Rare Full Blue Moon: Prepare For a Huge Energy Shift On May 18-19 2019

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The May Full Blue Moon will illuminate the night sky during May 18-19, 2019! This moon is a strange one because it is the exception to the usual “Blue Moon” rule which states a Blue Moon is the second full moon in a single month. However, this Blue Moon is the one strange exception.

The reason the May Full Moon is considered a Blue Moon is because it’s the third full moon out of four in a single season. For the most part each season of the year usually only has three full moons. This season we get our fourth and final full moon on June 17, 2019 the Full Strawberry Moon!

There will be a variety of interesting changes taking place and all of us will be affected by them in one way or another. While you could just go with the flow, you can also harness the full moon’s power and use the vibrational shift to your advantage to help bring about some positive changes in your life and current routine.

Full moons represent a peak and they’ve always been associated with a sense of heightened energy and excitement. Many weird and inexplicable things tend to either coincide with them or happen around the same time as well. People and animals suddenly act strange, even crazy, when the moon is full.

In fact, the term ‘lunacy’ stems from the craziness that accompanies a full moon because it refers to periodic instances of insanity. Hundreds of years ago it was widely observed that the full moon lunar phase affected people’s behavior and minds, making them act temporarily like lunatics!

While full moon madness has yet to be scientifically proven real, the full moon shift has been astrologically established since ancient times. This rare May Full Blue Moon is in Scorpio, which means it will bring about a very active, expressive, and potentially self-centered and egoistic type of energy. The different sides of personality that Scorpio represents will also be brought to the forefront and this will spark a burst of energy and change.

By embracing and taking control of the energy shift, you can benefit from its effects and make some positive life changes. Scorpios are known for a number of strong qualities and by tapping into them you can get the most of out of this May’s Full Blue Moon! Below is a rundown of the top things you should aim to do and focus on:

Communicate: All areas of communication will be highlighted in the days leading up to and following the full moon. Now is the time to get stuff off your chest or finally have that conversation you’ve been putting off. Perhaps you simply need to catch up with old friends and family members, if so then now is the ideal time to reach out. Whatever the case may be, with the moon in Scorpio your social and communication skills will be extra sharp and spot on.

Express Yourself: Not all communication is verbal. Instead of words, let your actions, style, and behavior do the talking for you! Just whatever you do, don’t take it too far or be too bold and aggressive. Sometimes the slightest, most subtle hint can make the strongest impact. If you want to effect a lasting difference, read the scene or situation before making a move.

Don’t Go To The Dark Side: Stay positive and mindful of your attitude and strive to maintain personal balance. Scorpios sometimes have a tendency to develop a dual nature. Make it a goal to be as fair, honest, and consistent as can be, and you’ll be golden during this rare Full Blue Moon in May.

Be Mindful: Not only about what you do, but also about what you say. Since communication is being highlighted during this May Full Blue Moon, you’re likely going to be engaged in lots of conversations and sometimes those can lead down an ugly path.

Try to avoid getting into arguments or fights and try not to gossip because even if you don’t mean to be rude or mean, you may come off that way. And remember, karma is a real thing so always treat others with respect, even if they talk down to you. In the end, you’ll be the better person for it.

There you have it! This May Full Blue Moon will bring out the best side and possibly the worst sides that Scorpios have to offer. If you’re able to connect with the surrounding energy and tap into it then all of the curious, positive, social aspects of the sign will shine forth. So relax and go with the flow! Enjoy!

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This Kitty Was Just Hanging Out On His Porch When This Flew In. But Seconds Later WOW!

image via – youtube.com

Animal odd couples are constantly popping up and surprising us humans. Oftentimes, the quirky pairings are composed of two completely different animals who would naturally never meet in mother nature. We have seen cheetahs and chipmunks that have bonded with dogs, a lion, tiger, and bear are all best of friends, and countless other strange combinations of animals.

Some are natural enemies, in the wild they would likely clash and be strongly opposed to one another, maybe they’d even try to kill each other. However, as the animal odd couples around the world have shown us time and again, animals are unpredictable and not all of them fit their species stereotypes.

