If You Eat 12 Blueberries Everyday For a Month THIS Is What Happens To Your Body

You may have heard that blueberries are good for you, but you may not actually know why.  We are headed towards summer in when blueberries are in season; sweet and firm and packed with such healthy components that many consider these deep colored fruits a SUPER FOOD.

Packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories, this amazing fruit can help protect you from cancers and auto-immune diseases, and has a powerful effect on the rate of aging; it could be considered “The Fountain of Youth”.

You are about to watch a short video below, in which Mike Foster is both informative and amusing in his exaltation of the MIGHTY BLUEBERRY.  The footage was posted by “LiveLife365”.

Blueberries eaten daily have the ability to lower blood sugar, which does seem counterintuitive, given the fact that they are a sweet fruit; the fact that they have this benefit makes them a great ‘go-to’ for diabetics.

In addition to lowering cancer risks, blueberries improve eyesight and lower bad cholesterol.  The reason they are effective in maintaining a youthful appearance is due to the high levels of Manganese and Vitamins A and C, which promote collagen renewal.

For more details about this potent fruit, which has similar health benefits to that of almonds, listen to Foster’s take on the importance of having blueberries in your daily diet.  He covers both the mental and physical benefits, and his pitch will send you off to the grocery store to get some!

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Mom Set Up THIS Hidden Cam To See What Dad Does When She’s Gone. The Camera Caught THIS

image via – facebook.com

Nobody wants to give fathers a bad rap, but if mommy is the primary caretaker, she sometimes is a bit concerned about leaving the children with him for a prolonged period of time.  Well, anyway, this mama set up a hidden camera to see exactly what goes on in her absence and she had some concerns…

I don’t want to tell tales out of school, but one time I left my 2-year-old son home with hubby (many years ago) for a few hours, and came home to find dad asleep and the baby outside taking a walk!  All is well, son has grown up, but that was a scary moment!

The daddy in this video has been left in charge with his 3 year old daughter and her little baby sister.  We see the little daughter in front of a giant screen tv bopping along to a song with baby in the bouncy chair. Where is dad?  Well, don’t worry, this dad isn’t asleep.  He enters the scene, puts down a laundry basket and what ensues is hysterical!

This mom has nothing to worry about.  Without a self-conscious bone in his body he and his girls enjoy time together that is adorable and heartwarming.  So you think you can dance?  Watch this loving pop in action. His little ones are the apple of his eye and his main priority.  Giggling and fun abound!

Watch the video below and enjoy! 🙂

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Baby Yells ‘I Love You Daddy’ For 2 Min As He Leaves For Work. When Dad Finally Reacts PRICELESS!

When children are very young, their sense of time is limited, making separation from those they love hard. Even though toddlers, like little Colton in this adorable video, know that their Daddy will return home from work, saying goodbye for 2 minutes is his way of holding on. You will see why this heartwarming footage, posted by “Break Clips”, has gone viral!

Daddy is going to work in his truck, on this particular day, and Colton is waddling around in only his diaper, when his father encourages him to come give him a kiss goodbye. Mommy is in the background, as this little munchkin realizes daddy is leaving. As he goes over to give his father a kiss goodbye, you can see the realization hit him that daddy is leaving, and then the floodgates of his goodbyes and “I love you Daddy”, open up.

Starting my day watching this precious footage, has been ‘just what the doctor ordered; it brought me back to the days of my own little boy’s magical attachment to his daddy and just filled me up with the “feel good” potion of family attachment and love; “Parting is such sweet sorrow.” I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

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Do You Have a Constant Itch In Your Ear? THIS Is What It Means..

One of the worst possible areas to get an itch is inside your ear. If you’ve ever experienced this then you know exactly how insane it can make you feel. All you want to do is itch the darn spot but you simply cannot reach it! It’s torturous and makes you wonder why your ears even itch in the first place, after all it’s kind of an odd spot.

Itchy ears may be caused by several different things. Some people are naturally predisposed to having them because the neurological fibers that line their ears are highly sensitive. This increased sensitivity can lead to more frequent feelings of itchiness, as compared to the average person. Another factor that causes it is dry skin. Everyone knows how flaky and itchy dry skin feels and oftentimes a lack of ear wax can lead to the insides of our ears feeling very uncomfortable.

Our ears are naturally sensitive even if you don’t have the extra-sensitive fibers mentioned above. As such, any disturbance or sudden change can lead to a person developing itchy ears. Some of the most common causes include ear infections, allergic reactions, irritation brought on by a hearing aid or headphones, too much water in the ear, and even psoriasis can trigger the unwanted feelings.

