This Man Notices A Garbage Bag Wiggling Near The Water. What He Finds In It Tore My Heart Up!

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If you have ever loved a dog, or not, the story depicted in the video you are about to watch will touch you to the core of your soul. Having rescued a dog myself, I have often wished he could tell me about what happened in his life, before he became part of mine. There is no creature who is more loyal and a better friend than a dog.

The story begins on a beautiful country road that runs next to a river, where a man is enjoying his morning jog. Looking toward the water, he spots a black plastic bag on the shore. Approaching what he thinks is trash, it appears that something is moving inside.

What he finds in the garbage bag is life-changing…a young dog that has been discarded! This incredibly beautiful short story is told from the dog’s perspective…if he could talk, this is what a rescued dog would tell you. No one watching this will have a dry eye; it is one of the most deeply moving stories I have ever seen.

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This Guy Takes A Reflective Sun Shade And Puts It On A Piece Of His Shoe For a Genius Reason!

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Even though a lot of the United States winter is over, chilly days are still here, and there will no doubt be plenty of really cold days ahead. The one thing that will always make you suffer from the cold, regardless of how well protected the rest of your body is, are cold feet!

I buy warm winter boots, and those “smart socks” that are supposed to really insure warmth. If I’m outside for a prolonged period of time, I’ve even tried foot warmers that last for a while. However, I always end up with that awful feeling of my toes going numb, and then there is no getting rid of the chill.

The foot warmers require replacement, since they only work once, so when I saw this amazing heat insulating trick online I had to try it. In the video you are about to watch below, the IntenseAngler YouTube channel shows you how to make your own insulating shoe insert, that can be used over and over…and it actually works fantastically!

All you need to pick up is one of those reflective sun shields that people use on their car windows. He shows you how to cut the material for your winter shoes or boots; this material not only insulates from the cold but reflects body heat back to your feet.

The result is an amazing remedy for freezing cold feet and toes!

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5 Pains You Should Never Ignore..

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Pain is a part of life, it’s our bodies way of telling us that we are hurt or are healing. We all experience aches and stiffness at some point in life and while most of the time it’s not serious, there are some types of pain that should never be ignored.

Below are the main types of bodily pain that medical experts agree should be checked out immediately if they significantly impact your quality of life or continue to persist.

1) A sharp ache between the shoulder blades may be a sign of a heart attack. Many people, especially women, don’t experience the classic symptoms of a heart attack, like chest pressure or numbness in the arm.

Instead, they may experience dizziness, shortness of breath, jaw pain, nausea, and a very sharp, stabbing type of pain in the upper back area. It’s best to seek medical attention when you feel this.

2) A thunderclap headache, the likes of which you have never felt before, and it’s far worse beyond the average type of migraine or headache pain. Instead, the headache will come on extremely quickly, like a clap of thunder, hence the name.

Severe head pain may be a sign of an aneurysm, which is when a blood vessel develops a blood filled bulge in its wall that can burst at any moment. These are extremely dangerous and need to be dealt with immediately and aggressively.

3) Dull stomach pain that gets increasingly sharper over the course of a day or so. This could be appendicitis, which feels like you’re being stabbed in the lower right side of your abdomen. If the pain is accompanied by feelings of nausea or a fever, you should go to the emergency room immediately or risk having it burst.

4) Mid back pain accompanied by a fever could potentially be a dangerous kidney infection that stems from an untreated urinary tract infection. When you touch your lower back it will feel extremely tender and sore. If ignored and left untreated, the toxins in your body might stop being filtered, as the kidneys can shut down.

5) Menstrual cramps or severe pain that accompanies your period, which fails to be alleviated by medication and gets progressively worse each month, could be a sign of endometriosis. Endometriosis is when tissue that lines and grows inside the uterus grows outside of it instead. So if your periods are excruciatingly painful, there is a high probability that it could be due to Endometriosis.

