This Bird Adopts An Egg From The Supermarket. But What Hatches Is The UNTHINKABLE!

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The last thing anyone thinks about when they pick up a carton of eggs from the supermarket is that one could possibly end up hatching. Store bought eggs supposedly come unfertilized and in America they’re found in the refrigerated section. Even if one were somehow fertilized, without consistently warm temperatures, the cold would end any chances of life.

However, that string of logic did not play out in Japan when a girl brought home a carton of quail eggs. As it turns out, in Japan eggs aren’t refrigerated. Instead they’re sold at room temperature and can last up to a week or more because they have a layer that naturally protects them, but nevertheless they’re still unfertilized.

Which makes YouTube user Luna Angel’s story all the more mysterious. She says that she grabbed one quail egg from the carton and gave it to her parakeet, Pi-chan, to see what she’d do with it. The pretty bird’s motherly instincts took over right away and she roosted atop the egg keeping it warm and safe as if she had laid it herself.

Not long after, the egg miraculously and unexpectedly hatched and out popped the cutest, tiniest, and most adorable baby quail ever! The little fuzzy baby bird was named Yuzu and she can be seen in the accompanying video clip. She looks so sweet and innocent, especially since her black and yellow feathers make her look like a little fuzzy puff!

To see more of Yuzu, Pi-chan, and their fellow bird friends, check out Luna Angel’s channel. There is really nothing quite like a baby bird that can help lift your spirits and brighten the day, enjoy!

Have you ever seen anything like this? Let us know!

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If Mom Makes The Shot Her Kid Gets Half Off Her Tuition. Mom Misses But Watch The Ball Closely!

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Half court shots are extremely difficult to make, even for professionals and people who have spent a fair amount of time practicing them. That’s why they are often used as hurdles to clear in order to win a big prize.

The average person would be very lucky to make such a shot, which is often made even more difficult by the fact that a large crowd of onlookers is watching very closely. The odds are so stacked against the shot taker that it almost always guarantees they’ll miss it, yet it’s inevitable that a few lucky ones somehow manage to sink the basket.

Angela Ramey was one of the lucky ones. Her and her nine year old daughter Grace won a school fundraiser after they pulled in the most money for Kids Against Hunger, a charity which helps serve local food shelters.

Their reward was the opportunity to take a half court shot that if they made would win them a free half a years worth of tuition to Grace’s school, Bethany Academy.

Both mother and daughter tried, and failed, to make the shot before Angela was given a third and final attempt at it. Footage captured the moment she lined up with the basket and let the ball fly, à la granny-style. Sadly, it appeared to have sailed through the air and came up short as the ball landed on the ground.

At that point just about everyone in the gym, even Angela, thought it was over…but it wasn’t. The ball continued on after it hit the floor and bounced straight up and over the rim into the basket! Nothing but net!

The crowd went wild and Angela did a double take before Grace and her started happily screaming in excitement. What a fantastic shot and everyone’s reaction was just as entertaining. Perhaps in this case karma played a role.

According to the local news, the school collected more than 40,000 meals in the food drive, with Grace and her mother leading the way. All their hard work, dedication, and good deeds came back around to reward them in kind.

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Woman Comes Home To A Unexpected Surprise Puppy But Moments Later She Completely Loses It!

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If you weren’t able to see, and just heard the audio to this video, you might guess that the woman’s tears were due to a wedding proposal, seeing a baby for the first time, receiving an unbelievably life change event but it’s not what it sounds like. Her crying certainly had that tinge of joy in it.  And sheer joy it was.

She comes home in scrubs and opens the door to bedroom to find the most precious gift on her bed.  Why? She was meeting the most darling soft puppy for the first time. The little guy already looks like he claimed his new bed and is completely comfortable in his new home after being rescued! We are about to witness the life-long bond that will last between this pup and her new human!

He woke up to greet her as she cooed at him. He may have been a little weary of the hysterics and waterworks but it looks like he may just want some belly rubs and a tasty snack. Watch and enjoy the love fest as the two meet.  My heart melted and I’m sure yours will too.  It’s a real feel-good moment that will carry you through your day!

