She Spots A Helpless Fox Being Attacked By A Pack Of Hounds. Her Reaction Puts Her Life At Risk!

Men in dashing red coats and fancy riding gear looked very elegant on their beautiful horses, who’s tails had been tied in what looked like french braids, were about to go on a hunt.  The scene could have been out of a movie staged in the 1700’s.

In fact, it was a fox hunt about to commence in Britain, that was current.  Fox hunting has been outlawed in Britain, but despite this ban it still goes on in aristocratic circles (in this video), with many foxes being killed. Fox hunting occurs with dogs.

In this video the Old Berks Fox Hounds were being tracked by a group called Hunt Monitors.  Animal welfare activists and hunters often clash, as this activity that is so gruesome, continues.  As the fox hounds spot a fox and go in for an attack, about to maul the fox to death, a woman emerges screaming for them to stop!

Risking her own life, she runs into this very dangerous group of hounds in the midst of their attack, desperately screaming as she tries to save the fox from certain death. This monitor certainly could have been badly injured or killed herself both by the dogs, and even the fox itself, who was terrified, having been surrounded and bowled over onto her back.

With her stomach exposed the savage killing was about to commence, had this brave woman not risked her own safety to whisk the terrified fox to safety. The dogs were about to maul the poor animal to death. She was in fact bitten by the fox whom she had snatched to safety!  Impervious to her own well being, she cradles the animal and runs screaming for help to her fellow monitor’s car, to get the fox to safety.

It was reported that the fox was checked by a vet, and no serious dog bites were found.  The Hunt Monitors went on to say that after rehabilitation, this fox was brought to an area in which it would be safe from the hunters.  Watching this scene unfold in this video, was somewhat surreal.

The “elegant” hunters on horseback about to kill for sport, contrasted with the sudden appearance of this courageous woman willing to risk her life to save this fox, was mind-boggling to watch.  Often the activists will spray oils to mislead the hounds from the scent of the fox, but not in this case.

This unbelievably brave young woman was willing to risk her life, rather than allowing a helpless animal be destroyed for sport.  Her dedication is awe-inspiring! Watch the incredible footage below and let us know what you think!

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Man Is Filming Some Seagulls When He Gets The Unexpected Surprise Of Lifetime Which Make Him Poop His Pants!

For many people a trip to Alaska is a dream vacation. The state is filled with nature’s wonders, from the scenic rocky coasts to the enormous snowy inland peaks. There are millions of acres of untamed pristine wilderness and thousands of miles of coastline to explore.

With limited roads and ways to access the wilds, one of the best ways to get around and see things is by boat. Boating is big business up in Alaska, whether it’s for fishing, sight seeing tours, transportation, or recreation. One man, Brad Rich, was recently out on the water off the coast of Seward, Alaska with his friends.

The group noticed a bunch of seagulls off in the distance and that there was a pod of humpback whales feeding nearby. In hopes of capturing some whale action on film, Dan whipped out his camera and started recording the area where the sea gulls were making a racket.

He trained the lens on the birds and a couple of moments later his efforts paid off. The whales breached not near the gulls, but instead right in front of him! At least 10 of the giants poked their heads out of the water as they gulped down fish right off the stern of the boat.

Brad was beyond shocked and excited, as his reaction on the video shows, and ended up capturing amazing footage of the once in a lifetime experience. Check out the video to see one of nature’s many awe-inspiring spectacles close up and naturally occurring. It’s a pretty incredible sight to see these majestic, gentle giants feeding on fish all together at once.

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Watch What Happens When An Eagle Collides With a Drone!

The flying of drones, as an everyday “fun” activity around the countryside, can cause unexpected peril to wildlife and other flying objects. Adam Lancaster, an Australian man, was flying his drone quadcopter, when it met up with a large female wedge-tailed eagle, one of Australia’s largest bird’s of prey.

