This Is Not a Normal Bug and They Are Showing Up Everywhere. If You Spot One Do Not Touch It!

The freakish looking bug you see in this video, that looks like a mutant spider, is not something you ever want to come across inside your home. The fuzzy, spiky-haired creature isn’t a member of the arachnid family at all, it’s actually a caterpillar and it lives in North America.

Sightings of the strange insect have become increasingly common and left many people understandably shaken and wondering- what is that bizarre thing?!

The strange bug is commonly known as a hag moth and it’s scientific name is Phobetron pithecium. However, when it’s in the larva stage, like the one in the accompanying clip, it’s called the monkey slug caterpillar. This ugly little guy will soon spin himself into a cocoon and go through metamorphosis, changing into an adult hag moth that’s just as hairy and hideous as he ever was before.

The monkey slug caterpillar’s habitat ranges from Quebec, Canada all the way down to southern Florida and as far west as Nebraska. They’re easy to spot because of the oddly distinct features they sport on their bodies, which include those curly, hairy, arm-like parts you can clearly see sticking out in the video.

They move quite slow and awkwardly thanks to their suction cup legs, which is what earned them the slug part of their name. Many people who come across these bizarre bugs assume they are poisonous and thus go out of their way to avoid them.

While they aren’t exactly lethal or highly toxic, the hairs covering their bodies are capable of stinging and some people experience a painful reaction when their skin comes into contact with these hairs. However, it varies from person to person and those with more sensitive skin types are at an increased risk of having such a reaction.

All in all, it’s best to not touch or pick up any monkey slug caterpillars you see crawling around, not that you’d ever want to in the first place..

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When She Bought This Broken Down Cabin From The 1950’s Nobody Thought She Would Do THIS With It

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About two hours northwest of New York City lies the tiny hamlet of Narrowsburg, New York. As of 2010 the village’s population was just 431 people and Tina Spangler is one of the residents who calls it home.

After living in the hectic city for years she was ready for a change of pace and scenery. The peaceful, scenic mountains upstate drew her to them and in 2004 she moved to the Luxton Lake area part of town after purchasing a foreclosed cottage that had originally been built in the 1950’s.

The house needed a lot of work but the structure had stood up against the elements over time and overall it was still in good shape. What initially drew her eye towards what the property could become was the hardwood floors, and after further inspection Tina decided she could do a lot with the place once she cleaned it up and did a few renovations.

Once the house was updated Tina set about filling it with items and antiques that she had collected over the years. She loves retro décor from the 1930-40s and while attending college in Boston she came across an apartment whose previous owner left behind a bunch of furnishings from that era.

Ever since then she’s been steadily accumulating various pieces and adds anything interesting that she happens to come across to her collection. Even her refrigerator is a monitor-top type from the 1930’s and the cupboards are filled with Fire King Jadeite cups and dishes.

In the living room a linoleum rug dating back to the 1920’s graces the floor and protects the hardwood underneath. All throughout the cottage are unique and interesting pieces, from old glass bottles to Joseph Unger paintings that hang on the wall.

The end result is that when you go through the doorway into Tina’s house it’s like taking a step back time. The retro furnishings and comfortable surroundings transport you to another era and the overall feel of the house is that it’s been lived in and loved.

When explaining her interior decorating style, Tina sums it up perfectly when she says “my goal isn’t to have a perfect house, it’s just to have a house full of things that I love and that have a history.” From the looks of it all, it appears that she has accomplished that goal.

Check out the video to take a tour of Tina’s 1950’s Luxton Lake cottage and see all of the neat things she’s collected over the years. She knows her stuff well and explains some of the items history in great detail.

All in all, the space she has created in the once run down building is warm, comfy, inviting, and makes it feel like a home again.

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He Pours A Whole Bottle Of Wine Into This Pot And Then Adds Spaghetti. When He’s Done YUM!

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Fill a large pot of water and place it on the stove with high heat. While you’re waiting for the water to boil, peel and finely mince one clove of garlic. Shell and chop 1/4 cup of pistachios for topping. Once the water is boiling, add salt and one pound of thin spaghetti.

