This Little Boy With an Eye Defect and Disorder Found a Cat Who Has His Same Condition.
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Most of the population is aware of the genetic disorder and defect called Cleft Palate and Cleft Lip. This disorder happens when the baby is still a fetus in the mother’s womb and the dan and cellular structures don’t form exactly how they are supposed to.
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In a perfect world everyone would be more accepting of people with disabilities, however kids and sometimes even adults can be mean and make of fun people who look or act different and are born with birth defects.
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This brings us to today’s story featuring a young boy named Madden Humphreys and his mother Christina. Madden has 2 rare genetic disorders the first is called Heterochromia Iridium and he also has a Cleft Lip. Having both of these together is quite rare. Heterochromia Iridum causes a person’s eyes to be two completely different colors! This disorder is super rare but surprisingly also shows up in cats and dogs.
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Only one percent of the human population has Heterochromia Iridium so you will rarely ever come across somebody who has it. For the most part although the eyes can long a little strange being such different colors, there usually aren’t any other health problems that are associated with it.
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One day, his mom was just browsing the internet when she randomly came across a very special cat! Not only did this cat have Heterochromia Iridium but he also had a Cleft Lip; the exact same two defects her son has!
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It seemed as if a miracle was unfolding before her eyes and destiny was bringing these two souls together. But, there was one huge problem that was holding destiny back! The Humphreys lived in Oklahoma, while the special cat was all the way up north in Minnesota. Money was also very tight for the Humphreys and they couldn’t afford a flight to Minnesota and a hotel and everything that comes with traveling.
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Luckily, Christina has amazing best friends that she told about her situation. The friends all immediately chipped in to fund Christina for a fun road trip to pick up her son’s new best friend. They quickly hit the road, traveled across many states and finally arrived at the rescue shelter to find this very special and magical kitty.
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Madden named his new friend Moon as soon as they arrived. His mother had never seen him this excited or happy before in his entire life. Madden didn’t have many friends and always felt secluded and alone; but now had a new best friend that would never leave his side.
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Madden soon realized that being different was so bad after all as his confidence, health, happiness and overall mental well being all rose to new levels! In a world filled with people who aren’t always so nice, it is good to know that wonderful and amazing people still out there doing good things and selfless acts everyday!
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Remember always be nice to people because you never know what they are going through!
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This Man Renovates an Old Retired Airplane Into His House
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Many people want that nice colonial house, in the burbs with a well mown lawn and a perfect little white picket fence. While others prefer more; shall we see exotic shelters that are completely unique, creative and many times out of this world! I myself am somewhere in the middle, I’d like the nice comforts of a small town, or maybe even a small city, but at the same time I could see myself going off the grid living in an old in one of the houses from the tiny house movement! Anyway with all that being said, this brings us to today’s fascinating story which features a unique man named Bruce Campbell age 66, citizen of planet earth…
Bruce spent the greater portion of his life as an engineer before he retired a few years back. Ever since his retirement he’s found himself with a lot of extra time on his hands. He wasn’t sure what he was going to do after he retired but after many hours of contemplation he came up with up with an idea.
Bruce has pretty much always been obsessed with airplanes ever since he was a kid. He owned a plot of land he bought many years prior, now he just needed to find the cashflow to get an old retired plane that can’t fly anymore. He pursued his goal and ended up purchasing a Boeing 727 Jet Airplane for $100,000! Seems like a good deal? Maybe I’m not really familiar with old, none functioning plane prices…
The easy part had been accomplished. Bruce was now the proud owner of a broken down Boeing 727 that will never fly again. But now the hard part was just beginning…. Bruce had to somehow get the plane from the place he bought it from and transfer it 1000’s of miles into the lush forests of Oregon.
Somehow Bruce figured out how he was going to transport the big plane. The only problem was, this transportation job was going to end up being more expensive than the 727 itself! At this point he was so zoned in on his goal of having his airplane dream house in the middle of the forest was happening no matter what the cost! For those of you interested the transport alone was $120,000!
So now he found himself with an empty plane in the middle of the woods and he was already $220,000 deep into this once in a lifetime project. He initially thought he could get it done from start to finish in a year…. However he completely underestimated the complexity of this job. It took him years of planning, he was going to make sure everything was perfect…
Have a great day!
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Every Time This Spoiled Bunny’s Human Stops Petting He Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit:
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Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It’s no secret that many of our furry pets love to be pet, which may be why we call them “pets” in the first place. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and we call it petting because they are our pets. Whatever the case may be, lots of animals simply love being stroked and scratched. They usually have a sweet spot where they especially like being rubbed. For cats it seems to be around the cheeks, dogs like their ears and back scratched, and then there are some pets whose sweet spot is everywhere and anywhere.
