No One Believed Him When He Described His Morning Ritual With His Strange Friend So They Caught This

Out of the millions of different animal species in this world, the young boy in this video ended up befriending a gentle creature whose identity you’d probably never guess! The amazing footage shows the moment that he went to visit with his buddy and as you can see, it turns out that his special friend is none other than a giant manta ray!

The accompanying clip was captured off the coast of northwestern Africa on Spain’s Canary Islands. The beautiful subtropical archipelago happens to be a gathering place for marine life and it’s where many different types of stingray species can often be found. Groups of rays and schools of fish are a very common sight in the surrounding waters, which makes them very popular for diving, snorkeling, and sightseeing activities.

However, you don’t have to even enter the water to catch an up close and personal glimpse of the ocean life because one of the main spots that the large rays tend to frequent is near a set of stone steps that descend right into the ocean! The stairs happen to be the place where local fishermen toss back any unwanted fish and so the area has become known as a harbor hot spot. Many different types of sea creatures looking for an easy bite to eat stop by the place in hopes of finding a tasty treat to snack on. That makes it, in a sense, kind of like a fast food drive-through for fish, or a swim-through.

On this particular day the young boy in a white top and red shorts had gone to the steps to feed and play with his lovable manta ray friend. The huge fish swam right up to where the kid was standing and greeted him as affectionately as a giant manta ray possibly could! It hovered near the surface, very close to the boy, while he gently pet the top of its head and not once did it make any move that could be perceived as threatening or questionable.

In fact, the creature was very calm and looked to be accustomed to the boy, so much so that it even ate the food he generously offered right out of his hands. That’s quite impressive and shows a certain level of trust and familiarity that can only develop with time. At one moment in the clip the boy splashed the surface of the water and seconds later the ray came in super close. The big fish ended up resting part of its cartilaginous body on the bottom step and flapped about, as if it was trying to move in even closer to the young boy. The whole scene looked just like how someone would call their dog over and who knows, perhaps this boy has taught his giant ray friend some cool pet tricks!

As unbelievable and odd as this pairing may initially seem to be, stingrays are actually quite friendly and curious creatures. They are intelligent and will only attack or sting when they are either defending themselves or something suddenly scares them, both of which are totally normal reactions by our human standards. And while stingrays come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, the largest species of them all are called manta rays. They can grow to be over 20 feet wide and weigh close to three-thousand pounds!

Generally speaking, stingrays are rarely aggressive. Many species of them do have a poisonous stinger filled with venom that, as mentioned above, is only used in self-defense when the ray feels threatened. In terms of stingray attacks on humans, they most often occur when people inadvertently step on one in shallow water. A helpful tip to avoid this ever happening to you is to walk with a shuffling step by sliding your feet through the sand whenever you’re wading in shallow ocean water where stingrays are known to live. This gives them a heads up to your presence and will likely scatter them away so that you don’t end up stepping on one.

Overall, fatal stingray attacks on humans are exceedingly rare. Typically a person will accidentally step on one, get a painful sting on their foot or lower leg, and make a full recover shortly thereafter. However, after the tragic death of wildlife expert Steve Irwin in 2006 the marine creatures were rocketed to the forefront of public discussion. Many people were shocked and saddened by his untimely passing and completely unaware of the risks that the seemingly gentle, harmless looking rays posed. However, any reputation of them being perceived as especially dangerous after this incident is wholly undeserved and records back this up. In Australian waters stingrays have only been attributed to three known deaths since 1938, including Steve Irwin, and all 3 victims were stabbed either directly in the heart or very close to it. To put it in perspective, it’s much more dangerous to encounter jellyfish, sharks, saltwater crocodiles, sea snakes, and other different types of poisonous fish in the ocean than a stingray.

When you watch the interaction in the video just think how cool and neat this would be if it happened to you. While most people would probably be, at the very least, slightly freaked out by such a giant fish swimming right up to them, this kid loves it and knows he is safe. In the end, nature always finds a way to surprise us and make us smile, and this young boy and his stingray friend will do just that!

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Dad Tells His Pup He Got a New Pet From The Pet Store. The Dog Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Fit!

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When it comes to cats and dogs, it seems like they either get along great or they can’t stand each other. You never know how they’re really going to act until you socialize and introduce them to other pets. When a cat and dog initially meet the general belief is that the earlier in life they do that, the better they will get along with one another. Sometimes the initial meeting between the pets goes smooth as silk while others…. well let’s just say don’t go just as exactly how you planned and pictured it working out..

Now before we jump right into today’s featured dog video let’s go over a short history of the relationship between humans and their canine counterparts:

Around 200,000 years ago humans began walking the earth. Since the inception of the human race, shelter, house, communities and eventually civilizations began cropping up all over planet earth. What’s more interesting is we didn’t build and evolve all on our own we had a few loyal friends who tagged along and helped us on our human journey through history.