The accompanying video goes over these and additional causes in greater detail so be sure to check it out. While most people’s itchy ears are minor and clear up on their own, some may be a cause for concern. If other symptoms accompany them such as bleeding, intense pain, discharge, draining, or hearing loss, you should consult a doctor immediately in case it’s because of something more serious.

While your first reaction may be to stick something in your ear to try and itch the spot, that’s the worst thing you could do. Whenever you stick anything into your ears you’re making them dirtier and increasing the odds of developing an ear infection or potentially something even worse.

Every year there are countless numbers of people who injure and damage their inner ears because they stick things, usually Q-tips, way too forcibly and far up them. Yet people continue to stick things in their ears in vain attempts to scratch their itch. Doing this is ineffective and just pushes any wax that may be in the ear canal further up into it, thereby increasing the potential for build up and blockage. Whatever you do, don’t use Q-tips to try and clean or itch your ears!

Instead, try one of the following all-natural and effective home remedies to treat a minor case of itchy ears:

Warm Oil- You can use the following oils to relieve itchy ears; olive, coconut, vegetable, diluted tea tree, or coconut. Warm up about a teaspoon full to a comfortable temperature and then use a dropper to place a few drops in your ear. Tilt your head to clear the oil out after a minute or two and clean up the excess oil.

Hydrogen Peroxide- Mix equal parts water and hydrogen peroxide. Tilt your head to one side and use a dropper to place some in your ear. Tilt your head back and allow the liquid to run out, repeat if necessary, and dab up the remaining liquid as it drips out.

Aloe Vera- Place 3-5 drops of aloe vera in your ear, allow it to sit there for a few seconds, then tip out. The Aloe vera will coat the inner ear and help to restore pH levels back to normal. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and thus helps soothe and heal irritated, dry, itchy ears!

Alcohol and Vinegar- Mix equal parts rubbing alcohol and distilled white vinegar in a small bowl. Soak a cotton ball in the liquid and then tilt your head so that the ear you want to treat faces upwards. Gently squeeze the cotton ball to release a few drops into the ear opening and wait 5-10 seconds. Straighten your head and dab up the remaining liquid as it drips out with a tissue. Don’t overuse this one because rubbing alcohol can end up drying out ears.

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They Refused To Cut Their Hair For 18 Years. But After Getting Made Over Their Transformation Is STUNNING

With each passing year comes a new hairstyle trend and different looks are always going in and out of fashion. Many of us love getting our haircut and visit the salon regularly to keep our locks not only strong and healthy, but our appearance up-to date as well. It’s just one of those things in life that we have to do to!

However, there are a few rare souls out there in the world who never cut their hair, or rather, they let years pass between trims. Tim and Wendy White used to be those people, aka the ones who manage to not cut their hair in decades! The two grew up in the 80s and they happen to absolutely love the whole rock ‘n’ roll lifestyle. In fact, they have embraced the culture so much that they even made a pact with each other to keep their hair as long and big as possible, a la the iconic 80s glam rock style!

The couple managed to rock their outdated 80s hair way past its prime and by 2003 their friends had had enough. Intervening on behalf of the Whites, they called up Oprah and told her all about the couple’s long hair story. Intrigued, Oprah invited them on her show to give them one of her classic makeovers and as you can see in the accompanying video, they are both long overdue for a cut!

The couple was interviewed before and after they went under the scissors in order to get their takes on how they really felt about their hair and looks. In her interview before her appearance on the show Wendy revealed that the last time she had a haircut was in 1992 and if you think that’s bad, Tim’s last one was in 1985! Wendy also said that she believed her hair made her look about 6-11 years older than what she actually was, while Tim said his hair aged him by 7-17 years. Even though at the time he was only 43 years old, he thought that he looked about 50-60 years old!

The two were both well aware that they needed to make a change, but they also needed professional help! That’s where Oprah and her team of experts and specialists came in. They took Wendy and Tim in under their wing and turned them into completely different looking people! You have to check out the big reveal to see the before and after, their transformation is like night and day. It’s amazing how much of a huge difference a simple haircut can make.

The best part of all comes at the end when Tim sees Wendy for the first time, his reaction is so cute and sweet. Heck, even the audience was gasping in shock by the new, revamped looks. This is one of those feel-good moments Oprah is known for, so be sure to watch the magic happen.

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He Thinks He’s About To Catch A Normal Fish. But What He Pulls Up Is An Unexpected Surprise!

Anyone who has spent some time with fisherman have heard stories about the biggest fish they almost caught. The stories usually go like this, “For hours I was reeling him in, then right at the last second, the monster broke away.” The ‘Big Fish’ stories are legendary and always fun to listen to but with today’s technology we can now capture these incredible moments on our smartphones and cameras to see the proof of these tales!