Let us know how you felt about this adorable video!

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He Finds An Unusually Large Egg In The Carton. When He Cracks It He Never Expected This To Come Out!

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It was morning at this family’s home, and time for breakfast.  The sun was shining, the birds were chirping and the animals were frolicking. The family raises chickens and had just gathered a bunch of fresh eggs.  They turned on the video camera as mom was getting ready to cook, because of a very strange finding..

When the eggs were collected, one of the eggs was substantially larger than the other normal sized eggs.  When you see it, it appears to be almost double in size!  They are a little nervous about cracking the egg open for breakfast. I’m not sure what they were imagining was inside of the egg, but everyone seemed a bit concerned.

Maybe they were thinking a dinosaur, an ostrich, or maybe even a dragon! I myself expected there to be multiple yolks, which I have definitely seen before.  So the moment arrives, the egg gets cracked and…you won’t believe your eyes!  I’ve never seen anything like this in my life.

Watch the video below and let us know if you have ever seen anything like this before.

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This Dog Gets An Incredible Unexpected Birthday Surprise. His Reaction Is The Funniest Thing Ever!

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When I saw the surprise this precious beagle received for his birthday, I was amazed! At first, I couldn’t figure out was going on, as the dog lay calmly on the couch. But then, I noticed the carpet start to move, and then the couch, and a chair here and a chair there. I couldn’t guess what was about to come next.

Then the box arrives, and I had no idea what was inside, until the rainbow torrent burst forth. Watch the video to find out what the perfect birthday present turns out to be for this pup! “There I was, just lying on the couch, having a nice afternoon siesta, when the furniture started to move…on its own!

I was a little startled for a second, but I’ve seen weirder in my day. I am only really half paying attention, still more interested in relaxing. But then, things start to get interesting: the people have a box. And they are opening the box. What is in the box? What, oh, what ever could it be? Is that a ball…is that more balls?

Oh my goodness, it is a million black and white balls! For me, you say? For me!? This is the best birthday ever!” His relaxing demeanor turned to frisky bliss as soon as that ball pit was filled. Like a young puppy, he was filled with wonder and glee. We can all learn a thing or two about appreciating life by listening to the lessons our wise pets teach us.

Plus, they are just so entertaining! This video inspires me to show appreciation to my pet today, and every day! Remember to protect and love your pets, and let us know what you think about this video!

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Six Strangers Sit At a Table In The Dark. But When The Lights Come On They Are Stunned!

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Labels are for cans and jars, not people. That is the message in a nutshell that Coca-Cola is trying to convey with a new ad campaign seen in this link. It was uploaded to the YouTube channel Coca-Cola Middle East on July 4th and it’s already being welcomed as a creative, eye opening way to expand people’s minds and get them thinking about prejudice.

The video says that it takes just seven seconds to judge a person and form a prejudice towards them based off how they look and their appearance. We are all guilty of doing this and if your thinking ‘not me’ then think again. The popular beverage company invited six complete strangers to an Iftar in the dark during this month of Ramadan.

An iftar is the meal eaten by Muslims after sunset during Ramadan. The six men sat at a round table and each took a turn to briefly describe themselves. They all spoke of their interests, hobbies, and passions in life. After each person said their part the others would make remarks about what they thought of the speaker, who he probably was, and what he looked like.

Then the lights were turned on and their faces were revealed to one another. Every single man expressed shock and disbelief at who they were looking at versus who they assumed they were sitting among. The stereotypes and labels they had blindly placed on one another turned out to be completely unfounded and false.

It goes to show that human prejudice stems from blind ignorance and all the assumptions, stereotypes, and labels we use on others is often unfair and judgmental. At the very end the men were asked to reach under their chairs and take out a box. When they opened it two cans of Coke lay nestled inside. The cans appeared free of any logos and no “Coca-Cola” was scrawled across the side.

However, when turned over the message “Labels are for cans not for people” was written in white font on the red can. The simple message makes a clear impact and hopefully it will make a positive difference in the world.

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