These High School Kids Were Trapped In a Van For 5 Hours. How They Passed The Time Is Hilarious!

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High School sports are a great school activity, which teaches teamwork, friendship, working with others, and most importantly staying out of trouble. In the following video, this hysterical high school baseball team shows the world how a little fun can make any boring situation extraordinary.

They were on a 5 hour journey to Seattle trapped in a small van and were desperate to pass the time. They decided to make an awesome country music video that millions of youtubers would see. When the Florida Georgia Line Song, ‘Cruise’ comes on the boys immediately put on their game faces and perform perfectly choreographed dance routine. Their precision and teamwork as a baseball team is really on full display on this one.

It is truly amazing what can be accomplished when people work together in harmony. They are so on point throughout the entire performance, and never miss a move. I have to be honest I wasn’t expecting much from this video but I was completely wrong about it. I can’t stop watching it.  These guys are totally awesome! Enjoy! 🙂

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She Squirts A Rainbow Mess Into a Mason Jar and Puts It In The Oven. But When She’s Done I’m Drooling!

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Meet Jen a popular youtube chef from Cookies Cupcakes and Cardio.  She is always taking traditional recipes and transforming them into something unique, creative, and incredible. It truly is amazing how a little imagination can take something from being ordinary too extraordinary. People never cease to me amaze me!

In the following video you will learn how to make rainbow cupcakes in a jar.  I pretty much love rainbow anything, so cupcakes with rainbows sounds like an awesome idea.  Add some sprinkles and let’s make this a party! The best part about the rainbow jar cupcake recipe is that it’s super easy and really fun to make!

The first thing you will need is some canning mason jars.  You will also need Cake batter, icing and gel paste. Watch the video below where she goes over each step thoroughly and clearly. Get ready to take a normal cupcake and make them amazingly epic! Enjoy and let us know how your rainbow jar cupcakes came out!

I’m totally making them this weekend!

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5 Men Confront Her At Work. When She Turned Around It Tore My Heart Up!

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This video is called “The Special Proposal,” it was produced by Coordown.  It features a man named Salvatore with Down syndrome asking the love of his life Caterina who also has Down syndrome if she will live with him. You are going to need some tissues for this one, it really pulls at all the heart strings!

He completely takes Caterina by surprise when he shows up at her work, with an a cappella group singing the song ‘Come Away With Me.’  When she turns around the look on her face melted my heart.  Salvatore gets on one knee with a key to their new house and asks, “Would you come live with me, my love?”

This amazing moment, emphasizes the importance of giving the people with Down syndrome the right to live on their own.  Many people with Down syndrome never get this opportunity, so hopefully this video will raise awareness and allow others who suffer from this syndrome to also live their dream of living independently.

Watch the video below and grab a tissue box you may need it! Enjoy!

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This Is Not a Normal Sculpture. When You Zoom In You Will See What’s Inside!

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There are all sorts of unique works of art constantly being created. This one caught our eye. It is a fluid sculpture dreamed up and designed by an artist known as Casual Profanity. The piece and video featuring it won the “Captured” Category at the Vimeo Festival + Awards.

The artist worked with clear plastic tubing that had an outside diameter of 1/8” and knit it onto a blue ringed loom which serves as a base and supports the structure. At first glimpse it looks crazy intricate and highly compact. However, the magic starts when colored water is pumped through the tubing. It creates a hypnotic visual effect and opens up a world of possible transformations. 

The speed, color, and fluid medium can all be altered to produce a certain desired result. Same goes for the knitted pattern or way it is built.  The same artist, Casual Profanity, has also produced a fluid dress. It is an extension of the fluid sculpture in that it is composed of clear plastic tubing as well.

There is a backpack mounted pump with special valves that control the fluid flow, ensuring the wearer maximum optic wow factor. Could you imagine a woman wearing a dress filled with moving liquid, all lit up, as she too moves around the room? It would be fantastic to witness!

The sculpture certainly seems like a neat interactive piece of art that you could experiment with or just look at. The simple beauty and movement of the water and colors definitely has a mesmerizing and almost therapeutic effect. Check out the liquid dress too, it is awesome!

Let us know what you think of the video! Enjoy!

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Hidden Security Camera Caught This Cat Rescuing A Little Child From The Babysitter!

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Over the years several pets have been caught on video trying to protect their family’s young children from potential harm. Most often the animals defending these children happen to be dogs. Such behavior is more instinctual and in line with a dog’s nature and their (often) larger sizes serve well to deter any attackers.

However, sometimes it is the family cat who comes to the rescue. Just last year a video went viral of a cat springing into action to help a small boy who was being attacked by a neighbor’s dog that had gotten loose and bit him. In this video, the family cat hears a commotion and runs downstairs to check it out.

