School Officer Spots Special Needs Girl Frozen In The Hall Then Falls To Her Knees As She Figures It Out

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Do you remember your favorite stuffed animal, toy, or maybe a blanket when you were a kid. No matter where you went you always had your friend with you by your side. There was no obstacle or problem that couldn’t be taken care of as long as you and your favorite toy were together.

Scary things just weren’t as scary and just having your small friend with you gave you the courage to do things you wouldn’t otherwise do as a young child out of fear. One of the main reasons kids carry a ‘special’ stuffed animal, blanket or toy is because it lowers their anxieties and fears in almost any situation they face.

This brings us to today’s story featuring a young 12-year old girl named Raquel Zuniga, she is currently in the 7th grade and goes to classes that are specifically designed for children with moderate to severe mental disabilities.

Raquel carries a special friend with her everywhere she goes. This friend is none other than everyone’s favorite frog Kermit! Raquel hangs out with Kermit the Frog all day everyday, whether she is home or at school Kermit is always right by her side.

Due to Raquel’s disability she has severe anxiety especially when she is transitioning from one place to another. This tends to flare up at school when the bell rings and it’s time to go from one class to another. On this day, Raquel was having an extremely rough time transitioning from one class to another and she froze. She couldn’t walk or get to her class and she wouldn’t say anything. She just stood in the hallways frozen clutching Kermit silently.

Multiple teachers came up to Raquel and tried to get her to unfreeze and comfort and make her feel safe in her current state and situation. None could help, Raquel stood their frozen for just about a full hour clutching on to her stuffed frog.

That’s when a special soul enters the story, school security officer Kris Morrison who spent the last 20 years as a school officer for special needs children. However, before that she was an officer Kris was a teacher for children with disabilities and instinctually somehow knew exactly what to do to help poor Raquel.

Kris spoke to Raquel in a soothing voice and then began to sing Rainbow Connection, the famous song that Kermit the Frog, ‘Raquel’s best friend’ is most known for. As Kris sang Raquel’s anxiety and fear just began melting away.

Soon after she began moving and it was as if a miracle just occurred and she unfroze! This was Raquels favorite song, so it immediately triggered her brain to relax and feel safe. Just like that, the magic of music, an amazing school security officer and Kermit the frog had saved the day!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Old Lady Confronts 4 Kids Who Snuck Onto Her Lawn Then Realizes Why and Can’t Hold Back The Tears!

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Neighborhoods all over America are filled with good hard working people who have families to take care of and jobs to go to all week. Sometimes, between taking care of the kids and getting a project done before a deadline at work, it becomes easy to let the little things slide.

For instance, many homes across the country have front or back lawns or both. If you live in an area with it doesn’t rain enough and is prone to droughts the grass can turn brown unsightly and an eyesore to the surrounding neighbors.

On the other hand if you live in a place where it rains a lot, your lawn can become overgrown and have a very unkempt and rather ugly look. Again this will also not be visually appealing to the surrounding neighbors and couldn’t even decrease their property values.

There have been reports of neighbors aggressively walking by and asking people with unkempt lawns if their lawn mower was broken or if they needed to borrow one. Sometimes in the most extreme cases, very aggressive neighbors have been seen mowing a neighbors lawn in the middle of the night not with good intentions!

This is where Home Owners Associations (HOA) or Bylaws come into play. Home owners in neighborhoods want a certain level standard and upkeep of all the surround property and homes. If somebody is letting their grass die or let it overgrow HOA’s and/or Bylaws can intervene.

This brings us to today’s story. It features a 75-year old woman named Gerry Suttle from the town of Rissel, Texas.  Gerry was mailed a summons to come to court about a lot of land she owned across from home.

The lot was in violation of the city ordinances and standards because the grass had grown weigh too high. Her court date came and went and there was no sign of Gerry. She just failed to show up for her court date.

Then an actual warrant was put out for this sweet old lady’s arrest and if she didn’t turn herself in, she risked getting taken from her house in handcuffs and put into a cop car and then placed in jail cell!

The entire time Gerry stuck to her story explaining that the letter never came to her and she did not receive it! This whole situation was quickly snowballing and getting completely out of hand.

One morning she woke up, looked out her window, and saw 4 brothers mowing her lawn! She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes thinking maybe she was dreaming this? Could this really be happening? She went outside and asked the 4 kids what they were doing?

They explained they saw her story on the television, they knew they had the equipment and the manpower so they decided to take matters into their own hands and clean up Gerry’s lot. She was a complete strange to these boys but they felt such empathy for her and couldn’t stand the thought of this sweet old lady going to jail.