The little bunny in this video seems to fall in the latter category. From the looks of it he likes being pet all over, especially down his backside. The man in the video gently strokes his ears, nose, cheekbones, temples, head, and back, while the bunny twitches his nose and sits with a content expression on his face, his body completely relaxed, at ease and perfect peace.
When the man stops petting him the bunny is clearly not happy about it. He stamps his furry little paws and lets out adorable growling sounds in protest. It might just be the cutest behavior I’ve ever seen a rabbit do! At one point the furry little guy searches for more pet-pets by crawling under the man’s hand, urging him to resume the mini-massage that he so rudely ended. This bunny knows what he wants and he’s basically telling the man through his grunts, growls, and foot thumping that he is not pleased the cuddle session ended!
Contrary to popular belief, lots of bunnies love being pet and shown affection. The areas they most enjoy being pet is on their head and down their backside. Many often like their dewlap, the roll of skin underneath their chin, scratched and rubbed, but some don’t like this at all. The bunny will let you know whether or not it’s enjoying the attention. When they purr, chatter their teeth, flip flop over, and close their eyes it means they like it and if you stop and they poke your hand with their head it means “don’t stop, keep petting forever!”
Rabbits and bunnies are very expressive, you just have to know how to read them, and over time you become familiar and accustomed to an individual one’s behavior. Like every other pet in the world, they have their own distinct quirks and personality traits…
The cute rabbit in this video has certainly bonded with his human friend as he feels comfortable demanding the man do what the lil bunny wants him to do. The little cutie looks so happy being pet and snuggled in his blanket, and if that can’t put a smile on your face then I don’t know what will. Enjoy this lil’ fussy bunny and his adorable antics. It sure. brightened my day.
Pass This Adorable Bunny On To Your Friends and Fam
In our next featured video of the day take a tour of The Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers which was built in the 13th century and has remained untouched since 1932:
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When you think of a castle you likely imagine a sturdy, imposing fortress that was built from stone and surrounded by a water-filled moat. After all, castles were purposefully constructed to keep people safe and protected inside their walls. They are what stood between everything from marauding enemies to wild beasts and the destructive forces of mother nature. Castles were meant to be strong and had to be able to withstand long, drawn out, aggressive sieges. In later years they took on a more extravagant role and today they are seen as dreamy, fantasy-like places, filled with magic and romance.
The abandoned castle seen in this incredible footage is called Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers and it looks like it comes straight out of a Disney movie. The beautiful ruins are located in the town of Les Trois-Moutiers, in the west of France. For centuries the majestic castle has sat in the middle of a heavily wooded area, surrounded by a water filled moat, imposing and elegant all at once.
Today it is being left to slowly fade away back into nature, yet despite the years of neglect, the castle still looks like it’s fit for royalty. All that it needs is the right owner or group to step in and restore it to its former glory. To truly understand the amount of detail and thought that went into constructing this castle, you need to take the video tour because it’s the only thing that gives it justice. You can feel and sense all of the tragedies and triumphs this castle has borne witness to.
It may have been overtaken by nature and seemingly forgotten about, but if these walls could talk they would tell tales of epic battles and grand celebrations. Be sure to check it out and take the tour, here’s more on the history of the Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers.
First and foremost, the castle is filled with history and has quite the tumultuous past. It dates back to at least the 13th century and was originally built as a safe haven for the notable Bauçay family, who were lords of Loudun and answered directly to the king of France himself. Over the following centuries the castle was overtaken twice by English forces during the middle ages before it was eventually given back to the French.
After being restored it went on to become a very popular place where nobility gathered for magnificent galas and lavish, extravagant, over the top parties. The good times didn’t last long though and during the French Revolution the castle was once again destroyed after being sacked.
There it sat for some ten years or so before a well-heeled businessman named Francois Hennecart bought the property with the intent to once again restore it. He managed to add a vineyard but in 1857 it was taken over and passed on to Baron Joseph Lejeune, a wealthy relative of Napoleon III. He rebuilt the castle extensively in the romantic style that was popular at the time and continued on the tradition of holding lavish parties.
It was during a subsequent renovation in 1932 that the castle succumbed to its latest major setback and ever since then it has sat vacant. At the time, the current owner had been installing central heat and somehow a fire was sparked. The resulting damage not only devastated most of the structure, numerous rare pieces of art, furniture, tapestries, books, and paintings were sadly destroyed as well and lost forever.
