Which Side Of Your Brain Is More Dominant?
image via – shutterstock.com
The human brain can be split into two parts; the left side and the right side. Each half is commonly associated with different abilities, strengths, weaknesses, ways of thinking, and other such types of attributes. The following is a general breakdown of some of the main characteristics that each side is most often connected with:
Left-brain dominant people are said to be more analytical, objective, and logical thinkers. They’re good at solving math and similar types of logic-oriented problems, which often leads to them quickly learning and excelling at new things. They like to delve deep into scientific pursuits and plan things out in advance, making to-do lists and checking up on their progress as they go.
In comparison, right-brain dominant people are more creative and expressive thinkers. They have strong imaginations and approach problems or issues with different, alternative types of solutions. They tend to be more spontaneous and emotional and often act on their feelings and intuition. Since they are more expressive they excel at artistic pursuits like painting and music.
People often self-identify as either a left-brain thinker or a right-brain thinker. They do this subjectively by going off of whatever side they assume they match up more with, in terms of the traits they believe they exhibit, but many times their educated assumption or guess is flat out wrong. How your brain is truly wired can better be determined through much less biased means and with the help of objectively designed tests.
This cognitive psychology quiz can quickly reveal what your dominant brain side happens to be. Try it out now and see if what you guess to be your dominant brain side matches up with the results, they may be of surprise to you! Click the “Let’s Play!” button to start and remember to pass it on to your friends and family so you can all compare results.
As always, have fun and enjoy!
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What Color Is Your Shadow Self?
image via : playbuzz.com
Just as there are two sides to every coin, there are two sides to every personality. Each of us is conscious of our own self in that we know how we act, what we do, and what’s going through our minds. At the same time, we are also unconscious of different parts of our personalities and at all times are unknowingly repressing them. This unconscious aspect of our dual personalities is called the shadow self. It has been analyzed and examined by some of the greatest minds of our time and the famous psychologist Carl Jung described it as being the dark side of our personality, hence the term ‘shadow self.’
He posited that this area of our personality is controlled by very basic, animal-type instincts and it’s plagued by uncertainty, doubt, and illogical thoughts. While it certainly sounds all dark and terrible, it’s not all doom and gloom. Our shadow self has a silver lining and can prove to be an asset for many of us.
That’s because it is believed to be a strong source of creativity for people who are able to positively tap into it. It’s also thought to be linked into the psychological reasoning for as to why mankind values life, society, and freedom so highly. There are many other beliefs surrounding the shadow self and different interpretations, definitions, and assumptions abound on the subject.
These are much more involved and multi-layered than what is mentioned here because it’s some really complex stuff! Now that you’re acquainted with what your shadow self is you can also see what color it happens to be. While this may sound strange, it’s not, because just like how our auras glow externally, our shadow self radiates colorfully internally!
The accompanying quiz uses a special combination of the fundamental psychological ideas on the topic and links them with color psychology to determine what the colors you’re attracted to reveal about your unconscious self. Color psychology studies have shown that different colors effect various aspects of all our lives and can impact everything from feelings to attitudes to the choices we make.
So sit back, relax, and find out more about your shadow self!
What color did you get?
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Can You Find The 7 Hidden Words In This Picture?
image via – shutterstock.com
The kids are soon getting back in school and will will be more time indoors and that means they need fun things to do and occupy their time with. Crosswords, video games, puzzles, play-doh, art and much more will be taking up lots of their indoor time. When you were a kid, on a rainy day or whenever you were stuck inside, there likely wasn’t anything better to do than to play with whatever you had on hand.
For many of us, that meant building awesome forts out of couches, blankets, brooms, pillows, and all sorts of other things that we gathered up. All that it took was a little imagination and ingenuity and in no time at all you could build a super sweet set-up to play in for hours on end. Fort building was, and remains, one of the best ways to entertain yourself and even though kids have computers and a lot of other stuff to play with, it will never go out of style or cease being fun!
image via – rumble.com
In homage to wonderful fort building memories of our past, we present to you this entertaining picture-word-search-puzzle. In the cartoon image below of two children playing and constructing a blanket fort while their cat looks on, there are a total of seven hidden words concealed among the details. However, this is not just an image, it also happens to be a video and once you click on the play button your challenge begins.
From start to finish you will have just under two minutes to find all seven words before they are highlighted and revealed towards the end of the clip. To be more precise, at exactly 1:58 all of the words will begin to appear in yellow, so if you can spot them all before that, you will pass the challenge.
Illustrations like this are great for passing time and keeping either yourself or kids occupied. So please pass it along. Don’t forget to work quickly, stay focused, and see if you can pass the challenge and find all seven words before time runs out. Good luck!
