Video: This Pup’s Mom Asks Her If She Wants To Take a Shower. Her Response Is Priceless!

Many dogs have a love/hate relationship when it comes to getting wet. They either really like and enjoy bath time or absolutely loathe and avoid it all costs. For little Misty, the energetic Corgi featured in this video, taking a shower is without a doubt her absolute most favorite thing to do in the whole entire world!

In fact, just mentioning the word “shower” sets her off and gets her super excited. Even if Misty is sleeping and completely relaxed one moment, as soon as she hears mention of a shower she’ll jump up and take off running to the nearest bathroom. She barks and yaps up a storm the whole way there and when she reaches the shower she doesn’t hesitate to jump right in.

Misty can be seen sailing over the edge of the tub with ease in this clip as she fly’s through the shower curtain. Shower doors don’t even stop her, the clever pup knows how to open them with her mouth!

Once she’s in the tub she turns and looks up at her owner with the cutest expression on her face that’s just full of anticipation. She’s waiting for him to turn the tap on and the moment he does she attacks the water flowing out of it, biting and nipping wildly like a dog gone insane!

Check out the compilation of Misty bugging out over the shower, it will make you smile. Her reaction is the cutest and most hilarious one you’ll ever see of a dog actually wanting to take a shower!

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Scientists Are Warning People That This Type Of Milk Is Linked To Causing Cancer. I Had No Idea.

Do you remember those old “Milk. It does a body good” commercials and advertisements that used to be everywhere in the 80s? Back then milk was milk, it came from a cow and even if you hated it your mother forced you to choke a glass of it down!

These days milk is anything but straightforward and there are many different types beyond the traditional cow or goat’s milk on the market. People now have almond, hemp, rice, coconut, and soy milk varieties to choose from. Each has their own benefits and drawbacks, whether it’s the taste, price point, or the health benefits they provide. However, none has been more controversial than soy milk.

Soy milk is the number one most consumed type of soy-based food. Many lactose intolerant people use it as a milk substitute, vegans like it because they don’t want to drink milk produced by an animal, and some like it because it’s low in fat. While there are undoubtedly some nutritional benefits to soy milk, the negatives outweigh the positives.

Below is a sampling of the harmful effects soy has on your body and Dr. Josh Axe covers more points in the accompanying video. While you are free to decide what to put in your body, consider the reasons why soy milk is bad for your health before you drink another glass of it:

1) The majority of soybeans are genetically modified organisms (GMO)- According to statistics kept by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on the adoption of genetically engineered crops in America, 94% of soybeans were genetically modified in 2014 and 2015. This means the plants have had their DNA altered to make them herbicide tolerant so that they can be sprayed with Monsanto’s RoundUp, a pesticide product that kills weeds, and not be affected by the super toxic chemicals.

In effect, this has also made soybeans one of the most pesticide contaminated foods out there. There are many serious health risks posed by pesticides and herbicides to people, if you ingest them they can make you very sick.

2) Soy contains high levels of aluminum- Aluminum is believed to be a contributing factor to many degenerative brain diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, because it produces immense oxidative stress on our bodies. The toxic metal is absorbed and accumulates in our bone, liver, brain, and kidney tissue, which negatively impacts our entire body and the nervous system overall. In addition, soy based infant formula has been found to be worryingly high in aluminum and should be avoided whenever possible.

3) Soy contains isoflavones, biologically active compounds called phytoestrogens which look like estrogen and can thus activate estrogen receptors in the human body. Phytoestrogens can disrupt and depress thyroid function, alter normal estrogen levels, and interfere with endocrine function. They have also been causally linked to breast cancer in animal studies and an increase in levels of carcinogenic breast cells.

4) Soybeans contain anti-nutrients, including phytic acid- Anti-nutrients bind to minerals like calcium, iron, and zinc and makes them unavailable, or completely unusable, to our bodies. Phytic acid also inhibits digestive enzymes in our stomach and intestines, which may lead to problems and disruption.

5) Raw soybeans are poisonous- Soybeans must be cooked before eaten to eliminate the poisonous compounds found within them!

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Fisherman Is Reeling In A Huge Halibut. But He Never Saw This Deep Sea Thief Coming!

Most Sportsmen and women love to talk about the highlights of their chosen sport. Golfers talk about their best handicap, tennis players their greatest shot or match, and fishermen love to brag about their biggest catch. They sometimes exaggerate a bit about the actual size of the fish, but today with so many moments of our lives being videoed, the truth is verifiable!

For the fisherman in the video you are about to watch, the fact that the camera caught what happens to his prize catch, was certainly fortunate. Otherwise it might have sounded like one of those stories that gets exaggerated. His catch was stolen by an unlikely and amazing thief!

