Guilty Dog Gets Caught In The Act. His Reaction When His Human Finds Out Priceless!

How do you react when you get caught doing something that you know you really should not be doing? Are you the type who denies any wrongdoing to the bitter end even if it’s obvious how busted you truly are, or maybe you slink quietly away; out of sight, out of mind. If you’re anything like this sweet yellow lab, you tuck your tail between your legs and beg for forgiveness!

The adorable clip of Ettore the Labrador has touched the hearts of millions around the globe and it’s easy to see why. She had just been caught doing something very naughty by her owner, Anthony Federica Granai, and desperately wanted to get back in his good graces again. Apparently she made a hole in his sofa and he was understandably upset about the furniture being ruined so he scolded her.

As soon as he sat down on the couch Ettore lowered her ears and began to slowly crawl up into his lap to begin her grovelling. She went straight to work, giving him her most sorrowful and needy puppy-eyed look. Even so, Anthony continued to admonish her behavior which only seemed to make her try even harder for his love. She switched up her tactic and started to nuzzle her head fondly against him while snuggling closer and closer, but he was still upset.

That’s when Ettore kicks her apology up a notch by placing both her front paws on her owner’s shoulders and giving him a big warm hug. The move wins Anthony over and he can’t help but hug her back, it’s the cutest scene! Clearly her apology was accepted and the two made their peace. How could anyone stay mad at a dog like that for more than 30 seconds?!

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These 4 Fathers Step Out Of The Garage With Major Swag. But When The Music Drops Hilarious!

The hysterical video you are about to watch below, is just the thing to honor dads whose lives get transformed when they become family men.  They men perform an original song called “DAD’S LIFE”, in which they rap about the “uncool” stuff they do, making them all the cooler for their ability to be self-deprecating in such a clever way.

This bit is laugh-out-loud funny, from the lyrics, to the physical humor of them barbecuing, on lawnmowers, being tough about their gardening etc.  These four dads dressed in their tucked in polos, dockers, muscle shirts paired with knee-high white athletic socks…RAPPING!

Of course the humor lies in the exaggeration of the truth of their lives, being paired with their attempt to repackage themselves as some tough dudes, who are not to be messed with.  We all love our dads…their goofiness and devotion to our families is what we cherish about them…but it’s really fun to have a laugh WITH them through this hysterical footage. Trust me, this one will make your day!

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They Find a Helpless Newborn Fawn Lying In The Middle of The Street. But Then They Notice THIS.

Baby animals are just about the most precious little things in the world and fawns are no exception. The adorable tiny deer can be hard to spot because of their naturally camouflaged fur but thankfully that didn’t prevent Steve Knoop from noticing one in the middle of the road.

Steve and his friends had been driving down a scenic country road when they came across the newborn laying right in the middle of the road. It was mushed down in an odd, seemingly uncomfortable position that made it look like it’d been hit by a car and injured. Nevertheless, the men pulled over to the side so they could get a closer look and check it out and that’s when they noticed it wasn’t dead or hurt, it was healthy and had likely just been born!

The men deduced from the scene that this fawn was maybe just a few minutes old. The fact that its mother was nearby and the way it was positioned all pointed to this conclusion. Now the fawn was simply trying really hard to blend in with the pavement and not be noticed but instead it ended up sticking out like a sore thumb.

The men debated what they should do, leave it in the road or move it to safety, and end up deciding on the latter option. They don’t want to risk it getting run over by a car so one of them, Paul, gently scoops the newborn up and moves it off to the side of the road. Before he can even set it down the baby immediately jumps up and runs back to its mother’s side. The group erupts with joy at seeing the baby safe and reunited with its mother and one of them sums it all up best with the remark “That was awesome!” Agreed, yes it truly was.

Here’s a little more information on fawns and what to do if you should ever come across one: Fawns are easily identifiable since they’re born with white spots that dot their fur. These help to camouflage and keep them safe from predators all day long while their mothers are away foraging for food. If you ever see a baby fawn alone during the daytime the best thing you can do is leave it alone and not touch it. It’s almost guaranteed that the fawn is not orphaned or abandoned and mom is probably somewhere close by, she returns later in the day after it gets dark outside.

If you do need to handle or move the fawn for its safety, as in the video, you should use gloves and not move it very far. If you touch the fawn you should wipe the area off with a clean towel to remove as much of your scent as possible because it could cause the mother to reject the baby. Rub the towel in dirt first to lessen the human scent before wiping and then leave the fawn alone. Its mother will only come back to it when she feels completely safe and that could take well over a day, so give it plenty of time. Hopefully you learned something from all this but won’t ever have to use the knowledge!

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Cops Drive Over a Bridge During a Torrential Downpour. Then They Notice THIS On The Road!

You are about to watch an incredible rescue recorded by a police car dash cam.  In a deluge of a thunderstorm, bridges can become very slick and dangerous.  Such was the case in Kansas City, as two police officers were driving over a bridge, when they noticed a deer struggling to maintain it’s footing while trying to get across!

It is heartbreaking to watch this deer, as the footage begins, completely lose all traction and end up rolling onto it’s back with little chance of getting up.  It hits the concrete divider, and as it seems unable to stand, you will see the officers  come out of their car to help.