In recent years there have been a number of efforts to restore Château de la Mothe-Chandeniers, but it seems that everyone who tries gets railroaded into giving up. Hopefully a preservation society or some group can step in and help to rebuild it because it is a seriously beautiful, magically impressive castle that deserves saving.
Have a wonderful day!
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In our next featured video we have handpicked one of our favorite houses from the ‘Tiny House Movement’. This house may only be 140 Square Feet but it is so nice inside and out:
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The tiny house movement and lifestyle that embraces simple living in small spaces has grown immensely in recent years. People from all walks of life the world over are trading in their big open homes for much more modest ones. Many are attracted to the low cost of constructing, maintaining and living in these homes.
Others prefer the freedom they can often provide by being mobile or easily moved. In some places they have even become a popular option for housing the homeless. With such versatile and ever expanding uses its easy to see why tiny house living has become so popular.
A video uploaded by YouTube channel HouzzTV gives an inside look at one woman’s beautiful 140 square foot house for all those curious as to how these houses can look and what they fit. The tiny residence is located on a 1 acre lot in Ojai, California where owner Vina Lustado chose to permanently settle down.
The house was constructed on a trailer with wheels so that it’s classified as temporary housing in order to comply with state law that requires permanent living units be at least 600-700 sq. feet. All of the electricity is supplied by four batteries which are fed by three solar panels and a 7 gallon propane tank fuels a fireplace, stove, and hot water heater.
Inside, the space holds a built in desk, sofa, and loft. There are lots of neat floor to ceiling storage solutions that allow much more to fit than you would expect. Sturdy butcher block kitchen counter tops double as work space and a small refrigerator sits under them.
A skylight in the sleeping loft lets in natural light and can also act as a fire escape in case of emergencies. A large porch seems to double and expand the inside space outwards and can fit up to 10 people comfortably.
The scaled down house is eye opening as to how little a person actually needs to be comfortable and happy. Vina has fit everything in such a neat and organized fashion that she even has room for guests to sleep over in a lofted area above the desk.
Her micro home sits among a scenic forest, surrounded by beautiful trees and nature. The lifestyle fits exactly what the relaxed and content owner was after, as she says “It’s my house. If I move, it will move with me.” Would you like to live in a home like this?
Hope you enjoy this home as much as I did.
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In our next featured video we found another tiny house built at the top of a mountain completely off the grid. The man who built this beautiful house is a professional snowboarder who wanted to live away from all the hustle and bustle of everyday life and find piece in nature:
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Going Of The Grid is a series on the Seekers Stories network where Laura Ling explores the lives of people who are completely disconnected from the grid. Currently their are over 180,000 Americans a year who are choosing to veer away from the modern internet-focused world in pursuit of something simpler and more sustainable.
Mike Basich a pro-snowboarder decided to live life off the grid, where he built a tiny cabin on top of a mountain in Truckee, CA. His house is only 225 square feet, and sits in the lap of nature, where he awakens to the sun and goes to sleep to the sunset. He states that unlike the city life where you are always racing time, here he can be in sync with nature while living a simple life of solitude.
The house does not have plumbing, but does pick up running water from a stream that runs close to his tiny cabin. The house doesn’t have an indoor toilet or a real shower, but he did build a sweet hot tub outside. The shape of the house is designed through the golden ratio which makes things more pleasant to the eye. This cozy cabin is absolutely amazing.
He is inspired by nature and allows it to fuel his creativity through photography. Living off the grid is a dream that Mike has had since he was a little kid and he is finally living his dream. Would you ever live off the grid, why or why not? What do you think of Mike’s tiny cabin off the grid?
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In our next featured video we found a cave discovered by an artist who decided to be secluded from society for 25 years and transformed this cave into beautiful art and living space.
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In the high desert of Northern New Mexico, you can hear the sounds of a man entranced in his work underground in a cave. You will see a small entry that opens into a cavern, where Ra Paulette has spent the last 25 years carving New Mexico’s sandstone into magnificent art. He’s spent years doing this work with the company of only his dog.
When asked if he is a man obsessed with cave digging, he gives the really thoughtful response: “Is a child obsessed with play?” He waxes on to say, that when you love what you are doing, you are driven to do it all the time. He sees his majestic pieces as environmental projects; his goal is to inspire people such that they open up emotionally, in response to the enormity and power of what his carvings evoke.
It can be said that he has created magic in the underground caves that he has carved. They are at once intimate and overwhelming. Interestingly, Ra doesn’t see himself as an artist, but simply as a man expressing his sense of wonder in a passionate way. I would beg to differ with his opinion that he is not an artist. What he has created, is livable art of unbelievable power.
