They Heard Strange Noises Coming From The Attic. They Set Up A Hidden Camera and Caught THIS

When it comes to ghosts and spirits people are generally split into two categories; those who believe in them and those who do not. Many people say “seeing is believing” but that doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to paranormal activity. A lot of people view whatever evidence there is of spirits, ghosts, and apparitions with preconceived notions that it’s all not real.

It is too easy to write off the many photos, documents, first hand accounts, and videos as either forgeries, lies, or doctored images and tapes. In this day and age people need to rationalize and explain everything, and since paranormal activity is not truly understood, any possible proof of it is quickly disregarded as manipulated, set up, or photo-shopped.

One thing that is for certain is that strange things seem to happen in home basements or attics. It seems like spirits and ghosts prefer those spots over any other rooms in the house. Maybe the dark, quiet spaces are better suited for paranormal needs.

Regardless of whatever the reason is, those places are scary enough on their own, especially when you have an overactive imagination. However, when you notice that something strange is indeed happening in your attic, you naturally want to get to the bottom of it. After all, it’s very disconcerting to hear noises or activity coming from a part of your home that should be empty.

Plus, what if there is an animal living up there, you can’t just ignore it. When Donna and Revan Smith noticed that something strange was happening in their attic they naturally checked it out. Seeing no evidence of animals or any obvious signs that could point to the source of the noises they kept hearing at night, they assumed it was perhaps a ghost.

So they set up a camera in the attic in hopes of catching whatever it was in action and placed what they termed “3 trigger objects” in view of the lens to see if the spirit would interact with them. You can see the items in the clip, they are a ball, a flashlight, and a creepy looking doll.

With everything set up and in place the Smith’s switched the camera on and retreated to their bedroom which is located right below the attic. They’d set up the camera feed so that it played live through their TV and they could see everything happening in real time.

Seeing if they could get a reaction, Donna asked any spirit that may be present to give them a sign. Unbelievably, a spirit or ghost or something responded by switching on the flashlight they’d left. The ghost then turned it off, and Donna asked if could do it again.

You can see the flashlight turn back on a second time and then off. According to the video comments, the flashlight was an LED type, which do not turn on and off by themselves. Thus, a force that cannot be explained appears to be turning the flashlight on and off!

Whether or not you believe in ghosts, this video evidence is too good to simply ignore. Check it out and decide whether or not you think the event captured is the work of a ghost or something else…

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Vet Saves Paralyzed Dog’s Life By Noticing Something Strange On His Ear Right Before He Was Going To Be Put Down

When Falline Fate’s dog Ollie suddenly started showing signs of health problems she immediately took him to the vet for a check up. The ten year old Border Collie was experiencing mobility issues that were getting worse with each passing day. Seeing him struggle to walk and stand was breaking her heart and she was naturally very concerned about her pets health.

The reason for the dog’s rapid deterioration was a mystery, up until recently he had been active and healthy his whole life. The vet had found no indications of head trauma or broken bones and cancer was ruled out as well. Soon Ollie’s condition had progressed to the point where he was completely unable to move and he’d stopped going to the bathroom. With his quality of life so low and no improvement in sight, the Fate family decided that it was time to put him down.

They brought Ollie to the vet for his final visit and were waiting with him when an intern noticed a tiny black speck on the back of his ear. Upon closer inspection the spot turned out to be a dog tick. The doctor realized that the tick could be the cause for Ollie’s unexplained paralysis and within a few hours he had his answer. Ollie was rapidly regaining his mobility and already up on his feet moving around. His illness had been tick borne and he was finally diagnosed with tick paralysis.

Tick paralysis is an extremely rare condition that results when a lot of specific conditions are met. Only a few types of ticks actually carry and transmit the neurotoxin that causes the paralysis and it must be a female, on the dog for 5-10 days, and even then it may not cause anything.