As in many small towns, word tends to travel fast about these four strange brothers doing such an amazing thing for a person they didn’t even know. As the news spread Gerry’s neighbors heard that these youngsters were using push mowers and realized these guys were going to needs some help!

Soon neighbors began flocking to the lot to help the four brothers. Within 2 hours the lot was done and it was the most beautiful plot of grass in the whole neighborhood!

But this isn’t where the story ends…

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Elderly Granny Notices 4 Strange Boys On Her Property. When She Realizes What They’re Doing She’s STUNNED!

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Throughout America cities and communities have enacted rules and regulations regarding the upkeep of residential properties.  If you’ve ever lived in a place with a HOA, homeowners association, then you probably now how strict and picky they can be. Many of the bylaws on the books encompass people’s lawns and what is or is not allowed can vary greatly depending on where you live.  For the most part, any yard that is overgrown, dead, or looks neglected will generally fall afoul of the rules and that’s when local officials may take action against the property owner.

For the past fifty nine years 75 year old Gerry Suttle had lived in her home in the small town of Reisel, Texas.  She had recently been issued a notice to appear in court before a judge because the grass on a lot she owns across the street was found to be in violation of the city code.  Several weeks before the notice was sent officials had measured the grass on that property and it came in at 18 inches high, which was too long and broke the rules.

When Miss Suttle failed to appear in court a warrant was issued for her arrest which drew the attention of the local news.  In an interview with the reporter she told them that she had never even received the notice in the first place and that’s why she missed the court date.

The next day Miss Suttle was inside her house when she looked up and saw four young boys outside carting lawn equipment in the hot Texas sun.  They had seen her on the news the evening before and wanted to help. The boys, all brothers, couldn’t believe that a 75 year old woman was at risk of being arrested and jailed for something as petty as not mowing the grass on a property she owned.  One of the boys, Blaine Reynolds, one of the bothers, insisted it was the very least they could do.

The brothers got right down to it and started to cut the grass.  The lot was quite large, and they knew it would take a while because all they had were push mowers and the temperature was well over 90 degrees.  Seeing what was happening, some neighbors nearby were inspired to act. Several came over with riding mowers and that turned out to be a major help.  Two hours later the lawn had been fully mowed and the lot was now in compliance.

Watching on, Miss Suttle was blown away by the kindness of the boys.  They were strangers who helped her out without expecting anything in return and the simple act of mowing the lawn restored her faith in young people.    

The next day authorities informed her that if she just went to the courthouse and signed some papers indicating that she didn’t receive the original notice to appear, the warrant would be dropped.  However, before she could even do that, she received yet another court summons the following day. Municipal officials had disallowed all the hard work the boys and her neighbors had done, but this time she decided to fight the alleged violation of city code.  

Upon hearing that Miss Suttle would have to go to court, the boys said they’d be more than willing and happy to mow the lawn again in order to help her out.  After all, she’s 75 years old and no one would want their mother or grandmother doing hard yard work in the extreme Texas heat. Perhaps the municipality can find a better way of working with her on the issue and back down from threatening to arrest her over the length of the grass!

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Cow Cries Thinking She’s Going To Slaughterhouse But She’s Being Saved and Gets Freedom For The First Time

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Emma the dairy cow was acting nervous and rightly so. Earlier in the day she had been loaded onto a trailer and driven for miles to a destination that was wholly foreign to her, a place called the Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg Sanctuary in Germany. The dairy farm which she’d called home her whole life had recently closed down, and before rescuers stepped in, she’d originally been headed to the slaughterhouse. Although the dairy farm wasn’t a slaughterhouse the conditions were absolutely terrible and poor Emma the cow thought she was going from bad to worse..

When Emma first started her journey she was terrified as her life was suddenly turned completely upside down. At the start of the video, as she’s being placed in the strange trailer, she can be seen crying visible tears of sadness and fear. It’s heartbreaking to witness, but thankfully not for long. I honestly did not know that cows could actually cry. Seeing this beautiful creature in such a state of fear and sadness truly tore me up inside.

However, once she arrived at the animal sanctuary Emma was released into an open, spacious pasture filled with green grass, rolling hills, and lots of other cows. Watching her take these first steps of freedom and her new life is just such a joy to witness! She cautiously made her way into her new home and before long a few of the other cows came up to greet her.

