They Were Just Filming The Water. What They Caught At :09 Seconds Is A Once In A Lifetime Moment!

Whale watchers often have to be very patient while hoping and waiting to get a glimpse of these magnificent creatures. They may have the pleasure of enjoying a beautiful spot, such as The Bay of Fundy, that sits between Maine and the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. However, tourists come here for more than the beauty.

On the Atlantic coast, this bay is known to be the habitat for more than 12 species of whales. This increases the likelihood that whale watchers won’t be disappointed in their quest to actually see one. Despite the fact that this spot inhabits all these whales, it still remains the “luck of the draw” as to whether tourists will actually be privy to a sighting.

On this particular day, these whale watchers got the view of a lifetime! Luckily what they saw was captured on video, which allows all of us to enjoy this literally breathtaking appearance. A massive humpback whale, unbelievably close to their boat, flew into the air! The sight was both startling and completely exhilarating!

I hope you enjoy what you are about to see as much as I did. This was the best video I have seen all week. I hope one day I’ll be able to witness something even close to this in person!

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He Slowly Approaches This Frozen Hole At The Lake. What Pops Out Is So UNEXPECTED

As I scan the internet I am always particularly touched by videos that exhibit unlikely bonds between animals of different species.  Although it seems to occur quite often, it never ceases to amaze me, that a horse and a chicken, an elephant and a kitten or a dog and a monkey form a protective and nurturing relationship.

In a world where there is so much violence, it somehow makes me more hopeful that perhaps there is something intrinsically good and loving in human beings, that may ultimately outweigh our competitive and destructive instincts…one can hope.

The video that you are about to watch below, is yet another instance of unlikely trust betweenan elderly Finnish man, Seppo Laaman, and an animal that lives in a hole surrounded by snow and ice near his home.

This lovely man opened his front door one day, to find this starving wild otter whom he nicknamed “Iivari”, needing help.  He fed him fish and worms to restore him to a healthy enough condition to go back and live in his natural environment in the wild.

As you watch this heartwarming footage of their trusting relationship, understand that this smart little otter is not Seppo’s pet.  They have an understanding, as you will see them communicate, that is mutual and has boundaries that are free.

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If You Mix These 2 Ingredients and Put Under Your Tongue Before Bed You Won’t Get Up Tired Again!

In a perfect world we would all get the recommended amount of nightly sleep and wake up feeling refreshed, happy, and ready to go. However, in the real world that scenario is more like a dream and it’s rarely the actual case for any of us. Instead of tucking into bed and falling asleep right away we tend to toss and turn and run things endlessly through our minds.

Few things feel worse than not being able to fall sleep, it can be downright stressful and even torturous at times, especially when you really need to get a good nights rest. If you have ever stayed up all night staring at the clock, watching the minutes tick slowly by, then you know that dreadful feeling.

Over time a lack of sleep ends up taking a major toll on our health. It’s a known fact that not getting enough shut eye is horrible for our mental and physical well-being. Studies have determined that people who often sleep less than 7 hours a night are slower to react and show marked signs of decreased cognitive functioning.

Individuals who consistently get less than the recommended amount are also at risk for higher rates of diabetes, obesity, and other health disorders. In fact, they’re even more likely to die earlier than those who get an average of 8 or more hours of sleep each night.

People who suffer from sleep deprivation and the ensuing fatigue often try to make up for their lack of energy by chugging caffeine laden drinks. The effects are only temporary and leave you feeling even more exhausted. Others try in vain to lull their mind and body into sleep mode with warm baths, sleeping pills, or counting sheep but they have little to no success with them.

An all-natural and proven effective remedy to counteract sleep deprivation and benefit overall health is by way of Himalayan sea salt. It’s important to note that other varieties of salt, like common table salt, cannot be substituted in its place. The video below is filled with information about why this is so and it covers a lot more on the topic as well.

To harness the power of the ancient salt try mixing the following; 5 teaspoons of organic raw honey with 1 teaspoon of pink Himalayan sea salt. At night put a small amount of this solution under your tongue to improve the quality and length of your sleep.

In terms of aiding our sleep Himalayan salt specifically helps to regulate melatonin which enables us to sleep better so we wake up more refreshed. Here’s a few additional health benefits that Himalayan sea salt also provides our bodies with:

– Helps detox our bodies
– Lowers blood pressure
– Aids in relaxation
– Helps with sinus and respiratory issues
– Cuts down on likelihood of developing varicose or spider veins

Also, for this recipe try to get the best honey that you can find that’s labeled raw, all-natural, unfiltered, and organic. Basically the purer the better. Here are a few great things that honey can provide our bodies with as well:

-Improved overall digestion
-Detoxes bodily systems
-Improves immunity
-Aids with weight loss
-Reduces allergies

Try this natural remedy out and see what a difference it can end up making in your life. You have nothing tot lose and potentially lots to gain, so what’s stopping you?!