In the following video, a man in a kayak was fishing in Cape Coral, Florida. This place is known as the fishing capitol of the world. Fisherman travel from far and wide to catch everything from deep sea fishing to freshwater canals, and everything in between.

What this man pulls out of the water is larger than an NBA player.  He reels in an enormous Goliath fish!  This is the same fish that King David defeated in the bible.  This particular fish was over 7 feet and weighed 552 pounds.  This is thought to be the largest fish ever caught on a small kayak.

This species of fish is protected under law and was later released, after it was weighed and measured.  Enjoy the video and let us know about the size of biggest fish you ever caught!

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Rooster Avoided and Refused To Go In The Chicken Coop Every Evening. The Reason Tore My Heart Up

When a rooster named Poodle Roo was acting off his keepers at Apricot Lane Farms in Moorpark, California took note. He wasn’t behaving in the customary way, like how a normal rooster would act, and every night he’d leave the warm safety of the chicken coop to head out into the wide open fields to sleep!

Night after night workers would go out looking for him in the dark and they’d always find Poodle Roo roosting all alone on the cold ground. This was dangerous and farm owner John Chester was worried about the little guy when he explained that “Roosters are meant to be the confident protectors of the flock, but no rooster is a match for what lurks at night.” In order to keep Poodle Roo safe and secure the farm staff ended up making him a special place to bunk at night in the barn away from the other chickens.

However, the question remained as to why he would rather stay outside in the dark all by himself than in the warm, safe coop with all the other chickens? Mr. Chester, who also happens to be an award winning filmmaker, decided to get to the bottom of it and attempted to reintroduce Poodle Roo back with the rest of the flock. So late one evening the rooster was placed in the coop in the hopes that the others would accept him. They did not, instead all of the other roosters attacked him until he nearly bled to death.

Everyone was taken aback by the sad turn of events and worked around the clock to nurse him back to health. They cleaned his wounds, kept him warm, and prayed he’d recover from the horrible ordeal he went through. Miraculously the little rooster bounced right back and in no time at all he’d healed and made a full recovery.

Around this time it was also discovered that Poodle Roo was partially deaf and blind. The new information shed some light on why he kept running away and was picked on. As Mr. Chester so heartbreakingly put it, “In the mind of this defenseless creature, sleeping alone in the pasture was the safer option.”

In true survivor fashion, Poodle Roo grew even stronger from everything he’d been through and came out a more confident rooster than he ever was before. He also started helping out other injured or sick chickens who were brought in to Apricot Lane Farms for recovery. He showed the newbies all the good spots for finding food around the property and patiently waited alongside them if they were weak or limping. Not only that, he also made friends with a lonely barn cat on the farm and is now known as the barn nurse among staff and visitors!

Poodle Roo is a true inspiration. Through all the bullying, fighting, and loneliness he didn’t get bogged down in feeling bad for himself and never once did he give up. In the end he came out stronger and better than ever, and he chose to help others through the scary, lonely times they were facing. It’s amazing what a difference one partially deaf and blind rooster can make and in the lives of those who know him he’s made the world a much better place.

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described Her Parrot’s Afternoon Ritual. So She Caught THIS!

Parrots are among the most intelligent species of birds in the world and lots of them share a special bond with their human companions. The exotic, beautifully colored birds are quite clever and many are able to pick up words and expressions from simply being around their owners. Besides being fun and endearing companions, they’re also complex creatures who require a lot of love, attention, and training to be happy and truly thrive!

Marnie, the beautiful blue feathered parrot with a distinctive black line circling his neck in this video, is proof of just how loving and affectionate parrots often act. The blue Indian Ringneck, a parrot subspecies, knows a thing or two about how to sweet talk a lady and in this case it’s his owner and best friend. When he spots her across the room he flies right on over, lands on her shoulder, and politely asks “What are you doing?” before telling her “You’re so cute!”

The pair chat for a little and when his owner asks for a kiss he obliges and says “Thank you.” This may be the cutest conversation you’ll ever see as they go on to shower each other with tender words and a few more kisses! It’s clear that Marnie is loving the attention being paid to him and it’s always wonderful to see the mutual love and affection being shared between owners and their pets. These two are a match made in heaven!

According to his mom, there are a few other phrases Marnie knows in addition to “you’re so cute,” “what are you doing,” and “thank you.” He also says “peek-a-boo,” “whee!,” “bye-bye,” “that good?,” “quack quack,” and “yuck, yuck, yuck.” She says that he’s always been a lover from day one, and always asks for kisses, which is why she describes him as a “polite Casanova.”

Check him out! You can’t help but smile and fall in love with what an awesome, well-spoken, and polite parrot Marnie is!

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