First Words. But What The Dog Says Is Hysterical!

Dogs love eating. Whether it’s their kibbles and bits, stuff they find outside, or a special treat, they’re usually ready and willing to chomp down on it. Even if they come across something that’s really gross to us humans, they’ll give it a bite and see how it tastes. However, nothing seems to taste better to them than people food!

When a dog sees their owner eating, they will hone in on it and instantly become their new best friend. They will sit and watch you eat your dinner, waiting for a piece of it to fall or for you to offer them a bite. Some are more clever than others and will perform tricks or commands in hopes of a reward, like the adorable Australian Shepherd dog in this video. The dog’s owners were videotaping their attempts at getting their young son to say his first words but they captured something just as cute instead.

The clip starts off with the mother trying gently to coax her toddler into saying “mama” while holding up some food on a fork that’s hovering over her plate. She’s offering it to her son who’s standing right in front of her and the food has definitely got the family dog’s attention because he’s right beside the baby begging and whining for a bite!

While the mother’s attempts at encouraging her child to speak are not going so well, the dog is a different story. He’s giving it his best shot and after what sounds like several attempts to say the magic word, “mama,” he works up the ability and finally ends up speaking the word successfully! The dog managed to do what the baby couldn’t and definitely earned a bite to eat!

All the while the adorable baby boy has been standing by the dog, switching his attention from looking up at the camera, to the dog, to his mom and the fork, and back again. His mom’s bribe didn’t end up working but maybe he didn’t like the food she was offering, either way he looks sweet as can be. And one last thing- many viewers commented on the video and noted how the dog never got a bite to eat.

They expressed a lot of concern over this, in fact they were so up in arms about it that the dog’s owners posted a second follow-up clip to this one, showing that the dog did indeed get a treat! All’s well that ends well so check it out, share the love, and enjoy!

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Janitor Was Sick Of Shoveling Snow For The Kids And Faculty. How He Gets His Revenge Is Hysterical!

Snow is beautiful when it’s falling and you’re inside all warm and toasty looking out at it. After a storm passes and leaves behind a fresh coating of snow that covers everything in sight, somebody has to clear it all. Shoveling snow can be a real pain in the rear unless you hire someone to come plow and do it all for you. If you have ever had to do it yourself then you know how easily it can turn into a workout depending on how long and how much walkway you have to shovel!

Most people take the freshly cleared sidewalks and paths they use for granted. They don’t stop to think about how someone had to wake up super early to make sure they were shoveled and salted well before anyone arrived to work or school. This lack of recognition may be part of the reason why one janitor decided to pull a fast one over on the students and faculty at the school where he works.

The sneaky man shoveled a couple of long, winding, snaky paths to nowhere. One circled back around and the other had a few obstacles thrown in along the way. The unsuspecting walkers fell victim to the prank and ended up taking quite a slippery and unnecessary walk, much to their disdain.

A few even followed the path exactly and walked in circles! Most people turned back and retraced their steps, but a few were bold and strayed off into the snow, risking cold, wet feet. Check out their priceless reactions and just how good of a prank this turned out to be.

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He Mixes This Paste With A Common Household Product That Will Reverse Gum Disease And Whiten Teeth

Good oral health is necessary for overall bodily health. The mouth is essentially the gateway to the rest of our body and it’s tied in with many other conditions, risks, and diseases. For example, gum disease and heart disease are related and according to statistics cited by WebMD “up to 91% of patients with heart disease have periodontitis, compared to 66% of people with no heart disease.”

This mouth-body connection makes regular brushing and flossing of teeth an important part of the preventative care routine you do at home to stay as healthy as possible. Even so, there are alternative things beyond the basics that you can do, and making your own all-natural whitening toothpaste is one of them.

The recipe that follows from FitLifeTV is a great way to help improve both your smile and oral health, and thus your overall health. The accompanying video shows how to make the simple, all natural, homemade toothpaste that’s both effective at cleaning and whitening teeth.

It contains ingredients that are safe and gentle on enamel, and therefore it will not damage your teeth. Many DIY toothpastes use lemon and even salt, which are highly acidic and strip teeth of their protective enamel, in the end these types do more harm than good.

For this toothpaste all you need is coconut oil, turmeric, and food grade peppermint oil flavoring, plus a container to put it all in. You want to use a good extra-virgin type of coconut oil and powdered turmeric, in the video turmeric capsules were used but any powdered variety will do. Start off by mixing together 1 tablespoon of coconut oil with two capsules of turmeric and a few drops of peppermint oil.

Go easy at first because you can always add in more peppermint later to adjust the flavor to your desired taste. Mix it all together very well and then pick up a little bit with your toothbrush and start brushing! After at least two minutes you can spit and rinse, but the longer you brush the whiter, cleaner your teeth will turn out.

