His Aunt Noticed A Deadly Disease In Her Nephew’s Picture. This Is How She Realized It..

Meet Taylor a cute little boy who was about to become a child model.  His mother Tina had planned on submitting a beautiful photo of the boy to a modeling agency.  His aunt Geraldine got a look at the photo and noticed something that startled her to the core. She immediately told his mother what she noticed..

There was a shadow in the reflection of the young boy’s pupil that she was very concerned about.  She remembered reading that a shadow in the pupil is usually a sign of eye cancer.  His mother Tina took her son to the doctor and had him tested.  He was diagnosed with a rare childhood eye cancer called Retinoblastoma.

Retinoblastoma (Rb) is a rare, rapidly developing cancer that develops from the immature cells of a retina, the light-detecting tissue of the eye. It is the most common malignant tumor of the eye in children, and it is almost always found in young children.  Source Wikipedia If you are a parent and you own a camera or a smartphone you can check your child for a shadow and actually save your kid’s life!

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If You Notice This Beautiful Purple Thing On The Beach This Year Run Away Immediately!

Anyone headed to beaches along the eastern coastline this summer is being advised to keep a lookout for any Portuguese man-of-war both in the water and on the beach. The jellyfish relatives have been found washed ashore on a number of popular beaches, with the most recent sightings around the Charleston and Myrtle Beach, South Carolina areas.

As beautiful and exotic as the Portuguese man-of-war may appear, it poses a big risk to human health and wellness. The sea creatures look like pretty blue or purple tinted bubbles floating on the surface of the water, and have long, dark purple tentacles hanging down off them.

The tentacles are what makes the Portuguese man-of-war so hazardous because they’re full of venom and highly capable of delivering a very nasty and painful sting. They should be avoided whether found in the water or on the beach because even days after being washed up on shore they can still sting, no matter how long dead they may appear to be.

A sting from one can cause a number of reactions including painful red welts, cardiac distress, fever, shock, an allergic reaction that can lead to trouble breathing, paralysis, and possibly even death in extreme cases which are thankfully rare.

If you ever have the misfortune of being stung by one, seek professional medical treatment and do not pee on the area! Contrary to popular belief, doing that will only make it worse and instead you should use a cold compress to help relieve the pain and swelling.

While the floating bubble-like marine creatures are commonly referred to as a type of jellyfish, they are actually what is known as a siphonophore. Whereas jellyfish are single multi-cellular organisms, siphonophore are colonial organisms.

They are made up of many different individual animals that are interconnected and work together, yet are still capable of surviving independently. This type of physiological makeup is why the tentacles are still capable of stinging even after they become detached.

The accompanying New Jersey TV news clip covers more interesting facts and information on the Portuguese man-of-war and what scientists, beach patrols, and lifeguards are doing about them.

The news report from Long Beach Island featured the story a few summers back when they were washing up on shore more frequently than usual, which already seems to be the case this year as well. Check it out for more details and if you ever happen to see one of these things in the water, get out immediately!

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Dad Boils Crayons and Runs Them Through a Pasta Strainer. But When He’s Done An Unexpected Surprise!

Just about every household in America, especially those with young kids, has a box of crayons laying around somewhere. The colorful wax sticks are a childhood staple, who doesn’t remember doodling and coloring for hours on end.

Parents also love crayons because they’re non-toxic, inexpensive, and less messy or permanent than paint or markers. They also never become unusable or dry up, which is half the reason why they usually end up somewhere in a box that gets put away and forgotten.

One man realized how crayons often sit around unused, collecting dust for years before eventually being tossed out in the trash, and decided to put them to a better use.

His name is Brian Ware and he started The Crayon Initiative at his house in Northern California. The program collects unwanted crayons from area schools and restaurants and recycles them into new and improved ones.

Once the crayons are collected in bulk they get sorted by color and melted down in large pots. The wax is then strained and poured into molds that Brian fashioned himself in order to make the crayons bigger than their original shape.

The new up-cycled crayons are finally boxed up and sent out to local hospitals where they are distributed to children recovering from surgery or treatment.

The Crayon Initiative has grown in scope size and it takes a small army of volunteers to sort through them all and melt, box, and distribute them. Brian estimates that on an average day they go through about 4,000 crayons!