Use tongs to make sure all of the pasta is submerged. In a large skillet, melt one tablespoon of butter over medium heat and add the minced garlic, along with 1/4 teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes.

Once the garlic mixture is slightly browned, pour two cups, or 3/4 of a bottle, of red wine into the skillet. After about 3-4 minutes of cooking, when the pasta just begins to bend in its pot, use tongs to move it into the wine in the skillet.

Cook for a few more minutes until the pasta is tender, but slightly firm to the bite. At this point, turn off the heat and add two more tablespoons of butter, stirring until thoroughly combined, to give the dish a creamy texture.

Portion the wine soaked spaghetti into dishes and cover the top with sprinkled chopped pistachios. Your meal is now ready to be served and enjoyed. Savor the rich flavor of the slightly spicy, garlic and wine infused noodles contrasting with the satisfying crunch of the green nuts.

This quick recipe is easy to pull together and delightful for the taste buds. Its simplicity is pure art in the form of gourmet cuisine, suitable both for entertainment and family meals.

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She Puts Coffee Under Her Eyes. But When She’s Done It’s STUNNING!

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Tired of having dark under eye circles? Many people struggle with the unsightly blemishes and try all sorts of different things to get rid of them. Most of the products that promise to eliminate them and cut down on puffiness are ineffective and expensive.

Lots of women end up turning to makeup to help conceal the darkness but even that is only masking, and not reducing, the problem. If you want to try an affordable, simple, all natural way to eliminate dark circles then try this at home remedy.

All you need is coffee beans, black peppercorns, and coconut oil. Mix together some ground coffee beans with a pinch of black peppercorns and then add in a tiny bit of coconut oil. There are no set amounts and you can refer to the video to see how much the girl used.

She also explains that you can experiment with different amounts of each ingredient to see which combination works best for you and your skin type. You can easily mix this up in the palm of your hand, so have the ingredients close by and apply it in front of a mirror to make sure you cover the correct areas. Using the tip of your finger, gently dab the mixture onto the skin under your eyes.

Work carefully and be sure to avoid getting any of it in your eyes. Leave it on for at least 5-10 minutes, or until it starts to dry. That way you know the oils have penetrated and been absorbed into your skin.

To remove, simply wipe it off with a wet, soft cotton cloth or tissue. Afterwards you can apply moisturizer or any other skin products you usually use. This under eye treatment can be done several times a week.

It helps to reduce inflammation that may be a contributing factor to any dark under eye circles or puffiness. Plus, it helps tone and tighten your skin and the coconut oil works to moisturize as well. Coffee, and caffeine in particular, has been used in a number of at home beauty and personal care treatments.

It has been found to work well at reducing the appearance of cellulite, because of the fact that caffeine can temporarily help to tone and tighten skin. That’s why many body scrubs and lotions that promise to do so much contain and list it as an active ingredient.

Dark under eye circles happen to be a beauty issue for many women and men. They are most commonly seen as a sign of fatigue and lack of sleep but there are a number of other possible causes. If they first appear in childhood this could point to them being inherited.

Dark circles have also been attributed to allergies and nasal congestion which dilates certain blood vessels around the eyes and causes them to darken. Other possible causes include stress, anemia, oversleeping, eczema, crying, too much salt in ones diet, aging, and excessive drinking, smoking, or sun exposure. In addition, they may also be a symptom of a more serious health condition, like liver disease or hypothyroidism.

Many products and treatments have been touted as effective at making dark under eye circles go away. However, most of them are ineffective and some may potentially damage the fragile under eye skin. The safest way to try and combat dark under eye circles is with this simple, all natural treatment.

It’s extremely affordable and won’t harm the environment like most of the ingredients that are found in beauty products do. Try one of these applications tonight and see the results for yourself!

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This Dog Died From Drinking Out Of A Puddle On The Grass. The Reason Is Scary!

Leptospirosis is a potentially deadly disease that affects humans and animals. The bacteria can be contracted through the urine of livestock, wildlife, and rodents. This means that pets are susceptible when drinking from puddles or open water, or eating dirty grass and feces.

