She Sings A Lullaby To This Sick and Blind Baby. His Reaction Tore My Heart Up!

The bond between an animal and their human can be incredibly strong, resilient, and beautiful. We often think of our pets as an extension of ourselves and wouldn’t hesitate to give them anything they may need, especially when they are not feeling well. Such was the case of a woman and her pot-bellied pig.

Bentley, a nine month old pig who was rescued, suffered a sudden seizure at the end of February. His owner immediately took him to the vet for medical attention where he was diagnosed with a potentially fatal infection, bacterial meningitis. Chances of his survival were slim, only 10%, yet the little piggy soldiered through the sickness even though it left him blind.

Bentley survived, but he is still recovering in the hospital and his wounds have yet to heal completely. Every day his loving human companion takes a trip to the hospital to visit and hold him close. Realizing how scary and confusing a hospital must be for a little blind pig, she sings to him while snuggling and comforting the pig as if he were a baby.

The tender moment is both heartwarming and sad all at once to witness. The pig clearly finds the song and human touch soothing as he nuzzles up closer to the woman and responds affectionately towards her. The two share a loving connection that is stronger than ever and lovely to see.

Bentley has since recovered and even regained his vision back. He endured multiple surgeries and months of care at the vet, which was made possible by donations from hundreds of people across the world. He currently lives at E.A.R.T.H. Sanctuary and Rescue in Illinois alongside other animals who have been rescued and need care or a home. E.A.R.T.H stands for every animal deserves respect, transformation, and hope, which is the programs goal and mission.

The sanctuary takes in any animals that were abused, neglected, or unwanted and works to rehabilitate and advocate on their behalf. Thanks to their efforts Bentley received the care and attention he so desperately needed and pulled thorough, surviving the odds that were against him every step of the way.

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This 94 Year Old Lady Bought 5 Seconds Of TV Airtime For THIS 3 Word Message Everyone Should Hear!

When you start watching this video, you may think that it’s a story about a 94 year young woman named Shirley, who has an alert mind, loves game shows (which she orchestrates for the residents of her assisted living center) and just exudes a “joie de vive”.

In part, this is true.  She has been fortunate to have lived a life that included an exceptional 57-year-old marriage, children and grandchildren whom she still sees regularly, and an outstanding talent for painting some beautiful art.  As enviable as  her life has been, that is not the central theme of this video.

Shirley still had only one thing left on her bucket list.  As Shirley always has, she made her wish come true.  What she wanted to do, was to purchase 5 seconds of TV air time to share a simple 3 word message.  After 94 years of living a full and rich life, she sums everything up with these three words.  Considering the source, the message is more powerful than ever!

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Man Kicks This Innocent Puppy But Then He Gets Some Instant Karma!

In the privacy of  our bedrooms we watch the news incredulously, and ask each other how it is possible that there is so much inhumane behavior in the world.  What possesses people to be cruel just for the sake of being cruel?

Such cruelty exists amongst human beings toward each other, and then we see inexplicable cruelty towards animals by people, who seem to have nothing better to do.  What you are about to watch on this video, was just such an insane act of abuse, that was caught by a security camera in an Internet Cafe.

The footage shows a dog calmly wandering into an open door cafe.  He’s just exploring, going about his day, when out of nowhere a man walks in behind him.  He lifts his leg high in the air to give the dog a strong kick!  What happens next can only be termed a dose of “instant karma.” Sometimes the universe doles out just consequences to acts of cruelty instantaneously.

Somehow that is satisfying, when so much goes on in our world that goes unpunished.  You will understand why this went viral so quickly after it was released, getting more than 225,000 views in just a few days.

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The Simple Way To Treat and Remove Blackheads Age Spots Warts Moles and Skin Tags With No Chemicals!

Many people suffer from one or more of several common skin problems. Whether it be warts, blackheads, skin tags, moles, or age spots, they can all be bothersome and very tough to get rid of. Most people turn to expensive creams and treatments that promise the world, but return less than stellar results. If you are looking for an alternative way to get rid of an unsightly skin issue, look no further.

Blackheads: If you suffer from blackheads then you know what a pain in the butt they can be to remove. The pore cleaning strips that supposedly work to help pull them out only seem to dry and irritate the fragile skin on the nose, plus they can be quite painful to remove. Instead, try this natural face scrub by mixing up 1 tablespoon of sea salt, ½ a teaspoon of lemon juice, and 1 teaspoon of water. Apply it to your face, paying special attention to where any blackheads are, or where they tend to pop up.