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Baby Bear Approaches a Human But The Unexpected Happens When He Touches Her Feet

An adorable baby bear cub named Bella may be the closest thing to a real-life teddy bear that you’ll ever get to see! She’s a happy go lucky grizzly bear who doesn’t mind being picked up, hugged, and cuddled. In fact, one of her favorite things to do is play and have her feet tickled. As strange as that sounds, she absolutely loves it and this clip of her smiling and happily rolling around is proof in point (around the 28 second mark).

Even though Bella looks safe and secure now, the early part of her life was anything but that. She was just a young cub when she was found all alone in the wilds of Alaska. Her mother was nowhere in sight and without human intervention she faced certain death.

Thankfully she was rescued and brought to the Montana Grizzly Encounter, a sanctuary and education center run by Casey Anderson. Anderson’s wildlife refuge takes in both orphaned bears and ones that have been held in captivity their entire lives. Those bears are often too used to human contact and lack the skills they’d need to survive in nature.

Anderson is a naturalist and a grizzly bear expert. He’s no novice when it comes to teaching, training, caring for, and interacting with grizzlies of all ages. These days he hosts two Nat Geo WILD shows, America the Wild with Casey Anderson and Expedition Wild, but his passion for rescuing bears started back in 2002.

That’s when he saved his first Grizzly, whom he later named Brutus, and since then he’s expanded to educating not only the public about bears, but the bears themselves! What you see in the clip is him teaching Bella important life lessons. By tickling her feet he’s accomplishing several things at once.

He’s bonding with her, making her comfortable around him, and most important of all, he’s asserting and establishing his dominance over her. That way, when she grows up into a hugely powerful bear, she’ll be less inclined to injure or kill him or other people.

Instilling boundaries and showing what is acceptable and what’s not at a young age is key to training and adapting a bear to life at a sanctuary. Bella will have to share her new home with other bears in the future and these lessons extend into making her interactions with them as smooth and peaceful as possible.

Anderson is an experienced professional who managed to turn his love and passion for bears into a fulfilling and successful career rescuing and rehabilitating them.

He’s living the American dream and judging by this video Bella also appears to be doing extremely well. One day she’ll make a fine adult Grizzly Bear when she’s all grown up.

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If You Push This Spot On Your Foot Before You Go To Sleep THIS Happens To Your Body!

Sleep issues are extremely prevalent these days, they plague millions of people all across America. The most common ones complained of are a lack of overall sleep and insomnia. If you’ve never experienced them before, you’re incredibly lucky because both are extremely stressful.

Not being able to pass out right away brings with it a horrible feeling, it makes you feel almost desperate. The same goes for problems with waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to stay asleep, they’re equally bad.

Insomniacs and problem sleepers will try just about anything if it helps them fall asleep faster. Some people completely overhaul and change their diets, others take pills like melatonin or sleep aids, and some massage their feet. That’s right, a simple foot massage before bed can be immensely helpful in helping you to relax and fall asleep.

One of the most effective massage treatment methods comes from the ancient Chinese alternative medicine field of acupressure. Acupressure involves applying pressure to various points on our bodies and it does wonders to alleviate aches, pains, tension, and built up stresses. Acupressure works by stimulating the thousands of nerves in our hands and feet, thereby increasing blood flow.

An average human foot has over 15,000 nerves that all inter-connect, forming a network that reaches different areas of the body, such as our main organs and glands. Many people have found that by using simple acupressure techniques at home they could dramatically improve their sleep quality and also relieve pain and discomfort caused by common ailments.

All you have to do is find the points on your feet which are associated with the area in which your issue stems from and massage it! One such point is called the Great Rushing or LV3 point, which is well-known for being an effective full body health booster. To locate the area on your foot go to the gap between your big toe and second toe, move two finger widths back up from there, and you should feel a slight depression- that’s the point!

If you feel a hard bone keep looking because it’s a soft area. Check out the video for more details and information about the point and where to locate it. By pressing down and applying firm pressure to this point on and off for 4-5 seconds at a time, it can help to relax and calm your mind and body. Do this for at least 2 minutes at a time, several times a day, and most importantly right before you go to bed at night.

According to WebMD studies have been done which suggest that activating the LV3 point helps to lessen the negative impacts of depression and anxiety by lowering subjects overall stress levels and instances of insomnia.

That alone makes it worthwhile to do and it also helps alleviate and lessen a variety of other health issues. Some of them include nausea, vomiting, upset stomach, hangovers, indigestion, abdominal pain, back pain, menstrual cramps, headaches, and more.

This treatment is incredibly simple, easy to do, convenient, and doesn’t cost a penny. You’ll automatically feel more relaxed and at ease and while it may sound too good to be true it may be just what your body needs.

So tonight kick off your shoes, peel off your socks, and give yourself a massage! Doing this right before you go to bed will help you to relax, fall asleep faster, and sleep better overall. Try it and share this with others to help them find comfort and better health in their own lives!

