A Giant Sinkhole Formed On His Property So He Went In Found THIS Unexpected Surprise!
Imagine for a moment that you owned a golf course. You spent eight years of your life and a small fortune designing it with the help of golfing legends like Jack Nicklaus, Tom Watson, and Arnold Palmer. No expense was spared and people came from far and wide to play, business was thriving. Then about a year after opening a massive sinkhole suddenly opened up right in the middle of your golf course. It swallowed up the expertly landscaped green and effectively ground all golfing to a halt!
That scenario is reality for one man, Johnny Morris. While most everyone else would be panicking and freaking out in such a situation, Morris hasn’t really sweat it. That’s because he’s an avid cave explorer, outdoor enthusiast, the founding owner of Bass Pro Shops, oh and a multi-billionaire.
In May of last year a giant sinkhole appeared on his Top of The Rock Golf Course in Ridgedale, Missouri. All the experts and officials that he consulted with told the same thing, fill in the hole and get back to business.
It was all very sage advice but he heeded none of it. Instead he decided to dig the hole open even further and brought in a construction crew and heavy equipment. He had a theory that he wanted to explore and with money as no barrier to doing so, he went for it.
Back in 1993 he had discovered a large cave on the golf course property that is about a half of a mile away from where the sinkhole is located. When the sinkhole appeared it caused water from a pond on the course to drain into it.
That water was later found to be pouring out of the entrance to the cave he had found all those years ago. This led Morris to believe that there must be some sort of underground cave system linking the two, and that’s why he decided to dig even further.
His theory was recently strengthened when the construction crew came across limestone formations which would indicate the presence of a cave system below the course.
So far the sinkhole has been expanded to 200 feet wide and 100 feet deep. Check out the video from Bass Pro Shops to see the size and scope of the whole undertaking and to hear the most recent update from Mr. Morris himself!
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A Mountain Lion Approaches This House Cat. The Cat’s Reaction Is Hysterical!
In what may prove to be the most epic showdown in feline history, a ferocious house cat faces the formidable mountain lion in an unwavering display of courage. The lion does not seem to notice the face off, and seems more interested in playing, but the cat holds his ground and is not tricked by the obvious ploy to distract him!
The mountain lion, also known as the cougar or puma, is the second largest cat in the Americas, with the Jaguar snagging the top spot. At one time, they could be found throughout the western hemisphere, although their range has been significantly reduced due to human encroachment.
They are actually more closely related to the domestic house cat than they are to the other large felines. I secretly think the cat used its telepathic powers to summon the mountain lion in an escape attempt, but their plan was thwarted by the humans’ interference. Tell us what you think in the comments.
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This Owl Poops On His Friend. Now Watch The Hysterical Confused Look On His Face When He Realizes.
Every animal excretes waste in one way or another, the most common method being out the rear end. It’s basically a universal law of nature that food goes in one end and comes out somewhere else. While the subject of poo tends to be viewed as impolite to speak about in public discussions, the fact remains that it’s an essential bodily function that we all need and rely on to stay healthy.
Not to mention it just tends to be a hysterical subject matter regardless of the situation. In a world that seems to be getting more and more serious it’s always a good idea to lighten the mood with some old fashioned comedy. Finding humor in peace in the world today is a skill that all people should seek to master!
Best selling books have even been written on the topic, like the one titled Everyone Poops, which certainly rings true in this short video clip. As you can see there are two adorable little owls perched up on a rooftop next to one another. They’re just enjoying a moment of relaxation and hanging out together, taking in the sights and sounds around them on what looks like a beautiful day. A nice breeze is blowing the sun is shining and this duo couldn’t look more content with their situation. That is until nature calls and the afternoon takes a sudden turn that neither of them expected!
When one of the owls turns to leave he does something completely unexpected… and gross. He does a half spin, lifts his tail feathers, takes a dump all over the roof, then flies off! His buddy is unfortunately perched lower down on the slope and all the poo runs down the the roof, right into him.
When the poor owl notices that he just got pooped on he seems to be in shock, like he cannot believe that just happened. Check out his face and reaction, it’s priceless and makes you feel like you know exactly what’s going through his mind!
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They Found 850 Year Old Seeds And Decided To Plant Them. What Grew Is An Unexpected Surprise!
