Make a Fist, Look Down and See Which Type You Are. It Can Determine A Lot About Your Personality.

Throughout time and history people have sought to make sense of the surrounding world and everything in it. There’s still so much we don’t know about the planet, just think about the pyramids and all of the new forms of life that are still being discovered to this day. However, one of the biggest mysteries that humans have tried to unlock isn’t part of the physical or tangible world at all, rather it’s a mental construct that we all exhibit. I’m talking about personality, which is all of the different personal characteristics and types of qualities that make us who we are as individuals!

Scientists, psychologists, and other researchers have made many attempts at figuring out personality types. One major area happens to involve an individual’s personality being linked to certain physical parts of the human body. For example, there are theories as to what your finger or toe length may reveal about who you are and many more similar types of notions. In particular, it seems that the one physical attribute which stands out above all the others is our own two hands.

The hands are believed to hold the most information about our lives. It follows that many people think that hands can reveal all sorts of subtle clues in regards to a number of human traits and behaviors, including things like the way we act and make choices. A very simple and basic way in which these beliefs play out can be seen in how we often compare left-handed to right-handed people. Someone who is left hand dominant is more likely to be a better artist, whereas right hand dominant people are harder to scare or anger than their lefty counterparts.

In a similar alternative, the way in which an individual makes a fist with their hand can indicate things about their character traits and overall personality type. All you need to do is make a fist and then closely examine how you curl up your hand. Pay special attention to where you place your fingers and then compare the fist that you make with the three distinct types shown in the accompanying illustration.

Go ahead and make a fist, now see if you are type A, B, or C. The results for each fist represent a personality type and once you choose the one you are you can read about what it means. Included is a breakdown of the special qualities, traits, and attributes which are associated with both your internal and external personality. Also, your love personality is provided as well so be sure to check it out if you’d like to see how you’re likely to act in a relationship and what you tend to look for in a partner!

This is super easy and all that you really have to do is make a fist, then compare it against the choices to see what your hand reveals about your personality. Pass it on and enjoy!

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These Are The 10 Jobs That Have The Most Psychopaths. Did Yours Make The List?

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Where can most psychopaths be found? The answer may surprise you, or maybe not, after you read up on the traits and behaviors that are most commonly associated with them. While not every psychopath fits the general description, the many medical and clinical studies done over the years on the topic have narrowed down the personality type to a very accurate profile.

Overall, psychopaths exhibit three specific qualities that include impulsiveness, fearlessness, and risk taking. With that tidbit of information in mind, here are the top 10 careers that the most psychopaths have chosen to pursue:

1. CEO 2. Lawyer 3. Media Personality, Radio and TV 4. Sales Person 5. Surgeon 6. Journalist 7. Police Officer 8. Clergy 9. Chef 10. Civil Servant

So what exactly is a psychopath? A psychopath is a person who displays a psychopathic personality, which is a type of personality disorder that’s marked by a lack of empathy for others, little to no inhibition, and general behavior that’s anti-social in nature. Individuals who are easy to anger and quick to resort to violence without thinking about the future implications of their actions, are representative of such a personality.

They often act aggressively to get what they want and all along the way they fail to take into consideration the thoughts and feelings of other people. For a psychopath, the ends always justify the means, but only if it turns out that they get exactly what they desire.

A common characteristic displayed by psychopaths is egoism, and in terms of their own self-interest, they are often quite narcissistic. As such, this type of person is very selfish and absorbed in their looks and appearance. They often love themselves above all others and have warped views of love and affection towards other people.

Whether or not an individual falls under the categorical definition of a psychopath, and to what degree, can be determined by a number of different diagnostic criteria. Each test looks at a person’s choices, actions, feelings, and mindset to see whether or not they display the common characteristics attributed to a psychopathic personality.

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THIS Strange Guy Would Not Allow An Officer To Sit In Coach On The Plane! Then She Slips Him THIS Letter!

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Serving in the military is a sacrifice few make in order to protect the many. These brave men and women risk their lives so that the people back home can have their freedom. Many in the military don’t make it back home to say goodbye to their loved ones as they make the ultimate sacrifice losing their life in combat. We sometimes forget just how much these selfless individuals put on the line each in everyday they are out on the battlefield risking it all for the rest of us.