The video you are about to watch tells the rest of his story, and gives you a tour of his magnificent caves. Unbelievably, his work had no notoriety until a filmmaker asked to do a documentary about Ra. Called “Cave Digger”, the film ended up winning an academy award!
Let us know your reaction to this story of peaceful man who’s purpose was a dedication to his craft. I can guarantee that you are about to view something you have never seen before.
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Young 8 Years Old Kid Gets To School and His Head Is Frozen Solid. Teacher Takes a Closer Look and His Heart Is Broken!
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In life an education is probably the most vital thing you can get in life to make sure you can get a job and provide for yourself in the future. Unfortunately many people all around the world, aren’t given the opportunity to get an education and set themselves up for a life of success. Others are given a chance to go to school, however the conditions are so terrible, the books are so broken down and the teachers really don’t have any incentive to teach their students, so they don’t even try to fill their young students minds with knowledge and wisdom.
This brings us to today’s heartbreaking story. An 8 year old boy from China named Wang Foom whose mother recently abandoned the family which forced his father to get a job to support Wang and his children on his own. They originally came from a small Province in China and jobs were tough to find, so his father had to head to the city to look for work to provide for his family.
While Wang’s dad went to work in the city, Wang had no other choice to move in with his grandma. Grandma lived over 3 miles from Wang’s school. To make matters worse his grandmother didn’t drive or have a drivers license. Also, the school didn’t have bus transportation that would travel 3 miles out to Wang’s grandmother’s house. During the warmer seasons it was okay, Wang would walk for 4 hours a day to school so that he could get his education however, during winter his 4 hour walk was terribly brutal on the young man.
The winter’s can be very cold and drop well below freezing on a daily basis. One extremely cold day in the middle of winter, Wang’s grandma begged Wang not to go to school because the freezing temperatures could be dangerous and lead to a tragedy. Wang told his grandma there was no way he could miss school that day because he had a huge test and he took school very seriously. Against grandmas wishes Wang left home, took the long arduous walk to school, even though he knew it was going to be cold he wasn’t prepared for how cold this particular trip to school would be. As he walked his hair completely froze and so did his eyebrows. By the time he made it to class, his entire head was frozen solid!
His teacher looked Wang over and knew it was just his hair that was frozen. His cheeks were beginning to burn up and he couldn’t even hold his pencil to take the exam! That didn’t stop Wang though, with the little mobility he had left in his hands he grabbed his pencil and somehow took the test even in his frozen condition. Even though Wang showed incredible determination and amazing resilience and is basically just a little hero, his teacher was very concerned with the whole situation and brought Wang to the principal’s office to try and figure out a solution for this poor frozen kid so this never had to happen again.
The principal was just as concerned as the teacher and snapped a picture of Wang to try to raise awareness and get the school to provide some type of transportation. He posted the photo of Wang on social media and it immediately went viral! It got 100’s of thousands of shares, comments and likes as the world heard his story, saw the heartbreaking image of the young man, and empathy and support started coming in from all corners of planet earth!
This boy, basically risked his life, just to take a test in school! For most of us who live in more fortunate circumstances we easily would’ve taken the day off, waited for it to warm up and then go in and take the test without almost having to die! To add salt to the wound, after school ended that day, Wang would have to take the freezing treacherous walk back home to his grandma’s home!
Watch the video below for the full story:
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11-Year-Old Girl Put On Her Favorite Dress For School Photo Day. But How The School Reacted Left Her Hysterical In Tears!
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Well it’s finally August which means summer is already winding down and it’s almost time for some back to school shopping. It’s hard to believe that Autumn is already right around the corner when it feels like summer just began yesterday! Parents and their children have already began flocking to stores, to pick up new pencils, pens, book covers, (trapper keepers if they still make them), binders, folders, journals, calculators and so much more. On top of all the school supplies, many will be picking up new shoes, backpacks and clothing to begin the new school year. In particular one item that is super important every year is that perfect outfit to wear for your school photo!
This brings us to today’s story which features a young 11-year-old girl named Vegas who is about to start a new school year the the Lockwood Eileen Johnson Middle School In Montana. Overall, Vegas enjoys school and is a really good student and is well liked by almost all of her peers however one day back in September she experienced a nightmare of a school day she never could’ve imagined.
In late September in schools all across the world ‘Picture Day’ arrives pretty much on the same time every year. Some kids love Picture Day while others dread it and absolutely abhor it. Whether you love it or hate it, on this day you always have to dress up a little extra, put a little more time into your hair and just look the best you possibly can so your school pictures come out as good as possible.