Every now and then news accounts carry a story about how some plant, insect, and animal is dying out and fast becoming endangered or extinct. There are never any positive stories about how some previously extinct plant has been re-born or brought back into existence, until now.
This seemingly unbelievable tale first began a few years back, in 2008, when a group of archaeologists were conducting a dig on First Nations (Native) land in Wisconsin. During the course of the dig they came across a small clay ball, no larger than a tennis ball, which had been used to store a few handfuls of seeds.
Those seeds were carbon dated back to 850 years ago and identified as “Gete-okosomin,” a type of squash that had not been grown, eaten, or seen by anyone for hundreds of years. The ancient seeds were given to a Native group, who in turn dispersed them to several groups and individuals, all whose goal was to bring them back to fruition.
Eventually the Canadian Mennonite University came to possess some of the heirloom seeds and they gave them to a group of students in Winnipeg, Canada, who were studying and learning about healthy foods. The students planted the seeds in the school garden and tended to them as the plants grew and matured.
By the end of the semester the once extinct squash plants had yielded quite a few orange and yellow streaked, large, tasty squashes. To celebrate their successful growing season and harvest, the students decided to host an end of semester feast. The menu was full of all the healthy foods they had learned about and, above all else, it featured the extremely rare and ancient squash.
Finally, a story about how something that was once extinct was successfully brought back into existence without any modifications or bio-genetic type of alteration. This simple, positive story is just what the world needs this time of year.
As people all over America are about to gather for Thanksgiving and dig into a feast of delicious foods, that likely includes some type of squash, they should remember what the day and coming together is all about. Brian Etkin, the Coordinator of the Garden of Learning in Winnipeg, summed it up best when he said that “this squash is representative of a tribe of a large community and everybody in that community having a place and food being a right of citizenship.” I couldn’t agree more.
Don’t forget to check out the video to see what the 850 year old veggies look like and to learn more about them.
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17 Bears Were Held Captive In Concrete Pits For Years. Their Reaction When They Are Freed Is Priceless!
I am always heartbroken to hear stories of animals who are held in captivity under horrendous, inhumane conditions, when they are meant to live in the wild. Â Such was the case for seventeen bears, who were caged in small concrete pits, at the Black Forest Bear Park in Georgia.
For years they lived a miserable existence, being humiliated into begging for food from visitors to the park. Â The two female bears who are the subjects of this story were bred, and when they gave birth their cubs were ripped away from them at once. Â This would be akin to taking away a human child from it’s mother.
Years went by living in these horrid conditions until help finally arrived. Â Thanks to the joint effort of PETA, the Atlanta Humane Society and Sam Simpson, the day came for these tortured animals to be freed and brought to The Wild Animal Sanctuary in Keenesburg, Colorado.
Watch as they get to luxuriate in the feeling of the earth and grass beneath their paws for the first time, after only feeling cold concrete for so long. No longer did they need to beg for food.  They were free to roam and search for the abundant fresh fruit and vegetables that were available to them in the magnificent 60-acre sanctuary.
Part of this happy ending is that the two female bears were pregnant at the time of their rescue, and would get to experience the joy of getting to keep their cubs close, raising their offspring for the very first time.
Sit back and enjoy the footage, showing the sheer joy of the bears, as they are released into the freedom of their wildlife habitat. Â I love a happy ending!
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A Tree Fell In Her Yard. But 2 Weeks Later They Transform It Into Is An Unexpected Amazing Surprise!
If you live in your own home, and are lucky enough to have beautiful trees on your property, you have lived through the heartbreak of losing them in large storms. Some may be hundreds of years old, or you may have lovingly planted them and watched them grow, year after year.
Sometimes it isn’t a storm that’s the culprit, rather precarious distance to your home may require removal, for safety’s sake. Tree removal people eliminate the problem, but more often than not leave an unsightly stump.  In the case of the homeowner in the following video that you are about to watch, they were lucky enough to call Lueb Popoff.
Who, may you ask, is Lueb Popoff?  He is a man who could cut down her tree, but rather than leaving the dreaded ugly stump in front of her house, watch what he does! Lueb was a man with a mission.
After cutting down the tree and removing it, he left a big enough stump and within 2 weeks, with his chainsaw and some smaller tools, Popoff created a masterpiece! It is literally a sculpture that anyone would be proud to have grace their home.
In the 2-minute video below you will be mesmerized by what he created in two weeks time. The finished product is astoundingly lifelike!
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