We should all just take a few seconds right now to just really let it sink in how courageous and brave these people are. So many don’t get to see their children grow up, or say goodbye to their spouse and parents. Let’s all just give them a big thank you for their service out of respect before we get into today’s story…

In our story today we feature Jessica a military member serving her country. Everyday as a military officer she put her life on the line to make sure her fellow soldiers and civilians back at home were safe. After this long tour of duty she had just finished up and was heading home for Christmas and the holidays. She missed her family and friends so much and was truly so excited to see all their smiling faces and catch up with everybody.

Although her heart yearned for her loved ones, she knew that serving her country right now was the most important thing for her to do. But now she was more than ready to hop on her flight and get home to all the people in her life that meant so much to her.

Jessica had literally just finished her tour and she booked her flight so that she could head up the same day it ended. She was in such a hurry that she decided not to change out of her army uniform, packed up her belongings, got a ride to the airport, checked her bags, went through security and then waited at her gate for boarding her flight. Finally over the loudspeaker they announced that her row was being seated, she grabbed her carry on, her passport and her plane ticket and headed for the terminal.

She could already tell by the line and sheer amount of people waiting at her gate, that the flight was completely booked and there wouldn’t be an empty seat available. She was totally prepared to be squished in coach with no leg room, no comfort and no amenities. This was all fine because compared to her day to day duties in the military this would be a piece of cake. She boarded the plane and just as she predicted the flight was filled to capacity. There were basically people hanging from the rafters.

As she slowly made her way to her seat, she could just sense that something was off in her gut. She couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but something just didn’t seem right. She kept her eyes wide open and kept moving towards her seat. Little did she know someone was talking to a stewardess about her quietly and that was probably the weird energy she was picking up.

Finally she got to row 31 put her carry on up top and sat down in seat 31b. The flight was cramped, uncomfortable and loud but she truly didn’t mind because she knew she was about to be in her cozy home with all her loved ones very soon. As she waited in her seat she reflected on her service she had just finished up and before she knew it the plane wasn’t taking off. First five minutes then 10 then 20 then 30 and she began to get a bit nervous that the plane was going to be super delayed or even worse canceled and she wouldn’t get home in time for the holidays!

That initial feeling she had about something being off about this flight was now manifesting fully as nervousness and a bit of fear. It was a beautiful day outside so she knew that the delay wasn’t weather related. She looked over and saw all the flight crew whispering and huddled in a corner and then she really thought something could be wrong.

It seemed like they were discussing somebody on the plane and they were whispering pointing slightly and then it dawned on her that they were talking about her. She tried to ignore it, but then a man dressed in civilian clothes walked towards her and it looked like he had some kind of agenda on his mind.

She wasn’t on duty, but at any moment she knew if necessary her training could kick in gear and she could handle any situation thrown at her. As the man got closer and closer the fight or flight inside her gut started kicking up full throttle. Finally he got to her row and said to her this seat is taken and you can’t sit here.

She was super confused because she was holding her ticket that said 31b so this guy was either totally crazy or misinformed. Even after she showed the guy politely this was in fact her seat with her ticket he wouldn’t stop. She wondered if this was going to get into some kind of physical altercation so she stood up and double checked she was in the right row and seat and again told him you are wrong this is my seat.

Then he said no, I am in your seat. She really didn’t understand what he meant and confusion levels rose. She looked towards the flight attendants for some kind of help or support but they wouldn’t come in help. This is when things really took a turn….

Watch the video below for the full story:

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What is Your Spirit Animal? Find Out

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What is your spirit animal? Mine is the glorious chicken. It guides me in my daily quest for perfection, helping mainly by telling me that I should be a vegetarian. I like vegetables, so I don’t mind, but it would be nice if it gave me something with a little more substance.

Like chicken. Oh wait, we aren’t talking about food anymore, I got distracted by the chicken. My chicken guide is scowling at me. Who knew a chicken could be such a taskmaster?

All I want to do is relax and eat some cookies. The chicken says that’s cool, as long as they are not chicken cookies. I thought this spirit animal thing was going to be way more interesting. Who chooses these things, anyway?

I went into the spirit animal store expecting to walk out with something cool like a bear, or at least a coyote, but all they had left was the chicken. Apparently obtaining high quality spirit animals is a tough business, they probably have to do weird illegal black market voodoo stuff to get them.

I would just exchange it, but I got roped in to the two year contract with insurance, and it costs twice as much to break it than it did to buy the thing in the first place. I’ll just have to wait until I qualify for an upgrade.

