A Great Dane Bumps Into A 12 Week Old Chihuahua. The Chihuahua’s Reaction Is HILARIOUS!

These two playful pups are living proof that friends come in all shapes and sizes.  The tiny 12 week old Chihuahua named Lilly fearlessly approaches the much larger Vago, a Great Dane, and lets out an adorable little yap.  The two were captured on camera sharing a moment at The Forks in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada last year.  They adorably paw at one another and roll around on their backs and bellies in the cool grass as the delighted crowd looks on!

Lilly sure is getting her energy out and will sleep well later.  Vago is not bothered in the slightest bit and seems happy to play with such a tiny puppy.  He is quite gentle and aware of his big feet and head as he carefully nibbles and paws at tiny Lilly.

While some people may interpret the Chihuahua’s actions to be in line with Small Dog Syndrome, it’s safe to assume Lilly feels comfortable and safe around big Vago.  She just want to have a good time and is rolling around having fun.  It doesn’t appear that she is growling at, trying to dominate, or threaten the bigger dog, which is what Small Dog Syndrome implies.  It is rather heartwarming to see such different animals getting along so well, being social, and enjoying each others company.  Check out the video if you want to smile! 🙂

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Man Dumps and Divorces His Wife For a Much Younger Woman. 12 Months Later He Realizes THIS Unexpected Twist!

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Marriage is always a tricky thing. A relationship is hard to maintain when so many external factors are constantly testing it. As a result, it isn’t hard to believe the statistic that half of all marriages end in divorce. This was the case for one man who later regretted it.

Recently, a video has made the rounds of a man discussing his ex-wife. The confession has amassed over a million views since its upload date in 2017. In the video, the anonymous man begins by talking about his recent divorce. He acknowledges that a year prior, he went through a separation with his spouse.

The man goes on to admit that he left his wife for a younger, more attractive woman. Allegedly, his wife had let herself go. He describes her body as flabby and adds that she had stopped shaving. He no longer found her attractive.

As the video continues, the man reveals that, on the day of the video’s upload exactly a year after the divorce, he saw her again. According to him, she was glowing, had lost weight, and was unrecognizable to the woman he had known. He reflects that her appearance had probably taken a toll because she was busy raising children.

As the video draws to a close, the man realizes that his wife had nobly put her kids before herself. Mothers truly put everything on the line for their kids. Unfortunately, the man simply hadn’t seen the situation for what it was at the time, a lesson that divorce should be fully thought over and not done for shallow reasons like loss of attraction.

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Homeless Guy Asks Young Burger King Employee ‘What can I buy for $.50?’ His Response Is an Unexpected Surprise!

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The average fast food worker gets paid minimum wage and works long hours.  They have to serve a variety of customers and cater to their demands. At some locations workers regularly wait on homeless people and oftentimes they only have a dollar or two to spend on what could be the only food they’ll eat all day.  Such was the case at the Burger King where Matthew Resendez worked. It was located in the not so affluent part of town and so homeless people would frequent the place.

One evening while Matthew was working at the counter a scruffy looking man approached him.  After asking what he could get for 50 cents, which would be nothing, Matthew did something completely unexpected.  He rang up the most expensive item on the menu and then paid for it himself out of his own pocket. Naturally, the hungry homeless man was grateful and super happy that he got a big meal for free, all thanks to the kindness of a stranger’s heart.  Not only that, Matthew also sat down with the man and kept him company while he ate. 

A fellow diner who was also eating at Burger King that night and who had witnessed the selfless transaction went up to Matthew afterwards.  The woman handed him a $100 bill as a tip or reward of sorts for being so kind and generous to the homeless man. Not only did she gift him money, she also wrote a letter to Burger King, letting the corporation know that they had an upstanding and truly caring employee working for them.  

When Matthew got home later that night, he told his mother what had happened.  While she knew he was a good kid, it was still quite unexpected. Her heart was swelling with pride at the kind gesture and so she decided to share his story, and a picture she’d taken of him in his Burger King uniform smiling and holding up the $100 bill, on Facebook.  The post quickly went viral because people were simply glad to see such a happy, positive story. It gave them a feeling of hope and who doesn’t love a feel-good story?

It’s often said that the homeless are invisible, but for this man at that moment he wasn’t, all thanks to Matthew. 