Stacks of boxes filled with donated crayons take up space in his house and everyday new boxes arrive. Recently 100 volunteers gathered to help sort and process them and as you can see in this NBC Nightly News video, it’s no small task.

The children who end up with the crayons are thankful for the small gift. Some are recovering from surgery or illness, others are receiving treatments or have special needs, but they all want a distraction and something to keep their minds occupied.

The children interviewed in the news segment say that coloring helps them stay focused, positive, and less stressed. It gives them a creative outlet that’s therapeutic in a way and helps to keep their minds off of the pain and situation they’re in.

If you’ve ever stayed in a hospital then you know how boring and stifling the experience can be. Getting a box of crayons would brighten anyone’s day, especially kids, since it gives them something to do for hours one end, it’s perfect.

If this story doesn’t give you a reason to pull those old crayons out of storage and put them to good use again, nothing ever will! To learn more about The Crayon Initiative you can find them online at thecrayoninitiative.org, and they are on Facebook and Twitter as well.

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Video – Apparently If You Throw a Giant Bucket Of Dry Ice In The Pool THIS Happens!

Dry ice has been used in many interesting endeavors and the hunks of frozen carbon dioxide never cease to amaze us. While it’s most widely known and used for keeping perishable food items frozen during transit, that hasn’t stopped inventive humans from incorporating it into everything from school science projects to chemotherapy, rockets, bug removal, fire extinguishers, fog machines, removing skin tags or moles, and so much more.

While the majority of these alternative types of uses play a specific role and serve a higher purpose, some dry ice tricks are simply for fun and entertainment. That’s exactly what this video of dry ice being tossed into a swimming pool is about; good old-fashioned fun.

The interesting concept was dreamed up and brought to light by one of YouTube’s most hilarious personalities, the Crazy Russian Hacker. He’s full of cool ideas and whether it’s conducting random experiments, testing out new gadgets, or sharing his favorite life hacks, he’s always up to something wild and strange.

For this particular project he decided to see exactly what would happen if thirty pounds of dry ice were dumped straight into a backyard swimming pool. Long story short, it’s pretty awesome!

The clip opens with the Crazy Russian hanging out poolside with an empty cooler, a pair of insulated gloves, and several bags of dry ice. He gets right down to it and starts breaking up the ice blocks into smaller chunks over the empty cooler.

Since his motto is “safety is the number one priority” he works with gloves on both hands to protect his skin against dry ice burns. Once the container is full of dry ice he picks it up and dumps it directly into the pool!

As soon as the dry ice hits the water it immediately reacts and the pool begins to bubble up. The warmer water in the pool starts to melt and break down the ice and soon a dense, thick white fog drifts off the surface before being carried away in the breeze.

The combined effects make it look as if the pool is boiling and you can hear the water bubbling as all of the gasses get released. In the background you can hear the Crazy Russian Hacker commenting on how “beautiful,” “amazing,” and “awesome” it is. He’s hilarious and might be just as entertaining as the dry ice in the pool!

If you’re thinking that dumping 30 pounds of dry ice in a pool may be dangerous, it’s not but only if the proper precautions are taken. Above all else, the one thing you should never do is handle it with your bare hands. Always use insulated gloves because they will prevent hands and skin from getting injured and/or burned by frostbite which occurs on contact with the stuff.

One more thing to keep in mind is that if you plan on breaking it up like how the Crazy Russian Hacker did in the clip, make sure to use protective eye wear as well. I think we can all agree that it’s always best to be safe than to be sorry! Here’s more on the science behind dry ice and what it is:

Dry ice is super-frozen carbon dioxide, which is the gas we exhale whenever we breathe out. It forms when carbon dioxide is exposed to extreme temperatures of at least -109° Fahrenheit. At that temperature or lower it changes from a gas straight to a solid and there is no liquid phase whatsoever in-between.

The inverse of this immediate change also happens to be true of it, so when dry ice melts it goes from solid to gas. That is why and how it produces the cloudy, fog-like effect that it’s known for.

