The Dark Clouds Come Rolling Into Arizona But Moments Later Things Nuts!

It is amazing that this unusual weather phenomenon was actually caught on video. Known as a microburst, a “wave” of cool air and rain falling to the ground, it most often occurs at high speeds during a thunderstorm.

This wet microburst, seen here, results in creating high winds of an extremely high magnitude. They can go over 150 miles per hour, because they hit the ground horizontally. This kind of dispersion results in what can literally be called “balls” of rain.

The video you are about to watch is a series of wet microbursts caught by Bryan Snyder, above Tucson, Arizona. He time lapsed the footage to accentuate nature seen at it’s most powerful, and emphasizes the rapid changes that occur in weather. The sight is magnificent.

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They Set Up A Hidden Camera To Capture What Goes On When You Place A Tetherball In The Woods

I have to wonder what motivated the guy in this video to set up a tetherball and a camera in the middle of the forest.  Perhaps he knows that the wildlife hanging out there would have a particular affinity to this ball.  He was right! A group of rams were romping in the forest and four or five of them ran past the hanging tetherball without any interest.

One ram, however, stopped in his tracks in order to play tetherball like a pro.  What’s amazing to me is how he instantly knows what to do with this bizarre object in the middle of his natural habitat, while his pals never catch on. He “rams” this tetherball with such finesse that you can’t stop watching.

He’s been nicknamed “the angry ram”,  as he has become a star on his own YouTube channel, but I beg to differ.  I think he’s just a smart animal who sees a great opportunity to use his “equipment” to enjoy a unique play thing that’s suddenly appeared for his pleasure. Do you think the “Angry Ram” deserves a new name?

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Watch What Happens When You Go For A Swim In The Dead Sea. It Looks So Strange!

There is a perfectly rational reason for why the Dead Sea is also called the Salt Sea and the Sea of Death. It has unusually high salinity levels, with an average salt content of around 32-35%, which prevents most life forms from flourishing. In fact, it makes life near impossible and only tiny amounts of specialized bacteria and microbial fungi can eek out a living in it’s harsh, salty depths.

All that salt concentrated in one huge, landlocked lake makes for some interesting and unique phenomenons. The Encyclopedia Britannica says that its waters are 9.6 times as salty as the ocean, which in turn makes it 30 times more buoyant than normal, standard ocean water is.

This is why anyone can enter into the Dead Sea’s water, turn on their back, and remain afloat without any supplemental paddling, kicking, or effort whatsoever. It has been said that it’s nearly impossible to sink in the water and therefore it would take a lot of work and exertion to drown.

To see just how neat and awesome this translates over into reality, check out this video. A woman demonstrates the magically buoyant properties of the salty water and as the camera pans around you also get a chance to see the land and terrain that surrounds the lake.

Since it’s a major destination on the lists of tourists and sightseers, there are often many people at the water’s edge taking dips and testing it out. They would be wise to keep their heads above the surface since the extremely high salt content can burn and severely irritate your eyes, nostrils, mouth, and the delicate skin on your face.

If you ever find yourself in Israel or Jordan you should visit the Dead Sea and experience it’s natural beauty and wonder. It may also provide you with many health benefits since the mineral content is high, the pollen levels are low, the sun’s harmful effects and radiation is diminished, and the atmospheric pressure is greater.

Such aspects have been praised by health researchers as having positive, healing effects on certain diseases and some of their side effects. Dead Sea mud has long been valued for it’s beauty uses in mud masques, and it provides temporary pain relief for some arthritis sufferers. With all these benefits, and nothing bad or dangerous about it, who wouldn’t want to take a dip in the Dead Sea?

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These Neglected Bears Were Caged For 20 Years. Now Watch The Moment When They Are Finally Set Free!

Unimaginably horrible living conditions were the fate of four bears for the last 20 years.  They were confined to rusty small cages, with no shade, and no free access to water when they wanted, at a decrepit roadside zoo in Pennsylvania, USA. Bruno, Fifi, Marsha and Pocahontas experienced this mental and physical cruelty without hope.

So neglected, and further forced to perform tricks when suffering from arthritis, these poor bears were in terrible shape when they were discovered.  After so many years of suffering, these wonderful animals were rescued in July, 2015;  Wild Animal Sanctuary in Colorado and PETA finally came to their rescue.

This beautiful video shows us the incredibly uplifting scene of the the bears, taking their first step out of their horrible cages, toward a life of care and ultimately freedom.  Once adjusted, the four friends will be released into a 15 acre habitat where they will live out the rest of their lives free in nature.

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A Helpless Baby Zebra Is Drowning In The River. Now Watch The Hippo’s Unexpected Next Move!

It never fails to amaze me when different species of animals display the instinct to help each other in a crisis.  Such a moment is captured in this wildlife video of a herd of zebras crossing over to land, while swimming across an African river.  We watch, as a little baby zebra begins to falter when he gets tired and disoriented in the current.

What happens next is truly heartwarming.  None of the other zebras are aware of the little foal’s distress.  As he is floundering, out of nowhere a gigantic, concerned and friendly hippo comes to the rescue.  As the current is pulling the little zebra, the hippo gently nuzzles him toward land.  He stays with the little guy, guiding him in the right direction.

When the baby zebra reaches the shore on his shaky little legs, he gets caught between some giant rocks.  This nurturing hippo stays behind him, still concerned for his welfare, and gently nudges him through the obstacles.

He doesn’t leave the dazed little foal until he is certain that he is steady and headed in the right direction.  This amazing video is set to just the right musical accompaniment, which all the more dramatizes this unusually touching rescue.

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There’s A New Danger At The Beaches This Year. It Looks Stunning But It Could Kill You!

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What a cool looking creature! Turns out, the man o’ war is not a jellyfish, but actually a colony of little sneaksters that are attached and integrated so thoroughly that they can not live by themselves. At the surface of the ocean, the man o’ war floats through life, moving only by the force of currents and tides.

Strong winds may push them into bays and beaches, where they should be only looked upon and with caution. Where there is one man o’ war, there is many, but often an entire beach will be closed after the sighting of just one.  Recently there has been a massive increase in numbers of Portuguese Man O’ War from Delaware to New York. Watch the video below to learn more about the risks and what to do if you come into contact with one.

When I was in sixth grade I spent a week in West Palm Beach, Florida with my friend and her dad. We stayed in a hotel on the beach where we spent everyday from sunrise to sunset in the outdoor pool. Entering the sunshine state mid Northeast Winter, we grew layers of blistering sun burns in the first part of the week.

We were so heat exhausted that my friend was vomiting up her daily grilled cheeses in the groomed poolside plants, and her father’s concern was that we were spending too much time in the pool, so he sent us to the beach. My friend and I reluctantly approached the beautiful ocean water and were delighted when we learned it was many degrees more comfortable than the Atlantic we were familiar with.

Promptly, I was thrashed with a wave across the face, which knocked my child body to the ground to be pummeled by undertow and exasperation. Then I felt it! An electric shock like whip along the side of my arm. I struggled to catch my breath through the inhaled salt water and looked down to see my forearm and hand red and inflamed.

My friend and I made our way back to the hotel pool where the lifeguard confirmed I had been stung by a man o’ war. The hero then sprayed my arm with cologne to soothe the welts and told us to go swim in pool.

Enjoy the beach this summer, but always stay aware of your surroundings.  Keep your eye out for these beautiful but dangerous and potentially deadly creatures.

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