Take for example the eagles in this video, which was uploaded to YouTube by user Pam Aus. In the clip her black and white coated cat named Gizmo is chilling right outside her house on the porch railing. Keeping the kitty company is a pair of large wild eagles, one of which seems very interested in his new found feline friend.

When the cat tries to get some space, moving away further down the railing, the curious eagle follows. Soon after, the eagle tries to get a better look and pokes his head in closer towards Gizmo’s adorable face. The kitty does not like that and she lets the space invading eagle know this by firing off a warning meow.

That does the trick and the suddenly bashful eagle backs off a bit, he clearly doesn’t want to scare Gizmo off or make her mad. The amazing footage was fittingly captured near Dutch Harbor in the Unalaska area, which is located amid the Aleutian Island chains off the coast of Alaska.

That location places it in one of the wildest places left in both the United States and the world. The islands there are home to a large population of eagles since their main food source, fish, is plentiful. If you’re worried that the eagle may have been trying to make a meal out of Gizmo, don’t be.

The eagles in Alaska are used to the human presence and often come in close, landing and resting near people, pets, and wild animals. According to Gizmo’s owner, in the eight years that she’s had cats there has never once been a problem between them and any eagles.

While the large birds of prey could, if they wanted to, make a meal out of a cat, they have no need or desire to so and instead of acting aggressively they are friendly and non-threatening. Be sure to check out the wildly unbelievable footage and see for yourself how well behaved and gentle the eagle acted.

Watch the incredible footage below and let us know what you think!

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This Boy Picks Up A Huge Strange Looking Stingray But Seconds Later The Unthinkable Occurs!

image via – youtube.com

This incredible footage shows the moment that an unlikely surrogate helped a pregnant stingray deliver her 12 little babies. The birthing assistant just so happened to be an Australian boy who has a passion for all things nature. Miller Wilson, who is 12 years young, recently went with his family to visit his favorite spot for hunting and trapping sting rays, along the banks of a mangrove creek.

His natural ability at catching the fish is evident and after a short walk along the water’s edge he returned to his kayak and saw a stingray laying on the bank. He picked it up and immediately noticed that it was fatter than normal. Miller then adorably asked “You OK?” as he gently stoked it and went on to comment that “I don’t know if she’s either pregnant and she’s come up here to have babies or whether she’s just beached herself…we’ll have to see.”

He turned it over to check it out and that’s when he noticed a little baby stingray coming out of its underside! The stingray was definitely pregnant and in the midst of giving birth. Miller helped it along and gently pulled the babies out one by one as he exclaimed “Look at that, aren’t they just adorable? Wow! Look how cute that is!”

By the end of it all the stingray mama had 12 newborns to take care of and Wilson says that two days later he saw the family swimming near the same spot.

An event like this taking place in the wild has rarely ever been witnessed by humans, let alone in this type of fashion. Thankfully Miller knew how to properly handle the fish and what he was doing, and he made it clear that none of the stingrays in the video were harmed or injured.

He also warned that other people should not try this because the barbs that stingrays have on their tails are very dangerous and can injure or kill a person. Check it out and witness one of nature’s miracles taking place, with the help of an awesome 12 year old boy who loves and appreciates all of it.

Have you ever seen anything like this? Let us know what you think of this incredible footage!

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Baby Elephant Is Trapped And Begging Mom For Help. But Wait Til’ You See Who Actually Rescues Him!

image via – youtube.com

Get ready to watch one of the sweetest, most precious moments captured on video.  A herd of elephants were trekking along when a little baby elephant gets stuck in a muddy waterhole.  Some people who were on a Wild Wings Safari, came upon the scene, while sightseeing.

This tiny little elephant is trying to pull himself out of the mud hole, but his little legs aren’t long enough and he doesn’t have the strength to get out on his own.  The mother elephant is trying to figure out how to help him by using her trunk.  She can’t seem to get a grip, so she gets into the hole for better leverage.  Still no luck!!  It’s just too slippery.