These are just a few of the most common and severe types of pain that people may experience. As mentioned above, pain is your bodies way of telling you something is not right, and so it should never be ignored if it persists or worsens. Brushing aside pain can sometimes lead to much more serious complications, and it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

No one wants to go through life worried about why they are hurting, so go see a doctor and fix the issue before it’s too late.

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Scientist Says Women Need To Stop Wearing Their Bras Immediately. His Reason Is Surprising.

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To wear a bra or not…that is the question!  Do you wear a bra for esthetic or health reasons?  There is actually a “National No Bra Day”r; the point of this nutty sounding day had the serious purpose of promoting breast cancer awareness and raising funds for research.

Speaking of research, a study was done by Jean-Denis Roullion, a French Sports science researcher.  The thinking has been that wearing a bra provides the support necessary to prevent sagging and to promote overall breast health.  He conducted a 15-year longitudinal study on the effects of wearing a bra on 330 women, between the ages of 18 to 35.

He concluded from his findings that wearing a bra actually did not benefit breast support, and conversely found a 7mm lift in the areola of women who went BRALESS.  He interpreted this finding as indicative of bras causing the negative effect of reducing both circulation and breast tone over time, causing sagging in young women.

A doctor who was not part of this research study, hypothesized that not wearing a bra may allow the breast to naturally increase collagen production and elasticity, which could be hampered by bra usage.  In the video below, this study is discussed.  More research on a larger sample of women needs to be done, that controls for breast size, before any final conclusions can be drawn.

Let us know what you think after watching the video.

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Apparently You Should Be Taking A Shot Of Whiskey Everyday. The Reason I Had No Idea!

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Whiskey is the fastest growing area in all of the alcoholic beverage industry and annual sales figures for the spirit have steadily gone up over the past few years. In fact, the Distilled Spirits Council of the US reports that the entire spirits market in America has been sustained, and the total volume increased overall, in large part thanks to the current resurgence in whiskey.

The immense popularity of the drink is due in part to the many different varieties and blends of it that are available, from Canadian and Irish whiskey to Tennessee bourbon. Add to that the fact that it has a multitude of health benefits, and it’s easy to see why whiskey is currently king.

For centuries whiskey had been used mainly for medicinal purposes. It was popular for the the treatment of smallpox, digestion problems, coughs, tuberculosis, colic, and much more. During prohibition the government even made it available via licensed pharmacies to those who had a doctors prescription.

The medicinal value of the spirit was widely recognized, so much so you could get prescribed whiskey! Below are a few more of the health benefits that whiskey can provide.

Helps prevent weight gain- whiskey contains 0 fat, 0 cholesterol, and the carbs and calories in it are simple so they break down quickly instead of staying on your waistline for years to come.

Aids in digestion- whiskey acts as a natural digestive aid because it stops you from overeating, which can also help with weight loss.

Promotes heart health- it can actually prevent excess cholesterol from building up in arteries by relaxing them, leading to a better functioning cardiovascular system. Plus, antioxidants naturally found in whiskey help to lower the risk for heart attack or stroke by lowering LDL cholesterol, aka the bad type, while increasing good HDL cholesterol levels.

Reduces risk of cancer- whiskey contains more antioxidants than red wine and one type, ellagic acid, has been found to prevent DNA from coming into contact with cancerous compounds, like carcinogens. It also helps to protect the body from the harmful effects of chemotherapy.

Boosts memory and brain health- All those antioxidants mentioned above also make our brains healthier, while boosting circulation, which can lead to better recall ability. There’s also a link between drinking whiskey and a decreased risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia, although additional studies are needed to explore this more in depth.

Helps you de-stress and relax- a shot of whiskey can help you become less tense and relaxes your muscles. It also helps open arteries up and improves circulation, which takes more stress off your body and leaves you feeling much better.

It’s diabetic safe- because it’s low in sugar it won’t spike blood glucose levels, and a drink or two has been shown to improve the bodies ability to regulate insulin and glucose levels

These are just a few of the ways in which whiskey can help your body and health. The key to harnessing any of these benefits is by using the spirit wisely, never overindulge or drink to excess, and as with all alcoholic beverages, moderation is essential. Check out the video for more information.