Probably, the one species of animal the most intertwined with our own evolution is Canis Lupus Familiaris or what we call dogs! What makes this odd alliance even stranger is that modern day dogs evolved one of man’s initial biggest threats. This mammal species is known as Canis Lupus or what most of all call wolves.

Around 100,000 years ago our ancestors began populating the land mass of Eurasia. The wolf was one of the only creatures on the planet that could match us humans near the top of the food chain. How the two species interacted with their own kind was actually very similar..

The two species both hunted in groups or packs. The hunter and gatherers would work as one finely tuned machine, to seek, find and then catch their prey for survival. Wolves also hunted in hierarchal pack and would also work with coordinated strikes and precise accuracy as they sought out their prey.

Our ancestors and wolves were indeed very social creatures, and used these advanced social skills in order to take down animals much larger than themselves which in turn would leave them wasting less time hunting and more time consuming energy and nutrition.

Wolves thrived at the top of the food chains for thousands of years before modern day humans ever appeared however, now that these strange bipedal hominids were encroaching on their territory they had some very serious competition on their paws.

While the two species would clash head on for many years some wolves who were kicked out or ostracized from their pack noticed that if they weren’t aggressive towards a human community this could be a pretty easy way to get food and survive without having to face the world alone.

The strong and powerful wolves remained in their packs and refused to back down to the humans however, the weaker and more scavenger type of canines began to outlast and outlive their more dominant predecessors due to their new alliance with these strange 2 legged hominids.

As years passed, the traits of these less aggressive and scrap grabbing Canines we’re passed down through their DNA and they began living closer and closer to our ancestors. As we provided them leftover food they in turn would help us hunt and defend our lands and communities. It was a symbiotic relationship that was just the perfect match made in heaven.

Because both species preferred living in packs, it wasn’t too difficult for these docile wolves to integrate with the human population and eventually begin living in their homes. It is thought that these animals were the first domesticated animals ever.

These first wolf-dog hybrids showed up around 30,000 years ago. As time went on these wolf-dogs soon evolved into our modern day dogs. These evolutions and changes in look were drastic for some breeds and less so for others. Humans had successfully domesticated these canines for almost any purpose they needed them for..

Now that we have gone over the history of between humans and canines, let’s dive head first into today’s hilarious dog video of the day:

Other times, the first meeting can go horribly wrong and a close watch and lots of intervention is necessary before the two animals are comfortable enough to be together alone.  Every animal is different and just like their human counterparts, some of them are more solitary and like being alone, while others prefer having company and are more social in nature.

The adorable black and white dog in this clip falls under the latter category, he would absolutely love and adore to have a fellow animal companion by his side. Well, at least that’s how his owner imagines his dog’s thoughts and feelings to be!

Although most likely these are this cute pups precious wish to have a new best friend! He especially does not want a snake, hamster, guinea pig, mouse, gerbil, newts or parrots. This pup is very clear he wants a new kitty!

He gave his dog a voice and dubbed in quite an interesting conversation between the two of them. He felt that his dog would be absolutely delighted and ecstatic at the thought of getting a brand new addition to the family and would welcome a little fuzzy kitten to call his sister. An adorable baby tabby cat would perhaps be the perfect addition to their lives, and so maybe it’s time they get one!

The hilarious clip of the energetic and happy looking black and white dog talking excitedly about finally getting a new cat has already captured the hearts of well over 6 million people. It’s easy to see why, the video is just funny and enjoyable to watch!

Everything from the conversation to the dog’s actions, words, and movements are quality and spot on. If you’ve ever talked to your pet, or had pretend convos in your head with them, then all of this may look, sound, and seem very familiar to you. Check it out and share the love!

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Every Time This Spoiled Bunny’s Human Stops Petting He Throws The Funniest Hissy Fit:

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Some animals know exactly what they want and oftentimes they enjoy receiving a nice, gentle, relaxing hand massage from their human companions. It’s no secret that many of our furry pets love to be pet, which may be why we call them “pets” in the first place. Or maybe it’s the other way around, and we call it petting because they are our pets. Whatever the case may be, lots of animals simply love being stroked and scratched. They usually have a sweet spot where they especially like being rubbed. For cats it seems to be around the cheeks, dogs like their ears and back scratched, and then there are some whose sweet spot is everywhere and anywhere.

The little bunny in this video seems to fall in the latter category. From the looks of it he likes being pet all over, especially down his backside. The man in the video gently strokes his ears, nose, cheekbones, temples, head, and back, while the bunny twitches his nose and sits with a content expression on his face, his body completely relaxed and at ease.

