Baby Begins Crying For Help. What They Caught On Camera Next Is An Unexpected Surprise!
When it comes to emotional bonds, there is nothing stronger than a mother’s love for her child. Moms will do anything to make their children happy and keep them safe. Sometimes it’s like they have a 6th sense for knowing what their kids are up to and how they are feeling.
This isn’t just limited to human mothers, it can be seen in actions and behaviors across practically every animal species all around the world. Take for example fruit bats. When one mother fruit bat somehow became separated from her baby she vigilantly kept up her search for the poor youngster.
Luckily, a local Singaporean animal charity called ACRES came across the stranded baby and helped it out. The youngster had been lost and on its own for at least 2 hours and the group believed that its mother was still close by and around somewhere.
They moved the tiny bat to an open, outdoor, protected place where its mother could more easily locate it, and then stepped back and waited for her to come. The group was correct in their assumption and the lost bats mother came very quickly once they relocated it.
Bats are blind and so the mother had to rely on the babies cries to locate it, and this mother took just a minute or two to track it down. In the clip you can see the adorable tiny bat crying out for help and its mother, then moments later she swoops down and envelops her baby in her wings.
The pair maneuver around and it looks like the youngster is having trouble flying. That’s when mom rolls over and hooks her baby onto her, then she takes off and the pair fly away into the night! The poor mother fruit bat was probably worried sick about the lost baby and was looking for it the whole time during the two hours they were apart.
It all makes for a wonderful story, complete with a happy, feel-good ending. The video is further testament to the undeniable love and connection between mothers and their babies. Watch the video below and enjoy the wonders of nature!
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When He Looked Down and Saw This Snake He Noticed Something Very Strange. Can You See It?
A wildlife amateur photographer, Sjoerd van Berge Henegouwen, 48, was on vacation traveling in Masai Mara in Kenya. He could sight of what he thought was a 20 inch snake on the side of the road, and was able to snap some pictures and video of it before it slithered back into the grasses.
After looking at his pictures carefully, the curious wildlife adventurer, did some research on the images he had captured. Upon looking more closely at what he thought was a snake, he picked up on details that could only belong to a lizard.
This reptile had four tiny legs and a notched tongue that you will see in the following video. These characteristics differentiated the creature as a lizard rather than a snake. This reclusive skink lizard was thought to be extinct!
The Dutch photographer couldn’t find pictures to compare it to, so he decided to post it on Facebook. He was inundated with requests from wildlife experts who verified that, he had in fact, found the first living specimen in many many years, of a Western Serpentiform skink that had long been thought to be extinct.
This amazing and rare find is fascinating to view in the following footage. Please let us know what you think of this very important find of this really strange creature. I know I’ve never seen anything like this, have you?
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Pregnant Mama Elephant Gives Birth To A Baby. Now Keep Your Eyes On The Right Side Of The Screen!
This is a story of what the power of loving care did for an orphaned elephant named Emily. She was taken in, after losing her mother, by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust in Kenya. Defenseless on her own, baby Emily was nurtured in this safe environment, until she was ready to be released back into the wild.
She was well-prepared to live out the remainder of her life as an adult. The caretakers were sad to see Emily go, but felt they had given her the chance she needed to eventually have a family of her own, of which she had been deprived, due to the loss of her family at such a young age.
One day, on December 23, 2014, an astoundingly heartwarming and unusual event occurred. The caretakers of the wildlife trust, who never thought they would lay eyes on their beloved Emily again, were shocked at what occurred. Without any human enticement or help, Emily appeared at the place where she had been cared for when she so badly needed it.
The reason for her appearance? She came to give birth to her calf amongst the people who, not only saved her, but brought her up to be an elephant who could survive on her own. The birth of her baby daughter, Emma, is captured in this beautiful video.
Not only were her caretakers at the Trust deeply moved that she found her way back for this momentous occasion in her life, but the herd gathered around her, to help her and her sweet newborn calf, after the birth. The miracle of birth is always something wonderful to behold.
After you watch this outstanding video let us know your thoughts and feelings about this touching story of the incredible cycle of life. This majestic footage is worth watching several times. I hope you enjoy it as much I did and pass it on to your loved ones!
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After You See What They Pull Out Of This Sea Turtle’s Nose You Will Never Litter Again!
Off the pacific coast of Costa Rica, a team of marine biologists who were researching turtles, brought a grown, male olive ridley sea turtle aboard their boat. They were shocked to find something stuck inside his left nostril which they believed to be a worm of some kind.