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Apparently I have Been Putting Band Aids On Completely Wrong For My Whole Life. I Had No Clue.

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What I love about the Crazy Russian Hacker, other than his accent and hilarious attitude, is that he finds solutions for things that are actually useful for most everyone. He targets those little annoyances or problems that always are a bother, and he solves the problem.

There is nothing worse than getting a cut in an awkward place, like the end of your finger that really needs band-aid protection. As you have probably all experienced, certain parts of the body, like this, just doesn’t hold a band-aid; they keep falling off.

Band-aids are made in all shapes and sizes that you would think would cover such issues, but as the Crazy Russian illustrates for us in the video below, people come in different shapes and sizes which sometimes requires a “custom made Band-aid”. Kids and adults, men and women…all have different size needs that this hack provides.

Watch the following footage as he shows us which shape Band-aid works best for customizing your needs, to get maximum coverage and flexibility. He has really come up with a great hack for those “hard to cover areas”.

Let us know if you ever tried this technique!

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She Starts Cutting Off The Top Of This Salt Shaker. But When She’s Done It’s Surprisingly Brilliant!

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The mason jar phenomenon has taken a firm hold in society and the handy glass jars are no longer only used for their original intended purpose, canning food. These days people use them for just about anything and everything one can imagine. Odds are you have a few in your own home and if not they are quite inexpensive and widely available at many stores.

Beyond storing foods and other items, they also make handy drinking glasses, neat soap dispensers, candle holders, lanterns, and more. Here is an additional way to get the most use out of any spare mason jars you may have sitting around. In this short video YouTube channel ThriftyFun shows how to make a simple and convenient easy pour top for a mason jar.

All you need is a salt container with a pour spout, a knife, and a mason jar with a ring that fits onto it. Start by carefully cutting the top off of the salt container. Flip it upside down and place the top of the mason jar on it, then trace around the rim opening with a pencil. Cut the traced circle out and then place it on top of the jar as you would with a lid.

Screw it on securely with the jar ring and check to make sure that it fits, trimming it if necessary. That’s all it takes and now you can fill up the jar with whatever you want. When it comes time to pour stuff out the modified top makes it much easier to measure and control, it won’t dump out all over the place. This works great for dry, messy, powdery things such as glitter and beads or other small craft items.

It also comes in handy in the kitchen and is perfect for storing seasonings, rice, sugar, flour, and of course salt!

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It Seems Like A Normal Leaf Pile But Keep Your Eyes On The Center For An Unexpected Surprise!

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It oftentimes turns out that the things which bring us the most joy in life are relatively simple. One such simple joy is playing in a massive pile of leaves. It’s easily one the most fun things that a child, adult, or dog can ever do in the fall. There is just something wonderful about leaping up in the air and crashing down into a pile of soft, crunchy, crinkly old leaves.

If the pile is large enough it can even swallow you whole, and popping out of them is just as fun as going in! It’s like leaf piles were meant to be played in, they are the perfect material for building up and jumping into, and act like a natural cushion. Humans are not the only creatures who love frolicking in leaves. Dogs are especially up for a romp through them as well, like this adorable yellow lab named Stella.

She is having a blast in the clip, ripping through the piles and jumping into them without hesitation, like a leaf diving professional. When her human companion throws a toy into them she bolts after it, searching through and disappearing under the masses of crunchy leaves over and over again.

She looks so darn cute when her head pops up out of the leaves. It looks like she is smiling even with the ball in her mouth! Stella is proof of the fact that fun and games just don’t get tiring when you’re outdoors playing in the cool, crisp autumn leaves and air. She’s one cute and energetic lab who knows how to make the most of what she has to play with.

Of course, the one thing everyone should be on the look out for when leaf pile jumping is dog poo (and sticks). They can get raked up with the leaves and no one wants to jump into a tainted pile. All the more reason to pick up after pets, or to train them to do their business in specific areas that are not on the lawn.

Once you dodge the poo problem, you’re set to jump into a pile of what can be aptly be described as heaven. Bombs away!

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