They all took turns sniffing and checking each other out and soon had enthusiastically surrounded her. It’s amazing and as if they were all reassuring Emma that everything was going to be just fine. By the end of the video it looks like Emma has quickly been accepted into her new family and the group goes running off happily into the field. What started out as a terrifying ordeal ended in the best way possible.

Thanks to a group of dedicated people Emma was not slaughtered but instead was brought to the Kuhrettung Rhein-Berg Sanctuary in Germany to live. The group rescues dairy cows and retires them to a former farm where they can naturally live out the rest of their days. These people are truly human angels with hearts filled with infinite love and care.

Prior to her arrival at the sanctuary, Emma’s life was anything but natural. Cows are best known for producing milk and all of the associated dairy products. In order to make that milk a cow must become pregnant and give birth to a calf, whom it will nurse. However, in the dairy industry young calves are taken away from their mothers shortly after birth so that the milk can instead be collected for human consumption.

This separation of mother and child is done early on in an effort to cause minimal stress to both, but it’s also done repeatedly in order to keep cows producing milk. Cows like Emma who end up at the sanctuary are retired, in that they’re no longer impregnated and therefore don’t produce any more milk.

Fortunately for Emma and all of the other rescued dairy cows, they get to stay on the farm sanctuary. Her life has changed dramatically for the better and now she’s able to live alongside other happy cows and can do all the normal, natural things that cows love do. It’s a happy ending that she, and countless others like her, deserve.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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An ‘Intruder’ Breaks Into This Tiny Kitten’s House. Now Watch Him Protect His Humans.

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Cats are truly one of the most interesting animals on planet earth. From the mighty king of the jungle the lion, to the tabby cat at your grandma’s house, these animals give off a majestic vibe that almost no other animal on planet earth can match. People who have never had a kitty as a pet tend to believe these creatures are cold, weird, sneaky, sometimes scary and have no personality. Usually these people only ever had dogs or aren’t into pets at all.

However, anyone who has had the pleasure of sharing a living space with a majestic feline knows that these anti-cat stereotypes couldn’t be further from the truth. Sure, you aren’t going to get the immediate unconditional love from a cat that a dog would give you after about two hours of hanging out. Cats will make you work a little harder for that unconditional love in return, but when they finally decide to let you into their inner circle, all that time it took to gain there trust is all worth it!

Many cats have a distinct and unique style or swagger in how they carry themselves or their special strut/style of walk. I had one cat who whenever he walked into a room he would lead with his back legs! He had quite the ‘cat walk’ and was bursting with immense personality.

This video has to be one of the best cat videos of all time. It features a tiny kitten, who realizes that a scary intruder has broken into her house and is sitting on the living room floor.  The kitten is quite territorial and will not allow an evil doer to take over his and his family’s property.

The kitten has the eye of the tiger and the heart of a lion as you will see when he comes face to face with the intruder. The only thing is, the intruder happens to be a small green ball, but the kitten is completely unaware of this.

The brave, but freaked out kitten swipes and pounces at the evil intruder, but every time the ball turns around, the kitten runs for the hills.  This has to be the most intense cat video I have ever seen.  The kitty is such a brave little soul, I for one would have no clue what to do if I was in her situation.

The video is set perfectly to some spine-chilling horror movie music.  So sit back relax, grab some popcorn and enjoy this epic and slightly scary kitty video! I may have nightmares for the next week.  Enjoy the video and be safe out there! Remember during this spooky Halloween season keeping an adorable kitty nearby at all times can keep you safe! 🙂

Watch the hysterical video below and let us know in the comments on the Sun Gazing Main Page if you want more videos like this one:

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Full Harvest Moon On Friday The 13th: Prepare For a Big Energy Shift.

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A beautiful, awe-inspiring, stunning full moon will soon be lighting up the night sky on this coming Friday The 13th. The September Full Harvest Moon in Pisces is set to stun and leave powerful energy all across the globe, but not because of what you’re likely assuming, but rather due to the cosmic shift in energy that will be accompanying it. Because this moon is on Friday The 13th maybe you should keep an eye out for witches, black cats and of course werewolves! (just kidding kind of. . .)

The moon is called the Harvest Moon because unlike other moons whose names coincide with a particular month; the harvest moon is the full moon closest to the Autumnal Equinox.  The Harvest Moon can happen either in September or October depending on the year. For the most part however, the Harvest Moon does tend to happen in September.

As with almost all of the other full moon names, like April’s Full Pink moon January’s Full Wolf moon, they were derived from seasonal occurrences that Native American’s observed happening in nature around them when the moon was at its fullest point. This moon not only gets it’s name from the Native Americans but it also is derived from farmers.

