This Man Was Gardening In His Backyard 60 Minutes Later He Died. The Reason Is Scary!

Not only was I shocked and saddened by the tragic story you are about to hear in the video below, but I found out something that I never knew.  Where I live, yellow jackets appear in huge numbers in August, and I always complain that the “bees” are back.  Apparently I, like many others, thought that yellow jackets are “bees”. They look and sting like “meat bees”, but they are actually WASPS!

This is very important to know, because we all love being outdoors during the summer..swimming, barbecuing, taking walks and gardening…but need to be aware and prepared.  While bees are generally less aggressive, produce honey and are critical for balancing the eco-system, yellow jackets (wasps) are a different story.

The video tells the story of John who was gardening, and put his hand into a yellow jacket nest in the earth.  Yellow jacket stings, as with all wasps, are very painful.  I found out one day when I was cutting some flowers from my garden, and unknowingly disturbed a wasp nest.  They attacked my face, and within one minute my lips blew up to 5 times their normal size.

Luckily I took 2 Benadryl and was okay after a few hours. John was not so lucky.  It is unclear if he had ever been stung by yellow jackets before; he had several bites, lay down and asked his wife for an ice pack to sooth the pain and inflammation.

Within one hour he was dead!  He had gone into anaphylactic shock, due to a severe allergic reaction.  The truth is that you may have been bitten by wasps previously in life and never had an allergic reaction, but it is quite possible to develop such a severe allergy at any point in your life, and not know it until it is too late.  His wife describes what happened and her terrible shock at losing her husband in an instant.  The only thing that could have saved him, as his breathing became increasingly difficult, would have been EPINEPHRINE…having an EPI pen in their home.

Please SHARE John’s story with your family and friends; IT COULD SAVE A LIFE!

Sick Of Aggressive Wasps Harassing You In Your Yard? THIS Simple Trick Will Stop Them For Good!

Just recently we heard about the shocking and tragic death of a man out gardening, and getting several wasp bites as he disturbed a nest.  As noted, the yellow jacket is often thought of as a “bee”, when in fact it is part of the wasp family!

Unlike most bees, the wasp is an angry an aggressive insect, whose bites are very painful.  Although people may be aware of having an allergy to the bee sting, they may have no knowledge of one to wasps.  A severe allergy to these scary pests can not only be painful, but has the potential to be deathly if not immediately treated with Epinephrine or an “EPI pen”.

According to the video you are about to watch below, as much as WE fear being attacked by wasps, the WASPS themselves ironically FEAR OTHER WASPS!!  So you may be asking yourself, as I did, what am I going to do…get other wasps to go to war with the wasps in my garden?  Hardly!  You will not believe this hack, that tricks those horrible wasps into leaving the area in which you are trying to relax and enjoy your summer…it’s amazingly simple, costs nothing and works!

Please SHARE this INCREDIBLE WASP LIFE HACK with your family and friends

You Won’t Get Poison Ivy Again Even If You Come Into Contact With It After You Learn THIS Trick

Poison ivy earned its foreboding name because the vines of the plant creep and climb up things and can be highly toxic to humans when they come into contact with skin. When that occurs most people develop an allergic reaction and an extremely itchy, painful, uncomfortable rash breaks out!

While a small minority of people have a high threshold for poison ivy and never develop a reaction, most others are highly sensitive to it. If they make even slight contact with the plant, like barely brush against it, they are bound to break out. That’s why the best way to prevent a poison ivy rash is to avoid the plant in the first place, but that’s not always possible. If and when you ever do come into contact with poison ivy down the line, you need to know the following information. It can help minimize your risks and save you a lot of pain!

First off, poison ivy reactions are caused by urushiol which is found on the stems and leaves. Urushiol is an oily resin that sticks to everything and so whatever comes into contact with the oil can further spread it all around. Say for example you drive over poison ivy plants, it will get on the tires and then if you touch the tires it can get on your skin. Other more common items that urushiol may contaminate are gardening tools, rakes, chainsaws, and clothing.

Next, if you ever think you may have touched poison ivy then you need to know Jim Brauker’s tip on how to minimize the potential of it turning into a gross, nasty rash. The scientist and wildlife enthusiast explains the best technique for this and demonstrates it himself in the accompanying video. He explains that if you come into contact with poison ivy you need to wash the oil off your skin within 2-8 hours. The sooner you wash the better and even if you’re unsure about whether or not you got any oil on you, wash the area no matter what. Use cold water, soap, and a washcloth to help get it completely off your skin.

The key to this trick is a washcloth, so make sure you use one, because it provides the friction necessary to scrub and lift the oil off your body. Use it on all contaminated areas and a loofah or towel will also work just as well at picking up and removing the oil. As for soap, it doesn’t matter what kind you use, but never wash with hot water!! It causes pores to open up and that will allow the urushiol in.

Poison ivy rashes are no laughing matter and in a perfect world we’d all avoid the plant in the first place. To help you do that, here’s what you need to know on how to identify it:

“Leaves of three, let them be. Leaves of five, let them thrive.” The first half of this old saying is a helpful way to remember how to identify a poison ivy plant, the second part serves to prevent other similar looking vine-type plants from being confused or wrongly associated with it. Other sayings provide more details on how to identify the plant, two of which include; “longer middle stem, don’t touch them” and “hairy vine, no friend of mine.” Out of the three total leaves it’s the middle one that has the longest stem and the vines will have tons of small ‘hairs’ that help it stick to things as it climbs. This is important to know since the leaves die and fall off in the fall/winter but the stems, roots, and vines can still all give you a rash because they also contain urushiol oil. Other things to look for are glossy leaves with smooth or toothed edges and in late summer the plants sometimes grow white berry clusters.

