THIS New Mama Just Had a Litter of Puppies But Wait Until You See What She’s Holding In Her Mouth!

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Two tiny four week old kittens had been found abandoned and alone. With no mother around and no time to spare, a woman decided to rescue the babies and took them in. She tried her best to hand feed the kittens with a dropper but they just weren’t eating and soon started to grow weak. In need of an alternative solution, she reached out to a family friend whose dog had recently given birth and the two decided to try and place the orphaned kittens with the new mother.

The new mother happened to be a 3 year old Jack Russel terrier named Annabelle. Two weeks prior to the kittens arrival she had given birth to a litter of two puppies. Her owner, Kristy, was unsure about how she’d react to the new additions but any apprehension or worries were soon forgotten.

In no time at all Annabelle had taken the kittens in and adopted them as her own babies. She performed all the motherly tasks that a cat would do for their young and groomed, fed, cleaned, and protected her two new additions. She would gently pick them up and carry them around the house in her mouth to keep them safe and close and snuggled with them day and night.

The ABC News clip of the new family is absolutely adorable and heart warming, it’s the kind of positive story that you actually want to hear about! According to Kristy, Annabelle “has accepted them as her own, no questions asked.” In fact, she’s even more protective of the kittens than she is of her own puppies, but that’s because the kittens are older and more active, moving around a lot, so she has to keep a closer eye on them to make sure they’re safe.

It looks like everyone in Kristy’s household is happy, from Annabelle to her puppies to the kitties! Even though life started out rough for the kittens, in the end it all worked out for the best thanks to the woman who saved them and for Annabelle taking them in as her own.

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Loggers Chop Down This Really Old Tree. But Were Completely Stunned By What They Found Inside The Trunk!

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People have been logging the forests ever since they stopped being nomadic and settled down in one area.  In America, as soon as the settlers arrived in Jamestown, Virginia they set to work falling trees to make shelters and protect them from the elements.  

Over the years the industry has changed drastically to fit people’s needs.  Nowadays logging is primarily done for lumber and producing paper pulp to make into a variety of paper products.  That was what a team from Georgia Craft Company were out logging for one day back in 1980 in a forest near Jasper, Georgia.  They were cutting down American Chestnut trees when they noticed that the first one they stuck their axe into was hollow. While unusual, it wasn’t a big deal, so they forged ahead and cut it down because it was still useable and valuable.

Once the tree was felled, they began cutting it up into smaller pieces that would fit on the back of the logging truck.  However, before they started sawing it down to size, they realized that something was stuck up inside the tree trunk. When they looked down it there was no light passing through.  

Curious, the loggers moved in to take a closer look and what met their gaze was shocking. The angry looking face of a snarling animal with sharp teeth peered out, causing them to immediately jump back and away from the tree. They couldn’t believe their eyes; they were looking at what seemed to be a very odd looking sort of dog.  It appeared frozen in time and the loggers just knew they’d stumbled upon something strange. Not knowing quite what to do with it, they set it aside and got back to work.

About a year later the hollow Chestnut tree ended up at Southern Forest Word, a new museum dedicated to forestry that was about to open to the public.  Staff at the museum knew the strange discovery would be a huge draw and wanted to know everything about the story behind the dog in the tree.

The dog appeared to have been naturally mummified and Kristina Killgrove, a biological anthropologist from the University of West Florida, came up with an explanation for how this likely happened.  Part of her studies involve how tissue decays and the microbes involved in the process of breaking it all down. Because Chestnut trees have tannin, which makes them rot resistant, they absorb moisture.  

That property is what prevented microbes from beginning the decaying process so the dog didn’t break down and instead became mummified. Another major contributing factor was that the tree trunk blocked other animals from both smelling and reaching the dog.  Since it was hollow, any scent the dog gave off would have travelled up the tree like smoke where it’d be blown away by the wind.

The biggest question yet remained, how the dog ended up in the tree trunk in the first place.  Since it appears to have been a 4 year old hunting dog, experts theorized that it likely chased an animal, such as a raccoon or squirrel, into the tree sometime around 1960.  After somehow managing to climb up about 28 feet the dog then got stuck and after that it probably starved to death.

The dog in the tree has always been the main attraction at the forestry museum, people are fascinated by the story.  For years it was simply given the name “mummified dog” but in 2002 the forestry museum held a naming contest for it. They ended up choosing the name “Stuckie” in homage to the poor hound’s sad fate.

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Wolf Decides To Attack This Helpless Baby Bison. But What The Hidden Camera Caught Next Is UNTHINKABLE!

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Baby bison have been in the news lately for all the wrong reasons. If you haven’t yet heard, one was recently picked up by concerned tourists in Yellowstone National Park and brought to rangers in the back of their car. The foreign tourists claimed that they thought the young bison looked cold, so they warmed it up in their car.