Luckily the one on Ollie was spotted just in the nick of time and he was spared certain death. He’s now back at home living his old happy life and his story is getting out there so that others know the importance of thoroughly checking not only themselves, but also their pets for ticks. If you ever do find a tick, here’s how to properly remove it:

All you need is a cotton swab, water and good lighting. Take the cotton swab and quickly dip it in water to slightly moisten the tip, which will help make it glide smoothly along the skin. Place the cotton swab tip on the back of the tick so that it’s slightly angled, and not directly over it. Push the tick around in circles so that it rotates around it’s axis, or hypostome which is its mouth part. After about 3-5 rotations the tick should release its bite and back itself out of the skin. Now you should be able to pick up the tick with the end of the cotton swab and can dispose of it properly. Also, you’ll want to try and remove it as soon as possible, the quicker you can get its head out of your skin the better, because doing so greatly reduces the chances of infection.

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She Rubs Baking Soda Under Her Eyes For 5 Minutes 3x Per Week. The End Result Is STUNNING!

I really don’t know anyone who hasn’t woken up with that awful puffiness under their eyes, that can sometimes takes many hours to go away.  This is unbelievably frustrating and unsightly when you have to be somewhere important in the morning!

It turns out there is an easy remedy, probably sitting right there in your kitchen, that will work wonders to rapidly “de-puff” your swollen eyes…BAKING SODA!  According to “All About Vision” baking soda is safe for use near your eyes, and will quickly help you to walk out the door looking fresh and rested.

Baking soda, otherwise known as sodium bicarbonate, contains sodium, hydrogen and carbon.  One teaspoon of baking soda has about 1,000 milligrams of sodium; it is this high level of sodium that is the key to reducing swelling around the eyes.  Because water follows sodium, it enables the water to be drawn back into your body, thus reducing the external swelling, according to “LiveStrong”.

The video below, contains an easy-to-follow tutorial for making the baking soda mixture and appropriately applying it to your swollen areas under your eyes, for a quick remedy for reducing your puffiness and going on with your day.

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If You Mix These 4 Natural Ingredients To Make THIS You Will Get Rid Of All Mosquitoes For Good!

There is so much that is wonderful about spring and summer…just the sheer freedom of being outdoors, unencumbered by heavy clothing, swimming, barbecuing, picnics…I could go on and on.  Not only do we create new happy summer memories, but so many of the highlights of our lives come back to us when we think about summers past.

I myself, love gardening and sunshine, but my husband loves sitting outside on a summer night under the stars.  Sounds good, right?  Unfortunately for both of us, I am one of those people whom mosquitoes are attracted to, and they completely leave him alone.  I’ve tried citronella candles, and ultimately submit to lathering myself in chemicals that repel them, but doing that seriously BUGS ME!  I don’t like putting chemicals on my skin, so it kind of takes the joy out of the peaceful summer night under the stars.

When I came upon this really easy DIY for an all-natural mason jar bug repellant, I was intrigued because it contained all the scents I love, and claimed that for some reason this combination is abhorrent to mosquitoes.  Since I had all the ingredients in my house already: MASON JARS, LEMONS, LIMES, WATER, FRESH ROSEMARY, LAVENDER ESSENTIAL OIL and TEA CANDLES…I figured it was worth giving it a try.  I made three of them and sat outside in the evening several times this week and it worked!!!

Watch the video below, for exact instructions on how to make these.  Not only do they look lovely, but the scent they give off is pure freshness, and the bugs detest the smell!  This works great for any summertime outdoor activity where you are “Bugged by Bugs”, and it is a great natural way to make outdoor living a pleasure.

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Guilty Dog Gets Caught By His Mom For Knocking Over The Trash. What He Does Next Is Hilarious!

Dogs love getting into garbage cans because there are usually tasty treats in them, and most always do it when no human is around.  “Man’s and Woman’s Best Friend” do it over and over, even though they like pleasing their owner…the question is why?

When you watch this adorably funny video of Matzo being found in the vicinity of the overturned trash, it sure looks like he is guilty…but is it really guilt?  Melissa walks into the kitchen and questions him, in a half stern, half amused voice (actually giggling at times).

