He Flies A Drone Over THIS Beach. What He Caught On Camera I’m Speechless!
The Hawaiian Islands are known for being one of the most beautiful and natural places in the world. The paradise has within it all of the tropical wonders that mother nature has to offer. There are white sandy beaches, coral reefs, rocky volcano peaks, lush green forests, clear freshwater pools, cascading waterfalls, fields of tall grasses, and countless types and varieties of flora and fauna.
The list goes on and on, there is so much to see and explore throughout the islands. One of the main attractions is the North Shore of the Island of O’ahu. The third biggest island draws in surfers who are looking to experience the excellent surfing conditions that exist there.
During the northern hemisphere’s winter months the North Pacific Ocean is often stormy and this weather activity causes swells to roll onto the North Shore’s beaches. These massive waves attract the best surfers from around the globe to the top surfing spots that include Waimea Bay and Sunset Beach.
After viewing this stunning clip it’s easy to see why so many people name Hawaii as a top destination they want to visit before they die. Film maker and drone pilot extraordinaire Eric Sterman took to the sky to capture some of the most beautiful and gorgeous footage of O’ahu to date.
Check it out to see some of the best sights, hidden gems, and other vistas that can only be found on ore near the North Shore.
Have you ever been to this part of Hawaii? Did you enjoy the footage? Let us know!
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VIDEO: THIS Crow Stares At A Stick 8 Moves Later Every Single Scientist Is Stunned In Disbelief
The term ‘counting crows’ isn’t just the name of a rock band, it’s also an old saying dating back to the 1700’s. It was based on an account of a farmer who figured out a crow could count to 4 or 5 after he set up a logic test and observed the bird working through it.
Crows are known to be incredibly intelligent and crafty animals, they score very highly on intelligence tests, and top the avian IQ scale. Besides counting, they also like to play and are known to use tools, both of which are behaviors associated with intelligent animals.
More studies on crows are needed to establish exactly how smart and advanced they really are and animal researchers are working hard at that. One fairly recent experiment that tested a wild crow’s intelligence proves that they definitely are not bird brains, in the derogatory sense of the term.
A complex puzzle was set up and the crow had to work through it in order to solve the difficult problem. There were 7 different pieces or stages of the puzzle that the bird had seen before individually at different stages.
However, the video shows the first time the bird is seeing all the pieces together in one area. The crow has to asses and work with all the pieces in order to retrieve a stick that’s long enough to reach a piece of food. Once he digs the morsel out at the end he earns the treat and proves his mental agility.
Check out the video to see how complex the task really was and to see if the wild bird figured it out. Crows may just be smarter than young kids and this video makes me wonder what else are they capable of?
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After Watching This Simple Trick You Will Never Get Poison Ivy Again Even After Touching It!
Poison ivy rashes are no laughing matter. They can be extremely uncomfortable, itchy, and painful. While some people have a high threshold for poison ivy and never develop a reaction, others are very sensitive to it and even the slightest contact with the plant makes them break out.
The best way to avoid a rash is to avoid the pant, but that’s not always feasible. Poison ivy reactions are caused by urushiol, an oily resin, that’s found on the stems and leaves of the plant. Whatever comes into contact with the oil can further spread it.
For example, if you drive over some plants it will get on the tires, then if you touch the tires it can get on your skin. Other common things that it may contaminate are gardening tools, rakes, chainsaws, tires, and clothing.
In this video, scientist and wildlife enthusiast Jim Brauker explains the best technique for minimizing your chances of developing a nasty rash. He says that if you ever do come into contact with poison ivy, or suspect you may have, then you need to wash the oil off your skin within 2-8 hours, the sooner the better.
You should use cold water, soap, and a washcloth to help get it completely off your body. The key is to use a washcloth, which provides the necessary friction, on all possibly contaminated areas of your body. A washcloth, loofah, or towel is what works best to pick up and remove all of the oil.
It doesn’t matter what soap you use but never wash with hot water since it opens up pores and allows the urushiol in. Ideally, you should try to avoid the plant in the first place, so you need to know how to identify it. “Leaves of three, let them be.
Leaves of five, let them thrive.” The first part of this old saying provides a helpful way to remember how to identify a poison ivy plant, and thus avoid it. The second part serves to help prevent other similar looking vine plants from wrongly being associated or confused with poison ivy.