Did you find all the words? Let us know in the comments
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Pick a Key To Determine What It Reveals About Your Personality
image via playbuzz.com
Life is one big series of choices, at least that’s one way to look at it! Think about how many choices we make throughout the course of one single day. We pick and choose our way through options all day long and it doesn’t stop. From the moment we wake up to when our minds go to sleep at night we are faced with thousands of decisions. Many of the selections we make come naturally and most of the time we’re not even aware that we are making them.
Oftentimes we need to decide what to do in a split second, life just comes at us at a rapid fire pace. In fact, usually we are not even consciously aware of all the micro-decisions we’re being forced to instinctively make. Even still, they add up and may end up affecting different areas of our lives immensely. The truth is that it’s all but impossible to tell how our decisions will play out in the long run, but there are ways to determine what our choices have to say about who we are.
This short and simple image quiz uses pictures of keys to find out what design catches your eye and in turn what it reveals about your personality type. To be completely honest, there is no scientific basis to this quiz, but it’s insightful and revealing nonetheless. It’s also not completely random or made up.
Each of the key images have been chosen for specific reasons and are reflective of some very broad characteristics and traits that the people who choose them often seem to share in common. The descriptions provided are based more on observations and general psychology ideas, and whether you agree with them or not, at the very least this quiz will get you thinking about how your choices may reflect on your life.
All that you need to do is scroll through the images of the keys below and then choose the one that appeals the most to you above all the rest. Once you have made your decision, click on the key image to unlock what it says about your personality type. Enjoy!
Which key did you pick? Let us know in the comments
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Where Should You Live Based On Your Zodiac Sign?
image via – youtube.com
There is a place in the world for everyone and often where we choose to live depends on a variety of factors. Some people want to stay close to their family and friends, work and job commitments may decide where others live, and some people are always on the move and don’t settle anywhere in particular.
There are limitless reasons that can be cited for why people are living where they are. One reason that could be used to factor in to where we end up is our zodiac signs. While lots of people fit in and are comfortable right where they are, there may be a better location for you, in terms of how the stars and skies aligned on the day you were born.
The zodiac signs are best known for the different emotions and strengths which are associated with each one. All of these aspects can be examined and compared against the general attitudes and strengths of all the different countries in the world, so that one can determine which country best fits their zodiac sign.
Countries that highly reflect your personality, and thus astrological sign, are ideal locations to live in because you most likely would be happy and thrive there. Go to your zodiac sign if you would like to know which country you should live in! .
Where should you live based on your Zodiac Sign? Let us know in the comments
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Are you a perfectionist, realist, or surrealist?
image via – playbuzz.com
If you had to describe yourself as one of the following which would it be; a realist, a surrealist, or a perfectionist? It’s more than likely that you have attributes in common with all three of those personality types, but only one of them can describe you the best. To help you arrive at the most accurate answer, this visual quiz has been developed. It will tell you which category you fall under based on the patterns, colors, and images that you are attracted to the most in a series of visually compelling images. In the end, how you view the world around you, and your general outlook on life in regards to it, can be revealed simply by the choices you pick! How cool is that?
So that we are all on the same page, what follows is a basic breakdown of what a realist, a surrealist, and a perfectionist personality type entails, and the differences among all three.
First up are realists. They look around at the world and see everything in it exactly as it is and for what things truly are. They accept the situations which they are faced with and as such they turn their backs on overly positive or negative thinking. Instead, they prefer to think logically and rationally, relying mainly on reasoning and science to make sense of things. Realists employ a balanced, non-biased view when evaluating situations or other people and as such, they tend to give more weight to their calculations rather then their emotions.
Next up are perfectionists. They are the people you know in life who are extremely quick when it comes to noticing the slightest of details that most others would either overlook or completely miss altogether. Paying attention comes naturally to them and they often double or triple check things in order to avoid even the remote possibility of missing something that could end up being important. Perfectionists do not accept anything less than perfection, hence their name, and since they hate mistakes and failure they work extra hard at everything they do in order to always achieve their goals.
Finally are the surrealists. They differ greatly from realists and perfectionists because the way they see the world is through a unique perspective that’s full of abstraction. The line between reality and abstraction is often blurred for them as they are able to see and sense things which others cannot even begin to conceive.
This is all due in part to their imaginations which are powerful and enable them to dream up incredibly expansive, detailed, and complex creations with it. Surrealists are natural born creative-types, like artists and writers, who love throwing themselves fully into their work, passions, and interests. In the end, they always go above and beyond what’s expected.
With that in mind, take the test below and find out which personality type fits you the best. It uses a combination of methods, from color psychology to inkblot type-tests, to examine your thought process and determine what kind of person you are. So without further ado, have at it now and figure out if you’re a perfectionist, a realist, or a surrealist!
What type of person are you?
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