THIS Dog Holds Bread Under Her Mouth At The Lake. What She Pulls Out Of The Water Is UNTHINKABLE!

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There are lots of smart dogs out there in the world and one of them is named Rani. She is a lovable Golden Retriever who happens to also be a service dog in training. She was undoubtedly picked for the profession because of her intelligence, as she’s clearly one smart puppy. Beyond brains, Rani also possesses a few other key qualities that will make her a great service dog one day, patience and focus.

Those two things are on display in this awesome footage of her fishing. Yes, that last line is correct. She enjoys fishing and, as you can see in this video clip, she’s really good at it! According to the information provided by her owner on the post, she has “caught dozens of fish as well as some turtles.”

That’s quite an impressive feat for a dog who can’t even use a pole or net. Instead, Rani uses bread as bait to lure unsuspecting fish closer to her. She wades chest deep into the water and then sits completely still and as motionless as possible. The bread floats soggily on the surface all around, right under her nose and mouth, as she intently stares down into the water below.

Then, when the time is just right, she expertly snatches a fish right out of the water with one lightning quick move. She is a better fisherdog than any of the fishermen I know!

In this clip she ended up catching a bluegill and she is pleased as punch about it. Right after she snagged it a woman’s voice can be heard in the background saying “She got one, it’s a big one.” Then Rani walks back along the dock, proudly swishing her fluffy tail as she goes, with her catch securely held in her mouth. What a sweet, smart, beautiful dog!

Have you ever seen a dog fish before? Watch the awesome pup do his thing in the video below!

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THIS Hidden Video Security Camera Catches THIS Elephant Doing The UNTHINKABLE!

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Elephants are among the most intelligent species of animals that walk the Earth’s surface. They are highly complex and extremely social mammals who live in caring, tight knit family groups. Many people know that an elephant never forgets, thanks to their incredible memories, but they are capable of so much more.

They cry, play, laugh, are self-aware, and express a wide range of feelings and emotions from grief to compassion and beyond. There are a number of fascinating videos clips out there featuring elephants doing all sorts of amazing and unbelievable things. They have been captured playing pianos, saving other animals and people, and now there’s even video evidence of them recycling garbage.

A surveillance camera recently caught one wild elephant doing a little tidying up around the Thornhill Safari Lodge in Limpopo, South Africa. The lodge is located at Kruger National Park, which is home to countless animals, including thousands of wild African elephants.

The elephants are free to roam and the one seen here was munching on some tasty tree leaves when he happened to spot a few pieces of litter scattered on the ground near a trash can. He ambled on over and did what any good person would do, he picked it up and disposed of it properly.

That’s no easy feat for a massive animal that weighs thousands of pounds and has no hands. However, he does have a trunk which is just as effective at picking things up. With a little maneuvering and some help from his feet, he was able to grasp the trash and place it in the bin.

He’s definitely seen people throw out trash before and use the bins, which is why he knew exactly what to do with the litter. He remembered what he’d observed before, learned how to recycle, and did it on his own volition. It speaks volumes when an elephant has to pick up after man.

Too bad some people have never learned to do the same because the world would be a much cleaner, and safer, place for us all.

Let us know what you think of this incredible footage below!

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She Was Having A Normal Day Wakeboarding But Watch THIS Water Next To Her When The UNTHINKABLE Surfaces!

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The day is so clear and the water so blue, that there is an almost unreal quality about the morning, as the Pro-Windsurf La Ventana team takes to the water.  They are on the Gulf of California-The Sea of Cortez, as their boat skimmed the beautiful waters with a young woman wake boarding behind.

The first thing you will be struck by when viewing the footage below, is the skillful ease with which this woman wake boards.  It’s as if the water presents no obstacle to her balance at all.  This becomes more evident as she notices a surprise in the water, before the camera picks up the activity.

When the man driving the boat in the video realizes what is happening in the water he is enthralled.  He accurately predicts what will happen with the incredible footage they are getting; he says to the person behind the camera, “Keep filming…We’re going to make a YouTube sensation!”  He was right, what they capture is beyond anything you could ever plan for.

This really is so amazing and a once in life time experience most of us will never have! I had to watch this over and over I’m just so awe-struck by the whole thing!

Have you ever seen anything like this happen while wake boarding?

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Man Finds A Giant Egg In His Farm. What Comes Out Of THIS Is The UNTHINKABLE!

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Chickens lay eggs. Sometimes those eggs are hidden inside of other eggs. It happens. What? That all seems kind of weird and confusing, but an egg inside of an egg is a real thing that occurs in nature. If you want to see what it all looks like, and this is the type of thing that you really have to see to truly appreciate, then you have to check out this video.

The clip starts off with a man holding a giant egg that is at least twice the size of a normal, average egg. He explains that he gathered it earlier from his coop and comments that he has “sympathy for the poor chicken” who laid it because it must not have been easy or comfortable at all.

When he cracks it open there is a yolk and another egg nestled inside of it! When he cracks the second egg open it also appears normal and has a yolk and white inside. Chances are you’ll never come across an egg like that at the grocery store.

It’s super neat to see and in order to understand how it happens, you need a little background information on how hens lay eggs. First and foremost, the scientific term for an egg within an egg is called a counter-peristalsis contraction.