When the man stops petting him the bunny is clearly not happy about it. He stamps his furry little paws and lets out adorable growling sounds in protest. It might just be the cutest behavior I’ve ever seen a rabbit do! At one point the furry little guy searches for more pet-pets by crawling under the man’s hand, urging him to resume the mini-massage that he so rudely ended. This bunny knows what he wants and he’s basically telling the man through his grunts, growls, and foot thumping that he is not pleased the cuddle session ended!

Contrary to popular belief, lots of rabbits love being pet and shown affection. The areas they most enjoy being pet is on their head and down their backside. Many often like their dewlap, the roll of skin underneath their chin, scratched and rubbed, but some don’t like this at all. The bunny will let you know whether or not it’s enjoying the attention. When they purr, chatter their teeth, flop over, and close their eyes it means they like it and if you stop and they poke your hand with their head it means “don’t stop, keep petting!”

Rabbits are very expressive, you just have to know how to read them, and over time you become familiar and accustomed to an individual one’s behavior. Like every other pet, they have their own distinct personalities!

The adorable bunny in this video has certainly bonded with his human friend as he feels comfortable telling the man what to do. The little cutie looks so happy being pet and snuggled in his blanket, and if that can’t put a smile on your face then I don’t know what will. Enjoy this hysterical video

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If you enjoyed this adorable rabbit video our next adorable hissy fit features a baby bulldog throwing the cutest tantrum


Mama Puts This Adorable Lil’ Bulldog In His Car Seat. The Pup Proceeds To Throw A Temper Tantrum.

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Dogs often have mixed feelings when it comes to riding in a car or truck. Some absolutely love going for a breezy cruise and will readily jump right on in, whereas others loathe having to go for a ride and will do anything to avoid it. Then there are the majority who fall somewhere in the middle. They are the puppy’s who seem to enjoy car excursions or at least tolerate them. That’s where Bosley, the adorable French Bulldog in this video, fits in.

He’s tiny but boy can he throw a hissy fit! Safety first even if it means that the little guy will throw a huge tantrum like a toddler who doesn’t get their ice cream. Sometimes as a parent and in this case a pet parent you need to do the right thing regardless of how your fur baby reacts.  Bosley trust us this is for your own good and you will thank your humans when you are older.

The cute little Frenchie was out and about one day riding in the car with his owner when something upset him. Perhaps it was the car seat that he was securely strapped into in the backseat, it doesn’t look like the most comfortable thing to sit in. Even so, the doggy seat is for his own good and protection. Not only will it keep him safe and sound, he looks adorable in it!

While the car seat may or may not have been the source of his frustrations, Bosely was clearly not happy. He made sure that his feelings were known and clearly heard by throwing a mini tantrum, protesting and whining in the cutest possible way that only a little Frenchie could pull off! He whimpers and squeals as he cries his way through the short clip while giving his saddest puppy face to the camera. He’s so cute and funny!

Near the very end of the video Bosley’s older sister Beatrice, a fellow French Bulldog, pops her head up and makes a surprise guest appearance! She’s checking in on her noisy brother and seeing what all the fuss is about. The two dogs live in Colorado with their loving owner who’s always taking them out and bringing them along on nice walks and fun trips to area parks. Check the adorable pair out and listen to the strangely hilarious sounds Bosley squeaks out!

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Mommy Tells Giant Great Dane He Can’t Go Swimming. He Responds With The Most Hysterical Hissy Fit!

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Great Danes may look impressively large and imposing, but they’re really just big babies at heart! They are all around friendly, intelligent, sweet-tempered, social, and even natured animals that absolutely love to be pampered and pet. That’s the reason why they are often called the ‘Gentle Giants’ of the dog world! It’s a nickname they’ve earned and once you see how Max the Great Dane reacts to some disappointing news, you’ll understand why.

Max was all ready and set to go swimming in his beautiful backyard pool when his mom suddenly told him that he couldn’t go for a dip. Since he had been looking forward to a relaxing swim all day long, he did not take the sudden change of events lightly.

Rather than remain calm, Max immediately launched into a noisy temper tantrum and let his unhappy feelings be known to anyone in the vicinity. This big boy wants to swim and he wants everyone to know! The fact that Max is deaf never stops him from arguing with his owners.

He whined and protested the pool ban aggressively, answering and challenging his mom every step of the way. The way he talks back, you’d think he could hear every word she said! He’s like a 160 pound toddler who just needs to get his way! Max is one of my favorite dogs on the inter webs. I really would love to see him just jump in, but he is such a good boy!

The big gentle six year old boy certainly has it made and life is good for him. According to his Facebook bio page he lives in a beautiful house alongside his sister Katie, who also happens to be a Great Dane, his mom and dad, and several kitty cats. Check Max out for a good laugh, he surely knows how to brighten anyone’s day!

