Nobody Showed Up To THIS Boy’s Birthday. So Chuck E. Cheese Proceeds To Do THIS!

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When you are a kid your birthday is probably the most important day of the year. There is no better feeling than being with your family and friends, celebrating your life and of course bringing you presents and delicious cake! These memories can last a lifetime especially for younger children. The parties depending on the parents or the person can have big time preparation and can take a lot of time to make sure every detail is perfect.

In today’s story we are featuring a little 4-year-old boy named Evan and his mom Angel. Mom had planned on having Evan’s birthday at Chuck E. Cheese a favorite pizza place of many youngsters and a hot spot for little kid birthday parties. Mama got everything prepped from candy, to cake, balloons birthday cakes and the invitations…

30 invitations were sent out and finally the big birthday came around. Evan was so excited he couldn’t contain himself and wanted to head off to Chuck E. Cheese early and hang out before the party began. His mom was more than happy to bring him and wait for his little buddies to arrive. He was jus bursting with happiness and pleasure and couldn’t wait to celebrate! They got to the place, and sat down at the table as Evan stared at the daughter with anticipation for his friends to come.

The clock kept ticking and nobody was showing up. Evan tried to put on a brave face and so did his mom but her heart was breaking for her little boy. Getting stood up by 30 people at your own birthday party has to be one of the worst things that can ever happen to a little kid. It was a tragic sight and even some of the Chuck E. Cheese employees noticed and could empathize and feel his pain.

Nobody ended up showing up to the party and it was absolutely the saddest thing ever. They ended up leaving and mom tried to explain it to her son in a way that would make him feel okay. Luckily she convinced him and young Evan was okay. One of the employees however, was not alright and decided to take matters into her own hands to try and make it up to the young boy.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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THIS Is The Actual and Unexpected Reason Why Dogs Jump On You When You Get Back To Your House!

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For anyone who has ever had a dog it isn’t huge news to find out that dogs feel actual love for their owners. However, because they’re unable to speak, they have to find other ways to communicate their love. Even dog lovers might be surprised by the hidden meanings behind the things that your dogs do on a regular basis.

Sleeping on their side – It seems that when dogs sleep on their sides, they’re actually trying to tell their owner how they feel about them. By doing this, dogs are telling you that they love and trust you.

Sleeping on their stomach – When dogs sleep on their stomachs, its often because they are shy or gentle dogs. When sleeping in this way, dogs are unable to sleep deeply and cannot reach REM sleep in this position.

Sleeping on their back – When a dog sleeps or lies on its back, it is often because they are hot and are trying to cool off. If the dog’s arms are crossed, it means they want to be left alone so he can sleep.

Staring – If a dog is staring at you, it simply means that he wants your attention and love. So go out and play already!

Staring with their tongue out – While staring certainly identifies a desire for attention in a dog, a tongue out also can show you what mood they are in. Usually, when a dog stares with his tongue out, it means that he is relaxed and generally content at that moment.

Intense eye contact – When a dog stares intensely at you, it actually means something different than a normal stare. This kind of scrutiny signifies that the dog is trying to read your expression as to better understand what you want from the animal.

When Your Dog Jumps On You After You Arrive At Your House – This is because he missed you so much that if it means knocking you over and giving you a hug while licking you on the floor; so be it! This is the ultimate show of love any canine will ever show for their human.

Stance with open mouth, relaxed tail, and high ears – When a dog carries this stance, it means that the animal is relaxed and secure in its surroundings. If you want to approach a dog you don’t know, look for this stance.

Stance with a pointed tail and forward-facing ears – When a dog maintains this posture, it means that the animal is curious about something. They probably hear or smell something that interests them.

Loose floppy tongue – When a dog has its mouth open with its tongue hanging out, it simply means that your dog is extremely happy. Keep up the good work!

Soft increasing bark – If a dog starts barking at you and steadily continues louder, it means that he wants to play with you. So what are you waiting for?!?

Everyone knows that dogs are full of love. What most don’t know is that many regular actions that dogs take can actually tell you things about the dog. Through their actions, dogs communicate mood, wants, and even love. Here are some of the ways they tell you that something is bothering them.

Howling – Dogs have exceptional hearing, often much better than humans. As a result, they can hear things that we can’t. This includes high pitched noises. Dogs usually howl when they hear these noises either because they’re irritated by the noises or because the noises are actually hurting the dog’s ears. 

Baring teeth, ears back, and snarling – This one is pretty obvious. If a dog is exhibiting this kind of aggressive behavior, it means that it is aggravated and on edge. Make sure to always be careful when approaching dogs in an angry state as they could pose a physical threat. If your own dog is like this, try to calm them down by giving them a treat, bone, or toy they like. Hopefully, this will relax your pup.

Low growl – This just means that your pup is anxious or scared. Logically, if there is something that is clearly scaring the canine, separate the two. If you’re not sure what could be causing it, employ the same tactics as when your dog is angry. Note what antagonizes your dog so you can avoid negative interactions in the future.