According to Back Yard Poultry Mag online, a hen will release “an oocyte (the ovum that becomes the yolk of an egg) from her left ovary into the oviduct every 18-26 hours.” This oocyte slowly makes its way through the oviduct organ where many layers are added onto it and form the egg which is eventually passed through and laid.

However, when a counter-peristalsis contraction occurs, a second oocyte is prematurely released by the ovary before the first one is done passing through the oviduct. At that point, “the release of a second oocyte into the oviduct system while a first oocyte is in the eggshell-gland portion of the oviduct…(where the shell is deposited over the egg) causes a contraction…[which] causes the first egg in the eggshell gland to reverse its course and be pushed back up to the top of the oviduct.”

In turn, this leads to the first egg being added to the second oocyte, which then passes through the oviduct and gets its own shell coating. The end result is that an egg within a giant egg gets laid by one tough chicken.

Mother nature never ceases to amaze or confuse us!

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Tiny Penguin Runs Towards His Human But When He Finds Him An UNEXPECTED Surprise!

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Penguins are naturally adorable animals who are known for having “happy feet.” They also happen to have happy laughs, which shine through best when they are tickled. If you need proof of this, then look no further. The accompanying clip shows Cookie, a “little penguin” both literally and figuratively, laughing happily when his handler tickles him at the Cincinnati Zoo.

It starts off with Cookie waddling around in the hallway, behind the scenes scoping things out. He makes his way over to visit with some staff members and suddenly begins to tap his feet and flutter his little flapper wings. When he spots his favorite zookeeper he hurries to his side to say hello.

The handler reaches down, wiggles his fingers around, and that’s when Cookie lets out a joyous giggle-type noise that is delightful to hear. He seems to be purring with delight and you just have to hear Cookie’s trills and happy sounds to get an idea of his vocal capabilities.

The adorable little bird is a member of Eudyptula minor, which is the world’s smallest species of penguin. On average, they grow up to 13 centimeters tall and weigh in at around 3 pounds. Cookie lives at the Cincinnati Zoo’s Bird House in Ohio, while other fellow species members of his are often found on the southern coasts of Australia and New Zealand.

Little penguins are so small, magical, and cute that they’re often called fairy penguins. They go about their days zipping through the waters close to the shore looking for tiny fish to eat. However, the poor little guy in this video has a bumblefoot and can’t be in the water a lot.

Bumblefoot is when the feet become inflamed and infected with bacteria. To prevent it from worsening or becoming fatal, staff at the Cincinnati Zoo keep Cookie inside when the other little penguins go swimming. For the time being he needs to keep his foot bandaged and as dry as possible. Hopefully his feet will heal and he’ll make a full recovery soon so he can swim again.

One thing is certain though, this little penguin is one special bird that will melt your heart!

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He Blows Hot Air On His Hummingbird Feeder With A Hair Dryer. Now Watch How The Bird Reacts..

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Hummingbirds are one of mother nature’s coolest creations and they hold quite a few interesting records in the bird world. Some species are among the smallest birds on earth, which explains why they also have the smallest nests and lay the smallest eggs.

Not only that, they also beat their wings the fastest, some up to 90 times per second! They also hold the title of eating the largest amount of food, since many need to consume at least half their body weight in food every single day in order to stay active and healthy. In turn, they have the highest known metabolic rate in the entire animal kingdom.

Plus, they have the ability to fly backwards, can change direction on a dime, and are lightning quick. All these traits and their beautiful, glittering feathers are what makes hummingbirds absolutely mesmerizing to watch. By their nature, they are very inquisitive, and if you put up a feeder they’ll be drawn towards it because their curiosity seems to always get the best of them.

Most hummingbird species in North America spend summers breeding in the Eastern states before heading south to winter in Central America. Some of them end up in Sedona, Arizona, home of the famous red rock formations and well known for its natural beauty.

The southwestern area is a place many wintering birds call home and it’s also where YouTube user Blueskeye lives. Blueskeye filmed an incredible interaction he had with a pair of hummingbirds and thankfully shared it so you can see just how adorable and sweet it truly was.

He explained the background of the story and wrote that back in February of 2011 Sedona was experiencing an extremely cold snap of winter weather. It was so cold that the nectar he put out to feed a pair of friendly hummingbirds kept freezing up within an hour of being outside.

To keep the hummingbird’s tummies full and the food from freezing up, he placed a heating pad underneath one of the feeders. When he checked on it the following morning he saw a lovely sight, the two tiny birds were sitting atop the heating pad and cozily drinking up their food!

Blueskeye named the pair of Anna’s Hummingbirds Rocky and Adrian, no doubt in homage to the characters in the award winning Sylvester Stallone film, Rocky. He and the two hummingbirds became very good friends. In fact, they were so close that little birds would sit on his hand while feeding and right next to him while he unfroze their food with a hairdryer!

The birds must have been really cold because Rocky even sat in front of the dryer so the warm air would blow on him. Most animals are scared of the powerful and strange rush of warm air they make, not to mention the loud noise, and many a cat or dog has been terrified by a dryer.

If you didn’t previously understand why people love and go out of their way to feed and attract hummingbirds, perhaps this video will show you why. The lively little birds are not only pretty to look at, they’re also very friendly and easily become accustomed to being around people.

After time many won’t hesitate to feed at flowers or nectar feeders located close to windows and houses. Support your local hummingbirds today and set up your own feeder. Then you can watch them play and interact with each other as they zip around!

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