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Husky Tells His Mama He Wants To Take a Bath But She Says Nope. He Proceeds To Throw a Hysterical Tantrum!

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Huskies are known around the world as sled dogs. These pups have tons of energy and need an outlet to burn it all off. They are able to withstand extremely cold temperatures due to their thick double coat which keeps them insulated and warm. They are known for their almond shaped stunning pale blue eyes which sometimes come in multiple colors. They are very vocal and tend to howl instead of the usual dog bark we are all accustomed to.  The breed is considered a working dog and they are very loyal companions.  They are consistently in the top twenty most popular dogs in America!

Most dogs hate taking a bath, let alone even getting wet, and will do everything in their power to ultimately avoid anything having to do with bathing. Not Zeus, the Siberian Husky in this short and sweet clip. He is not like most dogs. He absolutely loves, loves, loves taking baths and when he’s unable to do so, he throws hysterical temper tantrums just like the one seen here.

Zeus had been chilling in the bath tub, hoping and praying for his human to turn the tap on, when instead she told him to get up and get moving! It was time for his daily walk but he wasn’t having any of that. He whimpers, whines, and moans loudly while splayed out in the bathtub begging his mom to run the water. His tantrum is a pretty dramatic and over the top but that’s what makes it so great. The big furry baby practically takes up the whole entire tub, I’ve never seen a dog do anything quite like this!

The fact that Zeus would rather lay in the tub than take a walk is another way in which he’s not like most dogs. Usually when they hear a leash jingle or mention of even just the word walk they go nuts and head straight for the door! It’s all part of the reason why the seven year old dog is known by his nickname ‘Zeus The Stubborn Husky’. You can find him on Facebook under that name and see what else he has been up to!

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Video – Russian Farmers Were Stunned When They Found This Strange Animal Inside Their Barn!

I can’t help but feel sorry for this poor little creature. The deformed baby sheep was found by Russian farmers amongst its family in the barn. The innocent lamb has what appears to be some form of cleft palate, leaving it with an almost human shaped nose. Due to the defect, the animal struggles to bleat in the typical baaing fashion and instead croaks small noises with the gang. An adult, presumably the mother ewe, still lovingly tends to the baby despite the abnormality.

It is curious will become of this challenged babe. Hopefully, it is accepted by people and animals alike and is capable of living a normal, happy life on the farm. Will the lamb suffer any impairments because of its malformation? Can it eat, drink, and play along with all of its peers or will it need special care and attention? I’m going to infer that either way it will be alright since, aside from the interesting facial features, it seems otherwise healthy in appearance.

The good news is that it is probably easier to be an animal with a birth defect than a human with an obvious physical flaw. At least the lamb won’t have to face a lifetime of the social discomfort that is caused by humans’ difficulty to respond to irregularities without judgement and awe.

I can imagine there is a natural amount of heckling from the sheep herd, but its impact could only be far smaller than the gawking and ridicule that is the immediate reaction of an uncultured human being. Good luck little lamb, the internet is rooting for you!

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Watch These 3 Awkward Sloth Bears Confront a Strange Pink Balloon and Attempt To Play With It.

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What do you think happens when a couple of bears come across a mysterious, completely foreign object that they’ve never ever seen before? Do they ignore it and walk away or does curiosity get the best of them?

This hilarious video clip answers these questions and more as it offers us a unique look into bear behavior. When the three bears that you see here came across a bright pink balloon they definitely didn’t shy away from it out of a concern for their health and safety! Instead, one marched right up to the strange thing bobbing in the breeze and decided to have a closer look at it. Rather than start off his investigation on all fours, he chose to teeter totter over on his two hind legs. When bears walk upright like that it’s awesome because not only is it so unexpected, it’s also just cool to see.

The first lone bear was naturally a little apprehensive about the pink balloon. Who wouldn’t be if they were in his position, it must seem so alien-like from his perspective. However, when his two bear pals come over to join in it seems to raise his courage because that’s when he takes his first swipe at it. His clumsy paws cause the balloon to bobble around and float off a ways, with the curious bears hot on its string-tail! At one point or another they all take turns walking upright chasing after the balloon, sniffing it, and trying to pin it down in one spot. When one of them finally does, the inevitable happens!

The shaggy looking bears in this video are called sloth bears. The adorable animals feed mostly on insects, termites are their favorite snack, and live on the greater Indian subcontinent where they have become threatened by over-hunting and habitat loss. Many also end up captured and are forced to perform and entertain because of their easy to train nature and tame-ability. These three live at the Beekse Bergen Safari Park which is in Hilvarenbeek, Netherlands. They may be a long ways from home but at least they’re together and safe from the poachers, leopards, and tigers that hunt them as prey.

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