Then the baby cleverly walks over to a slightly drier edge of the waterhole, tries doing it himself again, but he still needs mama’s help.  She then gets another adult to lend his trunk to oust the youngster.  Finally SUCCESS!!  Such great problem solving for mom and babe alike!  Watch what happens after he gets out, still wobbly on those adorable little legs.

Enjoy this amazing footage! Let us know what you think!

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A Giant Storm Brought Down This Big Tree. This Guy Slices Into It But Moments Later The Unthinkable Occurs!

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Pretty much everyone at one point or another has had to deal with a tree that fell do to a storm or just died of natural causes. Sometimes they are on our property other times they are on the streets and worst of all sometimes they can fall and come crashing into our homes or apartments.

Getting rid of a downed tree is really not an easy job and most times you need to call in the big guns and get a profession to take care of the fallen tree. In the video below, it looks as if a tree has fallen over in somebody backyard, obliterating the families trampoline, and leaving a giant mess to clean up.

The man who is called in to take care of the job appears to be quite handy and professional with a chainsaw. At first everything was running completely smooth as he sliced into the fallen tree slice by slice. It was all fine and dandy until the guy somehow forgot about the laws of physics and nature.

Because all the branches of the tree were removed first, the tree trunk of the fallen tree didn’t have enough weight to balance evenly against the mass of the roots.

Suddenly the worst possible thing occurs as the magic tree unexpectedly rises from the dead and comes back to life! Luckily no one was hurt and they all had a good hardy laugh.  But this could easily have become a dangerous and potentially fatal situation!

If you ever find yourself in the position where you need to clear a tree from your property, just make sure you really know what you are doing.  If not bring in the professionals let them do their thing and spend the extra money to get the job done right.

Watch the video below. You will not believe your eyes, it is truly mind blowing to watch this in real time! Enjoy the Magic Tree!

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He Notices a Strange Shape Forming In The Clouds He Looks Left But Then Things Quickly Get Terrifying!

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Every year 100’s of tornadoes form in the skies above our planet. The rapidly rotating columns of air tunnel down from the clouds, turning and twisting until they meet the ground. These extreme weather events can quickly become extremely destructive, destroying whatever stands in their path, and many of these tornadoes can become fatal.

While tornadoes have been documented on every continent and can occur practically anywhere, North America boasts the most on average with the United States coming in at number 1. The area south of the US-Mexico border is also where strong tornadoes commonly form and the Mexican state of Chihuahua is no stranger to tornado danger.

That is where the accompanying clip was filmed and the dramatic footage that the person behind the camera managed to capture is unbelievably terrifying to watch. This jaw dropping video shows a guy filming a strange looking cloud formation in the sky above.

The dark clouds swirl around quickly in a spiral motion as a funnel begins to emerge from the center of it all. In a matter of mere seconds a tornado touches down on the ground off to his left and as he pans over you can see just how close it actually is. Check it out and see for yourself how crazy this is! If you were the person filming, how scared would you be?!

The man was so entranced by the dramatic scene above him that he either forgot possibly in some type of trance or overlooked, how dangerous a situation he was actually in. Instead of filming this surreal sight he should have run for shelter and taken cover somewhere safer than directly out in the open.

Experts recommend that everyone under a tornado warning should immediately go to the lowest level of their house or whatever building they are in.Windowless rooms are the best because most injuries caused by tornadoes are from flying debris and so basements, storm cellars, bathrooms, and closets are often the safest places.

In addition, it’s advised that you protect your head and can do that by either getting underneath a heavy piece of furniture or wrapping your arms around your head and neck. In the end, this short clip shows a scene that is truly a testament to mother nature’s absolute power; it’s insane, dangerous, crazy, beautiful, and terrifying all at once.

The events unfold so quickly that it’s easy to see why the man filming didn’t even notice the tornado barreling down towards him. Hopefully he got away and was safe!

Let us know what if you have ever seen anything like this before in your life!

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