Little Boy Gets His Hands On Daddy’s Clippers. But When He Turns Around A Hysterical Surprise!

Kids get into all sorts of trouble when they’re growing up. They often don’t mean to misbehave, it’s just that they still have a lot to learn about the world and right from wrong. Even so, some of the situations they manage to get themselves into are simply unbelievable… and hilarious! Parents are well aware that if you don’t watch your little ones closely, you may end up with a big mess on your hands or something that’s really embarrassing, like a strange new haircut. Kids are famous for giving themselves home haircuts and experimenting with new dos but usually the outcomes are less than impressive. In fact, sometimes they are absolutely hideous!

Case in point is the poor little boy in this video. He decided to take his dad’s razor and shave the hair on his head clean off. However, he only managed to shave about half of his head towards the front. The back part was still all there and the hair fully intact, which made his new haircut look pretty strange and seriously hilarious! Can you imagine your child coming up to you with hair like this?!

The poor kid knows he messed up and is clearly sorry. He cries up at the camera and promises “I’ll never touch daddy’s razor again!” in his cutest, most innocent voice. I know it’s not nice to laugh at someone, especially a child, but come on, you can’t help but giggle at this kids haircut. It’s just too funny! Plus, the terrible cut can easily be fixed, all dad has to do is shave the rest of his head. At least now the boy learned his lesson and won’t touch his father’s razor ever again!

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She Rubs a Fresh Tomato On Her Face For 2 Minutes 2x a Week. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Acne, pimples, blackheads, oily skin, redness, dark spots, wrinkles. If you have any one of the aforementioned skin issues then this homemade facial scrub is for you. It brightens skin and tightens pores as it helps to clear up acne, pimples, and blackheads while working to help fade acne scare and those unsightly dark spots on skin!

Plus, it’s anti-aging and helps fight wrinkles while leaving skin soft and smooth. This treatment is among the most beneficial ones you’re likely to ever come across and it all comes down to a few simple, inexpensive, and easy to find ingredients, the main one being tomatoes!

Tomatoes are rich in antioxidants and those help combat the effects of harmful free radicals in our bodies, which damage and age our skin and bodies. When topically applied, a tomato has the ability to stop skin damage on a cellular level. In addition, tomatoes contain a large variety of vitamins and nutrients that help tighten and nurture skin, including vitamins A, C, K, E, B1, B2, B3, and B6.

However, the real power of the tomato lies in its juice which can effectively balance skin’s pH levels. Tomato juice is acidic and this acidity can help naturally dry out oily pores and acne spots, thus reducing breakouts severity and preventing them in the first place.

If you want to take the easiest route all you have to do it cut a tomato in half. Rub the tomato all over for your face for 2 minutes, rinse and voila.  This is a great way to treat small breakouts and little pimples if you don’t have a lot of time on your hands.

The accompanying video from StarNaturalBeauties covers more information on the topic and it goes over how to make the homemade tomato scrub. The ingredients and instructions on how to apply it are covered below, so check it out and give this all-natural treatment a try!

To make the tomato facial scrub shown in the video take a ripe red tomato and cut it in half. Squeeze the juice from one of the halves into a small bowl and be sure to use at least one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice.

Add about ¾ tablespoon of granulated sugar to the bowl and mix it up well. This mixture works best for oily skin, but for sensitive or combination type skin you should add a ½ teaspoon of honey, and for dry skin further add a ½ teaspoon of coconut or almond oil.

Before you apply the facial scrub first steam your skin. Simply heat a pot of water on the stove and when it’s hot enough to produce and give off a light mist of constant steam place your face a safe distance above it. The steam will open up your pores and make it easier for the tomato scrub to work it’s magic at cleaning out more of the oil, dirt, and dead skin cells that are blocking them.

When you’re done steaming, have the scrub ready and apply it all over your face and neck. Gently work it into skin for two minutes, then leave it on for another two minutes, before rinsing it off with room temperature water. It’s important to use room temperature water because it helps to close your pores and tighten skin up. Finally, pat dry your face and and then apply some moisturizer.

This tomato scrub can and should be applied at least two times every week. It’s all natural and won’t cost you more than a few dollars to make. For some of us out there this beauty tip could change our appearance, and lives, for the better. So grab a tomato, juice it, mix in the other stuff, smear some on your face, and be amazed at how such an unlikely solution actually works!

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If You Have An Annoying Cowlick In Your Hair It Could Actually Save Your Life

I’ve always worn bangs, in part because I have this annoying cowlick in the front of my hairline. Somehow it has helped me to manage the awkward angle of hair growth, that is always a challenge to hair styling.  Cowlicks just seem to have a mind of their own, that is oppositional to the way the rest of your hair grows..