The reason for the name Harvest Moon, is because back in the day farmers noticed that the night sky would be brighter and they would have more light to work with being that the moonrise happens immediately after sunset! This extra light, would help them work the crops later into the evening and for the harvest.

Whether you’re aware of it or not, full moons seem to have some of the strangest effects on our lives. It’s no secret that a full moon brings out the crazy and wild in people, hence the word lunatic which was originally used by ancient Greeks to refer to madness and epilepsy that they believed were specifically caused by the moon.

During this particular moon, keep in mind it’s also Friday The 13th so people could potentially act even whackier than usual.. For years doctors, cops, nurses and firemen have all noticed a sharp uptick in crime, fires and a rise in hospital emergency room visits on nights featuring full moons. The reason for this has yet to fully be explained, but you ask any healthcare worker, policeman or firemen what are the most busy days of the month and they will always tell you during the full moon!

There is simply something about them that gets to people, but it isn’t always negative, it’s just that the bad tends to stick out and make the headlines more than the good, as is often the case in today’s modern world. If you see someone in need, help them out, be kind and above all us try not to be mean or cruel to anyone.

At the end of the day, full moons are essentially times of heightened energy and it all depends on how you channel that energy. You can either use it for nefarious purposes or you can put it towards bettering both your life and yourself! I recommend the latter because in general we all need to be more kind to one another especially these days when everyone just seems to bickering about everything.

If you choose to welcome the shift with a positive attitude, equally positive effects can be gained from it. Below is a general overview of all the best things that this Full Harvest Moon in Pisces is expected to feature and what you should aim to focus on doing in order to bring in the positivity and not let the negativity tear you down!

Follow Your Intuition. In the days ahead if you suddenly have a gut feeling about something, go with it and don’t second-guess yourself. Full moons are a heightened time where we tend to be more deeply connected to our inner selves, whether it be our wants, needs, desires, intentions, or beyond. Especially with this particular Full Moon where renewal will be one of the biggest things to look for.

There’s never a better time than now to listen to your instincts and follow through with them. A lot of things that you have repressed and put deep down inside may become exposed during this moon. Be mindful of this and try not to get caught off guard if you start to feel negativity. All that junk that has been trapped inside you will now surface, it’s up to you to just let it go..

Let Go Of What Is Holding You Back. Facing the truth and owning up to whatever problems or issues that may be plaguing your life right now will help lift the burden they’re placing on your health and progress moving forward. In astrology the full moon has long been viewed as a time for starting over and new beginnings so use it to close one chapter of your life and open the next.

Awaken and Realize. A wave of conscious awareness that leads to meaningful self-discoveries is a prominent feature of this September Full Harvest Moon shift. Use this time to re-center yourself and find balance in your life. Remember, that all the baggage and negativity that you tucked deep down inside of your soul will now be exposed, so instead of fighting it, shed it and just let the pain go..

Be Social. Many areas of communication in our lives will be highlighted in the days before and after the full moon. Now is the ideal time to catch up with friends, family, and loved ones and to re-connect. Reach out to people you haven’t seen or talked to in awhile and catch up because you’ll be buzzing with things to talk about and your social/communication skills will be spot on and sharp as ever.

Try Something New. This Full Harvest Moon will be associated with rebirth, new life paths, new beginnings, and starting fresh. If there is something that you have wanted to try out for awhile now but never got the chance to, then go for it and just do it! Be mindful though that because of the increased energy you could potentially feel more agitated due to things in your subconscious being revealed.

Whether it be taking up a new hobby, tending to your garden, learning a new language, starting a new diet or fitness plan, or anything else that interests you, make it a point to commit to it. Stop making excuses and don’t let anything or anybody get in your way. Use the buzz that’s in the air to re-focus and charge yourself up, and there’s no better time than now to do that!

As you can see, the shift in energy accompanying the September Full Harvest Moon will be positive for the most part. If you go with the flow and don’t fight against the universe, you’ll end up being better connected with yourself and the people in your life. So relax, breathe steady, and get ready to usher in the shift with an open optimistic attitude and positive mind-set.

This full moon also takes place in the Constellation Phoenix and you guessed it just like in popular greek and other old civilizations the Phoenix has always represented a rise from the ashes, adding power, ambitions, renewal and rebirth. Use your increased emotional strength and gut instincts to guide you through the shift as weigh end summer and reign in Autumn!

In one word in the comments section let us know how you feel right now with this Full Harvest Moon on Friday The 13th so close: 

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