They Adopted This Young Child No One Wanted. But 20 Years Later The Girl Looks Completely Different!
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Being a person on planet earth is a pretty tough job regardless of where you come from. The everyday struggles that everyone goes through can take a toll even on the strongest willed people. Even when you are lucky enough to be born into a good family, with a roof over your head and food on your table life will still throw you curveballs that you will never see coming until it’s too late. However, consider yourself lucky if you are born without a congenital deformity, learning disabilty or any other hurdle that makes living that much more difficult. For those who are born with heriditary diseases or congenital deformities an already hard life becomes that much more difficult.
This brings us to today’s story about a special girl named Hannah who was born with a rare congenital defect called primordial dwarfism. Primordial Dwarfism is so rare that currently there are only 100 people out of 7 billion who have this rare disease. These people have the odds stacked against them from the start, they grow much slower than people without the disease and their life expectency is cut short to a mere 30 years. When her biological mother was told by the doctors about her daughters condition, she knew she wouldn’t be able to take care of her so she made the difficult decision to put up poor baby Hannah for adoption. Because of her condition pretty much nobody wanted to adopt her, knowing that the responsibilty of caring for a child with special needs is about 10x harder than one without.
After months and months of no one adopting her, a couple named Jackie and Larry finally came along, who took one look at Hannah and knew she was the one who would be their daughter and become part of their family! Young Hannah now had a full blown family with 1 big sister named Kelly and 2 big brothers Matt and Mark. The family was absolutely amazing and treated Hannah with extra love, care and affection. Her siblings loved her as well and treated her no different than they treated eachother.
When Hannah got a bit older she became aware that she was different than other kids her age and her parents wanted to be completely honest with her while at the same time letting her know that her condition didn’t make her less of a person than anybody else. In fact, they told her she was 10 out seven billion with Primordial Dwarfism and this made her a miracle child. On top of growing much slower than other kids her age, she also had other health complications, such as heart problems, aneurysms, small teeth falling out and needing implants, scoliosis and worst of all polycystic kidney disease which inevitably could lead to her kidneys completely failing. However through all of this she persevered with grace and bravery.
After a few years, Hannah was school age and ready to begin her education at the same school her siblings went to. Even though she required special care due to her complex health issues, the whole family was determined to not make her feel like an outcast and give her a normal and ordinary childhood. However, school wasn’t easy for her because kids can just straight up be cruel. She was made of fun of, laughed at and mocked. But over the years, this only made her stronger and stronger as she overcame adversity after adversity. Also, her older siblings were very protective of their little sister and if they ever caught wind of bullies being mean to her, they defended her and always had her back no matter what!
With all of this going on, her adoptive mother needed a kidney transplant and somehow Hannah was a match to be a donor for her mom. Hannah decided that because her mom had pretty much saved her life she would do the same and give up one of her kidneys to save her mom’s life! Hannah is not only brave, beautiful and strong she is also a hero that we can all learn from!
Watch the video below for the full story and for pictures and videos of Hannah growing up:
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What Is Your Hippie Name? Find Out!
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What would your hippie name be? That is a daring question which taps into the roots of the Naming Tree, whose age can only be guessed. Deep in the histories of the almighty lands of lore and spirit, there came upon a midnight’s calling a vestibule, so vast and glamorous that even the nearest stars stared in wonder.
Within each of those who have heard the tale, there exists a tender area, not quite sadness, but certainly mixed with wonder and happiness. It all began so long ago, it’s hard to really remember a good place to begin.
Time is like that, you know, always sneaking around and hiding things, only to pop them back up again at weird intervals that only the strangest among us can even begin to decipher. By the time you’ve noticed that you’ve noticed that something has begun, its end is approaching at a rate of acceleration beyond comprehension.
How can anyone hope to gather themselves enough for the harsh blow of the inevitable slumber? But we live on, and we learn. We learn to forget, and we forget to learn again. Beginnings start, and endings finish, only to arise anew.
Maybe, just maybe, through the extravagant richness of experience offered by the Nature that surrounds us, we will come to deeper understanding of our intrinsic experience of infinite perfection and continuity with all existence.
If you look into that part of yourself, you will find your hippie name.
What is your hippie name? Let us know!
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A Mother Gives THIS Homeless Guy an Extra Slice Of Her Pizza But When She Realizes Who He Is She’s Stunned!
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Homelessness is an epidemic across this country and the rest of the world. There are millions of people out there who don’t have a home to go back to, a roof over their heads, a warm plate of dinner or a nice cozy bed. They live in treacherous conditions in extreme cold and heat as they try to survive in anyway they can. A lot of times people fall into hard times by no fault of their own, things snowball out of control and before they know it they are out on the streets and homeless.
They go through the trash for food, beg people walking past them on the street for some spare change just so they can eat something before they fall asleep on the sidewalk. Many people in cities are so used to seeing homeless people, that they have almost become invisible.
Day after day people in the city walk past them and it has become such a common site that they are almost numb to it. They feel by not acknowledging their existence they won’t feel guilt about walking right passed them without a second thought. The whole situation is so heartbreaking and there really is no easy answer to solve this terrible epidemic..
In today’s story we feature a mother named Karine Gombeau from France who had been on a trip to New York City for a few weeks. Like many tourists who visit New York City she was just exploring the vast city taking in all the amazing sights of Manhattan. After a while she got hungry and stopped off at a great pizza place to get some of that world famous New York Pizza which is the best pizza in the world (according to many).