Watch the video below for a more in depth look at all these dog behaviors:

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Father Left Her On An Old Back Road. But Wait Until You See The Surprise He Gets When He Looks In The Rear View Mirror!

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A few years back a video surfaced on the internet that set the world on fire. The video opens with a man driving up to an adoption agency, where a little girl with red hair is watching waiting for someone to adopt her. Then it cuts to the little red head hopping in the car with the man holding her stuffed animal.

During this part of the video it clearly looks like this girl has finally been adopted. Because she is unsure and has trouble trusting she acts really nervous at first. Then the man gives her a look, pats her on the head and tells her she doesn’t have to worry anymore because she will be taken care of from from now on.

The girl even through her nervous and uncertainity flashes back a little smile as if she knows her life is truly going to turn around and change for the better. When they finally arrive at her new house, there is already another little girl. At first it seems like a moment of weird awkward tension, but the other little girl quickly runs up to the family’s new addition and gives her a big hug!

Then she looks at her new mom, clutches her little stuffed animal the mom flashes her a smile and it seems like a very beautiful moment. For months everything was going well, her nervousness, anxiety and trust issues were fading and she seemed to be loving her new family home.

But just as fast as her world changed months earlier, things began to take a turn for the worse as the family began showing her less attention. That’s when her anxiety, nervousness , fear bright lights and loud noises begin haunting her world again. The family seemed to be very displeased as they thought things had initially been going well.

Soon after her new mom starts yelling at her for stuff she didn’t do and her new sister stops playing with her. Her sister also grabs the little red heads stuffed animal and begins ripping it apart! Her mom and dad also begin to start neglecting her emotionally while they always seem too busy to pay her any attention.

They all felt she like she she was a problem child and there would be now way they could ever change her bad behavior.  The family even started asking themselves why they even adopted her at all. They has a private discussion about what they should do with her and they come up with a plan.

Her new dad tells her that they are going for a ride in the car to do some things. She hops in thinking wow this is great I’m finally going to get some time alone to spend with my dad. They drove and drove until they reached this old dirt road. They pull of to the side of the dirt road, dad opens up her door, she walks out and dad again pats her on the head. Then he deploys his family’s plan to take carae of their situation.

He takes that stuffed animal she loves so dearly and throws it as far as he possibly can! She runs to go get it, thinking maybe we are just having some fun and playing a game. However, she couldn’t be more wrong because just as she grabs the stuffed animal and turns back around she sees dads car driving away! Just before he gets out of visual sight, he takes a peak through his rear view mirror and sees the unthinkable..

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Boy Got Home With An Invitation To a Birthday. But When His Mom Reads It She Can’t Hold Back The Tears!

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As a parent, when you have a child, no matter what the circumstance you always want the best for them. Whether it’s eating the most nutritious foods, getting the best education, have some great friends and being able to smoothly transition from childhood to adulthood without too many hard bumps on the road.

Most children go through ups and downs as they are growing up but many are blessed to have amazing friends and family to support them when needed. With this being said, sometimes children are born on the spectrum, have poor social skills and really can’t communicate or interact with kids their age or adults.

Today’s tear jerking story story is about a 34-year old mom Tricia who has 3 children in lives in Brantford, Ontario. In this story we are going to focus in on one of her beautiful sons Timmy. Tricia began to notice little things here and there even when the boy was really young. Following his big first birthday bash, his mom noticed that Timmy preferred to play on his own instead of with his siblings and friends.

At first she thought it was strange but it really didn’t dawn on her right away that Timmy was going to have social problems in the future.. As time went on things began to get worse and worse. First, Timmy began refusing to eat his food, then he refused to wear his clothes and would freak out if they were put on!

Tricia knew something had to be very wrong, so here motherly instincts kicked in and she brought him immediately to a doctor to get examined and tested. After a little more than 6 months, tons of tests, exams exc.. Timmy was diagnosed as Autistic.

Mom was obviously very concerned and devastated by the diagnosis because she knew that her boy was now going to have so many other difficulties in a world that is already hard enough for people without Autism.

As months progressed after his diagnosis, Timmy began ripping off his diaper, going to bathroom almost everywhere in the house. On top of all this, Timmy would through unbearably loud tantrums and he truly seemed to be suffering even at such a young age.

One day, Timmy wandered out of the house and the cops were called because her son was missing. Tricia really had no clue what to do or how to handle this. Luckily her doctor sent them to a behavior specialist who deals with Autistic children everyday.

Soon after his behavior specialist therapy began he started to show signs that things were getting better. Although it wasn’t perfect by any means, mom saw a distinct change in his outlook and behavior as the therapy sessions continued.

Timmy also experienced major stress and anxiety whenever he was in a large group of people and loud noises totally freaked him out because he was so sensitive to sound. If his senses became overloaded with too much going on his environment, he would quickly melt down, cry, freak out and just seemed completely helpless and there was nothing anyone could do to help.

When Timmy was ready to go to school, another huge hurdle would be there to face him. Because he was autistic, he had a really tough time concentrating, learning and socializing. It was almost impossible to get him on the bus or to school without a whole slew of meltdowns even before he got to school and class.