The illness can cause kidney and liver failure, making it a severe threat especially to small animals. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst and urination, fatigue, fever, and blood in the urine.

Although leptospirosis is not a new disease, new strains of it are emerging which make its prevention more difficult. There is controversy among veterinarians about whether or not to administer the available vaccine.

The treatment has a tendency to cause extreme side effects such as diarrhea and vomiting which can become fatal. Not only does it have the possibility of being deadly, the leptospirosis vaccine only kills four out six known strains of the organism.

Other veterinarians see leptospirosis as a real danger to pets and their owners, witnessing the disease multiple times per month in a busy practice. These vets recommend the lepto vaccine to all dogs with exception to those who rarely go outside.

The belief is that the benefit of prevention outweighs the risk of contracting the horrible sickness. Another reason to diligently inhibit the disease is because it is zoonotic, meaning is passes from animals to humans and therefore can spread from pets to owners.

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After You Watch This You Will Never Microwave Your Potatoes Again! I’m So Glad I Learned THIS

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Potatoes are among the most popular and versatile food items that are readily available at any local grocery store. Just like rice, corn, and wheat, they rank among the world’s top grown crops and consumed foods.

A simple potato can be transformed and prepared lots of different ways. They can be served hot or cold and people love them mashed, baked, fried, hashed, steamed, and chipped, yet the one downside to them is that it often takes a long time to thoroughly cook a potato.

One of the easiest and most basic ways to cook a potato is by poking a few holes in the skin and tossing it in the microwave. Press the “Potato” button and minutes later it’s done. While that’s the fastest way to cook a spud, it’s definitely not the tastiest. Oftentimes the skin and flesh gets rubbery or becomes kind of mealy and it’s just not the same as a slowly cooked, oven baked potato.

Instead of zapping them, try cooking a bunch of them at once in a slow cooker. In the end it’s just as easy as microwaving, but the potatoes will turn out much more delicious. Everyone’s favorite, the YouTube extraordinaire OnePotChefShow, shows how it’s done in this quick and easy to follow video.

Start by washing and scrubbing a few potatoes and prepare them by cutting off any little sprout marks. Prick a few holes in the skin with a fork before lightly brushing on a coating of olive oil. Sprinkle on some salt and tightly wrap each one up individually in tinfoil.

Toss them all in a slow cooker, place the lid on, and cook for 7-8 hours on low or 4-5 hours on high. While they’re cooking you’re free to go about your day and when you get back the potatoes will be done.

The insides will be evenly cooked, fluffy, and tender, and you can eat the right away since they’ll be warm and ready. Try this almost effortless cooking method the next time you’re having potatoes for dinner.

Plus, if you need to shave minutes off a dinner prep time, cook the potatoes ahead of schedule and free up a lot of valuable oven space.

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When You See What Her Homemade Pore Strip Pulls Off Her Face You Won’t Buy One Ever Again!

Fact: Blackheads are gross and a pain in the butt to remove. That’s why people often turn to pore cleaning strips that promise to help pull dirt and oil out of pores. In reality, all the pricey strips ever seem to do is irritate and dry out the fragile skin on the nose area. Plus, they can be incredibly painful to remove and many a tear has been shed in the peeling process.

Instead of enduring more pain and wasting more money in search of a solution to this age old beauty problem, try a more gentle approach, like this 100% natural method. All that it requires is two simple ingredients that cost way less than $4 total, and since you don’t use a lot they can be used many times.

Chances are it’s much more effective than anything else you’ve tried so far at removing blackheads, and it’s incredibly cheap and easy to do in the comfort of your home.

YouTube beauty blogger Michelle Phan shows how to make a simple pore strip-like treatment and explains all the steps and details. The solution she whips up contains only 2 basic ingredients; unflavored gelatin and milk.

For the milk part any type or percentage will do so long as it’s a regular, plain type of milk. Skip the chocolate and strawberry flavored kinds and definitely don’t use any almond varieties. This also requires a microwave safe container, a glass cup works well, and a clean paint or makeup brush that you don’t mind potentially ruining.

