She Brings Her Cockatoo To The Store And Gets Him a Toy. The Bird Then Throws a Hysterical Tantrum
Many people love bringing their adorable pets along with them when they stop in to visit the pet store. It’s not only convenient, it also offers them a new way to socialize their animals by getting them out of the house and their familiar surroundings. While dogs are by far the most common pet you’ll spot in a store, every now and then someone brings in a cat or a hamster or even their pet pig.
It’s not very often that anyone brings in their pet cockatoo and this video clip sheds some light onto one of the reasons why this may be so! Cockatoos rank among the loudest animals in the world and the shrill, high pitched noises they make can be ear splitting. Combine that with the fact that they love to talk and scream and you get Pickles, the white cockatoo seen here.
Pickles owner brought her feathered friend along with her to the pet store and let’s just say that he wasn’t all that thrilled about the outing. As a peace offering she gave him a tasty treat to chew on but he was unimpressed with the gift and tossed it on the floor. Then the little guy started squawking up a storm and moments later he had managed to work himself up into a noisy fit.
His feathers were really ruffled after a few stern words from his mother and that’s when Pickles proceeded to throw the most hysterical tantrum! He flapped around on his grocery cart perch and noisily stomped back and forth across the handle bar as he made a scene. This is definitely one cockatoo with some major attitude. He’s loud, in charge, and knows it!
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She Tells Her Husky He Can’t Go Outside Again. The Dog Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum.
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Siberian Huskies are well known for their wolf-like looks and beautiful eyes, but it’s their awesome personalities that really win people over. The breed is extremely friendly, intelligent, energetic, and accepting. Not only is it highly likely that they’ll get along well with children of all ages and other dogs or pet animals, they’re even friendly towards strangers, so don’t get one if you want or need a guard dog!
In addition to being highly social and friendly, they also tend to be very even-tempered. When they do act up or throw a tantrum it’s never scary or worrisome, instead it’s adorable and endearing, like how the Husky in this clip acts. The big handsome dog was filmed getting into it and arguing loudly with his owner. From the sound of all his whining it seems like he had a whole lot to say and he wasn’t about to shush up or back down!
The amped up dog throws some serious sass right back at the woman he’s chatting with and he doesn’t hold back. He barks and moans in response, but instead of listening to her and doing what she says, he ignores it and just keeps carrying on. At several points he doesn’t even skip a beat or pause to take a breath! He’s on a roll with his little temper tantrum and it’s the cutest argument you could ever hope to see or hear.
As the conversation goes on it seems as if the Husky may just want to get the last word in. He’s trying to dominate the situation and is arguing like a boss. It’s like he was telling his owner that he was in fact the alpha dog of the house and that she needed to get in line, behind him!
The Husky is just so expressive and persistent, that’s all part of what makes them so endearing and downright adorable. Be sure to check him out because he’s hilarious and try to keep up with the conversation if you can!
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Human Tells Sleepy Husky It’s Time For His Morning Walk. The Dog Throws The Most Hysterical Tantrum.
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Are you a morning person or an anti-morning person? Those are really the only two types. On one side are the people who wake up and spring out of bed with a smile on their face, ready to take on the day and whatever it may bring their way. On the opposite side are people who absolutely hate waking up early, they have to drag themselves out of bed before stumbling out the door.
Whichever type of morning person you may happen to be, we can all appreciate the need to sleep-in every once in awhile. It feels good and sometimes you just don’t want to leave your nice warm, comfy, pillow soft, perfect bed. This is especially true if the reason you’re being woken up is to go on a brisk early morning walk, like the poor Husky in this video.
Zeus is his name and the seven year old Siberian Husky is an adorable dog who’s well-known for his stubborn streak. He is most definitely not a morning dog and when his owner woke him bright and early to go for a walk, let’s just say he was less than thrilled at the prospect!
Zeus’s reaction in the accompanying clip speaks for itself and while the temper tantrum he throws is a bit dramatic, it’s also entirely understandable. He’s letting his owner know that he’s not okay with being rudely awakened for a dumb walk and to just leave him alone. He whines and yowls in protest like a baby who just had a teddy bear taken away!
