She Presses Her Pregnant Belly Onto The Glass. Now Watch The Orangutan’s First Instincts Kick In.

Orangutans originated in Indonesia and Malaysia, but due to poaching, habitat destruction, and illegal pet trade, the apes are endangered and now found wild only in the rain forests of Indonesian islands Borneo and Sumatra. The word orangutan, rooted in the native languages, means person of the forest. The intelligent apes spend much of their time in trees and use various sophisticated tools to accomplish daily tasks, such as hunting fish, collecting honey, or processing nut, fruit, veggies, and seeds.

The solitary animal’s deepest social bond is between mother and child, who stay together for the first two years of the dependent’s life. Because of this relationship, you can understand why the captive orangutan is interested in the pregnant belly of the woman in this video. The female ape waits eight years between births, which presumably makes for a strong biological longing of the most precious love and affection that exists.

Just like humans, orangutans grow their babies for nine months before birth and once born, mothers dedicate themselves to the well being of the offspring. The care giver’s life becomes centered on providing for the little one, carrying it on her belly and sleeping with it during the night.

The family dynamic is well planned however, as an orangutan mom will often have an older offspring with her to help socialize the infant. Watch as this maternal monkey expresses her tenderness with kisses to the human baby through glass and womb!

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She Struggles While Trying Out A New Yoga Pose. Now Watch The Pup Show Her How It’s Done!

There are certain animals in this world who are naturals at yoga. They have some serious skills and amazing abilities when it comes to flexing and contorting their furry little bodies into the craziest positions, all without even thinking about it! You can see that it comes naturally to them in their everyday movements and for proof of this look no further than cats and dogs.

Practically every time a dog or cat switches positions, or gets up from a nap, they have to yawn and do a big stretch before flopping back over into yet another yoga-like pose to resume their sleep. Our pets bodies were seemingly built for stretching and that’s why they’re among the top performers in the world of what we humans call yoga.

If people want to be able to keep up with their pets in the yoga department, they have a lot of catching up to do. One woman was doing just that and decided to film herself practicing her yoga technique. She sat down her mat and positioned her camera so that it was aimed directly at it, then got straight to work. In the video you can see her trying out a new yoga pose as she tells her dog to also try the move.

As she awkwardly struggles to perform the pose the dog shows her up and effortlessly masters it with both ease and grace. The adorable yogi dog is further living proof that animals are simply naturals when it comes to the ancient practice. They have inherent and incredible stretching abilities that put all of us humans to shame!

If this woman really wants to do yoga with her dog, then she should bring her canine friend to an animal yoga class. A growing number of studios offer classes where humans and animals, mainly just cats and dogs, can get their stretch on. A variety of specific poses and maneuvers have even been specially developed for our four-legged animal companions.

So rather than tripping over your poor pet while switching between poses, you can instead incorporate them into a session, and both of you will be happier and healthier from the experience. After all, a yogi dog (or cat) can teach us mere mortals a lot about stretching, so why not partner up with your pet!

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They Killed This Baby’s Mother and Badly Injured Her. But Watch Her Reaction When She Is Rescued!

You are about to hear a story that will both break and warm your heart.  An 8-month-old baby spider monkey was captured by poachers, who do this illegal activity in order to sell monkeys as pets.  Neither poaching nor having a monkey as a pet is legal in Belize, where this baby who was clinging to her mom in a tree, was snatched after the poachers shot and killed her mother.  She was put in a sack, and this terrorized little one was tied up for days without food or water.

Against all odds, her capture was reported to the Belize Forest Department who were able to locate her quickly, and rush her to The Belize Wildlife & Referral Clinic.  In the video you will meet this poor baby who was barely clinging to life, as she is received by the clinic staff, who lovingly named her “Izzie”.

Shock and Dehydration had brought her close to death, but the first thing that the doctors and nurses did was hug this little angel, and then began to slowly administer fluids.

As they gently examined her, you will see Izzie communicate her pain, which made them realize her arm was broken.  The X-Ray showed that not only was she suffering from broken bones, but 5 shotgun pellets were lodged in her body, as a result of the killing of her mother.

Luckily they had the funds to bring in a surgeon from the US so that she could receive the kind of intricate treatment that allowed her arm to be saved.  This fortunate little monkey required 4 surgeries to save her life.

The video of the care she was given, is just filled with such compassion and nurturance, that it made me cry with happiness. While her recovery was slow, her rehabilitation in the dedicated and loving hands of the “Wildtracks” caregivers, allowed Izzie to gradually gain confidence and strength.

Eventually she was able to use her injured arm to first swing and then climb!  Joyfully, she was once again able to be back in the trees, that she was so devastatingly ripped from.  Watching the footage of her rescue below is incredibly moving; knowing that she has gone on to live a full life is nothing short of amazing and wonderful.

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This Is How You Can Save Your Dog’s Life Using The Heimlich. I’m Glad I Learned THIS!

Dogs are big chewers, and they often don’t differentiate between bones, sticks, toys, shoes and stones.  If an object fits in it’s mouth, dogs explore it by chewing. Problems arise if the object or part of an object is small and gets lodged in it’s airway causing choking.

Just like humans, dogs will panic when choking, which can lead to suffocation.  You will know your dog is choking if it starts gasping, coughing harshly, wheezing, bringing it’s paw to it’s mouth or if you see it’s eyes bulging.

You should always give the dog the time to clear it’s own airway of the object for a few seconds, before checking it’s mouth.  This is preferable because when you go into your dog’s mouth there is always the danger of inadvertently pushing the object further down the throat, damaging tissue and getting bitten yourself.

