This Guy Notices a Hidden Doorway On His Land And Totally Freaks When He Walks Inside!
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One of the biggest and most life changing moments in life is when you buy your first house and own some land. People work long hard hours for many years just so when day they can live the dream of having their very own home sweet home! There is nothing better than walking into your new home, look around, take a deep breath and realize all your hard work and sacrifice has finally paid off!
This brings us to today’s story featuring a new homeowner named Christopher Wanless. After many years of working hard non-stop and saving as much money as he could, Chris finally had enough to purchase his first home which came with 15 acres of surrounding beautiful forest and fields.
Christopher was a big outdoorsmen and loved being in nature, so this was truly the perfect spot and place for him to live. He moved in, unpacked all his stuff, decorated, turned the house into a home and after every last detail was taken care of, he finally had some time to get outside look around his magical property.
One day he was out walking around his forest, when he noticed what looked like some kind of door. He approached it slowly and truly had no clue where it could possibly lead to. He got to the doorway and decided to take a peak inside. What he saw left him completely speechless and stunned.
It looked like as if his property was sitting on top of an old abandoned mine! What made it even stranger is when he was purchasing the house no one ever said anything about an abandoned mine hidden in the woods. Chris was so excited, he wondered if possibly there could be hidden treasures such as gold or silver inside and decided to go inside and explore!
Watch the video below to see what he found with the full story:
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Mother Has a Baby Carrier On As She Mows The Lawn. She’s Stunned When a Cop Comes Up Her Driveway!
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Motherhood is definitely the hardest job in the world. The clock never stops, it’s 24/7 365 no days off! Taking care of your children requires you to cook, clean, discipline and every other thing in between with no breaks, no time off and no quitting! This job can become so overwhelming and many people who haven’t been through it, just don’t get how hard tiring it can get. Now imagine having multiple kids and watch how quick your hours and amount of work per/day exponentially increase. With all that being said let’s just take a moment, to appreciate all the hardworking moms out there, grinding every single day to give their children a better life than they had!
This now brings us to today’s story, featuring a hardworking mother of named Rachel Brinley. Rachel has 3 amazing children and a husband name Ryan who has a high-stress job which keeps him in the office basically at all times! This leaves Rachel at home doing all the mothering for most of the week on her own. With that being said, when Ryan is home he helps as much as he can, but he has to take care and provide for his family and the old work schedule just doesn’t allow him any time off.
One morning Rachel noticed that the lawn was looking unkempt, messy and way too over grown. While mowing the lawn is usually dad’s favorite chore, he was so slammed at work that he just couldn’t find a spot in his busy schedule to cut it. Mom’s 2 older kids were busy getting their little brains filled with knowledge and wisdom at school. Her youngest was only 4 months at the time so she had her hands full. The sun was shining, a cool breeze was blowing and the temperature was just perfect. She decided she would mow the lawn and bring her adorable 4 month old to get some fresh air in those baby lungs.
She picked up the babe put her in a baby carrier which went over her shoulders and held the baby on her chest comfortably. She grabbed the lawn mower and began mowing the tall grass. She had been cutting the grass for 10-20 minutes when she looked up with complete surprise as a police officer had pulled into his driveway with the lights on! She thought was she breaking a law? Did she do something wrong? Was her husband okay? Did Ryan break the law? She didn’t know but her mind was running a mile a minute as time seemed too slow to a screeching halt.
The cop opened his door, stepped out and slowly walked towards her. She asked him if everything was okay and he assured her nothing was wrong and everything was in fact okay. He explained he was driving by, saw a mom working her butt off, with a baby strapped to her and thought he could do a solid, pay it forward and help her out by mowing the lawn for her! Rachel was still in shock, thinking that she broke a law or something happened to her husband, but she got her wits about her and told the officer of course he could!
She went inside to grab a nice cool drink for the officer and took a photo with her phone because she knew nobody would believe this. The policeman finished the lawn in record time and Rachel was so thankful for his help. Her faith in humanity was restored she thought, wow there are still good people out there!