Vegas had recently received a gift from her sister which was a grayish dress with a floral pattern that she absolutely loved. As soon as she got the dress she knew this would be the outfit she would wear for her school picture. The dress wasn’t scandalous at all, it wasn’t short, it was very conservative and she even put on black leggings to cover her legs. Mom helped her get ready that morning and the whole family agreed she looked amazing and knew her pictures were going to come out great!
She arrived at school went to class and waited for her time to get called in for her school picture. That’s when a school employee more specifically a teachers aid took her aside and told her what she was wearing was completely inappropriate for picture day and she wouldn’t be allowed to wear this beautiful dress she got from her sister for her school photo. Vegas obviously confused couldn’t understand what was wrong with the dress and why this was happening.
The school responded that the dress showed “too much of her shoulder” which was completely petty and a ridiculous reason to ridicule her, take her aside and embarrass her in front of all the other students. After she was publicly shamed for showing “too much shoulder” they let her take the school picture in the dress, but then they called her parents and told them they had to drive to the school and bring her different clothes that were less “scandalous” for the rest of the day!
Between the public shaming, making her feel horrible about the dress she loved and overall just making a huge spectacle out of a completely innocuous thing, Vegas couldn’t take it anymore, broke down and started hysterically crying. The whole day was completely traumatizing to this innocent and sweet little girl and she just couldn’t understand why this was happening to her…
Watch the video below for the full story and let us know if you think her dress is inappropriate:
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What Career Are You Meant For?
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If you are like me, you have spent a lot of time wondering what your perfect career might be. You might have a career, or you may not, but you have probably wondered about it. If you have one and enjoy it, you probably think about it less than someone who hates their job.
If you are like most people, you think you have the perfect career on days you are having fun, and you wonder how you ever got there and where you might turn to find greener pastures on days when you are miserable.
Careers are strange things. Why do we spend so much time and effort on a career? Is it because we want to find meaning in our lives and do something rewarding? Or is it because we want to leave a legacy, a way for us to be remembered after we are gone?
Legacy is another interesting concept. Why would we care about what people think after we are gone? Do we believe that we will be affected by people’s thoughts about us after death? Or do we feel that we will somehow live on if someone thinks about us, and legacy is some form of life extension, a way to survive beyond the grave?
No matter what your reasons are for pursuing a career, even if it is only part time, we all share the desire to do something meaningful and we are all doing our best to live life to the fullest. We all do it in different ways, and some of those ways are more beneficial to humanity than others, but we are all trying our best with what we have been given.
Sometimes we find ourselves in tough situations, but we try anyway. In the end, we all end up the same, and all that is left is our legacy. Maybe this matters, and maybe it doesn’t, but since no one knows one way or the other…
What career did you get?
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6 Years Ago a Sheep Escaped and Grew 60lbs of Wool. They Were Stunned But Wait Til’ You See Him Now!
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There once was a Merino sheep named Shrek who lived on a farm in South Island, New Zealand. When he was four years old, he decided to strike out on his own and so he ran away from home. Escaping into the surrounding wilderness, he spent his time happily grazing and exploring the beautiful landscape. To avoid detection he hid in local caves where he knew he’d be safe.
Shrek’s time in the wild came to an end when he was eventually discovered in 2004. To say he had changed a bit would be an understatement. When he left, he had been well groomed with a short fleece coat. When he re-appeared, he was a giant poufy mass of wool. Upon seeing him for the first time after all those years his owner, John Perry, described the elusive sheep as looking like some ancient biblical creature!
While sheep normally get sheared once a year, Shrek hadn’t been sheared in 6 years. Because Merino sheep never shed their fleece like many other types of sheep typically do, it meant Shrek’s coat simply kept on growing. Over the years he was at large he produced a whole lot of wool, so much that it weighed 60 pounds. In fact, the amount of wool he had on him was enough to make 20 large men’s suits.
When he was finally sheared, Shrek looked like a shell of his former self, but in a healthy, good type of way. He could see a whole lot better once it was out of his eyes and he probably felt a lot cooler, not to mention lighter. At the time of his shearing, Shrek had already become a local celebrity in sheep-mad New Zealand. He ended up meeting the prime minister at the time, Helen Clarke, and the countries national television broadcast his amazing transformation for everyone to see. Being a sheep of the people, his fleece was auctioned off with the proceeds going to benefit children’s medical charities.
Shrek’s time in the limelight didn’t end there, he went on to appear in many children’s books and made guest appearances for various charities. Perhaps the highlight of his fame, and the craziest thing he ever experienced, came two years after his initial TV appearance when he was once again sheared on live TV. This time however, he got his haircut while on an iceberg that was floating off the coast of Dunedin, New Zealand!
Watch the video below for the full story:
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