However good their intentions may have been, it turned out to be deadly for the calf. Park rangers spent over two days trying to reunite the calf with its mother, but all attempts were rejected. Because of that, and since it kept approaching people and cars near the roadway, the youngster was subsequently euthanized. In addition, it’s illegal to transport an untested bison outside of the park due to the potential for spreading Brucellosis, a bovine disease that can easily spread among cows and bison.

This other baby bison story has a much happier ending and there is no human interference with the course that mother nature intended. The National Geographic video clip shows a young bison calf who is just seven days old attempting to cross the Lamar River, located in northwestern Wyoming.

The water is running higher and swifter than usual due to melting snow, which causes the tiny baby to lose its footing and get swept downstream. It finally reaches a small gravelly island and climbs ashore, but it’s freezing cold, sapped of energy, hungry, and all alone. Night is closing in on the baby fast and the rest of the herd, including his mother, has continued on their journey.

Things go from bad to worse when a hungry wolf spots the lone baby bison and moves in for the kill. It reaches the island and latches on to the calf’s throat, trying to bring it down, but the bison manages to stay on its feet and stand his ground. The wolf is far from experienced and struggles to maintain its grip in the calf’s throat as the two flail about. Suddenly, a noise in the distance startles the lone wolf and causes it to halt its attack.

Seconds later the young bison’s mother comes thundering into view and she saves the day!! The wolf backs off and can only look on helplessly as mother and child reunite. After a quick greeting and sniff the hungry baby immediately gets to nursing. It will need all the strength and nourishment it can get after the harrowing ordeal it went through and it’s incredibly lucky to be alive.

What an awesome story of instincts, survival, and the powerful bond between a mother and child!

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Little Girl Notices Something Strange Moving In Her Yard Behind The House. They Are Now Calling Her a Hero!

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In life it is so important to always follow your gut instincts. Sometimes these feelings can be subtle but your inner compass will never steer you wrong. These evolutionary instincts have been coded in our DNA to keep us out of imminent danger and lead us to safety. Always remember if something doesnt feel right in your gut there is a good chance you should listen to your body.

Which leads us into today’s story which features a 9-year-old little girl named Elysia Laub from Lowell, Indiana. It was a beautiful sunny day, a nice cool breeze was blowing, the smell of freshly cut grass was in the air and nothing seemed out of the ordinary. That is until young Elysia felt a strange urge to go outside. She had never felt anything like this before in her life, it was almost as if voices inside her head were guiding her to something special.

When she got outside everything seemed normal so she didn’t think twice about it, found her brother and decided to go swimming in the backyard pool. They got their bathing suits and headed out to the pool to enjoy the beautiful day and cool off in the refreshing water.

All of a sudden a strange screeching or squeeling sound could be heard in the distance. Remember her family lived in Lowell, Indiana a rural area where many people have farms horses, livestock and pigs. Elysia’s family raised their own pigs so at first she just thought it was one of their pigs or piglets causing a little bit of commotion in the bushes.

She walked towards the pink blurry blob in the bushes thinking she would just pick up the young piglet and bring it back to it’s enclosure. She slowly approached it so it wouldn’t run away, but as she got closer the pink blob came into focus! This was no piglet at all it was shaped like a newborn baby. At first she couldn’t even fathom that a baby was just sitting there in the bushes squealing and she thought this must be a doll. This can’t actually be a real baby. Could it?

The young girl sprinted into her house to find her mom. Her mother Heidi was on the phone with her sister on the front porch. Her daughter ran up to her completely out of breath and exasperated telling her mom that there was a baby in the backyard in the bushes!

At first her mom thought it was just her daughter’s wild imagination and there was no possible way there could actually be a real baby on their property. Elysia persisted and told her mom to follow her so she could show her that there really was an actual baby in their backyard!

Her mom followed her and when they got to the bushes Heidi could not believe her eyes. She saw a tiny sun burned baby with tiny arms and legs fluttering around. She immediately picked up the baby put her in a blanket and called the police. The sheriff and police rushed over as fast as they could.

They brought the infant to the hospital where doctors examined and treated the baby and concluded that the infant was going to be okay and was actually in pretty good shape considering the circumstances. The sheriff and the doctors nicknamed Jane Doe “The Miracle Baby” and said if Elysia hadn’t found her exactly when she did this story could’ve ended in tragedy with the young baby dying.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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Mom Noticed a Strange Bruise on The Back of THIS 5 Year-Old’s Leg. But The Drs. Reveal The Terrifying Truth!

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Finally sweet sweet Summer is here. The long cold winter is over and now we can finally go outside and enjoy the warm sun on our faces, swimming in pools, laying out at the beach and going hiking through the woods!

With all that good coming from mother nature there is always a flip side. In this case all our outdoor activities require us to be vigilant and have a raised awareness for all the types of creepy crawly creatures. From red ants, wasps, bees, hornets, ticks and worst of all spiders!

This brings us to today’s story which features 5-year-old Kailyn Donovan who spent a beautiful day outside in her backyard with her parents. The young girl was having so much fun that she was too distracted to feel a small pinch on her leg from some kind of bug. After a great day outside she came inside and everything seemed fine.