Gently massage the scrub into your skin for at least 2-4 minutes, working in a circular motion, before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Wait a few minutes and then wash your face a second time using cold water. This helps to close pores and keep oil, dirt, and grime from building up and clogging them. Limit use of this scrub to only 1-2 times a week and avoid sunlight when applying it because lemon juice attracts harmful sun rays that can potentially burn your skin.

Moles: Some moles can be cancerous and you should familiarize yourself with the signs of skin cancer. If you have a harmless mole you want gone, there’s an easy way to banish it by using just garlic. Crush up some garlic, apply it directly onto the mole, and cover it up with a bandage. Leave this topical solution on for at least four hours a day, every day, until the mole disappears.

Warts: Warts are tricky because there are so many different types of them that people often get. However, there is one simple way to easily get rid of almost all of those types, with the help of apple cider vinegar. Dab the wart(s) with vinegar, making sure to soak them thoroughly, then place a bandage over them and change it twice daily. Do this every day for a week. On the last day soak the wart in water for a few minutes and then rub it off with a pumice stone.

Age Spots: These are nearly impossible to avoid and inevitably as our bodies age we develop age spots. The best thing you can do is wear sunscreen at all times, especially when you are younger. The old idiom “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” rings especially true for age spots so wear sunscreen. Alternatively, lemon acts as a natural skin lightener and applying it to skin twice daily can fade and reduce the appearance of age spots.

Skin Tags: These are small harmless skin growths that almost everyone will develop at some point in their lifetime. They’re usually painless and commonly appear as smooth or irregular raised flaps of skin that pop up in areas where skin tends to naturally form a crease, like on the eyelids, neck, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts.

Many people often find them unattractive and look for ways to get rid of them. Removing a skin tag will not cause more to grow and there is a painless, affordable, and easy removal method, which Dr. Doug Willen explains in the accompanying video.

Grab a bottle of apple cider vinegar, thoroughly soak a cotton ball, then rub it on the skin tag area at least 2 or 3 times a day, every day successively for a week or more. The skin tag will start to appear darker and darker until it eventually turns black and falls off. Lots of people have found success with this easy removal method.

Hopefully one of these easy, non-invasive, and non-toxic alternative skin solutions can work for you. Give it a try after all you have nothing to lose, except for a skin tag or two! Check out the video below for more information.

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This Bulldog Pup Attempts To Balance On A Hammock. The Results Are An Unexpected Surprise!

The question is, what is going through the mind of Columbus, the adorable bulldog in the video you are about to watch? At first he just seems to be trying to get settled on the hammock in his yard in Hungary. It is pouring rain, so this couldn’t be his solution for getting out of the rain, could it? No, not at all! Apparently, this cute little fella’s favorite place to be, when it rains, is on this hammock. Well, not exactly on it!

According to his owner, who luckily was able to capture Columbus in action, says that his laugh out loud activity on the hammock, is all about a place to “see saw” while he tries to bite the rain drops! As you watch his antics, it seems that he is trying to balance on the hammock, but as soon as he gets settled in the middle he romps to the edge and slides off it.

Columbus is just like a kid playing joyfully in the rain. He isn’t having trouble balancing at all. That’s just not his goal. Resting on the the hammock is just too boring, so he keeps tipping it over, turning it into a slide over and over and over again. He’s not upset at all, but barks to signal that he’s on his favorite “slip n’ slide”, and is calling out “Watch me do it again mom!”

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She Only Uses 2 Ingredients To Make This Chocolate Cake. But When She’s Done YUM!

Have you ever wanted to bake up something delicious but didn’t make it to the kitchen because you really did NOT want to clean up the mess afterwards? Baking often has messy side effects to it, with all the powdery flour and sugars, sticky butter coated bowls and blenders and spoons, and batter that too often ends up being whipped out of the bowl it was mixed in.

Set those unpleasant memories aside and replace them with thoughts of this incredibly simple and easy to make 2 ingredient chocolate cake. It’s a whipped, meringue-type of cake that ends up tasting rich and decadent yet also light and sweet. In other words, it’s basically perfect, and it will leave you with minimal mess to deal with.