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Everyone Warned This Couple To Avoid Adopting THIS Little Girl At All Costs. But They Decided Not To Listen!

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When someone spotted a little girl’s face in the window of a run-down house in Plant City, Florida, they were surprised. They knew a family had lived in the rented house for the past three years, but they had never seen a girl there before and it stood out enough for them to call the police and report the strange sighting.

Officers who responded to check it out found a literal house of horrors. Inside there was human and animal feces smeared everywhere, trash was piled up and it smelled worse than death. There were so many roaches crawling all over the place that it was impossible to not step them. One officer had to run outside because the sight and smells overwhelmed him to the point he had to throw up. A woman and her two sons were inside and when asked about a girl living there, she said that she had a daughter.

The little girl was found in a tiny dark room laying on a filthy bare mattress. She was emaciated and her skin was covered in sores and bug bites, her hair crawled with lice. An officer picked the child up and as he brought her outside, he asked the mother how she could let this happen. She replied, “I’m doing the best I can.” The girl was rushed to the children’s hospital and place in intensive care. Unable to chew or swallow solid food, they hooked her to an IV and bottle fed her. She had never been to school, could not talk, walk normally, cry, or even make eye contact.

Her name was Danielle and she was almost 7 years old. She was diagnosed as having environmental autism brought on by her isolation and psychological deprivation. Having lived alone in the dark closet her whole life had made her into a feral child, unable to communicate with the world or even react to it. She would be developmentally disabled her whole life and her future seemed bleak.

After two years of special education and therapy, Danielle had made a little progress but developmentally she was on the level of a child between the ages of 6-24 months. Her picture was placed among those of other children available for adoption and when Bernie and Diane Lierow saw it, they fell in love. The couple had already raised five boys who were all grown up and had always wanted a daughter. They said that her eyes initially drew them to her, they were so dark and empty, it was like she needed them.

When they told the adoption agency representatives that they wanted to meet the girl, they were repeatedly told that they would not want her. She was too damaged they said, but the Lierow’s persisted and reached out to Dani’s social worker who told them her story. It seemed to galvanize them, they still wanted to adopt her, and so they forged ahead with it. The little girl who no one thought would ever have a chance at living a normal life now had a loving family.

When they first brought her home, Dani was a wild child. She would have screaming fits and melt down several times a day and couldn’t eat with a fork or go to the bathroom herself. She’d also get sick and overate because she had been starved for so long and didn’t know how to control it. Yet with time and patience, she slowly learned how to take basic care of herself. She learned to brush her teeth, wash her hands, and can say a few words, such as “I love you” to her parents.

After caring for Dani for years, it eventually became too much for them to take on all alone and they had to place her in an adult assisted living home when she was 21. These days she smiles, knows her own name, and no longer has wild tantrums or screaming fits. The one thing she loves to do the most in the world is sit outside in the sunshine, something that she was never able to do until she was seven years old.

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Blind Guy Put a Cam On His Dog’s Harness. Then His Wife Watches What The Camera Caught In Horror!

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Many of us who have no eye problems take our vision for granted. While the blind will never get to see all the beautiful wonders of our incredible planet earth. The blind will never get to see all the amazing shades of the color spectrum, the beauty of nature, the tender face of a loved one, the beautiful wonders and architecture of the world, the silvery light of the moon and the twinkling of the stars.

Can you for a second imagine what your life would be like in complete darkness? Can you picture yourself navigating to work without the help of your vision? Life is already difficult when all your senses are in working order. I can’t even begin to fathom what a blind person experiences everyday of their life.

There are people who are born blind and learn from day one how to function and live in a world of darkness. Then there are others who had their sight and went blind either in childhood or adulthood leaving them in a dark void where they must figure out and re-learn how to function in a world that was once so vivid, colorful, full of life and vibrance.

This brings us to today’s story where we are featuring a blind man named Amit Patel who at the age of 32 went blind after being able to see for his entire life. He got a disease called Keratoconus which cause changes in the shape of the cornea in your eye and if it’s a bad enough case can leave you completely blind. This is what happened to Amit, luckily for him he had an angel of a wife named Seema who was there with him every step of the way giving him much needed care, love and support.

