It Looks Like A Normal Beach But It’s Not. What Happened at :35 Left Me SPEECHLESS!

There’s nothing like a relaxing vacation by the beach with the family.  Warm rays of sunshine, the relaxing rhythm of the water in the ocean, the sound of water splashing up against the vertical rocks in the distance, what more could you ask for? Especially when you are at an exotic location with a beautiful barrier reef to add to the drama of the setting. Most people in the video below figured they were in the perfect safe paradise where nothing could ever go wrong, however this stunning reef has a little secret.

The beautiful reef is called the Playa Puerto Nuevo in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico.  Vacationers were sitting, enjoying the peaceful, gorgeous beach when nature presented an awesome surprise. As if an act from the heavens above a giant wave all of a sudden breaches the mountains.

Watch this video to enjoy the magnificent moments that occur to the amazement of the vacationers.  An enormous wave crosses over the barrier reef to be followed by several more spectacular ones.  Enjoy this breathtaking moment of mother nature!

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Right When This Lion’s Mouth Opened Something Hysterically Unexpected Happened!

Sometimes the simplest most basic humor is the funniest.  For those who write intricate, double entendre comedy skits or stand-up, something as simple as what happens in this video that can’t help but make you laugh, might be insulting. There is nothing like the good ol’ classics that are just by nature funny. The following video is a perfect example of historical tried and true comedy. No matter what year it is, this type of comedy for some reason will always be funny!

On paper, this might not sound so funny, but as you watch the laughter dubbed into this lion’s facial expressions, you just won’t be able to control your own laughter, no matter how silly you may be thinking this is. I was having a really bad day, somebody sent me this video and for no reason at all I couldn’t stop laughing. This one will definitely bring a little sunshine into your day if it’s been a lil gloomy and cloudy.

This video is testimony to the fact that a great laugh is just simply contagious!  Whether it’s clever or not, listening to someone cracking up and superimposed onto this video of a lion from National Geographic will start your day with the best medicine of all…uncontrolled laughter! Get ready for nature at her finest being naturally funny in the wild!  Let us know what you think!

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These Men Find A Mountain Lion Stuck In A Trap. Then They Do The UNTHINKABLE!

Can you imagine walking along in the beautiful mountains of Utah and coming upon a cougar?!  A very angry cougar, at that, as one of his feet was caught in a bobcat trap. Ok, so you are not a conservation officer who might be better equipped to deal with such a situation, like the two men who are determined to help this poor animal, despite the danger to themselves.

You see, they have no tranquilizer or any means to relax the cougar, who is already quite upset at being trapped.  In this heart-stopping footage you will watch six of the most intense and stressful minutes imaginable…the officers are only armed with catch poles and a blanket!

Obviously, the cougar had no way of knowing that they were attempting to release him from the trap, as you will see by his amped up fear and resultant aggressiveness.  Honestly, my heart was beating pretty fast watching this online; it is hard to imagine the amount of adrenaline racing through these brave men.

The dramatic moment of release is well worth waiting for.  These men could have left the cougar to get some means of tranquilizing the animal upon return.  Their bravery, in not doing so, is exemplary…they knew that leaving the trapped animal would leave him prey to other animals, (including unscrupulous humans) which could result in his demise.

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These Two Women Were In Their Boat But When They Looked Up They Saw THIS

Two girls enjoying a canoe ride on the River Shannon had the luck of the Irish on their side when they happened across a beautiful display, courtesy of mother nature. They had set out on the water to do some exploring and took their cameras along to document the trip. After rowing only a few paces they looked up and saw thousands of birds filling the sky above them.

The birds were starlings and when they flock together in such large numbers it becomes an event known as a murmuration. The sight of all the birds moving in unison, swirling around, gracefully twisting, and swiftly flying back and forth is breathtaking to behold.

However, these aerial shows are almost always caused by the presence of a too close for comfort falcon. In order to put a safe distance between a predator and themselves the starlings use the murmuration’s movements, along with strength in numbers, as a defense mechanism. Just like all flocks of birds, there is no one leader. Instead, the movement of the flock is governed collectively by each and every member.

What makes starling flocks stand out from other flocks is the fluidity of their motions. When one bird changes either speed or direction, each and every other bird does so as well, adjusting almost simultaneously. The speed and accuracy of their movements in such large numbers is unrivaled by any other animal in nature. The starlings exhibit such a unique collective response that scientists have tried to study it. However the mystery endures as to how they manage to coordinate in such seemingly perfect interconnectedness.

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Video: Squirrel Eats One Too Many Fermented Crabapples Gets Drunk and Does THIS!

It happens sometimes. An evening spent grabbing a drink with friends turns into you having one too many cocktails and before you know it you end up drunker than anticipated. Such lapses in judgment usually do not end up being recorded and posted on the internet. Such was not the case for one furry little squirrel. He was found in a backyard apple tree feasting on fermented crab apples and ended up gorging a little too much on the tasty snack.

When he goes to do the walk of shame towards home he sloppily disembarks from his tree bar. Gone are the graceful squirrel movements we are accustomed to seeing. Instead, he hops towards a fence through the snow, but only gets a few steps before his troubles set in.

Despite his best efforts he seems stuck in one place. He hops repeatedly, but appears to only be going up and down and not forwards much at all. He slides backwards and repositions himself to try again. This time he seems to be scampering sideways and even backwards. Any progress he made is lost as he drunkenly flails around in the snow.

Finally, he makes it to another tree and manages to climb a few feet up. Perhaps he thought that it was his home tree, but soon after he realizes his mistake and takes off, hopping awkwardly through the forest. Maybe he went searching for more crab apples or some bread to sober himself up with.

Whatever the case, the rare and amusing sight of it all makes his spectators laugh throughout the video. If he were human this squirrel would be making quite a scene! Hopefully the tipsy little guy made it home safe and didn’t have a nasty hangover the next day.

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Video: The Fastest Tortoise Ever Chases A Pit Bull. The Dog’s Reaction Is Hysterical!

Over the years we have seen a wide variety of odd animal couples. From cheetahs and lions hanging out with dogs to donkeys and goats becoming inseparable. Meet the latest pair, an American pit bull terrier named Dolly and a sulfate tortoise by the name of Sheldon. The two have fast become best friends ever since they were rescued from the Humane Society of North Texas ( by their awesome human friend.

The six year old turtle and three year old dog love to play and romp around together in the grassy yard. Dolly can be seen in the video barking as Sheldon speeds towards him. Dolly crouches low and smiles at her friend before side stepping out of his way. Little Sheldon is relentless and continues to hone in and bear down on Dolly but cannot quite seem to catch her. It looks like they could go back and forth for hours toying around and larking about. In fact, according to their owner, oftentimes Dolly will try to get her turtle pal to play with her favorite ball but Sheldon has yet to show any interest in doing so.

The pair are further proof that rescue animals often thrive and go on to fulfill long happy lives. They clearly have looked past their differences and accept each other regardless of species. And can you believe how fast Sheldon is?? He must be on TGH- turtle growth hormone!

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