She got a small pizza pie and ate a few slices at the place. She got the rest of the pie boxed up to go, and headed back to her hotel. On the way back, she spotted a homeless man who was scouring through the garbage to fill his empty stomach with some kind of food. She immediately felt her heart drop and she felt the need to help him. The only problem was she had no spare change or money in her purse just a debit card..
That’s when she realized she had some leftover pizza and she knew she had to offer the poor homeless man some food. At first she felt kind of bad that it was all she had to give, but at least it was something and he wouldn’t have to go to bed hungry. She gave him the food and actually apologized to him for it being cold, but he was so happy he didn’t mind one bit. He thanked her and blessed her as she walked off back to her hotel.
She went to sleep that night and didn’t give too much thought to her encounter with the homeless man and the pizza. The next day she did some more tourist stuff and exploring and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. She headed back to hotel again and fell asleep after another long day of walking. The next morning she woke up to something she would never expect in her wildest dreams!
There was a headline on the front page of the paper with a picture of her giving that pizza to the homeless man on the street! She couldn’t believe it and she also couldn’t understand how giving a homeless man some pizza was newsworthy. That’s when she realized who the homeless man was…..
Watch the video below for the full story:
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Waitress Was Pissed Boy Had Trouble Buying Ice Cream But When She Sees The Check She Immediately Breaks Down In Tears!
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Being a waiter is a difficult and thankless job. They work long hours and receive lower salaries and, worst of all, are often mistreated by both their fellow employees and their customers. One of the rules waiters have to follow is to “Always please the customer.” This can be incredibly difficult. However, it is necessary to get a good tip.
At a popular restaurant, a waitress was servicing tables as usual. She noticed a young boy come in and sit down at a table. Immediately, this annoyed the waitress. She knew just from working in the job for a while that most kids didn’t tip well. Still, she knew that she had to serve him.
As she approached the table, she hoped that she could take care of him quickly and then whisk him out the door. She placed water in front of him along with a menu. After consulting the menu for a couple of minutes, the boy questioned the cost of an ice cream sundae. She told him and he grimaced. It was clear that he didn’t have enough.
The waitress rolled her eyes. If he didn’t even have enough cash for a measly ice cream sundae, he definitely wouldn’t be leaving a significant tip. He ended up purchasing an even smaller single scoop ice cream cone. She brought the dish to him and he eventually left. When she looked down at the check, she was shocked.
She saw that he had given her a 25% tip. He had gotten a less expensive dish so that he could give her a good tip. She felt so bad for how she had treated him. She vowed never to judge people by their appearance or a trait ever again.
Watch the video below for the full story:
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This Weird and Strange Potoo Muppet Bird Creature Has Been Filmed and Photographed In Daylight
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Planet Earth is bursting with life, whether it’s in the deep oceans, top of the mountains or the Great Plains of Africa, life is thriving and adapting wherever it can. Scientists have made incredible and huge discoveries over the past 100 years that have changed and shaped the very fabric of how we look at life on planet earth. Whether it’s plants, animals, bacteria or fungi life can come in an infinite amount of shapes and sizes, while sometimes looking completely normal and other times looking very very strange.
In today’s article we are featuring one of these very strange and weird animals. When you first take a look at it you probably won’t even think this could possibly be a real thing. It looks like something Jim Henson would’ve created in the 70-80’s during the height of the Muppets. This odd animal actually looks more unique and strange than any of Henson’s muppets. When somebody first showed me it, I thought they were playing a prank to see if I would believe them or not. Turns out it wasn’t a prank and this strange animal really does exist!
So it turns out this animal is in fact a bird called the Nyctibius grandis or the more common name the Great Potoo. This weird bird can only be found in South America and sometimes Central America. The Great Potoo is a master of camouflage and is also nocturnal. So the chances of you seeing one during the day are slim to none!
They blend in so well with trees that they are often simply mistaken for branches on a tree. The Great Potoo hunts at night and eats small bats and insects under the moonlight. Just like owls, they are great hunters and do pretty much all of their eating at night. They are also known for their very distinct sound.
Unlike most birds that chirp, the Great Potoo makes a noise that almost sounds as if it was a dog barking! These birds are just amazing and I hope one day, maybe just maybe I’ll be able to see one in person! Have you ever seen one? Let us know!
Watch the video below for pictures and video clips of this strange creature:
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What Color is Your Aura?
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Your aura is the subtly pervasive atmosphere created by and emanating from your body which is visible to some by color. This field of luminous radiation has been associated with a variety of personality traits, depending on the colors of the layers. It can be read like a map of a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. This means that your aura is in constant flux, depending on your well being, and can be made up of several colors at once.
The existence of an electromagnetic energy field around every object in the world is a scientifically proven fact, but there is debate whether the cascading outlines can be seen by the human eye or not. Because devices that should be able to measure these alleged fields have recorded nothing, the claim to be able to see them is often considered paranormal. However, there is a rare form of photography, called Kirlian photography, which has been said to document the auras.
The colors around a person can extend out far, or only be very close to the body. The latter occurs when a person is guarding themselves from someone or something. When two people have been intimate with each other, their auras will be in contact with one another and share common colors.
These fields are best seen in full daylight and with relaxed eyes. When first attempting to visually perceive an aura, it is likely you will be able to see a field but no color. With more practice, the colors will begin to reveal themselves.
What color is your aura? let us know!
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