This Is The Unexpectedly Strange Reason Why Your Own Voice Sounds So Weird When You Hear It!

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If you are anything like me, hearing your speaking voice on a recording, is usually cringe-worthy!  Sometimes you may hear your recorded voice, and not even recognize it as your own.  I’ve found it to be even weirder hearing my voice on a video…it almost seems disembodied.

I’ve always wondered about this strange phenomenon; it is true that your voice does sound different to yourself than you sound to others.  The video you are about to watch explains that there is actually a scientific reason for this.

When we speak we are hearing our voice both externally and internally.  Not only do you hear what is actually coming out of your mouth (external), but the “real” voice is combined with the sound of the internal bone vibration.  This combination causes you to perceive your voice as softer and lower-pitched.

What happens when you hear a recording of your voice, is that the internal noises you usually hear when speaking, are eliminated.  The sound vibration that comes out of a speaker reaches us through our ear drums, causing a sharper, stronger sound than the one we hear when we speak.

In recording a voice, there is some distortion, so that it is hard to ever totally know how you sound to others.  All this being said, the following video you are about to watch below will give you a far greater understanding of WHY YOU HATE THE SOUND OF YOUR OWN VOICE!

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Pre-Teen Loses Her Cat and Goes Into Sewer To Find It. 45 Minutes Later Someone Hears Her Crying In Terror!

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When Hannah Siler’s cat went missing, she didn’t waste a beat and immediately went out looking for it.  The 12 year old girl from Pascagoula, Mississippi was desperate to find her kitty and if you’ve ever had the misfortune of having your cat going missing, then you know the pure heartbreak that goes right along with it.  You will look anywhere and everywhere, after all cats are masters at hiding and can squeeze into the strangest, tightest of places.

As she searched around the neighborhood, something drew Hannah to a nearby storm drain.  When she stooped down to look inside the dark hole, she saw two yellow glowing eyes staring right back at her.  They were certainly not cat eyes, they belonged to a seven foot long alligator instead!  

Alarmed at the strange sight, Hannah screamed aloud in surprise  That drew her stepmother, Brooque Snow, who came running out to see what the matter was.  When Brooque first peered down into the drain she couldn’t believe her eyes, the alligator looked huge, and she had to have a second look before she could believe what she was seeing.

Once the initial shock had worn off, Brooque snapped a quick picture of the strange sight and notified the authorities.  Minutes later animal control officers showed up and they worked to quickly block off any exits so that the gator couldn’t escape.  The men worked to wrangle the animal out of the drain and when they finally pulled the twisting, feisty gator out they realized it was too big for the two of them to take on alone.  

They needed additional professional help, so they called in trappers from the Mississippi Department of Wildlife and Fisheries who managed to finally subdue and remove the alligator from the storm drain.  When they pulled it out, they noticed it was covered in bloody patches from its time in the sewer. No one could be sure how long it had been stuck and if it hadn’t been spotted by Hannah, it surely would have died down there.  

After holding the stressed alligator for observation, and giving it time to heal, it was released into a nearby river outside the city and away from people.  It turned out to be the best outcome for everyone involved, gator included.

Watch The Video Below For The Full Story:

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Boyfriend and Girlfriend Go For a Romantic Walk Along The Beach. 48 Hours Later They Notice Their Feet Look Strange!

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It was supposed to be a dream vacation, a way to unwind and relax on a tropical beach.  But for one young Canadian couple, it turned out to be a nightmare. Katie Stevens, 22, and her boyfriend Eddie Zytner, 25, of Ontario Canada flew to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic looking forward to making new memories and had high hopes for their vacation.  They checked into the IFA Villas Bavaro Resort which was a short walk from the beach and set out to make the most of their trip.

A few days into their stay was when they first noticed that both their feet were itchy, but they brushed it off as sand flies.  They’d heard that the pesky insects were common in the area and thought nothing much of it. Yet with each passing day their feet grew more and more itchy surely, they thought, it would soon pass. 

Upon returning home to Canada the itching persisted, not only had it gotten worse, but now their feet were painfully swollen and blistering.  It soon got to the point where they had to seek medical treatment, so they headed to the local hospital. The first two doctors they saw were unsure as to what was causing their symptoms.  Frustrated, they consulted a third doctor who finally had a diagnosis for them; it was a parasitic infection caused by larva migrans, more commonly known as hookworms. 

The couple was immediately put on medication to treat the infection, but there was a hang up.  According to Katie, “Health Canada denied out request to receive the medicine we needed to treat our infection and we were forced to get medicine from the States.”  Because it was not licensed in Canada, their doctor had to put in a special request and submitted pictures of their blistered, swollen feet along with it. The response from Health Canada was that their cases were not severe enough, which makes you wonder what constitutes severe!  

Thankfully Zytner’s mother drove to Michigan and was able to purchase the medicine for the couple who were extremely grateful for her help.  Looking back on their trip, the couple believe they contracted the parasitic infection when they went for a walk barefoot on a beach early on during their stay.  Soon after that was when they noticed their feet were itchy and from there it snowballed out of control. Now that their wounds have healed and the infection is gone they won’t be walking barefoot on the beach anytime soon.

Watch the video below for the full story:

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THIS Guy Discovers a Strange Hidden Cave. But What He Finds Inside Left Him STUNNED!

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Since the beginning of humankind we have always been drawn to caves.Caves have given humanity shelter for thousands of years. From stunning Mammoth Cave National Park In Kentucky, USA to the Blue Grotto on The Capri Island on the southern tip of Italy. These magical places are always fascinating and a lot of the times they have very distinct and interesting histories.