Melissa can’t help but laugh, and so will you, when you see the sweet dog’s reaction to the confrontation.  Many dog pros say that the seemingly guilty (and funny) reaction to dog mischief like Matzo’s, really has more to do with understanding he has displeased Melissa.

In actuality, he doesn’t make the association as to why, unless he were to be caught in the act and reprimanded.  The delicious enjoyment of the scraps in the garbage always keeps him going back to do it again, even though he doesn’t like being scolded.  So, I guess you could say Matzo feels guilty, but he has no idea why!

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This Recipe Is All Natural and Will Remove All Your Unwanted Facial Hair With No Pain!

Unwanted facial hair is a beauty issue that countless women, and even some men, have to deal with. The peachy fuzz and upper-lip hairs are commonly viewed as unsightly and unattractive, which is why people are willing to try a range of methods to remove it. The majority tend to use inexpensive waxes and different creams or gels to dissolve whiskers away, while some people spend thousands of dollars on laser hair removal.

There is an endless supply of products and treatments being touted as effective at getting rid of unwanted facial hair. However, lots of them are either ineffective, extremely painful, full of harsh chemicals, or prohibitively expensive. Some may even damage the fragile skin on our faces and end up causing more irritation and harm than good.

If you want an affordable, easy, and completely all-natural way to remove facial hair then try this simple homemade face mask from beauty blogger Himani Wright. It’s safe for all skin types and works to effectively remove peach fuzz on your cheeks, forehead, and neck areas. Best of all, if you use this regularly it will eventually get rid of facial hair completely and permanently. Here’s what you’ll need:

½ teaspoon of extra virgin, cold pressed coconut oil
3 tablespoons of wholemeal flour
A splash of water

Begin by massaging the coconut oil into your skin, making sure to cover your entire face. Coconut oil makes an excellent base moisturizer because it has anti-fungal properties and contains protective things your skin loves, like antioxidants and other nutrients. Next, mix 3 tablespoons of wholemeal flour with enough water to form the thick, pasty consistency shown in the video. Apply the mask onto your face in a downwards stroke and allow it to dry. After approximately 10 minutes remove the mask by rubbing your face in a gentle upward and outward type of motion, refer to the video for more on this.

Once most of the mask is off wash your face with water and pat dry with a towel. Apply a toner (or cold green tea works) to all treated areas, which will close up pores and protect your skin’s health. Finally, the last step is to finish with an application of moisturizer. This treatment may be done twice a week for four weeks straight, with a minimum gap of two days in-between applications. After a month reduce to once a week for as long as it takes facial hair to lessen and disappear.

This is definitely one of the most simple and all-natural ways to remove hair and it won’t cost you more than a few dollars to make. For some of us this beauty tip could change our appearance, and lives, for the better. So rifle through your kitchen, whip up a mask, and be amazed at how such an unlikely solution actually works!

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Dad Slices Open A Wasps Nest In Front of Them. What He Reveals Inside Is So Awesome!

There is something so mysterious and intriguing about what lies inside of things that we are usually not privy to.  Dan and his son Lincoln have created a YouTube Channel named, “What’s Inside”, where they open up all kinds of things together to discover what lies inside.  In the video you are about to watch below, we join them in discovering what lurks inside of a WASP’S NEST!

Obviously they were not going to go near a live nest, so they ordered one that was no longer inhabited, from eBay.  I find it so admirable that Dan has been sharing his curiosity with Lincoln, in exploring such fascinating things, by doing these in home “science projects”.  There is nothing better that a parent can model and offer a child, than the fostering of intrinsic curiosity about the world in general, and more specifically in the workings of nature.

After unpacking the wasp’s nest, you will see Dan begin the process of cutting open the nest, as Lincoln and his friend seem to be having a mixture of anticipatory excitement and a bit of squeamish fear.  I myself, watched with baited breath, as the cutting open of the nest proceeded.  Lincoln is a little bit afraid that there still might be a live hornet inside, despite the fact that they have been assured there is not.