With regular use this toothpaste will whiten teeth and give you a healthy, clean mouth. Both turmeric and coconut oil have proven antimicrobial effects and anti-inflammatory properties. In recent times they have increasingly been added to people’s health and beauty routines and it’s easy to see why as there are many reported benefits connected to them.

Turmeric helps to whiten teeth naturally, safely, effectively, and cheaply, but more importantly, it helps with a number of other oral issues like tooth sensitivity. It won’t irritate swollen gums further like many commercial grade toothpastes tend to do. Instead, turmeric reduces overall irritation and sensitivity and helps with tooth aches, gum reddening, oral infections, and more. It also helps to strengthen teeth and prevent them from becoming brittle.

While the health benefits of turmeric have always been celebrated in India, they’re just beginning to become widely known in America. The simple spice can be found in just about any grocery store or market and you may even have a bottle or jar on hand in your kitchen cabinet.

The colorful, orange-yellow spice comes in powder form and most of the world’s supply is grown in India where the Turmeric plant’s roots are gathered, boiled, dried in super hot ovens, and ground down into a fine powder that’s very strong and easily stains whatever it comes into contact with.

That’s why it’s often used as a dye agent, even though it’s most widespread and common use is as a spice for flavoring foods. Now its natural health and beauty benefits are being revealed and this one is among the best!

This whitening toothpaste is all-natural and won’t cost you more than a few dollars to make. For some of us out there this beauty tip could change our appearance, and lives, for the better. So rifle through your spice rack and grab the turmeric, mix it up and smear some on your toothbrush, and be amazed at how such an unlikely solution actually works!

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She Massages Epsom Salt Into Her Hair. But The End Result Is STUNNING!

There is nothing better than beachy looking waves in your hair. Of course, salons and pharmacies sell sea spray hair products that are pricy. I have used them, but have always found that I need to play chemist, adding other products to achieve the look I’m going for.

When I came upon this great DIY video , for achieving that beachy, cool,sexy looking hair at home,  I couldn’t resist trying it. Sure enough, it worked better than the store bought ones! So, for those of you who love having this look, the video below is for you.

The key to making a DIY SEA SALT SPRAY to produce easy beachy waves, is using EPSOM SALT. Common table salt doesn’t do the trick. All you will need is an empty clean SPRAY BOTTLE, WARM to HOT WATER, EPSOM SALT and HAIR GEL.

Watch the entertaining video below to see how they combine and prepare the ingredients, and then test it out on their model. I can testify, that it works amazingly to get just the right texture and look, for what you’re going for when the beach just isn’t available! Enjoy!

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He Was Filming Seagulls But He Never Expected This Once In a Lifetime Surprise!

Alaska is one of the wildest places on earth. The state is filled with all sorts of nature’s wonders and its land and seas are teeming with wildlife. From the scenic rocky coasts to the stunningly beautiful snowy inland peaks, there are millions of acres of pristine untamed wilderness and thousands of miles of coastline to explore.

With limited roads and ways to reach the wilds, the best way to get around and see things up close and personal is by boat. When you’re out on the open waters that run along the coast of Alaska you can expect to see some pretty amazing things. This couldn’t have rung truer for one man, Brad Rich, who was fishing with friends near Resurrection Bay off the coast of Seward, Alaska.

The experienced group of fishermen had spotted a bunch of seagulls off in the distance and knew that there must have been a pod of humpback whales feeding nearby so they headed over to check out the scene. With his camera ready to capture any sightings of the whales, Dan aimed it towards the area where the seagulls were making a racket.

Moments later the group’s intuition paid off. The whales suddenly breached the waters surface, not over near where the gulls were, but right in front of the boat instead! All Dan had to do is pan left and there they were! At least 10 or so of the giants poked their heads out of the water as they gulped down fish right off the stern of the boat. The incredible, once in a lifetime experience was all captured on film and the footage is truly amazing.

Brad was naturally beyond shocked and excited as his reaction in the video shows. Be forewarned that he had some choice words to say at the moment and the clip does contain a bit of audible profanity. Regardless of that, Brad now has one heck of a fishing story to tell his friends and family and if anyone ever doubts it he can refer them to the video!

Check it out to see one of nature’s most awe-inspiring and naturally occurring spectacles extremely close up. It’s an exceedingly rare sight to see this many of these majestic, gentle giants feeding on fish all together at once. Brad’s reaction to the whales shows just how surprised and astonished even a seasoned fisherman from Alaska can still be. However, that’s exactly what the state is known for; once in a lifetime experiences with the awesome power of nature.

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If You Drink Out of a Copper Cup 1x Per Day For a Month THIS Happens To Your Body

I hear about many things online that have health benefits that are surprising, but I truly had  no idea that DRINKING FROM a COPPER PITCHER or CUP, was one of them.  The video you are about to watch below, does a great job of discussing the health benefits and the optimal means of storage to get the best results.

