She Got Her Mother To Help Her Pop THIS Giant 6 Year Old Pimple. The Results Are Oddly Satisfying!

Pimples are one of life’s little annoyances. They pop up out of nowhere and often it’s at the worst time possible. They make people feel self-conscious and sometimes they even can be quite painful. What they are is excess oil, dirt, dead skin cells, bacteria, and other pollutants that get trapped in our pores!

Just one of the ugly suckers can ruin your day and there is little you can do to avoid getting them at some point in your life. A recently uploaded video on YouTube shows the case of a young girl who had a pimple pop up on her ear when she was just 2 years old. Doctor’s misidentified the lump, located on the front of her ear, as a growth and nothing was ever done to treat it.

Six years later, the girl decided to finally pop the nasty pustule and the moment was recorded for everyone to witness, and get grossed out over. As she starts to squeeze the lump it begins to slowly ooze out a string of pus. The nauseating stream seems to be never-ending as it just keeps coiling out of her ear.

The girl’s mother can be heard saying “I’ve never seen anything like this” and I think it’s safe to say that we can all agree with that sentiment. The scene goes on for 6 minutes, but I bet few can stomach that long. This girl’s experience is, thankfully, very uncommon. Usually zits do not grow for years at a time and they tend to disappear after awhile.

Regular face washing and practicing good hygiene helps diminish the likelihood of zits appearing on your skin, but there are so many other causes like stress, hormones, medication, and so on that factor in to whether or not they develop. Worst of all, pimples can leave behind scars or blemishes, especially if you choose to pop them.

It’s their way of marking you forever and a constant reminder of a less than pleasant experience.

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This Guy Calls Her Fat At The Buffet. But How The Other People React Is Unexpectedly Epic!

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There are all shapes and sizes of people in this world and not one type is better than another. We are all just humans living our lives however we choose to and no person has any right to judge another based on their habits or preferences. There are people who are very health conscious and work hard to stay in shape by exercising and eating well, and while some people make their health a lesser priority, neither is superior.

People can be overweight or slim for various reasons. Genetic make-up in combination with lifestyle habits are what determine how a person’s body is built. Just because someone is skinny, does not mean that they are healthy and vice versa. There are plenty of thin people who eat terrible food and stay little because of their metabolisms. Likewise, there are a lot of overweight people who eat nutritious, whole foods but retain their weight due to slower systems of their body.

This video clip from the show What Would You Do proves that most people are advocates for freedom of choice. Several of the customers present for the taunting of overweight females at a buffet style restaurant stood up for the harmless women when they were insulted regarding their size and eating habits.

The prevailing opinion was that the women are welcome to eat however they like and that the number of times they fill their plate is no one else’s business.

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VIDEO: This Guy Tells You To Stare At The Dot But The Something Very Strange Happens!

People often mistakenly think that what they see, or are viewing, is a direct representation of reality. What we are seeing is actually a translation of our external realities that has been formed by our eyes and mind. We see objects because they reflect light, which goes into our eyes where it’s focused and sent to the brain via the optic nerve.

The brain takes the information it receives from the eyes and translates it into the images which we are “seeing.” When you trick your eyes, you trick your brain, and that is a short way to explain the complex science behind some optical illusions. This video will give you a chance to do exactly that; try out an optical illusion, and see if it tricks your eyes!

Turn up the computer screen brightness and prepare your mind, body, soul, and especially your eyes, for an optical illusion experience. Fear not, there are no flashing strobe-like lights, sudden loud sounds, or scary images in this video. All you need to do is stare at the dark dot on the screen, which the man places on his nose.

Do your best to not move your head, eyes, or overall position, and this only lasts a few moments so it’s easy. Be sure to keep your eyes steadily focused on the black dot. After a short bit the video will turn from the odd color that it’s in to black and white.