Seeing that the turtle’s breathing was impeded they proceeded to attempt to dislodge it as carefully as possible. They were concerned that perhaps this worm had lodged into the turtle’s brain stem. Feeling that they had no choice but to dislodge it, in order to save the turtle’s life, they were really concerned that moving it the wrong way could also end in it’s demise.
After working on it’s removal for several minutes they cut off a piece of it to discern what it actually was. They were shocked and angered to discover that it was not anything organic. Rather it was something completely man-made and a result of improper recycling that is contaminating our oceans and endangering sea life.
After nearly 8 minutes of carefully pulling at the lodged object, they pulled out a 10-12 inch plastic drinking straw! Unfortunately they had nothing to sedate the turtle, so the procedure was painful. The video of this quickly went viral on YouTube, getting nearly 5 million views. “For the turtle, the wound would have been fatal had we left the plastic inside its nostril,” reported one of the researchers.
This video, although disturbing, luckily saved this turtle’s life. There are many plastic objects, like straws, that get lodged in sea animals, which ultimately kill them. The team disinfected the hole where the straw had been, and were forced by law to release the turtle back into the wild.
The footage is graphic but is important to watch. It illustrates well the potential life-threatening consequences of the tons of garbage that ends up in the sea. “We disinfected the air passageway with iodine and kept the turtle for observation before releasing him back into the wild,” the team reported on YouTube.
“The bleeding stopped pretty much immediately after the removal of the straw.” The good news is that this turtle’s life was saved. The next time you think about littering remember this turtle and think twice. Help spread this lucky turtle’s story so others can understand.
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An Elephant Charges Full Speed At This Guy But Somehow He Knew To Do THIS!
This is one of the most astounding wildlife videos I have seen in a while. A tourist is in the jungles of Thailand and spots an elephant, in the brush, perhaps twenty feet away from where he is standing. He watches and waits, with his camera in hand.
Within seconds the elephant charges and lands practically nose to trunk with the tourist…who doesn’t move!! Shockingly, the elephant turned and ran away. The tourist turns around and calmly smiles at whomever is doing the video. Now I know you frequently see the term “jaw-dropping” on internet videos, but I have rarely viewed a moment where that description so aptly applies!
I don’t know if this tourist knew that the best thing to do in a situation like this was to stand completely still, or if he was frozen in shock? Instinctively, I think I would have run, but according to biologists that would have put me in extreme danger.
Standing still, and a mere wave of the hand, signaled the charging elephant to back off. Not moving sent the message that the man was not a threat, which instinctively removed the elephant’s desire to attack.
Watch this amazing video which illustrates the best thing to do, when faced with what was a potentially life-threatening situation. The fact that this situation was diffused still boggles my mind. I had to watch the video several times to really believe my own eyes!
What do you think you would have done in a jungle if an elephant charged at you within inches of your body?
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A Wild Seal Asks This Scuba Diver For A Belly Rub. His Reaction Is An Unexpected Surprise!
A scuba diver recently had a surprising and wonderful experience with a wild grey seal while he was partaking in some underwater exploring. The once in a lifetime chance meeting occurred in the Atlantic Ocean off the Isles of Scilly in England. Gary Grayson was diving alongside several other people when a group of Atlantic grey seals decided to check them out. The large seals swam about the strange visitors and one seal in particular took an interest in Grayson.
The friendly mammal got up close and personal with the diver and videographer, and thankfully there was someone among the group who caught the whole encounter on film. The seal can be seen putting his flipper up against the man’s hand, as if he was comparing the two, and nuzzling the diver with his large head.
Then he starts to pat Grayson’s hand and looks to be urging the man to give his belly a rub as he rolls over onto his side and back! The man obliges and the seal looks like he is loving the attention. There is a smile on the seal’s face the whole time and he looks incredibly relaxed and at ease.
It’s a beautiful sight to see as the big sea creature acts like a happy puppy getting his tummy rubbed. The seal even uses his flippers to stay in place and guide the man’s hands to where he wants a scratch. Seals are often referred to as “dogs of the sea” because of their playful and friendly behavior around humans and other animals.
A few of them have even been captured on film snuggling up to their canine counterparts and romping around in the water with them. This video certainly backs up the comparison, and while dogs are man’s best friend on land, seals are man’s best friend in the water.
The remarkably friendly one that Grayson met is truly a sweetheart and what an amazing experience it must have been for everyone involved. I hope one day I can meet one of these “dog mermaids” and give him an underwater belly rub! This is now on my bucket list! What would you have done in this situation? Let us know!
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