Not only was the slickness of the bridge a disorienting obstacle course, but as the officers came close enough to see the deer’s condition, they found that one of it’s feet was stuck.  Dislodging the foot the officers said they expected the deer to bolt, which also could have resulted in tragedy.  You will hear Sergeant Steven Sandusky report to KMBC, his surprise, that the deer followed him like a dog would do, without a rope or to keep it by his side.  Watching this amazing rescue, as he guides the deer to safety, was such a relief and so touching.

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This Dog’s Human Tells Her It’s Time To Clean Her Ears. Her Reaction Is Hysterical.

Lots of dogs hate being groomed, whether it’s taking a bath or having their nails trimmed, they just don’t like it. The one thing that all dogs seem to absolutely loathe above everything else is having their ears cleaned, and who can blame them. Having liquid squirted into sensitive ears is a very uncomfortable, weird, and strangely disconcerting experience!

This puppy’s reaction upon hearing that it’s time for her to get her ears cleaned says it all about how it makes them feel. The adorable Labrador Retriever’s name is Denver and if she looks familiar you’ve probably seen her before. Back in 2011 her owner uploaded a video of her titled Denver the Guilty Dog which quickly went viral and has since amassed over 46.7 million views!

Every once in awhile new video updates come out and in this one we get to see Denver making her signature funny faces. Her dad is about to clean her ears and can be seen holding the bottle of cleaning solution up for both her and us to see. In the video caption he wrote that “Denver hates getting her ears cleaned and medicated from all the creek play time. Here’s what we get…” Check it out and watch her unique reaction it’s hilarious!

She looks absolutely adorable in a way that only she can pull off as she huffs and bares her teeth with a goofy grin plastered across her face. That’s her trade-mark expression, it’s not her being aggressive at all, and as you can see her tail is wagging the entire time. Denver knows whats coming and does not like it one bit but having her ears cleaned is necessary to keeping her clean and healthy.

There’s something oddly special and cute about Denver’s facial expressions and the reaction seen here is the same one she sports in her guilty-looking video that originally made her famous. Maybe she thinks it will get her out of whatever is coming next. Either way you can’t help but smile when you see her reaction!

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Whenever She Goes To Her Yard To Garden She Brings Epsom Salt. The Reason Is Brilliant.

Epsom salt is actually magnesium sulfate, which has been known to have the ability to act as a fertilizer, when mixed into the soil of plants, flowers and trees.  This allows the plant to put out more healthy growth!

The video you are about to watch below, provides a tutorial in using Epsom salt MORE DIRECTLY on your flowering and non-flowering plants and trees, as well as on bushes and vines that produce fruit and vegetables.  By creating a mixture that you attach to your hose, you will see your garden become MORE LUSH IN LESS TIME.  She will explain how doing this enables all of your garden, including your lawn, to receive more chlorophyll which converts into energy.

Your fruits and vegetables will be sweeter, leaves and lawn will be greener, and rose bushes (which are finicky), will produce larger blooms.  Potted plants, usually more deficient in magnesium than those planted in the ground, will greatly benefit from adding 2 tbsp of Epsom salt into the soil once monthly.  Then spraying the actual leaves and blooms as you will see demonstrated, will keep your potted plants blooming all summer.

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This Guy Was Feeling Something Grab His Leg. He Looked Down and Saw THIS

A few lucky people visiting the beach had an extremely fortunate and wonderfully surprising experience with a wild sea otter on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The once in a lifetime chance meeting occurred in the waters of Cadboro Bay on the southern tip of the island near the province’s capitol, Victoria!

The beach was pretty much empty save for a few people who were happily snapping away, taking pictures of the beautiful picturesque bay, when a sea otter swam into view! Beachgoers naturally started filming the cute little sea mammal as he played around near the shore in his natural habitat. Thankfully they did because they caught the moment when the curious otter decided to make friends with a man who was wading in the shallow, chilly Pacific waters nearby.

The sea otter suddenly swam right up to him without any hesitation whatsoever and began to check him out up close and personal. The adorable otter swam all around the guy, weaving in and around his lower legs and ankles. Before long he even appeared to be nuzzling the man, who reached down and gave the little guy a couple of friendly pats on the back.

The friendly mammal looked like he was loving the attention and acts just like an excited puppy dog would, he even gently nipped at the man’s leg as they played in the water. The whole encounter lasted just a few minutes before the otter decided he’d had enough and headed back out to sea. Nevertheless, the brief time that the man and otter shared together definitely left a lasting impression on everyone who was there at the beach that day. The remarkably friendly otter was truly a sweetheart and what an amazing experience it must have been for everyone involved!

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Two Women Have Gone Blind Because of Something We All Do Everyday. I Had No Idea.

Two women, aged 22 and 44, came to see doctors with symptoms of temporary blindness that had doctors stumped about the cause.  The blindness in one eye was occurring for 15 minutes, in the first two women reporting these scary symptoms!

As more and more people began reporting similar incidents, researchers began conducting a variety of tests including MRIs, heart scans and other types of evaluations that didn’t reveal the cause. When they began questioning lifestyle choices, they were amazed at what seemed to be a common behavior, amongst those who experienced this temporary blindness.

What you will hear in the video you are about to watch below, are results of research reported in the New England Journal of Medicine, which cites nighttime cell phone use as the cause of this bizarre problem.  While the blindness has been found to be temporary, the risk of more permanent eye damage in young eyes has been discovered.

Further research done at Harvard, has revealed links between cell phone light and other illnesses; these include: obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer.  Thus, the blue cell phone light has not only been linked to temporary and more lasting eye damage but other potential health hazards as well.

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