After This Guy Literally Just Finished Building His Dog Fence In The Backyard He Let’s His Dog Out To Test It.

Dogs love going outside to get some fresh air and exercise and for responsible owners that means they have to either put them on a leash and take them for a walk or go to the dog park. Unless, of course, they have a sturdy fence installed that allows the dog to roam free and explore the yard safe and securely. The convenience of having a fenced-in area for pets at home simply make people’s lives easier and they also make life easier and happier for the dog, and more fulfilling!

One man, YouTube user rgraves62002 decided that his best friend, an adorable dog named Stella, could benefit from a nice penned in area. He rescued Stella after finding her in a dumpster and saw how much she loved to run and jump around, so she needed a place to play in and keep her from wandering off.

Knowing how much of a jumper Stella was he tried to figure out how high she could leap before he went out and bought a fence. He set up a test and explained in the comments that he “had Stella jump a baby gate inside and when she stopped jumping it I added 6” (inches).”

After putting up the new fence he couldn’t help but admire it and the clip he posted shows the end result of all his hard work and effort. He can be heard in the background saying “Yep, just completed fixing this fence. Pretty proud of it I’d have to say. Trying to keep Stella in the yard.” As if on cue Stella comes running, she flies right by the camera, and leaps up and over the new fence in a single bound!! She barely paused and cleared the top with room to spare! Seconds later the man simply says “Dammit.” It’s the perfect reaction to the moment and one can only imagine what a stupefied look he must have on his face. Stella: 1 Fence: 0.

In the end, the fence didn’t end up going to waste. The man commented that he re-purposed it into “a tree house with a zip-line for my grandson” so it wasn’t a compete failure. This video just goes to show how everything worked out for the best, and how agile some dogs are! Show this hilarious video to other dog lovers and anyone else who can appreciate the hilarity of the moment.

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Dad Tells His Bird It’s Time To Go In The Cage. He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Tantrum!

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One of the loudest, most noisy animals in the whole entire world happens to be a Cockatoo. The vocal birds evolved their shrill sounding voices for survival related reasons as the distinct calls are what helps them to communicate with fellow Cockatoos in the wild.

Loud mouths aren’t the only thing the parrot species are known for, they’re also highly intelligent animals who love to talk. The ones that spend time around people often pick up human words and will repeat the ones they hear the most often. That’s not always a good thing because Cockatoos are also screamers, when they talk it’s like they’re yelling. If they pick up a naughty word, like a curse, expect to hear it often!

The outspoken bird in this clip named Pebbles is a case in point. Be forewarned, she curses like a sailor and has a lot of impolite things to say. According to her caretakers at the Saskatoon Parrot Rescue up in Canada, before they took her in she had lived in approximately 10 homes over the last 20 years or so. Somewhere along the way she learned how to swear and the rest as they say, is history.

Pebbles had been enjoying the day outside of her cage and clearly didn’t want it to end. When she was asked to get back inside of it, she threw a temper tantrum and had a major freak out! The beautiful white feathered girl acted like a diva as she flapped around and stomped back and forth on top of her cage. She noisily protests everything from her cage to the veterinarian and more.

However, not everything she has to say is so negative and foul mouthed. At one point in the video she can be heard saying something that sounds like “I just like rock and roll” and the video comments seem to confirm this. Check out her wild and crazy rant and see what you can decipher from it!

Pebbles would get along quite well with another famous angry bird, Eric the Legend. He’s a bad boy who also does lots of naughty things, like curse at all the other birds in his neighborhood and the poor family dog. They both have some of the biggest attitudes around and love to yell out swears like they just don’t give a hoot!

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This Pet Store Secretly Swaps All The Pets With Rescues. Now Watch How The Shoppers React!

The theme of this incredible video is “Better Than Buying a Life is Saving One”.  In Brazil there are many thousands of animal shelters that grow more crowded by the day.  And we all know what happens as these shelters get too crowded.  Thousands of helpless animals are lost because the majority of Brazilian families would rather buy a pet than adopt one.

Quatro Patinhas (“Four Paws”), a Brazilian rescue organization, had a brilliant and heartwarming idea.  Families came to a pet shop to buy pets.  They had secretly set it up with one particular store, to stock it with rescue animals for one day, who needed to be adopted in order to stay alive.  As people started to negotiate the price they were told the animal was free!  People were elated and shocked to be getting these adorable animals for free.