Why is it called a cowlick you may ask?  Apparently when cows lick their calves, it causes the hair to swirl in an unruly manner, thus the coining of the term “cowlick” for unruly human hair.  They are extremely common; in fact Brad Pitt is famous for his.  Who would ever think that the frustrating cowlick would have an incredible silver lining…in fact a blessing in disguise.  Amazingly, a recent study has discovered that the genes linked to cowlicks may have THE POWER TO SAVE LIVES!

The researchers at Michigan State University have discovered that the “polarity genes” that are linked to cowlicks, may hold the key to finding a CURE FOR CANCER!  The video you are about to watch below goes into a deeper explanation of how polarity genes are vital for proper cell operation. The polarity genes also cause parts of the body to grow in oppositional patterns, such as the unruly hair growth in a cowlick.

So, what in the world does this have to do with fighting cancer?  Polarity genes are organized in the body by a protein that has been known to suppress certain tumors.  Strangely enough, the DNA of humans and fruit flies is almost identical, so the researchers at MSU used fruit flies to make the connection between the polarity gene protein and cowlicks.

Because of the genetic similarities between humans and fruit flies, these researchers will be able to test the theory that people who don’t have this protein or too little of it, puts them at risk, for their cells not being able to fight off the viruses which cause cancers.  Restoring this protein in patients lends hope to a new kind of chemotherapy which will lead to a much higher cure rate across many types of cancer.  The video below will help to connect all these dots, that may be a breakthrough discovery in the fight against cancer.

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She Rubs Peanut Butter All Over Her Legs 2x Per Week. The Reason Is Brilliant.

It has been well established that peanut butter has many health benefits, however, the multitude of common home and life problem solutions it offers, are not as well known!  The video you are about to watch below will include some of the hacks discussed, as well as others that can be of great help in our everyday lives.

I, certainly, have never heard that peanut butter is the solution to removing gum!  This is often a kid problem, but could happen to anyone…whether it gets stuck in hair, the carpet, your sheets, under a table or in a pool drain!  All you have to do is spread a thin layer of peanut butter onto the stuck gum, leave it there for 5-10 minutes, and then wipe off with a damp cloth…PRESTO MAGIC the GUM is UNSTUCK!

This next one is really great!  We are big fish eaters in our house, which is nice and healthy, but I can’t stand that lingering fishy stink.  I open windows and light scented candles (which is not really healthy) but the fish smell somehow lingers.  Apparently cooking a tablespoon of peanut butter in a frying pan for 2-4 minutes gets RID of any UNWANTED HOUSEHOLD ODORS!

I can’t believe that a thin layer of creamy peanut butter is capable of getting rid of small scratches on all things leather!  Whether you have a scratch on leather furniture, clothing or accessories, rubbing the peanut butter in a circular motion REPLENISHES and CLEANS the natural oils of all your LEATHER goods without damage.

The same way that it replenishes leather, peanut butter is full of natural oils that act as a powerful MOISTURIZER for your SKIN.  In fact, it can be used as a SHAVING CREAM, that not only moisturizes but protects your skin from getting nicked by a razor!

If you have a sticky door or window, you don’t need to spend money in a hardware store on something potentially harmful to inhale.  Peanut butter to the rescue again…it can “UNSQUEAK” anything in your house!

It’s just awful when wood around your house, on floors, cabinets, tables or any furniture, gets scratched.  You’ve spent good money and don’t want unsightly scratches to ruin your treasured belongings.  Leaving a thin layer of creamy peanut butter on SCRATCHES IN WOOD, for one hour before wiping it off with a soft clean cloth, will cause the scratch to DISAPPEAR!

Who doesn’t hate dealing with the STICKY RESIDUE OF PRICE LABELS?!  Peanut butter applied for mere seconds will remove all of the label, after wiping it off with a cloth.  Although intuitively, rubbing peanut butter into your scalp seems a bit gross, doing this will leave you with a shine and texture to your HAIR like no other!  The natural oils get infused into your hair…just be sure to thoroughly shampoo it out!  For a discussion of these and some OTHER incredible PEANUT BUTTER HACKS watch the VIDEO below.

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These Humans Get a Huge Surprise When They Realize What Their Raccoon Is Actually Washing!

So, apparently having Raccoons as pets, is a normal thing in Russia!!  This being said, due to this hilarious video that has gone viral on YouTube, you are about to learn something about these normally wild creatures, that you would otherwise never be aware of.  The action takes place in a Russian couple’s apartment.

The couple knows that their pet raccoon is a CLEAN FREAK!  To satisfy his need to wash stuff, they have provided him with a small bucket, in which he is initially washing some of his toys. Then they discover he has added a few other items that they don’t want in water.  They promptly remove the things, that they don’t want this industrious critter using, as a part of his cleaning activity.