Now that you have seen what thirty pounds of dry ice does to a swimming pool you can try it yourself, should you ever need to! It’s the perfect way to make a pool party memorable and everyone will love the cool, hypnotic effects. Plus, it’s highly likely that no one has ever seen anything quite like this done before and so they’re going to remember it forever.

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If You Or Anyone You Know Has These Shoes You Need To Throw Them Out Immediately!

We all like footwear that is open and allows our feet to breathe in the heat of summer; sandals are in order, but many people love “flip flops” and “Crocs”…due to their comfort and ease of slipping on and off.  Both flip flops and Crocs, however, have been seriously critiqued by the medical profession.

The Crocs company have made claims of therapeutic health benefits for the feet, that have not been backed up by any scientific data.  According to Dr. Alex Kor, the president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine, any shoe that doesn’t contain the “shank”, which supports the entire arch of the foot, should not be worn for hours at a time.  Neither flip flops nor Crocs contain a shank, and as such should be worn for a quick errand or to the beach only.  Kors goes on to say that he sees patients complaining of severe arch and heel pain when Crocs are their primary footwear.

A podiatrist at the “Illinois Bone and Joint Institute”, Dr. Megan Leahy, says that because Crocs and flip flops leave the heel unstable, there is a tendency to grip on with the toes which eventually leads to “tendonitis, worsening of toe deformities, nail problems, corns and calluses”.  The bottom line is that they can’t be worn for hours at a time without resulting in foot problems.

All this being said, you will hear about a further hazard of wearing flip flops and Crocs, in the VIDEO you are about to watch below.  There have been case after case, of Crocs getting caught on ESCALATORS, and causing severe damage to both children’s and adults’ feet!  They actually havethe potential for more serious consequences both on escalators and getting stuck on brakes in cars. Flip flops present the same hazards.  Let us know what you think after watching the following footage.

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She Attaches Some Tubing To Terra Cotta Pots. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

One of the more relaxing things in life is listening to the sound of gently flowing water as it trickles down over smooth stones. Life needs the soothing sounds and peaceful sights of running water and nothing provides them better than a little zen fountain.

You can make your own extremely affordable and durable fountain at home instead of buying a pricey, yet cheaply made, one at the store. This terra cotta design is ideal to make because the materials are widely available, inexpensive, and you can easily expand on the design to make it your own since it’s so basic.

Plus, if anything should ever break, it’ll be easy to fix. It’s also the perfect size, not too big or too small, and will easily fit on a tabletop or stand. This would look awesome on a porch or in a garden, you can put it anywhere!

Here’s a list of what you will need for this project:
14 inch terra cotta saucer Fountain pump – 7 inch terra cotta saucer Plastic tubing – 6 inch terra cotta saucer Silicone sealer – 4 inch terra cotta saucer X – 3 Clear spray sealer – 6 inch flowerpot Round file – 4 inch flowerpot Drill and 3/8 inch masonry bit

Start by coating the inside of the 14 inch saucer with clear spray sealant. Set it aside and allow to completely dry before re-coating it another two times to ensure that it’s fully waterproof. Take the rest of the saucers and the flower pots and soak them all in a bucket of water for an hour or longer.

Take the drill and use the 3/8 masonry bit to make a hole in the center of the 7 inch saucer. To make this step easier, place the saucer over a piece of wood to help support and stabilize it. Check to make sure the plastic tubing fits through the hole, if it doesn’t use the round file to open it up further.

Use the round file to file four notches in the 6 inch flowerpot lid so that there’s one on each side and they’re across from one another. Next, take one of the 4 inch saucers and file 4 notches in it, then file a notch in the lip of the 7 inch saucer as well (this will be your spout so file in a downwards motion to make it flow better).

Attach the plastic tubing to the pump’s outlet and then place the 6 inch pot upside down over the pump, bringing the tubing up through the hole in its center. Lay the 7 inch saucer atop this pot, bringing the tubing up through the hole that you previously drilled in it. Fiddle with the tubing until the pump rests flat on the bottom and then trim the tube so that a half inch or so of length extends from the top. Seal this end with silicone sealer and allow it to dry completely.

Next, place the 4 inch saucer that you filed four notches in over the tubing and then place the 4 inch pot upside down next to the first column. Follow that by placing the 6 inch saucer on top of it. Take another 4 inch saucer and place it upside down next to the second column before finally placing the remaining 4 inch saucer on top of it.