“There’s no difference if a pet is purebred or not,” explained Quatros Patinhas’ president Christianne Duarte Garoiu. “What really matters is the love that will arise there.”  We can only help that the incredible example set by the actions in this video will go viral, so that people will be touched in a way that will change attitudes towards shelter pets worldwide.

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They Ask Their Dog To Speak Multiple Languages. His Response Is PRICELESS!

There’s nothing cuter than a dog seemingly talking back to his humans, except a dog talking back in different languages?! It’s the ultimate in the “man’s best friend” scenario. The charm of the banter is just delightful. This trio is definitely one of a kind and more importantly they are internet gold. Get ready for one of the most entertaining videos I’ve seen all year!

In this video, Junior, a French bulldog rides along in the car cozily between his two owners who talk to him in English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Their facial expressions as the dog talks back make for priceless “conversation”.

Enjoy this video of the comical trio riding along in the harmony of their international exchanges. It’s really clever and engaging. Some people just have that ability to find a creative edge to a scenario that just comes more alive with this twist.

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Mom Tells Her Pup It’s Time To Leave The Park. He Proceeds To Throw The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit.

From a dog’s point of view, visiting the dog park ranks high up on the list of fun things to do and favorite places to go. It’s the main spot where all the local dogs can gather together and interact with one another openly and freely. They get to run around, sniff people out, meet up with old dog friends and make new ones, and play games like fetch and chase.

Dog parks are basically like what going to the playground is for a young child. It’s not only fun, it’s also convenient, for both owners and their pets so everybody wins! Many people bring their dogs to help socialize them so that they’re comfortable and relaxed, rather than fearful and aggressive, around other dogs.

There’s a bunch of different reasons and advantages to going to the dog park. An often cited one is that your pet gets to release a lot of their pent up energy. When you return home they usually pass out and sleep the day away, so you’re free to get things done while knowing that your dog is happy and well taken care of.

However, whereas many of our faithful companions get tired out and are eventually ready to head home, some seem to have limitless energy. They’re the ones who never want to leave when it’s time to go and who fight you every step of the way, begging and whining to stay longer. That’s precisely how the big beautiful Husky reacts when his owner tries to corral him out of the dog park. What you see here is how this dog reacts every single time he visits the park, which according to his owner is daily!

The handsome boy sure knows how to throw one heck of a loud temper tantrum. He whines and moans up a storm in protest while standing firmly in place when his mom tells him it’s time to go. It even sounds like he’s saying “nnooooo” over and over again as he cries out in anguish over the thought of having to leave the park! He carries on for about a minute and doesn’t stop when other dogs or people wander over to him.

The only thing that gets him to stop moaning is the promise of a tasty treat offered up by a woman. When he hears that he starts moving quickly along, just like a good boy! It seems that no matter how long this Husky gets to stay at the dog park, it’s never long enough for his wants, needs, or desires. Check him out!

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Stranger Walks Past The Gate and Says Hello. The Little One Has The Most Hysterical Answer.

You just never know who or what you’ll end up coming across when you step outside your front door and that goes double for when you take a walk around the neighborhood. Depending on where you live there might be all sorts of interesting things you could possibly see and colorful people to run into. However, the most entertainment and best surprises of all tend to come from our animal friends!

Whether they know it or not, animals have a natural sort of hold on us. They can easily capture our attention, charm, and repulse us all in a matter of seconds. Wild, tame, domestic, friendly, or skittish, it doesn’t matter, people are simply drawn to critters and adore them.

For the two adorable dogs in this video, it was their friendly and inquisitive demeanor that caught the eye of a group of people passing by. The neighborly doggies greeted the strangers by staring up at them with wide gentle eyes and tails wagging. The natural response of any dog lover would be to greet the dogs and say hi to them, which is what the people did.

Actually, what one of the men in the group said exactly was “Hello” and the response he received in kind from the little dog was surprising as heck! It was the smaller of the two dogs, the one who looks most like a French Bulldog, who replied to the man and said “Hello” right back at him! The dog said it in such a comical, human-like way that makes it impossible to not laugh out loud at his silliness. His speaking voice is a mix between someone talking and barking and it’s awesome to hear.

While it is not clear how this dog learned to speak or if someone taught him, he definitely has talent nonetheless. Check him out, listen closely, and prepare for a good laugh! Note: If Trouble Viewing Video On Mobile Device Or Tablet Turn Your Device Horizontal.

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