Man Notices a Strange Bug In The Grass. He Reaches Out Touches It Then It Totally Transforms!
Mother nature never ceases to amaze us and yet there is simply so much that remains to be discovered out there in the world. While most animals have been studied extensively, many bugs and insects have yet to be comprehensively observed in the wild. One such type of bug is the rare and elusive Mountain Katydid (Acripeza reticulata).
Found predominantly in the southeastern corridors of Australia, Mountain Katydids, which are also known as Mountain Grasshoppers, are one insect that you wouldn’t mind coming face to face with in the wild. They are incredibly easy to miss, and are even harder to spot when you’re specifically looking for one, because of their natural built in camouflage. The exterior part of their bodies is a dull brown or black color and this, combined with the grainy texture, makes them resemble what looks like a piece of bark or a dead leaf on the ground.
However, we all know that looks can be deceiving and the Mountain Katydids of Australia are not as inconspicuous as they initially appear to be. As you can see in the accompanying video, when they are touched even in the slightest manner they transform into bright, colorful little bugs that you don’t want to mess with!
The sudden change is caused by their wing casings parting to show off the funky colored lines of bold red, black, and bright blue dotted bands underneath. It’s an impressive sight and in the wild bright, flashy, electric colors often signify to predators that the creature they plan on hunting and eating is potentially toxic, poisonous, and/or nasty tasting. As for Katydids, they aren’t poisonous, but they are absolutely revolting and taste terrible since they’re chock full of noxious chemicals.
The fact that the insects flash their colors after being touched is definitely unique to them because such displays are always done in advance of any possible attack as a warning threat to others to stay away. Scientists have studied their behavior and yet still remain puzzled as to why the bugs only display once they’ve been touched, which in the wild would mean something tried to eat them! Seems like too little too late but perhaps there’s more to it that humans just can’t understand. Either way, be sure to check out the video and see how cool the Mountain Katydid truly looks!
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He Starts Having Trouble Reeling In His Line Soon Finds Out It’s Record Breaking Monster Catch
Dino Ferrari certainly will never forget this day . On that fateful winter day the Italian man was fishing in the Po River delta, a muddy stretch of the country’s longest river. He was sitting in a boat using a fishing rod and dangling a line in the water when suddenly he felt a strong tug. Something had taken the bait and as he struggled to quickly reel the line in on the severely bent rod, he knew he had hooked a beast.
By the end of it all, Mr. Ferraro had caught an enormous 280 pound catfish that was longer than a man is tall and measured an amazing 8 feet, 9 inches long. Being an avid sport fisherman, he was sponsored by Sportex Italia, a maker of premium fishing rods. They were on hand to document, measure, and verify his catch and provided the unbelievable picture of Dino posing with the fish that you see in the video. While this particular catch may very well be a world record for a catfish caught using just a rod and reel, bigger catfish have been caught in that same river and around the world.
The American catfish record belongs to Tim Pruitt who back in 2005 caught a 124 pound fish in the Mississippi River. That’s nothing compared to the world record holder that fishermen in Thailand caught. According to an online National Geographic article, a group of Thai fishermen netted a Mekong Giant Catfish, named after the Mekong River in which they were fishing. The super-size fish weighed in at 646 pounds and measured almost 9 feet long, making it possibly the world’s largest freshwater fish caught since records have been kept as well!
While legends abound about record breaking catches and enormous catfish lurking in secret spots around the world, Mr. Ferrari’s tale is the reel deal. He caught the fish that most people can only dream of bagging and has the evidence to prove it so check it out! After pictures and video were taken, it was weighed, measured, and released.
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Seal Approaches Diver In The Ocean Looking For A Belly Rub. His Reaction Is Priceless
Imagine that you are out scuba diving with some friends in the cool Atlantic Ocean waters off the Isles of Scilly in England. The mood is light and you’re having a great time exploring and enjoying the moment. All of a sudden you find yourself surrounded by a group of curious Atlantic grey seals. The large mammals are swimming all about, checking out the strange visitors, when one seal in particular takes an interest in you. He swims right up, reaches out a flipper, and touches your hand. Then he rolls on his back and places your hand on his tummy, he wants a belly rub!!
For one man, the unbelievably amazing interaction described above was real and thankfully the once in a lifetime chance meeting was captured on video for all of us to see and vicariously experience. Gary Grayson is the diver who got up close and personal with the friendly seal, who can be seen putting a flipper gently up against his hand as if it’s comparing the two.
The whole time the seal appears to be completely relaxed and totally at ease. In fact, throughout the encounter he wears what looks like a smile on his face. After nuzzling Mr. Grayson affectionately the seal then started to pat his hand and urged the man to rub his tummy. Using his flippers to stay in place, the friendly mammal rolled onto his side and back and guided the diver’s hands around to where he wanted a scratch!