Once the video changes over to black and white you should continue seeing it in full color for a few seconds. Then the colors will quickly fade and you’ll see it for what it is; in black and white shades. The black dot you were staring at is now white, did you pick up on that? The eye trick is achieved by over-saturating your eyeballs with certain colors, hence the strange background hues. When you expose your eyes for some time to certain colors your eyes will adapt to those colors.

When the picture switched over to black and white, your eyes were still perceiving the colored image and couldn’t immediately switch over, or adapt, to the new image. It takes a few moments for the brain to process the sudden changes and signals that the rods and cones in the eyes are sending it’s way.

This illusion is really neat and hopefully you had fun trying this! Check out videos like this and more at magician, author, and psychologist Richard Wiseman’s YouTube channel, Quirkology.

There are all sorts of mind bending and magical things that you can learn from him!

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He Rests A Single Candle Between Two Glasses. The Result Is Unexpectedly Incredible!

Around 1.9 million years ago humans first learned how to create and control fire.  This is arguably one of the biggest leaps in human evolution ever.  Ancient humans utilized the fire to stay warm on freezing nights, scare off predators trying to hunt them, and of course cook delicious food.  This evolutionary step in history gave mankind the ultimate leg up over the rest of the animals!

We now use fire in a million different ways, and the best part is we are masters at controlling it.  There are so many awesome things that we can now do with it.  With the help of science, we are able to manipulate fire to do just about anything we want it to do.

In the video below, I was blown away by these fire tricks.  Some of these tricks were so amazing I had to watch them twice. There is a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that warns you not to try this on your own because they were all done by trained professionals.  If you do try some of these be very careful and remember, if you play with fire you might get burned.

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Man Claims He’s Filming The Homeless & Their Pets. But What He Is Really Doing Stuns Everybody!

When Tom Mabe of Prank It FWD decided to make a documentary on the homeless and their pets he came across a heartbreaking story of a man and his dog. Tom started off by contacting Beth Green who runs a local non-profit called My Dog Eats First in Louisville, Kentucky. The charities mission is to provide food, supplies, and medical care to the under served, homeless people, and their pets. After spending some time with the volunteers and homeless Tom decided he wanted to do more than just observe and film!

When he learned that a man who had been living out of his truck had surrendered his dog of 12 years because he needed to go to the hospital, Tom teamed up with Beth to help. The man, Ricky, was told by doctors he had less than 6 months to live.

Against their wishes he left the hospital to be with Buddy again, whom Beth had with her to ensure the two would not be separated for long. Ricky and Buddy were each others best friend and loyal companions for the past 12 years, which was Buddy’s whole life. When times were rough Ricky would make sure Buddy was fed even if it meant going without food himself.

After he checked out of the hospital Beth put Ricky up in a pet friendly hotel for as long as she could afford. When the funds to do so ran out Tom decided to get them their own apartment and made sure it was comfortable and furnished with all the essentials.

He took Ricky to see the place and surprised him by revealing that it was all for him and Buddy. The happiness and gratitude from the news lit up Ricky’s face and Buddy wasted no time in checking out the bed. After years of living in a truck the two now had a large warm place to call their own!

Wanting to do even more, Tom and Prank It FWD ended up giving Beth and My Dog Eats First a years supply of dog food from Halo, plenty of leashes, and a top dog award of recognition for all their work. Tom also came away from the whole experience with a completely new understanding of the homeless and their animals.

The pets give those who are less fortunate a sense of responsibility, unconditional love, friendship, and a purpose in life. Everyone deserves those things and the story of Ricky and Buddy shows just how much their lives were further enriched through their friendship. The love and devotion they share for each other is clear, especially when Buddy looks up and nestles his head into his owner’s side.

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This Man Was Driving Down A Deserted Highway Late At Night. What He Saw I Still Have Chills!

Imagine driving down an empty highway late at night and all alone. All of a sudden up ahead you see large orange cones set up in the middle of each traffic lane. A dark car is pulled off on the shoulder and two shadowy figures stand around. There are no lights or hazards on and no other cars are close-by. As you drive up and ask what is going on one of the men approaches the car and begins to reach into his pocket! What would you do next?