He was reeling in a huge halibut when out of nowhere a wily orca swooped in to grab his catch. He might have been more irritated, except that getting to see the magnificent orca close up was so exciting! Catching this on video was the ultimate prize that he got to share with all his friends and the rest of the world on the internet. It was certainly a highlight of his fishing life!

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If Your Eyelids Tend To Droop and Sag THIS Life Hack Is The Best Natural Way To Fix It.

Anyone who has eyelids that droop or sag knows just how much they can affect their appearance. The droopy skin makes people look tired and constantly worn out no matter how well-rested they may be. It causes them to appear older and the frustration doesn’t end there because it also makes it a lot harder to apply makeup!

The condition is most typically a natural result of aging for the majority of people, but in some cases it may be caused by disease, nerve damage, injury, or something else. Beyond invasive plastic surgery there’s not much you can do about sagging eyelids in terms of effective and affordable, but don’t give up hope just yet! Countless people have found that an easy, all-natural, and inexpensive home remedy works for them. Best of all, the only thing that you need to try it is one egg!

We all know the popular slogan “The Incredible, Edible Egg,” but not so many people are aware of just how useful eggs can be beyond cooking and eating them. They have been utilized in a variety of homemade beauty treatments for thousands of years and mixed up into all sorts of facial masks and hair treatments.

Egg based beauty blends are excellent for diminishing blemishes and scars, hydrating skin and hair, getting rid of blackheads, and preventing acne. They’re also effective at helping to tighten up the skin around the eye area, making it appear smoother and less droopy.

To do the egg white skin treatment at home simply crack open an egg and remove the yolk. An easy trick to separating the yolk from the white is to first crack it onto a plate, then take a clean empty water bottle and remove the cap. Squeeze some air out and use it the bottle to suck up the yolk.

Next, wash and deep clean your face. Make sure there is no trace of makeup left on or around your eyelids and gently pat dry your skin. Take the egg white and apply it onto your eyelids with a cotton swab. Be extra careful to avoid getting any in your eyes.

Also, it’s very important that you don’t skimp on the coverage or amount, be generous! Keep your eyes closed while you wait for the egg whites to completely dry and when that’s over rinse off the egg and wash your face. Pat dry again before applying your regular moisturizer or serum.

You should see results immediately and they typically last for a couple of days. Since the treatment is completely safe and all-natural you can do the above application once a week or every day if you’d like. It’s best to use it in conjunction with eye exercises that target and tighten saggy eyelids, which the accompanying video covers. This helps to further reduce wrinkles so definitely make sure to check it out.

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This Simple Life Hack Will To Stop Your Thighs From Getting Chafed This Summer!

CHAFING is caused when heat causes us to sweat, our thighs touch, causing this painful rash. As women, this can occur whether or not we are overweight, (although it has been nicknamed “Chub Rub”), as many women carry more weight in their thighs, so the tendency for skin-on-skin contact in this area is quite common. Not that many women have the good fortune of having thighs that don’t touch. The video you are about to watch below, offers several great tricks for preventing the pain of chafing from occurring this summer!

WHEN EXERCISING wearing shorts, leggings or any compression type material will prevent your thighs from touching and causing the pain of chafing. If you enjoy WEARING SKIRTS OR DRESSES, there is no need to skip them; wearing a bike short underneath will do the trick. Not only are they designed to wick moisture away from your skin, but they will keep your thighs from touching. A more appealing and prettier choice that is less bulky, are BANDELETTES which slip around your thighs to keep them from touching.

There are also creams, oils and ointments that can be applied for prevention, which won’t get on your clothes as they get absorbed into your skin. According to “Runner’s World”, any DIAPER RASH CREAM that contains ZINC OXIDE will protect your skin, just as it does for babies! ANTI-PERSPIRANT works, but there is a much better solution known as BODYGLIDE which you can get in sports stores or through Amazon. COCONUT OIL, the natural wonder, is a great solution that not only smells great but has anti-bacterial properties.

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If You Notice a Tennis Ball This Weekend Don’t Let Your Kids or Dog Touch It. The Reason Is Scary!

All around the country police and local law enforcement agencies are warning people about the potential dangers of discarded tennis balls that have essentially been turned into bombs. Dog owners and parents of young children in particular should be very wary of any stray tennis balls they see on the ground. That’s because a number of tennis balls have been found which were turned into homemade fireworks!

Law enforcement officials say people are taking objects that can hold explosives, like pipes and tennis balls, and making homemade firecrackers out of them. They remove the insides of fireworks and transfer the explosive materials into tennis balls they’ve cut open. However, sometimes the DIY fireworks are defective and don’t go off as planned. These duds get discarded and left behind on the ground, where anyone or any animal can happen upon them.

The danger un-exploded tennis ball bombs pose is real and lethal, they can go off and explode at any time. Unsuspecting people could fall victim to the bombs and lose fingers or a hand and pets, especially dogs, could die.