The man obliges and the seal looks like he is loving the attention. It’s a beautiful sight to see, a big sweet seal acting like a happy puppy dog getting his tummy rubbed! It’s behavior like this that has earned seals the nickname “dogs of the sea. Their friendly demeanor and playfulness around humans and other animals is so incredibly dog-like, a few of them have even been captured on film snuggling up to their canine counterparts on the beach and romping around in the water with them!
This video certainly backs up the comparison. Whereas dogs are man’s best friend on land, seals are man’s best friend in the water! The remarkably friendly one that Grayson had the fortune to meet is truly a sweetheart and what an experience it must have been for everyone involved!
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This Lady Waves At A Bear As They Drive By. How It Reacts OMG.
Bears don’t always wave back but when they do, it’s because they’re ultra-smart and friendly! At least one part of that statement is true because bears are seriously clever animals. In fact, many experts believe they are the most intelligent animal in all of North America. However, the vast majority of bears are not friendly, after all they are wild animals who act on their instincts. People should stay well away from them if they value their health and continued existence on this planet.
Even so, there are always those rare individuals who end up surprising the heck out of us and bears are no exception to this sentiment. The big friendly Kodiak bear in this short video is one of the friendliest, most laid back bears you’ll likely ever come across. He lives in Washington state at the Olympic Game Farm, a sanctuary that focuses on animals that were used in show business. Perhaps he’s just used to people and likes them, or he’s loving retirement, but this bear is really nice!
As the people in the car filming pull up alongside the gentle looking giant the woman in the passenger seat throws up a hand and waves at him. Much to their surprise the bear, who’s sitting comically on his rear end in the dirt near the road, returns the gesture and waves right back at them! It’s almost as if the bear knows the people and is waving at them to say hello. This is something you have to see to truly appreciate how cool it really is, it’s easily one of the most hilarious and awesome bear-moments caught on tape!
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She Spots A Strange Egg Filled With Goo On Her Lawn. Then Grabs a Cam and Films This As It Hatches.
If you saw a strange gooey ball of something super weird looking in your backyard, you’d likely be more than a little concerned about whatever it is. One woman happened to be outside when she noticed an egg-like sac of slime in the grass and upon closer inspection she saw it move! Naturally, curiosity set in so she grabbed her camera to record the oddity and to see what happened.
Next thing she knew the freaky little thing started hatching and red tentacle-like arms ripped right through the egg sac. The ugly looking arms grew longer and longer as they sprouted out before eventually curling open and unfurling. As alien and bizarre as the thing looks, it turned out that the woman captured the hatching and development of a strange, yet normal and somewhat common, type of mushroom known as Clathrus archeri.
The hideous thing certainly looks like it came straight out of the depths of hell, which makes sense when you hear what its common name happens to be, devil’s fingers! Not only does it appear truly frightening and poisonous, which it isn’t and besides who in their right mind would ever eat that, it also smells terrible. The red-colored arms you see unfolding are coated in a black, spore-covered tissue that smells like dead, rotting, putrid stuff. The fungus has this feature in order to attract flies and bugs to it because they pick up the spores and then help spread them all around.
This video makes it easy to understand where those who suffer from Fungophobia or Mycophobia, which is the fear of mushrooms, are coming from. Check out the clip to see how freaky this fungus looks and if you never eat another mushroom again after watching this, it’s completely understandable. This is truly one nasty looking shroom, even the strongest of hearts can’t stomach it once they get a whiff!
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Man Notices A Strange Hole In This Lake So He Gets a Drone Flies It Inside and Captures This
California’s Napa County is well known for its wine industry and beautiful scenery. Between its lush green rolling hills and wildflower covered valleys, it easily ranks among one of the most naturally picturesque places in America. There is so much to see and explore throughout the area and when the timing is right, one of the main attractions can be found at Lake Berryessa. The seventh largest man-made lake in California is held back by the 304 foot tall Monticello Dam and is home to the famous “Glory Hole” spillway. Sitting just yards away from the concrete lip of the dam, the spillway is funnel shaped just like how a morning glory flower is, hence the name.
At the opening and widest point, it measures 72 feet across before narrowing down to approximately 28 feet as it drops straight down two-hundred vertical feet! Once it reaches the bottom it bends ninety degrees and then straightens out before eventually draining out on the other side of the dam into Putah Creek.
The last time the spillway was in action was well over a decade ago and with the ongoing drought conditions that California has been experiencing it was expected to be awhile before it ever saw any use again. All of that changed recently when January and February brought record amounts of rain to the region and raised the lake’s water capacity to near maximum levels!
The sudden influx of so much water in such a short span of time meant that the glory hole was finally back in action and on February 16, 2017 the edge of it was officially runneth over! You have to check out this awesome drone footage to see what it looks like when thousands of cubic feet of water per second rush down the hole.
It’s unbelievably mesmerizing and hypnotic and the power of the spillway is truly a wonder to behold. At one point in the footage the drone operator let it get a little too close to the hole and it almost ended up being sucked down into the dark depths. Check it out because this is something you don’t get to see all that often and it’s super neat! Note: If Trouble Viewing Video on Mobile Device or iPad turn device horizontal.
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