Whether the bird went after the drone or whether it was an unexpected collision is up to the viewer to decide, as the incident was captured by the drone’s camera. According to Lancaster, the eagle was unharmed and flew away; a fact that isn’t clearly shown on the video.

Whether the eagle survived unharmed or not, this incident shows the potential peril for birds of prey and other birds as drones in the skies become more commonplace.

There are numerous other videos of eagles, hawks, falcons and other birds of prey attacking drones in the sky. As they probably perceive them as a threat to their existence, they are likely to attack them. Whether they survive the attack of this metal object can be a threat to their existence.

Lancaster came out of this incident strongly advising all drone pilots to land if a bird of prey is sighted, so that the safety of both birds and drones can be insured.

However, after watching this video, the question of the safety of drones to wildlife is raised in an alarming way. Please watch and share this video which raises important questions about the use of drones in our skies.

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Video: Nobody Believed Her When She Described What These Bears Do Every Morning. So She Caught THIS

The Basso family has quite a surprise as they awaken to find a Mama Bear and her five darling cubs frolicking in the welcome oasis of their backyard.  Even bears need to cool off!  They had the further bonus of all the kids play equipment; enjoying the swing set and the little slide.

We get to listen to the audio of the family’s toddler Sophie and her parents react to the bear shenanigans.  It’s really great to see the parallel of the mama bear leading her cubs and Mama Basso setting the positive tone for the ‘goings on’ as both Sophie and her dad alternate in their upset over the invasion.

Sophie wants the police to take care of the situation as she cries “They took my floatie!” Mama Basso’s calm narration as she reframes the situation for both Sophie and Dad,  telling them, “Let the animals enjoy themselves”, is just delightful.

She is filled with wonder watching the bear family play, except when they start mangling her expensive float.  Little Sophie is pretty territorial about the invasion of her stuff, but can’t help but enjoy some of the bear family’s antics as her mom keeps spinning a positive note on this rare moment.

This video was so much fun to watch.  The ongoing commentary of the Basso family is hysterical! Enjoy!

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VIDEO: He Stops His Car On The Road When He Sees This Lost Goose. What Happens Next INCREDIBLE!

Wow! That’s the first word that comes to mind after watching this amazing video depicting the unbelievable kindness of a man who comes upon a wild goose seemingly lost on a country road near Alberta, Canada. He was driving along in his pickup truck when he noticed the goose wandering along without direction.

Wild geese can be very aggressive towards other animals and humans, but that didn’t stop this caring man from stopping to get out of his truck and speak gently to the lost goose. He spoke in such a soothing and encouraging tone, that the goose never let out one squawk. He seemed to sense the man’s compassion and trusted him on such a gut level, that what happened next was awe-inspiring.

The man got back into his truck and the goose began following on foot and then took flight following the truck. After going a ways, the driver got out and spoke to the goose again telling him he would lead him back to his buddies at the nearby Shining Bank Lake. Getting back in his truck again, the goose takes flight, continuing to follow this amazingly kind man.

This was no wild goose chase! Rather, it was a beautiful example of trust between a human and a wild animal, that not only saved the goose from being run over, but led him back to the safety of his natural environment.

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A Photographer Decided To Interrupt This Buck’s Dinner. The Deer Reacts By Doing The UNTHINKABLE!

Passing by a deer with giant antlers, chowing down on the side of a road, a photographer decides to coyly befriend him by asking some video-worthy funny questions.  The deer completely ignores his chatter as he enjoys his meal.

The photographer, undeterred, decides to hop out of his vehicle, and barely five feet from this impressive deer, attempts to get a close-up photo.  He probably thought that the deer, having ignored his chatter from the car wouldn’t notice.  He was wrong!

What ensues is actually not all that surprising, but it certainly surprised the photographer who was happily ready to get his close up of the animal, peacefully enjoying his roadside meal.  The deer thought otherwise and what you are about to watch certainly gave the photographer pause.  Let’s just say he made a joke about his many years of being a vegetarian; Ouch!!  Not so jovial now!

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