She Weirdly Thanks This Wild Bear For Not Eating Her Kayak. Now Watch The Bears Unexpected Reaction!
When the bear walked away from her kayak, she thanked him. But I never expected what he did in response. At first, he seemed to be willing to earn the thanks, ambling slowly up the hill and away from the kayak. This was a bit uncomfortable for her, however, and was not exactly what she was going for.
She really would have preferred he politely respond with a “you are quite welcome, tourist lady”, or at least a grunt before walking straight into the woods and away from her kayak and herself. As luck would have it, he expressed interest in her and continued in her direction. She was prepared for this possibility, which makes sense due to her Alaskan locale, and she made sure to explain to the english speaking bear that she was going to spray him with pepper spray.
He didn’t seem to care until she gave a quick squirt. Still out of range, the spray did not reach him, but he must have known what it was, because he promptly turned and went straight back to the kayak. She realized almost immediately what she had done, and became quite concerned.
She began pleading with him, always calling him by his formal name, Bear. Moving in succession through all of the appropriate emotional states, she began by nicely asking the bear to stay away from her kayak. If you want to know how that worked out for her, watch the video until the very end.
That’s all I’ll say, it’s best if you see it for yourself.
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At First I Thought He Was Paddle Boarding In The Water Alone. But When The Camera Zooms Out OMG!
The unending violence in our world, man’s inhumanity to man, just implodes our psyches on a day-to-day basis. Some days are worse than others as people are slaughtered around our universe, and we grow more and more numb with each act of violence. Simple acts of kindness, nature, and our ability to love one another selflessly, grow more distant.
All of this came to mind as I listened to the beautiful melody and timeless words of John Lennon’s “Imagine” that accompanies this magnificent footage. Above the waters of Esperance in Western Australia, Jamien Hudson captured a moment in time from his drone, that is beyond captivating.
A paddle boarder, Dave Price, was peacefully gliding along when he came upon two, huge Southern Right Whales. He paddled within the same vicinity, never disturbing them; man and nature at their finest. The disparity in their size from the drone vantage point is dramatic.
John Lennon’s words set to this astounding footage is literally breathtaking. I have watched it over and over before writing this piece. It gave me a spiritual uplift that was much needed… a moment to breathe. I hope that it will do the same for you.
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At First I Was Terrified When A Jaguar Caught THIS Little Dog. But What Follows Is An Unexpected Surprise!
We have all heard the saying, “they fight like cats and dogs”, this has fostered the belief that cats and dogs don’t mix well as pets. We have seen so many examples of inter-species friendships on the internet, but the one are about to view in the video below, between a cat and a dog is certainly unusual.
A young orphaned jaguar was moved to the Akwaaba Lodge in South Africa. He was nicknamed “Jag” by his caretaker, who became his “foster mom”. She noticed that Jag was looking very lonely, needing to constantly sleep with her, which wasn’t always possible.
On the property lived Bullet, a Jack Russell dog, whom the caretaker had a feeling would be a great companion for Jag. As unlikely as this pairing might seem, not just because they are a cat and a dog, but the imbalance in their power, her hunch was right. From the moment Jag and Bullet met, this unusual friendship blossomed into a thing of beauty.
Eating, sleeping and playing together all day long, the two enjoyed each other’s company without a single moment apart. However, when Jag got bigger, it was necessary to move him to a different area. The two fell into a depression and longing.
Jag would cry for hours and Bullet would not move from outside the fence, within visual distance, barking endlessly. Watch this amazing story in the footage below to see how the this tale of friendship ends. This totally made my day I love this pair!
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He Thought He Was Recording The Northern Lights. But The Camera Caught This Unexpected Surprise!
When you watch videos on the internet, the words awesome and mind-blowing are certainly overused, yet there are no better adjectives to describe the footage you are about to view. You may have seen photos of the Northern Lights, but to actually have the privilege of viewing a video, is a humbling experience.
Witnessing aurora borealis is very difficult; it requires being at extreme northern or southern latitudes. The filmmaker who posted this footage, never expected to get such dramatic footage, when he made the voyage to capture the Northern Lights.
The ‘light show’ you are about to see in the upcoming video, not only lit up the sky but is like an actual moving piece of art. What was caught was equivalent to a Northern Lights superstorm, that keeps changing shape. Mother Nature at her absolute finest.
As if this wasn’t enough, the finale includes a shooting star! Listening to the excitement of the filmmaker and his crew as they watch this magnificent show, makes it all the more thrilling to watch. This is quite a gift that he is able to share with the world. It is so well-filmed that it actually feels like you are seeing this in real time!
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These Singers Went To The Forest To Record A Folk Song. But Then Some Unexpected Visitors Join In!
This is one of those moments that you could only wish for, but could never be orchestrated. On tour, folk singer Shawn James and his crew were in Colorado. It was one of those beautiful, tranquil snows, when they decided to go to the W.O.L.F Sanctuary.
When they got there, they decided to sing in the snow-laden woods, and use it for a cover of of A.A. Bondy’s “American Hearts.” Beginning with the lyric, “We were raised by wolves / And we are still wild / And we howl when the troubled wind blows”, the wooded scene with wolves wandering in the background, was perfect.
That being said, they never could have imagined that their harmony during the refrain, would evoke choral support from their audience…the wolves! Believe it or not, scientific analyses of wolves have shown that they have a sense of pitch. When they have been recorded, upon careful listening, each wolf that joins the chorus changes it’s tone slightly. They seem to revel in the discordancy.
In this incredible video, the wolves contribution literally sounds like the third part of the harmony for the refrain. Usually canines respond by howling to high pitched sounds from wind instruments, violins or a soprano singer.
Rarely do they respond to strumming guitars or the dulcet tones of two male folk singers! In the following footage, they literally joined in during the two-part harmony more than once, and not during the lyric.
Their echoing howls make beautiful music and create a video that these musicians will never forget. You will find their chorus, that reaches an amazing crescendo, simply awe-inspiring. It will give you chills!
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He Grabs A Very Strange Looking Egg. What Pops Out Is The Most Unexpected Surprise!
Baby tortoises are known as hatchlings. Like all other species, two babies can form in one egg; the twins in the upcoming video, were the hatchlings of a Western Hermann tortoise. As the tortoise was giving birth at the Garden State Tortoise Center, it’s founder, Chris Leone, noticed that the larger of the two hatchlings was struggling.
The two babies were sharing the same yolk sac and couldn’t detach. Although intervening in such circumstances is not the usual go-to for Leone, he made a judgement call when observing the struggle that was occurring. He felt that neither twin would survive without help separating. It was necessary to wait for the yolk sac to be absorbed before he could intervene.
The procedure he used is a very delicate one. Watching him, (with the aid of an assistant to hold the hatchlings still), use a piece of unwaxed plain dental floss to help them to naturally detach, was amazing. The video below shows them doing so, in an incubator, after being placed on moist paper towels. Within a few days they were able to separate. They were eating and drinking well. These adorable little twins are thriving, thanks to Leone’s good judgement call.
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