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No One Believed Her When She Told Them What Her Pup Started Doing. So She Caught THIS!

In the war between cats and dogs it appears that more people would choose the dog’s side. That’s going off of reports about a recent AP poll which found that more Americans like dogs than cats. While cats and dogs are equally adorable in many of our eyes, it’s easy to see why dogs came out on top.

They’re naturally more friendly and outgoing than their feline counterparts and always look like they’re happy and having the best time ever.

The adorable puppy named Herbert in this clip is no exception to this and the grin he gives the camera shows how sweet and smart he truly is.

Herbert was being fostered Amanda Robles for PAWS Chicago when she decided to capture his unique gift of grin in action. At the time this was filmed he was about five months old, still just a puppy, and had been living with her for a few short weeks.

The clip starts out with Herbert resting on his haunches, sitting there calmly while looking relaxed and at ease. When Amanda tells him to “say cheese” Herbert’s normal puppy face transforms into a wide, teeth baring, 1,000 watt smile that stretches fully across his head!

He really knows how to work a camera and his expression is just too cute for words. The fact that he’s able to transform his face from average into a huge grin on command at such a young age also shows how clever and quick he is. He shouldn’t have any problem finding a forever home with a beautiful face, brains, and a smile like that!

Check out his happy grin in the short clip for an instant mood boost. It’ll put a similarly cheesy type of grin on your face since you can’t help but smile when you see his!

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She Pours Marbles Into a Bowl of Water Filled With Ice. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING

Nothing pulls an outfit together quite like a piece of beautiful jewelry can. If paired right, the extra bit of decoration and sparkle can instantly upgrade the most plain and simple looks and turn them into modern elegant ones.

This season the hottest trend in jewelry isn’t statement pieces, it’s crystal necklaces. They’re showing up everywhere, from the runways in Paris to stores at the local mall, and a quality made one costs a lot of money.

Instead of buying a mass produced, drastically marked up crystal necklace, you can create your own for a fraction of the cost. The one of a kind pieces come out looking absolutely beautiful and they’re also very easy to make if you follow the steps outlined below and refer to the tutorial from yoyomax12.

While the video is titled “fried marbles” the technique shown actually involves baking them in the oven. The extreme heat is what helps give the marbles a crackled, unique look which resembles that of a crystal.

First, you will need some glass marbles, any size or color will work, but the plain clear ones seem to work best for this. Place them in an oven safe container, like a pie dish or pan, and then stick them in the oven.

Bake the marbles for about 20 minutes at 500 degrees Fahrenheit. While they’re cooking fill a large bowl up with cold water and place some ice cubes in it because you want the water to be as icy cold as possible.

As soon as you take the marbles out of the oven transfer them over to the bowl and carefully pour them into the ice water. Their insides should immediately crackle and shatter and they should end up looking like the ones in the video. If any of them are cracked or broken simply toss them out.

The neat effect and appearance is caused by the glass cooling rapidly and going from an extremely hot temperature to ice cold. That’s what makes the insides of the marble shatter and gives them the distinct, pretty, and unique look that reflects and refracts light much more beautifully than plain old marbles ever could!

To make a necklace with these fried marbles you will need bead caps, eye pins, jump rings and superglue, all of which can be purchased at virtually any craft store. Take an eye pin and thread it into a bead cap before trimming any excess. Fill the bead cap up with clear superglue, press it onto a marble, and allow it to completely dry overnight.

Place a jump ring on the eye pin once the glue has set and now you have a crystal marble pendant! All that’s left to do is add a chain by threading it through the extra jump ring and any type that’s thin enough will do.

You can use leather cording, clear wire, or a metal chain to dress the look up or down. No one else will have anything like this necklace, so be original before they catch on and become all the rage!

Even if you choose to not make a necklace, the fried marbles work well for many alternative things. You can use these little gems to decorate around the house, stick them in a fish tank, or use them for arts and crafts projects. Either way, make a batch, get creative, and try something new!

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Parents Of This Baby Bird Rejected Him Because Of His Deformity. Now Watch Who Rescues and Saves Him!

Little Benjamin is a lovebird baby chick who was born with a deformity.  He was the “runt”, born undersized and with splayed legs that kept him from being able to fully stand.  The poor little thing was ignored by his mom and dad because of his disabled condition; often animal parents do this out of instinct, and just feed the normal offspring.

Benjamin would have surely died, if not for the devotion of his siblings, who initially were the ones who fed the excluded little chick!  Unlike the parents, his brothers and sisters had the instinct to help their little brother, which kept him alive long enough to make it to the next part of his journey.

In the video footage below, you will watch Benny’s heartwarming story from the beginning, tiny and without feathers, to the moment when his father took over his feeding from his siblings.

With further medical help to allow his splayed legs to repair, this little bird who was left to die, first struggles to stand and eventually gets to enjoy a triumphant life thanks to the love of his siblings!

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