Hopefully you never have to use Jim Brauker’s poison ivy removal method, but if you do you’ll be glad you took the time to check his video out! Pass this tip on to the gardeners, hikers, nature enthusiasts, and the people most likely to run into poison ivy in your life, and stay safe!

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Animal Adopts THIS Unlikely Orphaned Baby. What They Look Like Years Later Is An Unexpected Surprise!

The depth of compassion that one animal has for another, when they come from different species,  never fails to amaze me.  The touching video you are about to watch below, tells the story of little Poncho the opossum, whose mom was killed by a car, when he was just a newborn.

Poncho was found by animal rescuers, as the tiny infant clung to his dead mother’s side, after she had been hit by the car.  In fragile condition, and an unlikely chance of survival, little Poncho was lucky to be found.  Receiving veterinary attention, he was nursed back to health, but the sweet little guy was still a motherless child…until Hantu came along.

A most unlikely surrogate mom, the white German Shepherd had never had pups of her own.  It seemed like her need to nurture met with Ponchu’s need for a mother figure, and a bond was formed.  Ponchu clung onto to Hantu’s side just as he had with his mother!  The two brought comfort and happiness to each other.

To this day, years later, they are still inseparable!  Though bigger, Poncho still clings to Hantu’s side as they take walks in the woods. This is truly a sight to behold.

You will find this footage of Ponchu and Hantu so heartwarming and simply adorable. It is an uplifting video that will make your day! Let us know how you feel about this unlikely interspecies relationship!

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Animals In The Wild Eat This Intoxicating Fruit and Get Super Drunk. Now Watch Their Reactions!

So it seems that it is not only the human species that enjoy the effects of alcohol.  This most entertaining video shows the behavior of several wild species in the African jungle eating the rotting marula fruit that they come upon in their journey. It’s strange to think that animals of all species can get drunk naturally in the wild. Honestly I never even thought this was a thing but it’s been going on since before humans even existed!

They ravenously indulge in this fruit.  The monkeys, giraffes, elephants, and many others devour the fruit which then ferments as they digest.  They soon literally are all drunk and the hilarity ensues.  The narration adds to their incredible antics. The narrator takes the whole thing video to the next level. This is too good!

As if the drunk animals in action weren’t funny enough, watch as they struggle with their morning after hangovers! Who knew having a hangover was a universal problem that all species on planet earth have to deal with! This is really one of the most enjoyable animal videos I’ve seen in ages.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

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It Seems Like A Normal Forest. But When The Ground Begins To Move WOW!

Imagine walking through the woods on a cool, windy day. You look around and take all the sights in, from the trees above to the floor below. As you head through the trees you carefully step over dead branches and jutting roots, then you notice something odd and out of place.

What should be still, solid, stable ground is anything but that. Instead, the Earth all around you is heaving and moving slowly, like it’s alive or possessed by something. That would really freaky and weird, right? For one man, this was reality.

Brian Nuttall captured footage and evidence of his strange walk through the woods this past Halloween, when the weakened remnants of Hurricane Patricia were passing through Nova Scotia, Canada. He had been walking through the forest in Apple River when he came upon the peculiar sight.

In the video he shot the ground appears to be alive and “breathing,” it heaves up and down, and steadily moves around. Mr. Nuttall shared the video he captured with with the Facebook page We Love Nova Scotia. Since it was posted, the clip has quickly caught people’s attention and imagination, and many have offered a variety of explanations for the breathing ground.

The unique forest floor activity has been described as everything from eerie and supernatural to unbelievable and quite unusual. It’s definitely abnormal and it raises a lot of questions, the main one being; what the heck is happening here? Mr. Nuttall put forth his own theory for the movement, centered around the strong winds blowing at the time.

He wrote in the comments, “I believe the larger trees are doomed to blow down but are currently spared, the smaller trees around them help hold each other up, as the wind pushes the trees into one another. The punishing prevailing winds have taken their toll on the side hill, the roots have loosened and the mossy ground from the once shaded forest floor are giving way, soon to be toppled over.”

His explanation seems to be the most logical and plausible one. Plus, he was the only witness present at the time and actually saw everything else near the moving area, so he is in the best position to make an educated guess. That doesn’t mean others haven’t put forth their own viewpoints and theories as to what could possibly be causing the ground to “breathe.”

Some people believe it to be the work of aliens or some type of supernatural entity that lives below the ground, and maybe it’ waking up. More scientific oriented explanations center around the possibility of there being water under the ground. Nova Scotia borders the Atlantic Ocean, so a few people posited that it could even be salty ocean water that’s to blame.

Then there are those who believe that it may be a sinkhole that’s beginning to form. And of course, as with every video that seems too strange and cannot be clearly explained right away, there is the crowd who say that the video is faked and photo-shopped.

Regardless of whatever may be causing the strange ground movement, it’s an awesomely weird sight to see. Check it out for yourself and then decide what you think it is…

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