In actuality, the ancient Egyptians and Vedic people of India, used copper for water storage, to insure cleanliness and freshness.  Modern scientists have studied these ideas, and verified the top seven health benefits provided by copper usage.

Trace amounts of copper consumption have the effect of stimulating the BRAIN.  Cognitive  acuity and sharpness, rely on the synapses in your brain firing at a certain speed.  Because copper helps the production of myelin sheaths which make the synapses fire, drinking from a copper container will make your brain sharper.

Many people swear that wearing copper provides relief from JOINT PAIN.  This seems to be particularly effective when it oxidizes and turns green; regrowing of cartilage and pain management for arthritis tend to be more anecdotal, than scientifically based, but countless people swear that it works miraculously.

Ingestion of trace amounts of copper found in certain foods and from drinking from copper vessels, improves DIGESTION by eliminating certain microorganisms that cause an upset stomach.  The video you are about to watch below will also discuss copper’s effect on the THYROID (which balances weight and moods), improving HEART HEALTH and providing CARDIOVASCULAR SUPPORT.

Copper effects MELANIN PRODUCTION which directly effects HAIR FOLLICLES and HAIR GROWTH.  Similarly, copper’s effect on melanin supports SKIN HEALTH by producing COLLAGEN.  The footage below, will go into more detail that will be quite helpful in using this significant information, about the health benefits offered by trace elements of copper.

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VIDEO: Mommy Attempts To Calm Down Her Fidgety Baby. But Watch How The Kitty Reacts.

It’s no secret that newborn babies can be really fussy and squirmy. They have yet to learn coordination and control, especially when it comes to certain bodily functions. When a baby is wriggling and moving all around it’s usually because they need a diaper change or are hungry and want to be fed. Sometimes they just want to be cuddled and held or need a little extra attention!

In the case of this fussy little baby, she seems to have just needed a calming touch. Her feline friend had noticed that she was wiggling all around and went over to the crib to investigate, before jumping in and sitting by the baby’s side to keep her company.

The cute Siamese kitten then tried her best to soothe the child by placing her two tiny front paws gently on the baby’s leg. It looks as if kitty was trying to make the newborn stop moving as she focused her gaze on the youngster and willed the limb to stay still.

While some pets and people have the magic touch, this cat hasn’t quite mastered it yet because the baby kept on fussing. Maybe next time! Either way the pair are simply adorable together, who doesn’t love babies and kittens?

The baby’s mother was close-by watching the whole time and it sounds like she or someone else was taking pictures of the adorable interaction. The parents seem to have already made sure that both their newborn baby and their fur baby get along well together. Pets who live and share a house with young children need to be comfortable around them and here it looks like the two little ones are going to grow up just fine together, they’re already bonding and getting close!

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He Thought He Was Pulling In His First Fish Of The Day. But Watch The Water Underneath Closely

Fishing for largemouth bass is a hugely popular sport in America. Every year it draws an estimated 30 million people to the banks of freshwater lakes, rivers, ponds, and streams. What makes largemouth bass fishing so appealing is that the fish will make you work to catch them and fight you every step of the way!

When a bass takes the bait it’s not a simple reel ’em in type of job, it’s more like a prepare for battle type of experience. The fish will do all sorts of tricks and maneuvers to try and get away. Many will even fling their slippery bodies through the air in a desperate attempt to escape from the hook. That’s why fishermen and anglers love casting their lines in hopes that a largemouth bass will take the bait and thus inject a bit of excitement into their day.

To see exactly how aggressive and big-mouthed these fish are, refer to the accompanying eight second clip of one in action. The footage was captured by an unknown fisherman who was using bait to tempt and lure in the bass at a deep green fishing hole.

He drags the smaller fish along the top of the water and then suddenly a large figure can be seen moving up out of the depths below it. Seconds later the giant bass appears, mouth open wide, and chomps down on the poor little baitfish swallowing it whole. And that’s why they call them largemouth bass!

There was no hesitation on the fish’s part in going in for the kill because they are considered the apex predator where they live. Being at the top of the food chain means that only really humans hunt them, and even then most of the largemouth bass that are caught end up getting released. Many of the larger ones are breeding females and it’s common practice to release them because they are the future of the sport and sustainability is key.

It’s both morally and culturally frowned upon to keep a large female fish and to do so goes against the unspoken rule of bass fishing. Furthermore, in many areas it’s also illegal to take fish of a certain size. Plus, their meat is not the tastiest around. It’s kind of mushy and slimy and not as high of quality compared to the other fish it shares a habitat with, that you can catch just as easily. So if the one in this video was caught, it was likely also released.

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