In the moments preceding the cat’s arrival on the scene a woman, thought to be either a babysitter, nanny or mom, is bouncing a ball back and forth with a young boy. When the child throws the ball back at her it hits a glass cup on the coffee table causing it to fall and break.

Upstairs, the black and white cat had been lounging around and was likely startled by the sudden sound of glass breaking. The kitty jumps off his comfy seat and heads over to investigate the scene, whereupon he sees the woman starting to pick up the shards and gently push the child away from them.

The startled child’s crying, woman’s stress, and broken glass are all what the cat see’s and senses. At this point the kitty’s protection instinct kicks in and he starts to attack the woman, batting and pushing her away from the boy. The video clearly shows the cat only going after the woman and never the little boy.

While the child was likely not in any danger from the woman, the cat assumed that he was and reacted without hesitation. The protective feline likely heard the child crying and decided to defend him since he was the one defenseless person in the room. The cat seems to have judged the woman a threat and thus tried to keep her away from the boy.

If in the future the child is ever in real danger, it is reassuring to know that this cat will try hard to protect him.

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Which One Of Your Chakras Needs Strengthening?

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The word ‘chakra’ is defined in modern terms by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary as “any of several points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy.” It follows that there are 7 main chakras which are present throughout our bodies.

Each one is an energy center that acts as a pump, or valve, by regulating and controlling the flow of energy throughout our energy systems. This idea relates directly back to the ancient meaning of the word “chakra,” which in Sanskrit terminology means “wheel” or “turning.”

When the modern meaning is merged with the ancient one, the more commonly held thought on what chakras are emerges, which is when they are viewed or imagined as whirlpools of flowing energy. Each chakra is located in a specific area of the body and is associated with different meanings, traits, feelings, colors, gem stones, abilities, and more. The 1st chakra, or the root chakra, is red and located at the base of the spine.

It’s also known as the Kundalini energy chakra and is associated with instinct, security, and survival, as it helps to stabilize and ground us. The 7th chakra is located at the top crown part of your head and it’s violet in color. This is where our spiritual connection, oneness, knowing, and understanding resides.

The other five chakras are all in between these two and include the third eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, and the abdomen. Each one of us has a chakra that’s stronger and more influential on our lives than the rest. The opposite is also true and we inevitably have a chakra which is our weakest.

On comparison to the others, that one is the least influential on our feelings, behaviors, thoughts, and overall lives. Based on the choices you make, what appeals most to you, how you view situations, and your general thought process, you can figure out which one you’re least connected to at this moment in your life.

Over time, your weakest chakra may change as you grow and become more aware or affected by different things on your life’s path. Find out which one of the 7 main chakras is the weakest and least dominant in your life, and as always, have fun and enjoy!

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Man Sends His Sheepdog Over The Hill. What The Dog Herds Is Hilarious!

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The Border Collie Is a herding dog breed that mainly herds sheep.  They are extremely intelligent and obedient dogs.  In Stanley Coren’s Intelligence of Dogs Rankings they ranked number 1! They are considered to be the smartest dogs on the planet.  Besides being brainiacs they are also athletic, energetic and acrobatic.

They can follow direction by voice or whistle from very long distances while they herd.  They utilize their intelligence, energy, and herding instincts by herding all kinds of animals from the traditional sheep and cattle, to free range poultry, pigs, and ostriches.  They are sometimes used to get rid of unwanted wild birds from golf courses and airport runways.

These dogs can basically do anything. But in the video below even this extraordinary dog still pulls off something so that is unexpected, surprising, funny and smart! Wait until you see him on his way back to his human.

In this hilarious video below, this Border Collie herds something rather unusual.  In honor of St. Patrick’s Day, this pup herds up his human’s ‘mates’ to make sure they get to the local pub right on time.  I can’t stop laughing at this one.  Source: Wikipedia

Let us know what you think of the video! Enjoy! 🙂

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An Engineer Just Built His Pup The Most Genius Toy Ever. The Dog’s Reaction Is Priceless!

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Usually the game ‘Fetch’ is played with a human and their dog.  An object such as a ball or a stick is used in the game.  The human usually launches the object a certain distance from the animal and then the animal goes and retrieves it and brings it back.  Very rarely cats have been known to dabble and engage in this fetching behavior.

In the video below, an engineer has constructed a fetching machine for his pup.  The apparatus works like this, the dog drops the ball into a slot.  The dog then runs over to a wood 2×4 and starts pressing down on it like a lever.  Eventually enough force is placed on the wood stick that the ball shoots out from the slot and flies into the distance.

The dog runs, fetches, and brings the ball back to the place it first dropped it. Some may say this human is lazy and should just play fetch with his dog.  But as the old saying goes, work smarter not harder.  That motto usually goes a long way when it comes to engineering and physics.

This pup seems so satisfied with his new toy, I think he will be enjoying this for years to come! 🙂

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