After Amit tragically went blind he got a special seeing-eye-dog named Kika who would be his main source of vision as he navigated around his new dark environment. Before Kika arrived, Amit was so scared to go out on his own and be an independent person. He was completely dependent on his beautiful wife Seema anytime he needed to go from one place to another.

At first his Amit and his new pup Kika were a bit awkward together stumbling around as they would slowly get used to each other. Then after a few weeks of practice and bonding they blossomed into best friends that could work together as one cohesive unit. Amit was ecstatic because now he was no longer timid and trapped alone in a dark corner. He could go out as he pleased just like any other human on earth.

This happiness began to fade a bit because he had noticed something strange and unexpected happening every time he was out with his seeing-eye-dog. He thought people would be kind, helpful and at the very least not mean.

However, he quickly realized the reality of being blind, as people would openly mock him as he walked by. He couldn’t believe it and neither could his wife so they decided to place a Go-Pro Camera on Kika so that others could visualize what a day in the life of a blind person was truly like.

The next day Amit and Kika went out into the world like any other day to do a little shopping and run a few errands. They were out for a few hours and when they returned Seema took the Camera off Kika and began watching the footage that had been captured. Seema was absolutely horrified and disgusted with what she saw on the video…..

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9-Year-Old With Terminal Cancer Tells His Father ‘I Gotta Quit’. But Then Makes Him a Promise That Left Him In Tears!

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Once you become a parent it quickly dawns on you that your life is no longer the most important thing to you but your child’s life now takes precedence over your own. Seeing your young kid sick is one of the hardest things for a parent to deal with especially when there is nothing you can do to make them better.

You will make any sacrifice you possibly can for your child and will do everything in your power to try and get them better, no matter what the cost. In a worse case scenario situation they can be able to survive their illness! Until you face this reality as a parent it is truly hard to grasp how sad, difficult, scary, and life altering this situation can be.

Even if your child isn’t sick having that initial conversation about death is one of the hardest thing a parent will ever have to do. How can you explain death to a kid when as an adult it’s almost impossible to grasp the idea of it yourself. Even worse what happens when you have to have this conversation with your son and it’s not a theoretical conversation, but a talk about his imminent death.

This brings us to today’s heart breaking story. Bill Kohler father of Aiden Kohler, was diagnosed with a very rare form of childhood cancer called Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma or DIPG. This is a very dangerous form of cancer that forms a large mass or tumor in the middle of the brainstem. This form of cancer is almost impossible to treat because it grows around the nerves in the brain.

If these nerves are operated on the patient will almost certainly die. People diagnosed with this type of cancer usually can only live for at most 12 months after it is found. This form of cancer is so rare that only 300 humans are diagnosed each year and they are usually between the ages of 5-9 years old.

In Aiden’s particular case his diagnosis was even worse because they didn’t just find one tumor they found two! Even with the devastating news about his son, Bill a veteran and former army medic tried just about anything and everything he could to save his son’s life.

He tried to get him into multiple experimental trials that weren’t fully cleared yet in a last ditch effort to save the young boy. Unfortunatley Aiden didn’t meet the requirements for these test trials and was rejected over and over again. When Bill finally had to come to terms with the fact that there was absolutely nothing he could do, he made his boy a promise that he would make his final days on earth as fulfilling and special as he possibly could.

Aiden got to meet his favorite wrestlers, celebrity chefs, go hunting in the woods and play with his favorite soccer team. Then came his tenth and final birthday where his parents tried their best and gave him an amazing final birthday. Time was quickly running out as the sand in the hour glass was almost empty, Aiden’s short life was coming to an end.

All his bodily functions were shutting down. He couldn’t swallow, breathe, walk and talking was becoming more and more difficult. He knew he was going to die soon and he looked up at his father and told him ‘Dad I gotta quit’. Bill the former army medic looked at his son with tears streaming down his eyes and told him, ‘if you fought as hard as you possibly could and you just can’t go on it’s okay to quit son’.

Aiden said to his dad after he’s gone he wants to be remembered as a fighter, filled with happiness, funny, a good athlete, smart, wise beyond his years and selfless. He also wanted to people to celebrate his life by dancing and singing and not be sad that he is now gone from this earth.

Aiden died soon after but his family, friends and community will never forget this special boy who will forever remain in their memories. To this day donations are still being given to John Hopkins in Aiden’s name to try and find a cure for DIPG.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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