Video: These Went To The Beach and Started Filming. What They Caught Is So Freaky!
A couple Canadian guys went to the beach for a little rest and relaxation, not expecting to have the experience of a life time. A group of Orca Whales swam up to the shore to give these guys a sight they would never see again. About half a dozen killer whales were only a few feet away from these lucky Canadians. This experience is so rare most people won’t even see it once in their lifetime. I’ve watched this multiple time and I am still in awe.
Then at 1:55 something absolutely insane goes down. One of the whales jumps on shore to the surprise of everyone. Maybe he had an itch he just couldn’t reach and needed a good scratching. Luckily the boy had the cameras rolling and caught it all on tape. This is probably the coolest video I have seen so far this year. I’ve pretty much shown everybody I know!
The footage captured is absolutely remarkable according to one Orca expert. I can’t believe how lucky they were to capture such an amazing moment on film. I can only hope one day I can see something even close to this. Meanwhile thank god for the internet so we can all enjoy these incredible moments in the comfort of our own homes. Have you ever seen anything like this?
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Video: Man Sets Up A Camera On The Side Of This Road. What He Caught Is Terrifying!
It takes a special type of person to become a storm chaser. Storm chasing is defined as going on pursuit of any dangerous and severe weather condition. It doesn’t matter what your motives are, whether it be adventure, scientific, news coverage, or just plain curiosity.
The number one most sought after storm is a tornado. While other storms such as hurricanes, tropical cyclones and waterspouts are followed less often. Their speed, impact and scary beauty which can cause complete devastation at time makes tornados one of the most dangerous types of weather on earth!
In the footage below a man has been chasing storms all year across America. He pieced all the footage into a stunning time lapse video with is bone-chillingly beautiful. Nature is so incredible. This man picked the perfect spot to film and boy did his hard work pay off! Enjoy! 🙂
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THIS Elephant Steps On Sprinkler and Breaks It. But What She Does At The End Is Priceless!
They say an elephant never forgets. I say I will never forget this happy, lively, and adorable elephant. Her name is Faa Sai and she lives at Elephant Nature Park in Northern Thailand. The Park is a rescue and rehabilitation center that allows visitors and tourists to volunteer and help with the dozens of animals that now call it home. Besides elephants, the nature park also cares for dogs, cats, buffaloes and many other animals.
Faa Sai was rescued and ever since her life has changed immensely for the better. She is a always curious of new things and wanders freely among the various herds. She loves nothing more than to visit with all the baby elephants, where she gently watches over and cares for each one, and checks in on them daily. She truly has come a long way from her abusive background and her spirit shines with love, happiness, and joy.
In this video you can watch her cool off and play with a sprinkler. At first she’s happy to just enjoy the flowing water, as she pushes her foot over it every now and then, making rainbows with the spray and mist. Bu after a few moments she decides to switch it up.
That’s when she takes her huge feet and powerful trunk and uses them to break the sprinkler! Her efforts cause the water pressure to get strong and brown, muddy water gushes forth even faster and harder than before. Faa Sai seems quite delighted with her sprinkler changes and now she has a fountain to play in! My favorite part is towards the end when she seems to be basking in the water as she pushes her head into it. What a memorable and sweet encounter to witness, watch the clip to truly appreciate it.
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Family Watches A Male Raccoon Give ‘The Heimlich Maneuver’ To Female Raccoon. The Result Is Hilarious!
A pair of raccoons were recently caught on video trespassing in a family’s backyard. They expertly scurry across a fence top before one ambles down the side with the other following close behind. The excited children watching safely from inside their house at first think the two are wrestling. For a moment this appears to be the case as they play around, but suddenly one climbs onto the others backside and begins to quickly thrust while grabbing his partner’s tummy.
By the end of the video the kids have changed their mind about what is happening and innocently think the raccoon is helping his friend get a piece of food unstuck by performing the Heimlich maneuver. They ask the adult with them if this is the case and he responds “yeah that’s the Heimlich.” The man safely avoids an awkward explanation, and perhaps too mature of a conversation at this point in their lives, on what the children are really witnessing.
The raccoons likely entered the yard in order to get some privacy and alone time. Or perhaps one really was choking and needed some help getting the food unstuck. Whatever the reason, the two continue on their way, not caring about or oblivious to the spectators who have been watching them.
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These Two Native Americans Cover A Classic Song. The Results Will Give You Chills!
Inka Gold is a two member Native American music ensemble who perform traditional and contemporary music. They use beautiful hand crafted instruments made from raw materials such as clay and bamboo to create their harmonious sounds. Centuries old Inca practices and musical traditions have been brought to life by the duo since 1998. Their version of Unchained Melody is hauntingly beautiful and familiar all at once, evoking memories and peacefulness.
Brothers Oscar Andres Morales Vega and Pablo Santiago Morales Vega make up Inka Gold. Both were born in the Andes Mountains in Ecuador. From early ages they started playing traditional instruments. Oscar played the pan flutes at age seven and by age six Pablo was playing string instruments. A musical prodigy, he mastered the guitar, mandolin, drums and the charango which is a traditional string instrument.
A few short years later the brothers were already performing for thousands of people and went on to tour Europe together. After that, they parted ways and Oscar went on to tour America, performing at music festivals and on talk shows. Pablo went on to tour Saudi Arabia, Australia, and various parts of Asia. Then, once again the brothers reunited in America to record new music and tour, bringing their original style to new audiences all over and expanding their sound and vision ever higher.
The Inka Gold cover of Unchained Melody is beautiful in that it is so simple and yet highly emotional and piercing all at once due to the unique sound of their instruments. The song is one of the most recorded of the 20th century and has been covered in hundreds of languages with approximately 500 versions in existence today.
Many artists who recorded it have seen it become a number one hit. The most famous version is arguably the 1965 cover by The Righteous Brothers as it was revived again in the 1990 film Ghost. The Inka Gold version continues this songs path with their own flavor and sound blending seamlessly with the melody. Check them out, you will be happy you did!
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This Man Tried To Grab A Pelican Before It Could Fly Away. The Reason Tore My Heart Up!
It seemed like a beautiful day at the beach in this video uploaded to YouTube. The breeze was steady and cooling and the sun shining without a cloud in the sky. But something was not right. A pelican lounging on the handrail of the pier was in trouble. Fishing wire had become entangled around his bill thus holding his mouth tightly shut, inhibiting the ability to eat or drink. It was threatening the bird’s life.
The man in red knew he had to do something about it. With the help of the assembled crowd he sneakily edged up on the bird from behind. The bystanders clapped, causing the pelican to take flight. With precise timing the man grabbed a hold of the bird’s webbed feet and brought him gently down onto the ground.
He carefully secured the pelican’s wings and head so that his friend would be able to cut the fishing wire off. The friend cautiously removed the wire, which took a fair amount of time and effort to work free, as it was wrapped on so tightly. The man in red then releases the pelican but only after a quick final check of his mouth and bill.
The large bird flies off over the water and is now free again to eat and drink. The crowd claps and thanks the man and his friend for doing their good deed. Everyone is smiling and delighted that the bird has a new lease on life. The whole video and rescue is under two and a half minutes but the effect of it will carry on much longer than that. The man in red stepped up and helped a fellow creature in need, and for that he is a hero.
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