One man caught this exact scene on his dashboard camera and uploaded it to YouTube for the world to witness. Ivan Tukhtin, a car enthusiast, was driving home on Highway 78 late one night from Hoboken, New Jersey with his camera rolling. He suddenly came across the random roadblock and slowed down.

He described his interaction with the two people in an online forum writing, “I didn’t want to hit him so I called him over to my car…and then he reached for his pocket and I dipped and immediately called the cops.” He further added “people are ****ing crazy, don’t trust anyone…i am kind of curious of what he would have done though.”

Tukhtin did what any smart and sane person who values their life would have done in that situation. Even if the people were having car issues it does not excuse the sketchy way they forced the driver to stop, in the middle of the highway, in the dark, late at night, with no hazards on to warn him or hint at possible car problems.

Police later announced that they had arrested the two men in connection with the fake roadblock and charged one with drunk driving and the other with hindering traffic. This story could have ended on a more sinister note had the driver decided not to take off when he did. We will never know what may have happened that night, but thankfully we do know the driver is safe now.

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Mama Cow Kept Hiding Her Baby Calf Every Day. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!

At Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary in Australia a dairy cow named Clarabelle was acting nervous and not like her usual self. She paced around the paddock and seemed to have lost her normally strong appetite. Knowing she was pregnant and her baby due in about a week the sanctuary workers quickly honed in on an engorged teat and inferred she must have already given birth. But where was her baby? It was nowhere in sight and nothing gave any indication of where it could be!

After searching around for the baby they found the little brown calf carefully hidden in tall grass and brown logs. She was laying down and looked up with her big soft eyes innocently blinking and curious at the sight of them. Clarabelle had given birth, but must have done so awhile ago as there was no umbilical cord and the calf was clean and dry. She had hidden her baby.

Cows are best known in many places for producing milk and associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.

This separation of mother and child is done early on so as to try and cause minimal stress to both but it is also done repeatedly in order to keep the cow producing milk. Clarabelle had tried to hide her calf to prevent it from being taken away, as time and again her calves had been in the past.

This time around Clarabelle will stay with her baby at the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for now she is able to live alongside and nurse her calf the natural way. On a side note, Clarabelle’s calf was discovered on Valentine’s Day and named Valentine “in honor of the love between mother cows and their babies” according to the Edgar’s Mission Farm Sanctuary website ( Thanks to them and the work they do, Clarabelle and Valentine have a chance at leading happy and comfortable lives.

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He Came Back Home To His Wife Wearing Her Wedding Dress. His Reaction Is Priceless!

Here is a story that will warm your heart during these cold winter days. After seven memorable years of marriage Chrissy and her husband Brian were coming up on their wedding anniversary. However, they both had to work on the actual date and would not be seeing each other. Not wanting to miss out on it, Chrissy thought up a last minute surprise for her husband that he is sure to never forget!

While Brian ran to the store with their daughter she dug out her wedding dress and grabbed a bouquet of flowers. She had the song “Shine Your Light” by Robbie Robertson ready to play and explained “I picked this song because he is a firefighter and it is one of “our” songs since we heard it years ago in the movie Ladder 49.”

As Brian walks up to the door she cues her child to play the song and stands smiling, clearly excited and happy to surprise him. She has the camera rolling to catch the moment and when Brian walks in he seems lost for words and can only gaze at her, seemingly awestruck at the sight of his blushing bride. They exchange knowing smiles before he crosses the room to embrace her in a sweet hug while the kids look on delighted.

This story perfectly illustrates that you do not need expensive jewelry, flowers, chocolates or other material things to show your love. The most heartfelt moments are often inspired by family, friends, and the simple desire to create a lasting memory. Crissy included her children, the element of surprise and the vision of her from the day they got married. With all this set to a meaningful soundtrack it created a flawless anniversary surprise.

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