That night she posted her pic on social media with the whole story captioned. She just wanted people to know how great law enforcement and sheriffs department was in her town. She never thought in a million years her picture would go mega viral on the internet. Everyone was so moved by this small special deed and it hit everyone right in their heart strings!
This story is a great reminder to everyone out there, that no matter how bad things get and how scary the world seems, there are still wonderful and good people out there doing good deeds. So if you ever see someone who you could help it would probably be a good idea for you to pay it forward! 🙂
Watch the video below for the full story:
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4-Year-Old Is Scared Of The Dark So He Cuddles With His Goldfish. But Then He Wakes To a Terrifying Surprise!
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Ever since he could remember, little four year old Everett Hamlin from Bonaire, Georgia loved his pet goldfish named Nemo.  The boy was just months old when his parents decided to get him his first pet and, being fond of fish, they ended up bringing home Nemo.  Everett would spend hours sitting in front of the tank just watching the goldfish swim around in his bowl and he’d often pick out special little things to decorate Nemo’s home with.
As far as pet goldfish go, the average lifespan is not very long with most living about 2-3 years.  Being 4 years old, Nemo had outlived that average. Everett’s mother, Tori Hamlin, attributed Nemo’s long life to taking excellent care of him and cleaning his tank often but none of that mattered after one February night
After putting Everett to bed Tori and her husband heard a sound coming from his room. Â They asked him what was going on and he told them that his dresser had made the noise. Brushing it off as him being fidgety and playing around, they told him to go back to bed and resumed watching TV. Â A little while later, Tori went to check in on her son and immediately noticed that he had pushed a chair in his room up to the dresser. There on the floor beside it lay the fish tank but Nemo was not in it. Â Everett was fast asleep in bed, so Tori cleaned up the tank yet saw no sign of the goldfish.
After looking all over the place with her husband for Nemo they finally found him and could not believe their eyes.  There in little Everett’s hand was the poor goldfish. Tori was shocked but managed to take a picture before she woke him up.  When he saw that Nemo was dead, he was heartbroken and explained that all he’d wanted to do was cuddle with his pet fish.
Everett’s parents knew he had never tried to pick up Nemo before and chalked it up as an innocent, one-time mistake.  After explaining what happened to their son the next morning, he told them that if he got another fish, he promised to never touch it and that from now on he would only touch fish when he went fishing. Â
Trying to make the most of the sad situation, Tori decided she wouldn’t punish her son.  Rather, she saw it as a chance for him to learn from his mistake. In the end, the family went to the pet store and got a brand new tank along with several goldfish, which Everett has promised not to touch.  After the story went viral, people everywhere praised Tori for showing empathy and understanding and giving her son a second chance to get it right.
Watch the video below for the full story:
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Terrified Orca Was Stranded and Desperately Crying For Help. But Then The UNTHINKABLE Occurs!
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Killer whales are among the most powerful and deadly predators in the world. Few animals come close to matching their accuracy or killer instinct when hunting for food. Even a great white shark is no match for a killer whale. However, the one thing that can and will stop them is dry land. Their immense strength is rendered useless when they become beached or stranded on rocks, like the poor young orca in this video.
The female whale was left high and dry off the coast of British Columbia when an attempt to catch some tasty fish suddenly took a turn for the worse. As the tide went out in Hartley Bay she ended up stuck in a shallow pool atop a rock outcropping. It wasn’t very long before her entire body was completely out of the water and fully exposed to the elements. She couldn’t have picked a worse time to become trapped weather-wise, it was late July and the summer sun was beating down on her black skin, drying it out and sapping her energy. Without human intervention the killer whale would likely die before the tide returned.
Thankfully a man spotted her and immediately called for help. Local volunteers from the animal rescue group Gitga’at Guardians of Hartley Bay converged on the scene along with others from Cetacea Lab and the For Whales Organization. They had to find a way to keep the young killer whale as wet and cool as possible until the tide returned.
The group covered her body with ocean soaked sheets and capped her dorsal fin with a pillow case. They rigged up a water pump and hosed her down continuously throughout the day. All the while they worked as smooth and silently as they could, in order to help keep the whale calm and relaxed.