Clearly, Mr. Racoon is none too pleased that they have removed some of the objects, that he is keen on cleaning.  You will be amazed at how incredibly dextrous his paws are, as he absorbs himself in the task at hand.  The man continues filming his pet, with great pride and fun, in capturing his surprising finesse and passion for cleaning.  All is funny and light, until the couple realizes that after taking away some of the stuff the raccoon was cleaning, he replaced it with one of their prized possessions…watch the freak out!!

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This Parrot Discovers a Paper Towel Laying On The Ground. How He Reacts is HILARIOUS!

If you are a parent or have taken care of little children, you know that going out and buying tons of toys, simply isn’t necessary when they are quite young.  They can be kept occupied for hours with a pot and wooden spoon,  the cardboard tube left over from a paper towel, or the best is an empty cardboard box!  Kids are so imaginative and can become enthralled and creative with the simplest of objects.

Well, it seems that Parrots have this same childlike ability.  Perhaps the smartest species of birds that exist, Parrots’ abilities have captivated human beings interest for many years.  Particularly fascinating, is their ability to imitate human speech.   With a concerted effort at training, they seem to have boundless abilities at learning tricks, due to their outstanding memories and capacity for recall.

All this being said, in the video you are about to watch below, a parrot named Little Bird exhibits some moves that required no training at all.  We get to watch this adorable little guy enjoying the simple joys of playing… as creatively as a young child with a cardboard box.   Little Bird’s antics, with a simple piece of paper towel, is both hilarious and adorable.  First you will feel yourself smiling, before you start laughing out loud…I’ve watched this 4 times and just can’t stop GIGGLING even though I know what’s coming.  Watching Little Bird in action, could be the greatest antidepressant yet!  Honestly, he could take this little routine on the road…he gives a whole new meaning to the word CUTE and the phrase “Ahhhh the simple joys of life”!

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He Starts Filming Dark Clouds Rolling In. But Watch What Happens To The City Below

Imagine watching a thunderstorm off in the distance. Everything appears normal but suddenly you see a wave of rain and air burst down from the clouds. The column of precipitation appears out of nowhere and races rapidly towards earth, pulling down even more moisture as it goes.

Seconds later all of that rain violently hits the ground and with nowhere else to go it fans out across the surrounding area. The immense force of the impact causes winds traveling at speeds of up to 170 mph to shoot out and curl up and around, resulting in turbulence that is chaotic, intense, and destructive. In fact, the turbulence can be so violent and extreme that it’s been known to take down passenger jets and has been attributed to several plane crashes over the years.

The unusual account above describes what you are about to see in this amazing footage of a microburst. A wet microburst is a relatively rare weather phenomenon that occurs when a rush of cool air and rain falls to the ground at high speed during a thunderstorm. The clip featured here was captured by Bryan Snider, a storm chaser and photographer, in the skies over Tucson, Arizona. He time lapsed the footage to accentuate nature its most powerful and to emphasize the rapid changes that occur in weather. Check it out and marvel at the sight, it’ll blow you away!

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Strange Animal Seen Creeping Around Woman’s Backyard and The Species Has Finally Been Determined

If you spotted this strange, mutant looking creature in your backyard would you scream and run away or take a picture of it? The woman who found the creepy, snake-like, two-headed thingy had both of those reactions and she even called her friends over to take a look at it. Naturally she wanted to know what the heck it was she was dealing with because you don’t see something like this everyday..

Lujan Eroles filmed the odd little creature in her Santa Fe, Argentina driveway and when she was still unsure as to what exactly it was, she posted it social media. According to Lujan, she and her friends “all thought it was a mutant animal, which is why we filmed it and put it online for people to give us their opinions.” The post has since gone viral and the answer as to what the creature is has been narrowed down to two possible answers, neither of which include any mutants!

The main explanation that people seem to agree on is that it’s either one of two caterpillars which are native to where Lujan lives in Argentina. The first one is what’s known scientifically as Eumorpha labruscae which is also more commonly called a gaudy sphinx. When in the larval stage the caterpillars look like mini-snake heads, as you can see in the picture, and after they pupate they transform into moths as adults.

The second possibility is that the caterpillar is a different type of moth, Deilephila elpenor, aka an elephant hawk-moth. These moths also display a snake-like appearance as a means to ward off predators, mainly birds, and to keep from being eaten. The color patterns and placement resemble serpent scales, while the black patches give it eyes on both ends. The creepy look is all part of the little caterpillar’s first line of defense and without it they’d be plucked up by a hungry bird!

Regardless of whatever species caterpillar this snake-worm insect creature belongs to, it’s ugly and creepy up close and it’s not anything I’d want crawling on me. Make sure you check it out and weigh in with your opinion as to what type of caterpillar you think it is!

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