Infant Passes Out. The Puppy Proceeds To Do The Most Adorable Thing To His New Baby Brother.

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In this world there are certain individuals and animals who are meant to be in each others lives. Oftentimes it almost seems as if fate steps in and brings them together, and that appears to be the case for the adorable pair of youngsters in this clip.

The sleepy puppy’s name is Callie and according to her owners, she is one of the sweetest and most gentle dogs that they’ve ever had. Back in 2012 they found her outside their house. The poor girl had been abandoned and was tied up to their fence, left all alone on her own at just three-months old. From the moment they untied her and took her in they knew she was special and would fit right in with their own growing family.

At the time, Callie’s new parents also had a three month old son at home and as you can see, they became fast friends! In fact, they’re best friends and Callie hates leaving his side. This clip is from when she was still a tiny little puppy and even back then she watched over him while he slept peacefully.

However, puppies need just as much rest as newborns and Callie was struggling to stay awake. She looks like she’s about to doze off several times while trying to get comfortable and looking for a spot. It’s only when she finally cuddles up to her brother and protectively places her tiny head on top of his that she’s able to fully relax and fall asleep.

Everything about this video makes it easily one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen.

Sleepy baby? Check.
Sweet puppy? Check.
Awesome rescue/back-story? Check.

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