It Just Seems Like a Red Old Storage Container But When You Walk In The Home It’s STUNNING!

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When it comes to a home, most people assume that bigger is better. While that may have been true years ago, these days it’s really not the case. In fact, the opposite is starting to catch on and small houses are more popular than ever before. Not only are they less costly to purchase initially, they’re also cheaper in the long run in terms of things like taxes, maintenance, and heating and cooling.

If you’ve ever dreamed of owning your own house, but for whatever reasons thought it wasn’t possible, perhaps a tiny home like the one seen here is the answer you’ve been searching for. From the outside it looks like it’s just a shipping container, but we all know that looks can be deceiving.

Once you take a look inside you’ll be shocked at how remarkably cozy, well designed, and spacious it actually is. Take the video tour to check it out now and see for yourself what a sleek and understated shipping container is capable of holding! Whoever designed this tiny house kept it simple and modern and the end result means the space has everything a person needs to live comfortably.

Small spaces are often tricky to design and things end up being crammed in until everything looks messy and cluttered, yet this container home isn’t a jumbled mess. The 320 square foot home was for sale in Texas and boasts extra high ceilings as well as a bedroom that’s completely separate from the kitchen and living area.

According to the listing it comes “Stocked fully furnished with washer/dryer, shower, toilet, bathroom sink, electric stove, refrigerator, kitchen sink, tankless water heater and cabinets. Unit comes standard 40ft long 8ft wide and 9.6 high they have Lg Ductless ac/heat units.”

The best part about a compact house like this is the convenience and portability it affords an owner. You can move it anywhere you’d like by rail, truck, or ship and it really does give you the freedom to just up and move wherever and whenever you’d like. Plus, there’s endless options on what you could do to a space like this to fit your needs and make it all your own.

In the meantime, be sure to check out this one for a little inspiration and maybe one day you’ll be part of the tiny house movement!

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Parents Try To Get Their Baby To Say Mama. But Listen To The Dogs Unexpected Response!

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Anyone who has been a parent, knows how persistent they will be, in order to get their baby to say their first words.  They will repeat the word endlessly until the baby’s garbled sounds turn into an intelligible version of their first word.  That word is usually “mama” or “dada.”  When the word finally is uttered by the coaxed babe, jubilation abounds at the achievement.

The parents in the video you are about to watch below, captures an attempt at such a moment.  They keep repeating the word “mama” to their baby boy, dangling a fork-full of his favorite food to reward him.  Next to the baby is his pal, the family dog, who is an Australian Shepard.  They are both eyeing the fork filled with the delicious treat.

Both the baby and the Shepard are licking their chops as they look at the fork, hearing the constant prodding of “Say Mama!” What happens next is truly hilarious and hard to believe.

You will have to watch this a few times to verify what you have seen and heard!

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The Easiest Way To Remove Those Gross Blackheads For Good Overnight!

Everyone hates having Blackheads which are an inevitable part of having pores in our skin.  Dirt gets clogged which causes our pores to stretch.  Blackheads can have underlying puss and sebum.  Many people squeeze them to get rid of the unsightly black marks which usually occur on the oiliest parts of our face; the t-zone.  Squeezing further enlarges the pores making them more prone to be refilled.

Thus the best solution is to prevent the problem from getting worse, and occurring less often.  The following footage offers an at home remedy that can be used with different masks made from natural foods which are fantastic in resolving blackhead and large pore problems.

Gentle exfoliation, not scrubbing, is key to good skin care.  The solutions that will be discussed in this article and illustrated in the video below provide remedies, that will help to maintain clear skin and will preclude the need for constant exfoliation, which can be irritating.

The first fantastic at-home mask, which you will see illustrated in the footage below is an EGG WHITE MASK.  Egg whites can be combined with a small amount of coconut or olive oil, or it can be used by itself.  Watch the tutorial, that shows you a great method for application that can be used for these other home remedies.