He was having difficulty making friends and socializing with them. When birthdays began to start happening with the kids his age, mama was really nervous because she knew how loud and scary the sounds would be to his senses.

He would come home from school a lot with birthday invitations, but because Tricia felt he would have a complete and total melt down she always declined. Because Timmy wasn’t socializing well with the kids at school and was skipping everyones birthday, he began to feel more and more alone while also be ostracized.

One afternoon, Timmy brought home another birthday invitation as he always did, but this one looked different to mom so she decide to open it and see what was inside. The invitation came complete with a letter from the birthday boys mom. She expressed how her son really became fond of Timmy and he really wanted him to come to his birthday. It also read, we have a bouncy castle, water balloons and lots of other stuff.

The birthday boys mom even said he could show up early before things got too loud or out of hand. Mom was pretty much stunned and had no idea that her son actually had a friend….

Watch the video below for the full story:

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3 Guys Sprint Out Of The Gas Station Towards an Old Married Couple While a Police Officer Just Stands There Watching!

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Many elderly people want to remain as independent and self-sufficient as they possibly can, even when they know that they might need a little extra help.  They hate to admit that they can’t do what they used to be able to, which is understandable because no one really does, no matter what age they may be.  

Rose and David Griest were adamant about not giving up any of their independence and they didn’t want to rely on others.  Rose, who was 89 and David, who was 100 years old, shrugged off offers from their family and friends to help whenever they might need it.  One day Rose had to go to the doctor and she and David decided they could get themselves to her appointment. After visiting the doctor’s office they headed home and on the way back they noticed that they needed to get gas.  Not only that, they both had to use the restroom, so they pulled over at a nearby gas station and parked at the pump.  

Rose and David headed for the restrooms and on the way back they ran into trouble.  Both of them were exhausted from the whole trip and were struggling to make it back to their vehicle.  Rose was using a walker and was visibly shaking, it seemed like she was about to fall over. A police officer on duty, Kanesha Carnegie, was across the street nearby when she noticed the pair clearly having problems walking across the gas station parking lot.  She decided to head over and help them out, but on the way, she noticed that three young men were following right behind the elderly couple.

The men were running towards Rose and David and so officer Carnegie whipped out her cell phone and started recording.  She knew nothing bad was happening, instead she believed that she was watching something amazing unfold. The three men surrounded the elderly couple, making sure that if either one fell, they could catch them right away.  They very slowly and gently assisted them back into their car, being completely careful and respectful.  

The men happened to be a trio of rappers from Orlando who were at the gas station that day picking up some snacks.  Joc Koe Stoe, Marty, and Freddy G were inside when they glanced outside and noticed the elderly couple struggling and immediately rushed over to help them.  In a Fox 5 interview, Marty later told the reporter that “I kept thinking, ‘She could have been by grandmother.’”  

Without hesitating the young men had dropped what they were doing that day to help the elderly couple in need.  Officer Carnegie shared the heartwarming footage of their selfless act online and it quickly went viral with people happy to see what a difference a simple act of kindness can make. 

Watch the video below for the full story:

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She Wore The Same Mascara To Sleep For Twenty Five Years. What The Doctors Discovered Under Her Eyelids Let Them Stunned!

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If you wear makeup on your face, it’s always best to wash it off before going to sleep at night.  If you wear mascara on your eyes, you should definitely remove it before you go to bed, as one woman found out the hard way.

Teresa Lynch always liked wearing makeup and since she was in her mid-20s she’d been applying mascara daily.  She preferred waterproof mascara because it stayed on longer and wouldn’t smear down her face if she cried or it got wet.  Teresa also had a dirty little secret; she never took off her mascara before she went to bed. 

When Teresa was around 50 years old, she started having trouble with her eyes.  It constantly felt like there was something in them and it got so bad that she had to make an appointment with her eye doctor.  While examining her eyes he asked her is she wore mascara and she told him yes, every day. Then he asked her how often she took it off before going to sleep and she told him the honest truth, that in the past 25 years she had never removed her mascara before bed.  After looking under her eyelids the doctor told her that what had been bothering her all this time was mascara build-up in her eyes, which over time had calcified into hard lumps!

The hard lumps of mascara had become embedded in the inner surface of her eyelid, some went even deeper, and the rough lumps were scraping her cornea every time she blinked.  When he flipped her eyelid instead of being clear and pinkish, it was covered in black little dots of hardened mascara. In addition to that painful problem, she also had follicular conjunctivitis, a bacterial infection which is more commonly known as pink eye.

At this point, Teresa had done permanent damage and the surface of her eyes were scarred.  In order to prevent further damage she would need surgery to remove the lumps under her eyelids.  After a 90 minute invasive surgery and weeks of healing, her eyes finally felt better.

Even after all she had been through, Teresa still wanted to wear mascara.  She cleared it with her doctor first and when she was able to wear it again, she made sure to fully remove it before going to bed. She decided to share her story as a precautionary tale to anyone else who doesn’t remove their makeup before bed.  You definitely do not want to end up with permanent damage or needing invasive eye surgery. For more details be sure to check out the video for more information.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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