When the cutting process is finished their gasps of amazement at the intricacy of the internal structure, matched my own.  Nature is just so fascinating, and the building capacity of the insect kingdom, is truly mind-boggling to view.  Get ready for some really amazing footage!

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She Takes Kosher Salt and Stirs It Inside a Jar of Vaseline. The Reason Is Brilliant!

Practically everyone keeps a tub of Vaseline somewhere in their house, whether it’s in the medicine cabinet, under the sink, or in an emergency first aid kit. The product comes in handy for a variety of different uses which range from medical to beauty to household related and so much more, no wonder it was originally called “Wonder Jelly!”

Vaseline is actually the brand name for a certain type of petroleum jelly sold by Unilever that’s free of any colors, added fragrances, and other possible irritants. While most people know that it’s great for soothing dry skin and lubricating things, there are so many other neat ways beyond that to utilize a tub of the gooey stuff. Both this article and the accompanying video from the Slivki Show EN channel on YouTube focus on several of the best Vaseline hacks. They may just come in handy down the line and will definitely save you time and money! Here they are:

Homemade body scrub- To make an all-natural, exfoliating, and deep moisturizing body scrub simply mix together Vaseline with kosher salt. Try it the next time you shower!

Prevent steel tools from rusting- Waterproof them as well by wiping them with a coat of Vaseline.

Start a fire- Take a piece of cloth or cotton balls and dip them generously in Vaseline. These are perfect for lighting a fire because they catch easily and burn for a long time. If you plan on going camping, seal cotton balls in a small Zip-loc bag and use them as tinder.

Groom and pamper your kitty- Massage a little bit of Vaseline into your cat’s paws to help protect the sensitive pads, especially if your cat spends a lot of time outdoors.

Keep car battery terminals corrosion free- Over time automotive battery terminals build up crud caused by corrosion, which can negatively impact your car’s performance. To prevent this from happening remove the clamps connected to the battery, smear a bit of Vaseline on each of the posts, then re-connect the clamps.

Fix a squeaky door- Rub Vaseline on all the hinges, the extra lubrication will stop the squeaking.

Get rid of water stains, rings, and marks on wood furniture- Take a soft cotton cloth and use it to buff some Vaseline into the wood. Rub it in like furniture polish, in tight circles, until the surface is even, smooth, and shiny.

Make a candle- Tightly roll up a small square of paper into a thin tube then place it halfway in a tub of Vaseline so half is sticking out. These burn brightly and are perfect for emergencies.

Keep your cheeks warm in the cold- When it’s super cold outside rub a little Vaseline on your cheeks and face to keep your skin from getting cold and chapped.

Revamp old leather shoes- Make tired, worn out leather shoes look like new again by buffing them with a little Vaseline. It reconditions them and also has a waterproofing effect.

Prevent nail polish bottle caps from sticking- Take a cotton swab and dab some Vaseline on the threads around the base of the bottle opening where the cap twists on. Now it won’t stick the next time you go to open it.

Moisturize rough, dry skin on your feet- Before you go to bed slather Vaseline all over your feet, put on a pair of socks, and wake up to smooth soft skin.

Prevent sensitive ears from jewelry irritation- If your ears become sore from wearing earrings try rubbing Vaseline on the metal stud part that goes through your ear. It coats the earrings and helps them slide through, lessening any negative reaction or sensitivity.

Extend the life of your perfume- If the scent of your perfume disappears too quickly Vaseline can help it last longer by holding the fragrance without altering the scent. Simply apply a little bit of Vaseline on the area where you plan to spritz it on, then spray the perfume over that same area.

If you don’t already have a jar of Vaseline on hand, do yourself a favor and pick some up. It can be used to touch up makeup, moisturize dry skin and elbows, loosen stuck lids, and for so much more. Vaseline is a product that can seemingly do it all!

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