Begin by measuring out one tablespoon of milk and one tablespoon of unflavored gelatin. Pour them into the container and mix it up until it’s chunky, then stick it in the microwave for 10 seconds. When it comes out it should look more liquid and oozy. Wait a few moments for the solution to cool off a bit and then dip the brush into it.

Before you apply any to the delicate skin on your face, test it out on the back of your hand, that way you know it’s safe to put on. Now all you have left to do is brush the mixture onto any areas you want to clean and make dirt or oil free. Sit back, relax, and wait until it dries on your skin, which takes about 10 minutes or so.

To remove, simply peel it off when it has dried enough to easily do so. Finally, you may want to apply moisturizer afterwards, or whatever acne/zit cream or serum that you prefer to use, because the pores will be open and the skin will absorb the product much better.

Check the strip if you want to see what it actually picks up off your skin and out of your pores. All the dirt, oil, blackheads, old dead skin cells and grime will have peeled off along with the dried strip. It’s kind of nasty but it definitely puts into perspective how effective this easy DIY topical solution works. Plus, you’ll be happy to know all of that gunk is off your face.

The next time your skin needs a little revitalizing, try this out, your skin will thank you!

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I Thought It Was Strange As She Starts Drawing On Her Zipper With A Pencil But The Reason Brilliant!

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Clothing is a necessary part of life. We all need clothes to protect our bodies from the elements and to avoid being arrested for indecent exposure. To get the most mileage and wear out of clothes we have to wash them regularly and mend them when it’s needed. Taking care of clothes and doing laundry can be tricky and many a thing can go wrong.

Things end up getting shrunk in the wash, sweaters get snagged on sharp objects, and zippers stop working at the most inconvenient of times. Instead of letting a little problem like that ruin your favorite clothes, try one of these wardrobe-saving laundry hacks. Fashion blogger Rachel Levin goes over a few neat tricks that might just come in handy down the line.

We listed all of the excellent tips below but be sure to check out her video for more and pass it along to anyone else who could use the information:

No time to iron a wrinkly shirt? Grab a spray bottle and fill it with clean water. Spray the shirt, stretch it out, and the wrinkles should go away.

Zipper stuck? Using a standard graphite pencil, rub the tip over the zipper teeth, then zip it up. Want to buy a pair of jeans without trying them on? Take the jeans you like and wrap the waist part around your neck. If it touches perfectly they will fit. Alternatively, if the ends go past each other the jeans are too big and if they don’t meet at all then the pair is too small. This works because, for most people, the circumference of the waist is 2 times the circumference of the neck.

Own a pair of shoes that give you blisters, but you still really want to wear them? Pull on a pair of dress socks and then a pair of regular socks. The dress ones are tight enough to not interfere with comfort and fit and they keep feet dry and protected because they allow the foot to move around without rubbing your skin, like normal socks do.

Have shirts that are piling? Use a cheap disposable razor to shave off the ugly pieces and dots. Want to make a tank top into a strapless top? Wear the tank top upside down and either roll and tuck the straps under or stretch them down and put your leg through each side. That will turn it into a body suit and ensure no straps poke out.

Shrink your clothes while doing laundry? Soak them in hot water and hair conditioner for about 5 minutes, allow it to dry, and the clothes should return to normal size.

Have ugly, yellow sweat stains on some of your clothes? Cut a lemon in half and rub it on the stain. Spray a little water on and wipe it off with a soft cotton towel. The stains should disappear and your clothes will smell lemony fresh.

Does a friend want to “borrow” your clothes, but they’re known for keeping them? Take a picture of the friend holding the article of clothing they want to borrow, save or add it to your favorites, and now you have proof and won’t forget about it.

Have a sweater that got snagged or with threads that are pulled and hanging loosely? Take a bobby pin and slide it over the loose thread, then push it through the sweater to the other side and let go. This basically pushes the snag back into a place where it’s protected. It won’t get pulled any further and it’s more safe against your body, instead of hanging out all ugly in the front.

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