This Brilliant Kitty Was Being Chased By a Dog So She Did THIS!
Meet Didga the most phenomenal cat on the internet. Didga has quickly become a Youtube sensation with her incredible cat tricks. You may remember Didga from the video where she rolls over like a dog. Didga not only rolls over but can also ride skateboards. But in the following video Didga steps it up BIG time. I’m pretty sure this is the most talented cat possibly in the world today. I have pretty much never seen a cat do a single trick let alone an entire compilation of awesomeness!
She scours the internet for the best dog tricks on Youtube. She then decides to attempt each trick and overshadow her fellow furry companions. Be ready to be blown away by this cat’s toolbox of tricks. Just when you think you’ve seen it all Didga takes it to the next level. Each move Didga makes propels her into legendary internet status!
Move over Grumpy Cat there is a new kitty in town who is quickly taking over the internet! Watch and enjoy the video below. Have you ever seen a cat do anything like this? Can your cat do any tricks? Let us know.
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Video: Watch What Happens When You Light Wool On Fire. The Result Is Surprisingly Unexpected!
Around 1.9 million years ago humans first learned how to create and control fire. This is arguably one of the biggest leaps in human evolution ever. Ancient humans utilized the fire to stay warm on freezing nights, scare off predators trying to hunt them, and of course cook delicious food. This evolutionary step in history gave mankind the ultimate leg up over the rest of the animals.
We now use fire in a million different ways, and the best part is we are masters at controlling it. There are so many awesome things that we can now do with it. With the help of science, we are able to manipulate fire to do just about anything we want it to do. This brings us to our featured fire video which is just totally awesome!
In the video below, I was blown away by these fire tricks. Some of these tricks were so amazing I had to watch them twice. Their is a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that warns you not to try this on your own because they were all done by trained professionals. If you do try some of these be very careful and remember, if you play with fire you might get burned.
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This Guy Rested a Candle In Between Two Glasses. The Result Is Incredible!
Around 1.9 million years ago humans first learned how to create and control fire. This is arguably one of the biggest leaps in human evolution ever. Ancient humans utilized the fire to stay warm on freezing nights, scare off predators trying to hunt them, and of course cook delicious food. This evolutionary step in history gave mankind the ultimate leg up over the rest of the animals.
We now use fire in a million different ways, and the best part is we are masters at controlling it. There are so many awesome things that we can now do with it. With the help of science, we are able to manipulate fire to do just about anything we want it to do.
In the video below, I was blown away by these fire tricks. Some of these tricks were so amazing I had to watch them twice. There is a disclaimer at the beginning of the video that warns you not to try this on your own because they were all done by trained professionals. If you do try some of these be very careful and remember, if you play with fire you might get burned.
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Have You Ever Noticed This Diamond On a Tape Measure. Apparently This Is What It Means.
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Tape measures are a common staple that most people have on hand. The handy tool makes measuring things around the house easy and if you like to build or fix things, your going to need one at some point. While we all know how to use a basic tape measure, not everyone is as familiar with the various markings that come standard on them. The clearly defined inches and centimeters are what the average person goes off of, but what about those little black diamonds or the red and black boxes on them?
The accompanying video covers all of the answers to those questions and more. The tape measure tips it goes over will tell you everything that there is to know about the tool so the next time you reach for it, you’ll understand the markings and can put them to good use!
One of the main mysteries surrounding measuring tapes is the black diamonds on them. Before you can truly understand what they represent, you need to know a few other basic things. First is the red and black boxes, which are marked 16 inches and 24 inches respectively. The red 16inch box is the on center mark which shows where the most common separation for studs is located. The black 24inch box does the same, but is used to indicate stud separation in smaller types of buildings, like tool or gardening sheds.
The black diamonds are located exactly in-between these two marks. For carpenters and home builders, they allow one to lay five rafters underneath a standard 8 foot section of plywood. As such, the black diamonds mark the building industry standard for laying rafters, and so that is where you can expect to find the studs. When you ever need to hang photos, art, shelves, or anything else on the wall, they give you an excellent visual aid and way to measure out equal distances when setting things apart.
In addition to the black diamonds there are a few more neat things you may have never know about tape measures. Take for example the end of the tape, where you pull from, which features a small metal part. That piece has a hole in it that can be used to grab things like nails or screws in order to help hold the measuring tape in place. The side edge of this metal part can also be used as a sort of engraving tool to handily scratch or mark out distances when you haven’t got a pencil nearby.
Be sure to check out the short clip for more information and a better visual aid of everything covered above. Once you know everything about the markings on a tape measure, you can call yourself an expert on them!
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