Maybe they’ll have a cockatoo or something, I heard parrots make really great spirit animals, plus they know English. Translating chicken is time consuming, especially because they have four hundred different words for chicken. Narcissists.

What is your spirit animal? let us know

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3-Year-Old Spoiled Little Brat Wouldn’t Listen To His Grandad. But What He Did In The Parking Lot STUNNED This Stranger!

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Going to the store with a young child can be very stressful.  While many kids are oftentimes well-behaved for the most part, everyone has their moments.  Sometimes younger children become restless and act up, which seems to be especially true while out grocery shopping.  There is so much to do and see at the supermarket that they get easily wound up and excited. They wander off, run around, grab food they want and throw noisy tantrums if they don’t get their way. 

Such was the case when one man stopped off at the supermarket with his 3 year old grandson to pick up some groceries.  The young boy who was acting very bratty, crying and screaming as they made their way up and down the aisles. When they passed by the candy section the boy grabbed all sorts of chocolates and demanded that he be allowed a treat.  In the cereal aisle the boy cried over all the sugary cereals he wanted, but his grandfather told him he could not have any.  

While the pair were perusing the aisles a fellow shopper happened to be nearby them the whole time.  She couldn’t believe the way in which the older man was handling his grandson, he was so calm and composed, and kept saying “Easy William, we won’t be long.  Easy boy.” Most parents or adults would have eventually lost it and grown fed up with the kid, but not this man.

When they went to check out the little boy spotted all the candy bars and sodas near the register and of course he demanded some.  After hearing that he couldn’t get any, his behavior worsened, and he began throwing things out of the cart. The man simply told the boy to take it easy in a calm, relaxed tone and paid for his things.  Everyone nearby could not believe that he wasn’t disciplining the screaming child as they stared on in disbelief.  

Once the man and his grandson got outside, the child seemed to immediately calm down a bit.  The woman who had been behind them the whole time passed by in the parking lot while the grandfather was loading his groceries in the car and felt that she had to say something.  She went up to the man and said that while she knew it wasn’t any of her business, she was impressed with how calm he was able to stay. Then she said that William was very lucky to have a grandfather like him who could remain so cool and composed.

Upon hearing this, the older man started to laugh, which baffled the woman.  When he finally stopped laughing, he thanked the woman and told her that his name was William, the little boy’s name was actually Kevin.  It turned out that he had been telling himself to keep calm and that it would all be over soon while Kevin threw his noisy tantrum. He explained that he needed to tell himself this as a reminder that home sweet home was within reach and then he’d no longer have to deal with the bratty kid because his parents would take care of him.

The woman burst out laughing once she heard this and told the grandfather that even though he had been talking to himself, she was nonetheless still impressed at how calm he’d been throughout the whole thing!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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8-Year-Old Kid Went Missing and Disappeared For 7 Months. But Then a Hiker Accidentally Stumbles Upon an UNTHINKABLE Clue!

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Today’s story begins in a small town in Arizona. Vicki was 8 years old at the time. On a fateful September day, she arrived home from school. She asked her mother if she could bike to a nearby mailbox to send a letter to her aunt.

Now, while this might seem like a small request for many, for Vicki’s mother this was a very big deal indeed. She was a strict mother and always made sure that her children never traveled alone. For some reason, on this particular day, she was feeling a little more relaxed. She decided it couldn’t hurt and gave Vicki permission. Vicki never came home.

After a little while, her mom noticed that Vicki had not returned. She sent her daughter Stephanie to investigate. Stephanie soon returned with the news that she had only found Vicki’s bike abandoned a couple blocks away. They immediately called the police. 

As the news spread, eyewitnesses began to come forward. Multiple people had spotted a dark van around Vicki’s school that day. Others claimed they saw the same car much later with a child inside. A teacher had written down the license plate and reported it to the police.

After running the license plate, the police identified a possible suspect: Frank Jarvis Atwood. He had a history of kidnapping and child molestation charges. At the time of the current investigation, Atwood was living in California on parole. They quickly located the man and brought him in for interrogation. After examining his car, police discovered traces of paint from Vicki’s bike on the front of Atwood’s car.

While he was arrested for suspicion of kidnapping, no one ever knew what really happened to her. A hiker eventually found a skull in the desert that turned out to be hers. The rest of her body was missing either from animal disturbance or a more chilling fate.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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