At some points the big baby hardly stops whining to take a breathe of fresh air! No amount of tugging on his leash or coaxing will get him to budge off of his comfy couch spot. He’s made up his mind and does not want to go for a walk this early in the day. According to his owner, Zeus actually really does enjoy going out for walks, it’s just that sometimes he likes creating drama even more so than that!
All of the anti-morning people out there can definitely sympathize with Zeus on this one. If you need a good laugh, check him out, and enjoy!
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When This Pup’s Human Says The Dreaded “S” Word, He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum
Lots of dogs love to chase cats, toys, and all sorts of other small animals that dart and move around quickly. It’s part of their natural instincts to go after and investigate things that pique their interest.
Perhaps one of the most common animals, other than cats, that dogs happen to go absolutely crazy for are squirrels! The little furry gray creatures can be found in millions of yards across the country climbing up and down trees and scurrying across lawns. Many of our four legged friends spend a good part of their day staring out the window at them and when they finally get let outside the chase is on!
The adorable Jack Russell Terrier in this video goes nuts over squirrels and she doesn’t even need to spot one. Instead, just hearing the “S” word causes her to have quite the hysterical tantrum! When her owner says the word “Squirrel” it sets her off and makes her howl excitedly at the sound. Her reaction an the strange noises coming out of her little mouth are so funny to see and hear.
It’s safe to say she’s been conditioned and has learned to associate the S-word with the little rodents around the house. I bet if her owner set her down she’d likely go running off in search of a squirrel too. Check it out to see what she does, it’ll make you smile!
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Adorable Little Girl Hears Grandma Say a ‘Bad Word’. Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit!
When you’re a D.I.T., aka a diva in training, then you can do what you want and say what you please. For one adorable young girl that means scolding her grandma when she hears her say a bad word!
The little diva’s name is Josie and she is all about proper manners. In this funny clip she can be heard lecturing her Mimi and giving her an earful on how serious she takes foul language. Josie starts off telling her grandma that she is not going to speak to her anymore because of what she said and that it has made her very, very, very upset!
So what awful, terrible, monstrously bad word did her Mimi say that’s affected her so much? Poop, her grandma mentioned the word poop! She specifically said “poop away,” and while we are not given any more context, it was that one little word that set her off.
The best part of the clip comes near the end, when little miss Josie warns her grandma that she’s going to tell on her. She rambles on about how she plans on ratting her Mimi out and goes over her detailed plans explaining that “When my mommy and my daddy pick me up I’m gonna tell them and then I’m gonna… right away, I’m gonna go home, take a rest, then I’m gonna be upset!”
The whole adorable episode is so stinking cute and sweet, Josie’s silly tantrum is the perfect thing to watch if you ever need to feel happy inside or smile. It’ll remind us all of the good old days when we were innocent and the word poop qualified as a bad word!
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He Tells His Adorable Puppy He’s Handsome. The Puppy Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Tantrum.
Pet owners know how unbelievably sweet and adorable their little fur babies can be. The one thing that can possibly make them even cuter than they already naturally are is by dressing them up. I’m not talking about putting costumes on pets, which many people choose to do, but rather functional clothing and accessories instead. Lots of little animals need the extra warmth and protection that a sweater, scarf, coat, or booties can provide.
There’s definitely something magical about a sharply accessorized puppy, they can make anyone feel instantly happy. This short clip is proof of that, just watch it and you’ll feel awesome inside! It features a man and his dog and it does a wonderful job perfectly capturing the love that animals and people mutually share for each other.
The backstory to this video is that the tiny white French Bulldog puppy had just been gifted a brand-new, super cool, red bandanna from his daddy. The little fella was clearly happy about the present because when his dad tied it loosely around his neck and asked him how he liked it, the adorable Frenchie responded with a quick “Arrff!” Seconds later dad tells him how handsome he looks, but this time the puppy responds by gently biting and nipping the back of his owner’s neck and showering him with sloppy kisses. As dad continues on praising his dog’s new look, the puppy seems to be getting a bit taken aback by all the kind words!
These two are so relaxed and comfy in each others company, it’s just nice and uplifting to see. You can really feel the positive energy and love between them. It’s the special moments like these that make life so much more enjoyable and better, nothing beats them. After spending a few minutes with a soft, loving pet all of your worries and problems seem to just disappear!
Make sure to check out the Frenchie’s full reaction and please share it with all the fellow dog lovers in your life who will appreciate it!
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