A couple days went by and her parents spotted what appeared to be some kind of bruise on the back of her leg. Her dad and mom didn’t think much of and decided it was no big deal. They brought her to the bus stop and she got on the bus to go to school.

Later that afternoon the school nurse called Kailyn’s parents and explained that she was feeling really sick and had a high fever. The fever was high enough that it warrented a hospital visit with a doctor.

Her mother and father picked her up from school and drove her to the nearest hospital. The doctor on rounds quickly realized it was a spider bite of some kind but he wasn’t sure exactly what type of spider or how bad this bite could potentially get.

He gave her a prescription of antibiotics and she quickly began to feel better and her high fever broke. She felt good enough to attend her pre-school graduation but her mom and dad were still keeping an eye on that mysterious spider bite on the back of her knee even though she felt so much better.

After her graduation mom’s ‘spidey senses’ began tingling as her motherly instincts kicked in she believed something was truly wrong as the bite began to transform in shape and size. It clearly wasn’t healing well and it was starting to look pretty bizarre.

She brought little Kailin back to the doctor who decided to refer her to a Pediatric Infectious-Disease Specialist who would have a much better grasp and understanding about this type bite. The specialist quickly figured out that she was bitten by a Black Widow Spider!

Black Widow Spiders are one of the most poisonous spiders in all of North America! This was become a very serious situation as her parents, doctors and young Kaelin were all becoming very scared.

If Kaelyn was not treated immediately this could have become an extremely dangerous situation. Luckily the specialist recognized the bite because it has a very distinctive look to it. Just like in majority of these cases, Kaelin was administered a dose of anti-venom that will be fully remove the venomous poison out of the body.

Just for your information these are the signs and symptoms of a Black Widow Spider bite:  First you can feel nauseous, get a fever, cold sweats, chills and sometimes even muscle spasms that will begin at the original bite area and then slowly spread out to the rest of your muscles all over your body.

Every year in the United States about 2,000 Black Widow Spider bites are recorded and sometimes they can be fatal if not treated. However the number of fatalities from one of these bites is very low.

Luckily for Kaelin her parents realized this was no ordinary bug bite and they want other parents out there to be aware this summer so the same thing doesn’t happen to their kids.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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If Your Yard Ever Has One of These Brown Patches Don’t Go Near It or Touch It and Keep Your Kids and Pets Far Away!

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So now that summer is here we are all going to be spending so much more time outside. Nothing feels better than stepping out of your house or apartment breathing in the fresh air, feeling the warm sunshine hit your face and just simply enjoying a beautiful day. We will all be spending a lot more time outside whether it is our backyards, the local park, the pool or the beach. Laying in the grass with a towel and catching some rays is definitely a favorite hobby of mine.

This brings us to today’s article. We have all been out in our backyards, our friends lawn, a public park or basically anywhere where the grass grows. Seeing a brown patch of grass doesn’t really seem like a big deal and most of us just overlook it and think, “What’s the big deal it’s just a circle of dead grass?”

While sometimes this can be the case, a brown patch of grass can be something much more than that. Now have no fear, the brown patch of grass is not dangerous and it isn’t going to hurt you, however what’s lurking just beneath it could be potentially hurt by you.

Confused? So was I until I learned about this little known fact about nature. As it turns out, that innocuous patch of brown grass could have a family of animals living right beneath it. In today’s story a man in Ontario, Canada noticed one of these brown patches on his lawn and then looked closer and saw the patch moving like the earth beneath had a mind of it’s own! He immediately called Ontario Wildlife Removal to see if they had any idea what this could be.

The expert from the Ontario Wildlife Removal got to the house inspected the strange brown moving patch of grass and quickly realized it was a rabbit’s nest filled with a bunny family just below the surface. He took a closer look and saw a litter of tiny hairless rabbits. He took some pictures in and a video you can watch in the video below.

The expert explains if you see one of these brown patches do not touch it under any circumstances. Even if you see a litter of ‘abandoned’ baby rabbits moving, the mother is most likely very close by and only brings them food twice per day. Many people don’t know this, but the reason the nests are usually in plain sight near human houses or apartments in the middle of your lawn or park is because predators tend to stay away from these places because they are afraid of people!

These dangerous predators who would otherwise eat baby rabbits won’t even attempt to approach the nests because they are too scared to come too close to the human population. Little did I know I was a baby rabbit protector! I don’t know about you but that’s a job I’ll take and do it free!

These baby rabbits are safe from their natural predators such as foxes, wolves and coyotes however, little kids, dogs and outdoor cats now become their biggest threat. Your best bet if you spot one these brown patches in your yard is to make sure your kids and pets can’t get to it until the baby bunnies are ready to leave the nest.

Baby rabbits grow extremely fast and within just a few weeks, that brown patch on your lawn will be vacant because the baby bunnies will be big enough and strong enough to fend for themselves in the wild. So next time you see one of these brown patches on the grass keep your distance and let your friends and family know.

Watch the video below for a full explanation and footage of the baby bunnies and what you should look for:

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