Even though she was only nine years old and relatively small, weighing in at an estimated 7,000 pounds, it was no small task keeping her wet, calm and cool for a continuous eight hours. If she freaked out she could have easily over exerted herself and suffocated to death.
A whale’s lungs are mainly supported by water and so when they’re not in the water it becomes very difficult to breathe because their immense size places a lot of pressure on the lungs. Every breathe she took was difficult but at some point during the rescue her breathing steadied and she’d finally relaxed.
When the tide finally came in and submerged her the rescuers quietly left and headed for higher ground. They wanted her to decide on the right moment to leave, it was the safest way for everyone involved, especially the whale. The young orca seemed to know freedom was close as she grew more and more vocal and patiently waited for the right moment to make a break.
Finally the water level was high enough and she shot off the rocks into the open water. The whale was free at last as she went swimming off into the distance to find her family. All the rescuers looking on whooped and shouted cries of relief, their efforts and hard work had paid off. They all have one incredible whale of a tale to tell now and it’s the best kind, one with a happy ending.
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Strange Raven Squawked At Them For An Hour. Finally They Realized He Wanted The UNTHINKABLE!
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Ravens are often overlooked and dismissed by many people for being noisy, annoying, pesky birds. They really don’t get the credit they truly deserve for being one of the most intelligent animals out there. In fact, they rank among the smartest animals in all of nature and are considered just as smart as our closest animal relative, chimpanzees.
Research backs this up, ravens have been scientifically tested and scored highly on intelligence tests where they even topped the avian IQ scale! Ravens have also been observed using various objects as tools. That type of calculated behavior is something associated only with intelligent animals, like the raven in this heart warming video!
The story behind what you see here all started when a woman from Nova Scotia heard a loud racket outside her home. Gertie Cleary couldn’t help but notice who was making the noise, a black raven fledgling was perched on the fence relentlessly screeching. She tried to ignore it but when the squawking didn’t subside she went out to take an up-close look at the bird.
With her daughter by her side, the pair slowly approached the distressed raven. Once they were close they saw what bothering it, the poor bird had porcupine quills stuck in his little body, three in the side of his face and one in his wing. If he was going to survive the quills had to be removed.
Gertie went back to the house, put on some gloves for protection, and headed back out to the raven. Slowly she began to earn his trust until she was able to softly stoke his feathers. Soon after she made her move and quickly pulled a quill out of the bird. Seconds later she pulled another one which caused the raven to caw out in pain. Even so, the bird remained on the fence and didn’t threaten her, it seemed to sense she was helping and meant it no harm. The last quill was the hardest, by that point the bird likely had enough, but with a bit more coaxing Gertie was able to quickly remove it.
The poor raven’s painful experience was over, he was free to fly away without being hindered by the sharp barbs poking into his body, yet he stuck around for the remainder of the day. Gertie and her daughter ended up naming him Wilfred but the next day he was gone.
The incredibly quick witted bird seemed to know exactly where to turn to for help and thankfully Gertie recognized his situation and took the time to remove the quills.
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THIS Chipmunk Is Caught Stealing Bird Food But When He Realizes He’s Caught They Get An Unexpected Surprise!
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One adorable little chipmunk was recently caught red-handed raiding a local backyard bird feeder. This video evidence obtained by the owner of the feeder, YouTube user fjwjr, shows the chippy’s surprised reaction and utter shock at being interrupted so unexpectedly.
The tiny critter freezes and then slowly spits out all the birdseed that he had gathered up in his mouth! As the food slowly spills from his puffed out cheeks the man filming can’t help but comment, “That’s kinda gross.” It’s also kinda cute and really funny so check it out for some pure, unadulterated entertainment.
Compared to rats and mice, chipmunks are easily among the cutest types of rodent in the animal kingdom. The itty-bitty furry critters are the littlest members of the squirrel family and you can often find them scurrying around on the ground or dashing madly up a tree.
It seems like they’re always in a hurry and that’s because they are! Chipmunks are so active because winter is always coming and they need to collect and store enough food to last them through hibernation.
To help them accomplish this feat, mother nature endowed them with some useful cheek pouches that can expand up to 3x the size of their heads. They scamper about and stuff their cheeks full of food, then head back to their burrows to store it all.
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