There are additional sayings which provide more details and definitive ways to identify the plant, they include “longer middle stem, don’t touch them” and “hairy vine, no friend of mine.” Out of the three leaves the middle one sports a longer stem than the two side ones and the vines have lots of small ‘hairs’ that it uses to stick to things as it climbs.
That’s important to know because the leaves fall off in the fall/winter but the stems, roots, and vines can still all give you a rash because they too contain the urushiol oil. Other things to look for are glossy leaves with smooth or toothed edges and in late summer the plants sometimes grow white berry clusters.
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A Bunch Of Fish Approach This Duckling. The Duck’s Unexpected Reaction Is Priceless!
When is the last time you saw a baby duckling feeding a fish? How about feeding a whole bunch of fish? No? Well, your opportunity has finally arrived. I know you have waited patiently, biding your time as you eagerly await this epic moment that you knew must eventually come.
You put in your time, and now you are rewarded. The cuteness is beyond what you will likely be able to handle, but be strong. You can do it, you can make it through the video without going insane from the adorableness.
The beginning of the video finds a young duckling sitting on some type of thingy in the middle of the water, surrounded by many fishes. The fish are there to tell the duckling secrets, but the duckling must pay for each tidbit with a tidbit of his own, in the form of some weird white powder that I can only assume is food.
Whatever it is, the fish love it and tell so many secrets, the baby duckling can barely contain his joy. With rampant satisfaction, he feeds the fish, providing them with a similar level of contentment.
You may be thinking to yourself, “What if the duck falls in? Will he become eaten by the hordes of fish?” But have no fear, my fellow friend, for these are harmless fish. Their teeth are quite small, like a chicken’s, and will not harm the young duck.
The duck, being a waterfowl, can swim quite well and will easily find solace in safer waters if he does fall in. Plus he can just get back on the thingy upon which rests the delicate bowl of fish powder. Have you ever seen anything like this? Let us know!
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This King Cobra Is Holding Up Traffic. Then An Unexpected Surprise Snatches Him Off The Street!
King cobras have earned their fearsome reputation as a deadly snake whose bite contains enough venom to kill a man. In some cases, people have died less than thirty minutes after being bitten, and those who survive have reported that it’s extremely painful to endure. Even more astounding is the fact that their bite is capable of killing elephants in just a few hours. While king cobras usually prefer to avoid humans, contact with them is inevitable, as they can be found all across India and Southeast Asia.
One small, scrappy little mammal that has no fear of the deadly king cobra is the mongoose. They are very clever and are well known for their ability to fight snakes, particularly cobras, often winning and then eating them. Some species of mongoose are resistant to the neurotoxins found in snake venom which makes then a natural predator to the snakes, and explains this video.
In the short clip a king cobra has found a sunny spot to bask in on a warm paved road. The slinky snake has stopped traffic and people eagerly break out their cameras to film the deadly snake. Thankfully, in India they are protected and anyone found guilty of killing one can be sentenced up to 6 years in prison, so no one would dare run it over so publicly.
But that doesn’t mean the snakes out of danger because nearby its fiercest enemy lurks. A mongoose spots the snake, sees dinner, and advances towards it with no hesitation. The two battle each other, with the snake striking multiple times and the fast mongoose dodging and weaving his way around the assault. It soon ends and the mongoose emerges as the victor, carrying his cobra off the road with him so he can eat it in privacy.
I would never have thought the mongoose would win, or even be so brave. I guess a little knowledge goes a long way, and hope you learned as much as I did.
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He Plays With A Very Strange Friend. Once I Realized It Was The Most Unexpected Surprise!
Friendship between humans and animals has been occurring since the dawn of humanity, but every once in a while, a friendship comes along that is so unusual you just have to see it to believe it. The boy in this video has built such a close friendship with this stingray that it seems to enjoy letting him pet it and even eats out of his hand!
Stingrays come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making up the eight families of stingray species. The largest species is the manta ray, which is part of the eagle ray family. They can be over 20 feet wide and weigh close to 3,000 pounds!
The stingray in this video is most likely not a manta ray, as it lacks the distinctive cephalic fins near the mouth that make the manta look like it has horns, earning it the name sea-devil or devilfish in some parts of the world.
Stingrays are rarely aggressive, but many species do have a poisonous stinger that is most often used in defense when the ray is threatened. This happens most often for humans when they inadvertently step on one. Here’s a helpful tip: if you are wading in shallow ocean water where stingrays are known to live, walk with a shuffling step and you will likely scare them away instead of stepping on them!
Do you have any interesting stingray stories? What do you think about this amazing friendship? Let us know..
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