The video you are about to watch below, does a great job of taking you through the steps of helping choking dogs of different sizes.  Should removing the object from the dog’s mouth fail, the next step would be TILTING the animal (method is differentiated for small and large dogs), and the final method if all else fails is the HEIMLICH MANEUVER.

The tutorial shows the method of performing this maneuver for small dogs vs medium and large dogs.  Being shown the right amount of force to apply, prior to ever possibly having to using the Heimlich, is a prudent idea.  Because dog’s ribs are more flexible than a human’s, the thrusting motion of the Heimlich maneuver can potentially cause lung flailing which won’t allow the object to be expelled.

Additionally, applying the right amount of force is key, because too much pressure can cause internal damage to the dog’s organs.  You will find the following footage extremely helpful in illustrating proper procedures.

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Whenever They Eat Outside He Puts 4 Pie Tins Under His Table. The Reason Is Brilliant.

There is nothing worse than trying to have a lovely picnic, or just eating outside on your deck in great weather, and be infested with ants who want to partake in your meal!  Actually, it’s just as bad having ant infestations in your kitchen, counters, bathrooms…I mean come Spring they invade my house.  I’ve always used store bought ant traps, but have never been happy having chemicals do the trick.

This being said, I was intrigued when I found this video you are about to watch below, posted by the helpful YouTube  channel, HouseholdHacker.  He has come up with some ingenious remedies for chronic ant problems, that you won’t want to miss.  Watch to see how putting some tin foil pie tins under the legs of your picnic table, keeps the nasty critters from ruining your picnic.

For indoor ant problems he gives you some hints about how not to leave food or drink residue around, that is particularly attractive to them.  In my house, as soon as the weather warms I get infested in many rooms.  He provides a homemade mixture that doesn’t involve chemicals, that they will partake in and bring back to their colony, to stop the problem.

If you happen to know where the colony is, he has some direct antidotes that involve water, borax, vinegar and cayenne pepper to bring directly to the source, that really works.  For all the details of how to address ant infestation, watch the clever tricks of the trade that HouseholdHacker has cleverly combined, in the footage below.

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VIDEO: He Pours Rice Onto This Black Table. But When The Rod Touches The Side MESMERIZING

You are about to watch a demonstration unlike anything you’ve probably ever seen before. A young man exhibits a kind of experiment in the video below, that has gone viral on YouTube, and I can see why.  He has a black metal square table, ( the size of a card table), upon which he randomly spills a cup of raw couscous (a Mediterranean grain somewhat like rice).

I wondered what in the world he was up to, when he takes out what looks like a cello bow, (which is made of horse hair and wood), and rubs the horsehair part of the bow along the edge of the black metal table.  The sound it makes at first has a slightly low tone, as he pulls it down the edge the random mess of couscous forms the most unbelievable geometric pattern!

He then messes up the couscous, so it is once again randomly spread around the black square, and then takes his bow and draws it down another part of the edge of the table.

This time the tone produced is higher pitched, and right before your eyes you will see the couscous move into a completely different pattern!  Known as the “Chladni Phenomenon”, he keeps drawing his bow at different parts of the edge of the table and each tone produces a different geometric pattern!

You will be nothing short of amazed at what you see in this footage, during which he explains how this “magic” occurs.

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Dads Line Up In Formation With Babies In Kangaroo Carriers. But When The Song Begins PRICELESS

With Father’s Day getting closer, this video that I stumbled upon, gave me such a lift! It got me thinking about how much the role of fathers has changed in our society, and how the whole family unit has benefitted from their increased role in their children’s upbringing.

You are about to watch footage from the “GoovaRoo Dance Studio” that gets families to move together to great music, and build memories that will last forever. In this particular video, these wonderfully unselfconscious dads, have learned the choreography to “Play That Funky Music”…wearing their babies!

It brings a few minutes of sheer joy and fun, as you watch these loving dads show off their moves, all the while being conscious of holding their infant’s heads appropriately.

It’s such an inspirational idea for family fun and bonding…as it ends with their wives and other kids joining them on the dance floor. This will put a huge smile on your face!

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If You Place Bananas In a Boiling Pot And Drink Right Before Bed THIS Is What Happens To Your Body

I can’t tell you how many people I know who complain about sleep problems!  It almost seems like an epidemic, when you see how often it is discussed on the internet.  Some people have trouble falling asleep, while others have trouble staying asleep.  Prescription medications often get you to sleep, but often leave you feeling anxious and not well rested.

Anxiety and stress have become such a common part of day to day living, which I think truly is a huge source of this epidemic of sleep dysfunction in our society.  Whenever I come upon something unusual, that claims to be a successful remedy for this problem, I pay attention.

The video you are about to watch was done by a young woman, who saw this magical remedy discussed and illustrated on the Dr. Oz show.  Aside from a great demonstration of how to use bananas before bedtime to achieve a peaceful sleep, I need to say that she is hilariously entertaining!

Bananas are loaded with potassium and magnesium, which together are like a magical potion that produces relaxation.  Most of these two elements are found in the peel.  She will show you how to make BANANA TEA, and what she does with the banana afterwards.

Her taste tests are the best…you know she’s not kidding about her reactions!  I’m definitely going to give this natural remedy for relaxing sleep a try.  Let us know what you think, and whether you will try it.

Please SHARE this new natural remedy for sleep problems with your family and friends!