This recipe makes 6 servings and each one contains 200Kcal. It takes about an hour total to prepare and bake. You can serve this right away once it’s cooled off from being in the oven, chill it in the fridge for later, or keep it in the freezer for up to a week. The ingredients are easy to remember, 3 eggs and 3 bars of chocolate, or enough to total 165 grams or 5.8 ounces. Preheat your oven to 338 degrees Fahrenheit then separate the egg whites out into a large bowl.

Refrigerate them so that they’re cold for when you later use them, which will make the meringue much more stable. Break the chocolate into pieces and melt it in a large bowl using a double boiler over hot water, then allow the chocolate to cool and whisk in the egg yolks.

In a separate bowl whip the egg whites with an electric mixer until firm peaks form and you can turn the bowl upside down without any of it sliding out. Add about 1/3 of the meringue to the chocolate and blend it together well with a whisk. Add in half of the rest, mix well, and follow with what is left.

Take a round cake pan, line it with parchment paper, and pour the batter into it. Before you put it in the oven pick it up and lightly drop it on the counter to get any air bubbles out. Bake in the preheated oven for 30-40 minutes, remove and allow it to cool completely before serving.

To finish off the cake you may want to brush it with syrup. It’s highly recommended that syrups or liquors such as brandy, rum, or kirsch are used, along with a light dusting of powdered sugar. Serve a slice of it alongside ice cream, fresh fruit, or with a dollop of whipped cream and a cherry on top. Pass on this recipe with friends and family, so they too can enjoy the tastiness and joy that this cake can bring them.

I tried and made this myself and got rave reviews from everyone who tried a piece. It was worth the mess and the extra mile I’m going to walk tomorrow.

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That Car Parks Directly In Front Of This Dog. Now Watch The Dog’s Back. WOW!

Oh my god, this is adorable. I could watch this video over and over and still giggle every time. The dogs feels the groove! When a car pulls up playing an upbeat tune, a dog on the street starts dancing to the sound. He bounces up and down in perfect time, taking small steps in no particular direction as he wiggles.

The pup doesn’t seem to think much of the event, which might mean that its a typical part of his day. When the music stops, he straightens his legs and continues on his way. I’ve never seen anything like it! Here is a dog that really knows how to get down. It dances like no one is watching and practically drops the mic when it’s done.

The canine must have exceptionally strong muscles around its knee joints from all the bending and lengthening of its legs. One might think that perhaps it spent some time in dance lessons, but clearly it is intuitive in its boogie because its moves and timing come so natural. Does it change its step to different genres?

If some good ol’ Sinatra was playing, would the dog get some swing in its swagger? Or maybe it knows the samba or conga and waltzes to slow songs. Certainly the dog has a lady friend roaming the streets that he pulls in for a tango when the time is right. And I’ll bet a little funky disco gets his bones going in the morning.

Don’t be surprised when you see him sway and spin under the sparkly stars, because this dog’s jive ain’t ever slowing down.

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This Guy Felt A Bite On His Arm But Didn’t Think Much Of It. He Went To Bed Woke Up and Saw THIS

At first, Alex Beer, a thirty two year old man from Kent, UK didn’t realize anything was wrong. Thinking it must have been due to an allergy, he brushed off worry and hoped it would get better, but the severity of the situation dawned on him as his arm quickly swelled, expanding at an alarming rate. Alex had been bitten by a false widow, the most infamous spider in all of Britain, and as you will soon see for yourself, his condition worsened to the point that he rushed to the hospital.

Upon arrival, it was discovered that his kidneys were rapidly failing and without prompt medical intervention the results would be grim. Fortunately for him, he was able to make it in time, and the skilled medical professionals were able to save not only his arm, but also his life! He had to stay in the hospital for nearly two weeks to bring his kidneys back to nominal function, and the damage to his arm was extensive, but with careful intervention they were able to help him on to the road to recovery.

For Alex, that road is not yet complete, but it seems he is through the worst of it. During his stay in the hospital, he underwent multiple rounds of intravenous antibiotics and saline. He did not know when he had been bitten and has no knowledge of the bite, but the presentation of his symptoms make the False Widow the likely culprit.

There are very few spiders in the world whose venom carries any threat for humans, but it would be wise to calmly look up which species of venomous spiders live in your area so that you are able to quickly identify them and stay out of their way until they can be safely moved to a new location. If you do not corner them or threaten them in any way they are unlikely to bother you, and the non venomous spiders are very helpful, it is not nice to hurt them.

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