Now that the basic assembly is done, fill the base of the fountain up with water. Plug in the pump to an appropriate outlet and make sure it runs smoothly before adding the final effects. You can use pebbles, marbles, glass, stones other types of decorative rocks, flowers, plants, and whatever else you can think of.

Now you can enjoy the relaxing sounds and tranquil sights of your fountain all summer long!

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Nobody Believed Him When He Described His Chipmunks A.M. Ritual So He Caught THIS On Video

One of the most refreshing and feel good things that you can do in the morning is stretch. After sleeping all night, in who knows what kind of odd positions, your body tightens up. There is just something nice about a long, invigorating stretch that makes it ten times easier to pull yourself out of bed. Cats have long practiced this form of mindful wakefulness and always flex their bodies promptly after waking up or moving around.

However, Grumpy Cat and his fellow kitty friends can step aside because now there is a new animal favorite rising online. His name is Bikke and he is an insanely adorable chipmunk who hails from Japan. Everything about this tiny guy, from his chubby cheeks down to his furry little tail, exudes cuteness!

There are a total of 25 different species of adorable chipmunks. They are known for burrowing underground and making cozy little nooks to live in. Sometimes they live above ground in small trees and shrubs. During the winter like many other mammals they hibernate with all the food they stored up in their cheeks. Most hipmunks tend to live and do their food gathering alone. When communicating with one another they make a high pitched bird-like chirping sound. One thing is for sure, chipmunks are totally one of most adorable little forest critters around!

People the world over are sure to fall in love with Bikke once they see him do his morning stretches. A clip of the fritter shows him releasing a big yawn as he simultaneously stretches his legs out behind him and his arms in front. As he begins to loosen up he snuffles around on the bed and comically twitches his nose. When doing his movements he drags his legs around behind him while pulling his body along with his front claws. Over and over again he yawns, pulls himself along, twitches and repeats.

It is as if he cannot quite wake up from his nap and needs to keep on stretching. He even appears to have developed a new form of stretch technique which has never been seen before. He invented the downward facing chipmunk!! Without a doubt the whole scene qualifies as a cuteness overload moment.  I really could watch this little fella all day long. He is a non-stop source of adorable entertainment.

This little chippy sure has a great life as evidenced by his very own YouTube channel, bikke the chip. Videos show him stuffing his cheeks until they’re fat with food, watching cartoons, and playing around with his mini-house set. This little guy is sure to brighten up your day and put a big smile on your face! His chubby little cheeks and his morning routine make for an instant internet classic hit! His human friends clearly love and adore him, and so do we! If you are feeling a bit down, this should instantly cheer you up. Make sure you watch the adorable video below all the way to the end.

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Mama Tells Her Pup To Show His Happy Face. He Proceeds To Make The Most Hysterical Face!

A smiling dog is a happy dog, at least that’s how us humans interpret the meaning of the facial expression. There’s just something so special and heartwarming when animals smile. This is especially true for dogs that have been rescued from either terrible circumstances or a dire situation, and given a second chance at leading a normal life.

The dog in this video was rescued and taken in by PAWS Chicago when he was a five month old puppy. They named him Herbert and placed him in a foster home, rather than a shelter, to help him adjust to being indoors and around loving people. PAWS volunteer Amanda Robles was his foster mom and she’s the one who took this adorable video of Herbert giving the camera the widest, most cheesiest smile that he could muster! His grin is so big and toothy, it’s the cutest face- you just have to see it!

The video starts off with Herbert sitting back on his haunches, calmly gazing at the camera with a relaxed and content look on his face. When Amanda instructs him to ‘say cheese’ his innocent little puppy face lights up with a thousand watt smile that transforms him into the happiest looking dog on Earth. He’s clearly one smart, clever puppy who already has one command down.

While you’d think that with a face, smile, and brains like that, Herbert would have no problem finding a forever home. However, according to an update from Amanda, he sadly spent about a month or so waiting in the shelter to be adopted. Thankfully she did meet the couple who ended up taking him home with them and was delighted to report that they seemed like wonderful people. For an instant mood boost check out his happy grin and pass it on!

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