MILK AND HONEY is the next combo that is amazing at battling those hideous blackheads and providing you with glowing skin.  Honey, in and of itself, has remarkable healing properties for the skin, and so the third mask contains it as well.  A CINNAMON AND HONEY mixture provides a mask that can do wonders for overall skin maintenance.

A paste is created by pouring approximately 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon into your hand and adding an equal amount of honey.  As you mix this together it makes a mask that you should leave on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water, to see those blackheads disappear.

Finally, we all know the importance of a toner to close your pores, thus preventing further dirt from entering.  A natural and powerfully effective toner for tightening those pores and preventing blackhead formation is by combining fresh lemon juice and water.

Not only is the astringency of lemon effective, but the high concentration of Vitamin C in it, promotes overall skin health as it sinks in, greatly reducing pore size.

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These People Formed A Human Tree. But Their Next Move Left The Crowd Stunned!

Combining dance and acrobatics, the opening ceremony of the Youth Olympic Games, is a performance  that is profoundly magnificent.  Held in Nanjing, the act named ‘500 People Dancing in the Sky’, featured performances in the air and on the ground. Together, in unending graceful movements, (with the aerial performers attached with a large wire rig), they created formations of constantly changing trees.

The filming is done from so many different vantage points, creating magical illusions; at times the dancers did not even seem human! They created a magnificent work of art, with such fluidity, as they constantly changed shape.  The different angles captured in this video you are about to watch below, will take your breath away!

The close-up shots allow you to witness the intricacy and artfulness of each acrobatic movement, while the distant shots formed every-changing images of a “Human Tree”.  Be sure to watch until the very end; it’s stunning!

The performance is hypnotizing, to say the very least, so check it out in the video below and let us know your thoughts!

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Nobody Believed Her When She Described How Her Cat Gets Back In The House. So She Caught THIS

If you have a cat who loves going outside to get some fresh air and explore, then it’s likely you’re always opening the door to let kitty in and out. Unless, of course, you have a cat door installed that allows your frisky feline to come and go as he or she pleases, but most people lack such conveniences.

While most cats usually wait patiently to be let in at the door, some are less than patient and will claw or meow up a storm trying to get your attention. Life would be so much easier for both cats and their human companions if they could just learn how to ring the doorbell when they’re ready to be let inside!

Such type of action is not entirely outside of the realm of possibility, as is evidenced by one cheeky orange cat named Bruno. When Bruno wants to get back in the house he simply rubs the side of his face on the doorbell button and waits for it to open. He has this down to an art and kills two birds with one stone when he does it because he scratches his cheeks in the process.

His owner, Patrick Dougherty, uploaded footage of his smarty cat in action and it’s easily one of the coolest, most intelligent, and quirky things a kitty could ever do. Patrick also noted in the video’s description that Bruno only rings the bell during appropriate times when someone is present and awake to let him in and never does it at nighttime when everyone’s fast asleep. Not only is he smart, he’s thoughtful and considerate of others too!

If only all cats could ring doorbells… it wouldn’t just make life easier for everyone, it’d also make our feline companions a lot more independent and therefore probably happier as well. Please share this video with all the other cat lovers you know who can truly appreciate it for how awesome and remarkable it really is.

After all, it’s hard not to love a clever cat!

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Can You Tell Which Of These Yolks Comes From A Chicken That Is Actually Healthy? I Had No Idea.

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Over the years fad foods and diets come and go yet eggs, along with milk and bread, have long been considered among the top basic food staples. Most households always have on hand a carton or two of the fragile, shelled ovals in the refrigerator.

Some people even invest in a few of the birds and set up a chicken coop on their property, harvesting and eating the eggs as they’re laid. Not all chicken eggs are created equal and there are two basic types which are widely available to consumers; free-range and factory-farmed.

The differences between the two are clear to see and upon closer inspection the distinctions are glaring. When it comes down to it, eggs that come from huge factory operations are not as healthy as those which come from smaller scale, free-range farms.