In Portland, Oregon back in 2000 a man walking his dog came across a tennis ball laying on the ground. He picked it up and carried it around before he eventually used the ball to play fetch with his dog. After throwing and retrieving it a few times the tennis ball suddenly exploded in the dog’s mouth, killing him. The force from the blast was reportedly felt by neighbors four blocks away and the poor dog lost his life because of it.

The accompanying video covers this news story and explains how to spot and identify a tennis ball bomb. They’re easy to spot and usually have a fuse sticking out and/or are wrapped in tape. If you ever come across a tennis ball that has clearly been tampered with don’t touch it and keep your dog far away. Call 911 immediately and report the location, it could end up saving someones life.

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This Woman Stacks Flower Pots Onto a Metal Rod. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

Vertical gardens are perfect for people who are low on horizontal space or for those who want fresh herbs and flowers close by. They are the best way to get the most use of a small space and if you live in an apartment or don’t have a yard they’re likely your best and only alternative!

Designs for vertical gardens range from simple and affordable to highly complex and prohibitively expensive. The ‘Tipsy Pots’ idea covered by Tamara Twist and seen here is one of the easier design types and it doesn’t require anything fancy to pull off. All you need are terracotta pots in a variety of sizes and rebar that’s thin enough to fit through the holes in the bottom of them.

There are two different versions of this planter that you can make. One is for yards, since it’s basically stuck into the ground, and the other one can be placed on decks and patios where it’s free-standing. If you plan on making the free-standing patio version you’ll also need cement to make the base that will hold the planter in place and keep it stable and upright.

The entire process is quick and easy for either version you end up making. For the free-standing type start by mixing up enough cement to fill a medium sized terracotta pot. Fill the pot up with cement and then place a piece of rebar measuring 3-4 feet in the center of it. To help keep the rebar straight and upright you should secure the top of it by taping it in place, preferably against a wall or fence, as shown in the video.

In a larger separate terracotta pot place approximately 3-4 inches of soil in the bottom. When the cement has set and hardened take that pot with the rebar in it and place it inside the larger one before filling the rest of the pot up with more soil.

Take another pot and thread it through the rebar, bringing it down until it touches the soil, then tip it so that the back edge of the rim rests firmly against the rebar. Do this with the next pot, but tip it in the opposite direction instead. Continue to add pots, alternating the direction they are tipped in, until you run out of rebar. All that’s left is to place your plants into the pots and you’re done!

To make a free-standing tipsy pot planter without a base simply hammer the rebar 2 feet into the ground. Make sure to that you leave about 3-5 feet sticking out above the ground and then you can begin to thread the pots down, as covered above.

These are so neat and convenient to have around. They put plants and herbs right at your door and are a clever use of simple materials that really catch the eye. Now is the perfect time to start making them so check out the tutorial and share this with friends and family who could use the idea!

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If You Eat Ramen Noodles THIS Is What Happens In Your Body!

Ramen noodles are among the most popular food items in the world thanks to their long shelf life and the fact that they’re cheap, delicious, and easy to make. The Chinese alone ate over 44 billion packets in 2014 according to statistics on the global demand for instant noodles compiled by the World Instant Noodles Association. In that same year Americans consumed over 4 billion packets and demand for the tasty noodles has remained relatively steady for years!

The vast majority of all those noodles being eaten are processed, but many people do make homemade, fresh versions of ramen as well. The processed kind has a far longer shelf life than non-processed noodles because it contains Tertiary-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ), a food additive that’s often used as a preservative. Many highly processed, bargain-priced foods contain TBHQ which happens to be a chemical byproduct of the petroleum industry. It’s also hard to digest, which is why a Massachusetts General Hospital doctor decided to conduct a small, informal study on the noodles.

Dr. Braden Kuo, a gastroenterologist, set out to document and compare how the human stomach digests fresh versus preserved ramen noodles. To help him do this a tiny camera called a “smart pill” was used by participants who swallowed them down along with their meal. The accompanying clip shows some of the footage captured inside of the stomachs trying to break down the fresh and processed noodles. As you can see, the comparison is striking at both the 20 minute and 2 hour intervals. Dr. Kuo explains the differences may indicate that the chemical preservatives and additives remain in the digestive tract for longer periods of time, but cautions that larger and more extensive studies need to be done to draw any real conclusions.

Of particular concern is the potential carcinogenic effect that TBHQ may have on human health. Existing studies that have been done involving TBHQ showed a correlation between high doses of the chemical and cancerous stomach tumors in lab animals. Even still, the chemical is approved for human consumption and considered safe, yet it’s true long-term health implications are relatively unknown.

Fresh food is always better for your body than any cheap, processed alternative option will ever be. Check out the video and let us know what you think!

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