Chickens that are allowed free range to graze and move around are naturally healthier than the ones crammed into dirty cages or barns. Part of the reason why is because chickens are omnivores and traditionally their diets have consisted of a lot more than just the cheap corn-based feed that’s fed to them at factory farms.

Corn feed has no real nutritional value to a chicken and it doesn’t make them healthy, it simply fattens them up and is what produces the golden yellow yolk color. In comparison, free-range chickens diets are supplemented by the types of foods they come across in nature.

They eat grasses and grains along with all sorts of bugs and worms including beetles, grasshoppers, meal worms, and grubs. This varied, natural diet makes them healthier chickens overall and in effect they lay healthier eggs.

You can spot a free range chicken egg because it’s yolk will appear thicker, fuller, and dark orange, not yellow. Also, the shells are both denser and harder to crack. An orange yolk is a sign that the chicken who laid the egg wasn’t simply fed corn-based feed, rather it had a balanced, wholesome, and nutritious diet.

These eggs also taste better. They’re not as bland and have a fuller, distinctive flavor. Watch the video and see for yourself the major differences between the two types. Chickens who lead better lives and who get to move around freely are a lot healthier and happier and lay more nutritious, better tasting eggs.

If you want the most from your food, and the best quality, then make the switch to free-range eggs if you haven’t done so already.

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Baby Penguin Is Searching For His Dad. But When The Lil One Finds Him It’s The Best Thing Ever!

Do you like being tickled, or do you prefer being the tickler?  When you really think about it, tickling is a little weird, isn’t it?  Most of us kind of love it and hate it at the same time!  It makes us laugh, but most of us usually laugh and then yell ENOUGH or STOP, and then keep laughing?!

This led me to wonder what is going on in our bodies when we are tickled?  Apparently it signals the parts of the brain that analyze both pleasure and pressure at the same time, and we laugh as a defense mechanism to the part that is so sensitized.

Accordingly, some people love being tickled, and others can’t take it…most kids kind of love it when their parents tickle them, and it is often a form of bonding.  In the video you are about to watch below, Cookie the little penguin at the Cincinnati Zoo, is just like a little kid with his caretaker.

Apparently Cookie loves to come over to one of his handlers each day to have his belly tickled…have you ever heard a penguin giggle?  You’re in for a treat!

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Woman Struggles While Trying Out A New Yoga Pose. Now Watch The Dog Show Her How It’s Done!

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There are certain animals in this world who are naturals at yoga. They have some serious skills and amazing abilities when it comes to flexing and contorting their furry little bodies into the craziest positions, all without even thinking about it! You can see that it comes naturally to them in their everyday movements and for proof of this look no further than cats and dogs.

Practically every time a dog or cat switches positions, or gets up from a nap, they have to yawn and do a big stretch before flopping back over into yet another yoga-like pose to resume their sleep. Our pets bodies were seemingly built for stretching and that’s why they’re among the top performers in the world of what we humans call yoga!

If people want to be able to keep up with their pets in the yoga department, they have a lot of catching up to do. One woman was doing just that and decided to film herself practicing her yoga technique. She sat down her mat and positioned her camera so that it was aimed directly at it, then got straight to work. In the video you can see her trying out a new yoga pose as she tells her dog to also try the move!

As she awkwardly struggles to perform the pose the dog shows her up and effortlessly masters it with both ease and grace. The adorable yogi dog is further living proof that animals are simply naturals when it comes to the ancient practice. They have inherent and incredible stretching abilities that put all of us humans to shame!

If this woman really wants to do yoga with her dog, then she should bring her canine friend to an animal yoga class. A growing number of studios offer classes where humans and animals, mainly just cats and dogs, can get their stretch on. A variety of specific poses and maneuvers have even been specially developed for our four-legged animal companions.

So rather than tripping over your poor pet while switching between poses, you can instead incorporate them into a session, and both of you will be happier and healthier from the experience. After all, a yogi dog (or cat) can teach us mere mortals a lot about stretching, so why not partner up with your pet!

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