This brings us to today’s story featuring a man named Michael Scott (not from the show the office lol) who is a pro-photographer capturing amazing picture from all around the world. One morning he was tipped off by a local that there is allegedly a magical cave towards the old English farmhouse.

Michael never one to pass up an adventure or potential photo shoot was intrigued. So intrigued that he prepped for his trip for this mysterious caves. He arrived in the area, when some people living locally told him, the best way to find the caves, is to find the rabbits, they always congregate at the cave.

So he took their advice and began exploring the landscape trying to spot the place which apparently is the evening meeting place for the forest dwelling bunnies. Micheal searched and searched, seconds into minutes, minutes into hours when he accidentally stumbled on what looked like the entrance to the cave of wonder he had heard so much about.

The crevice where the cave opening began was quite small, but he just had a gut feeling that something very special awaited him inside the megalith rock structure. He slowly went through the entrance and then found himself in a world he couldn’t of even imagined in his wildest dreams. His gut was right, as he looked there were many pathways, differently levels, rooms and layers. He had hit a gold mine as his pictures were going to be totally awesome!

The cave was almost like an onion, every time you got through one layer/chamber it would open up to another and another and another, this cave was big, really big! Not only were they huge, but it seemed like somebody or many people put a lot of time into carving out certain cave rooms, with intricate patterns, beautiful shapes molded by masters of their craft.

One thing Michael did notice was that it seemed like they had been abandoned for 100’s maybe even 1000’s of years. Were they prehistoric? Probably not due to the technical skill displayed in these mysterious yet magical cave rooms. Could they have possibly been Medieval? This seemed probably more likely because the style and look of the interior did certainly have a Medieval vibe to it.

Watch the video below to see the full story and beautiful shots of the incredible cave:

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Guy Stumbles Upon An Abandoned Animal Park and Sees a Big Zombie-Like Shark Floating In The Aquarium!

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Today’s story is one of the stranger stories we have ever covered. It takes place in the land down under Australia at the place formally known as the Australian Wonderland Park. This wildlife park was one a thriving tourist haven, for locals and people just visiting to come get a close up look at rescued wildlife from all continents across the globe. This wildlife attraction had been around for decades and was the go to place in Bass Victoria Australia.

Late in 2012, the park shut down, to put it into perspective in 365 days the park would receive 1 million visitors! You can imagine their dismay when it suddenly shut down without warning. It was the habitat for over 600 mostly Australian rescued animals where you could really get a feel for that vintage Australia vibe.

One man, named Luke Macpherson had being going to the park with his family since he was a young lad. This was a once a year extravaganza that the Macpherson family did for decades. Luke had been fascinated and studied animals his entire life, so not only was he losing his once a year education, getting up close and person with the wildlife, but it felt like a piece of his family was being torn away from him. All his memories as a boy felt like they were being cut away from the fabric of his mind.

Eventually the young man moved on, but he soon started a new hobby which is known as an urban explorer. For those of you unfamiliar with the term ‘urban explorer’ it is somebody who discovers and looks through abandoned places that once were a big deal, but now we’re nothing more than a slowly decaying artifact of the past.

He had gone to many places to discover and explore hidden treasures in places that just didn’t exist anymore, but the remnants of their footprint fascinated young Luke. One morning he woke up, and something just told him to go check out the abandoned and shut down Australian Wonderland Park which he loved so much growing up. As it turns out the owners of the old park hadn’t been keeping up with proper hygiene and Australian protocol and the animals weren’t being properly cared for. The news reported that all the wildlife and animals were sent off to other zoos and wildlife parks in the surrounding area.

Luke’s mind was running a mile a minute. What if they were in such rush to shut the place down, that animals were left there to fend for themselves? Could they have survived without human care and intervention? Was anything left of the park at all, or would just be a deserted wasteland overgrown junk with nothing exciting to find. He wouldn’t know till he actually traveled to his old favorite place and explored for himself.

When he got through the gates, to check out what was let of the park, he couldn’t have been more let down. The park was in complete shambles. Trash was everywhere, graffiti, all the buildings were completely dilapidated and the place had truly become a complete dump. That is until he found a strange building with the door slightly open.

He walked in and couldn’t believe his eyes. It was pretty much a scene out of a horror movie. There was a tank filled with what looked like green sewage water and a giant that looked like a ghost or zombie was just floating in the green murky water. This shark’s name was Rosie and her story is fascinating.

Watch the video below for the full story and find out what happened with Rosie the Giant Shark:

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Enormous Whale Will Not Let This Diver Swim Away. She Is Stunned When She Realizes The Reason Why!

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If you ever have been lucky enough to go whale watching, you know how incredible the first moment is when you see a giant whale breach the surface. Their sheer size and magnificence is breathtaking and an experience you will never forget. It’s even better if you get to go scuba diving and swim with the giant aquatic creatures.

This brings us to today’s incredibly unbelievable story featuring a marine biologist named Nan. For almost 30 years Nan has been following whales all across the planet. Nan like many other marine biologist is fascinated with these gigantic mammals of the sea. She has studied their behaviors, biology, physiology and every other aspect of these beautiful animals. Over the past 30 years, Nan has been an avid scuba diver as she loved swimming beside the creatures she has tried so hard to protect and understand.

Nan lives on the Cook Islands located in the stunning South Pacific. She created a Research center called the Center For Cetacean Research and Conservation. Throughout her 30 years as a marine biologist she has all been an avid activist and a spokesperson for protecting whales from illegal poaching which if left unchecked will ultimately lead to their extinction from planet earth.

One morning September morning Nan put on her scuba gear jumped into the ocean, began to swim and explore the area that had lots of active whale sightings. Within just a few minutes a giant humpback whale swam toward the veteran marine biologist. Most people would probably be terrified if a 40 ton/60 foot long animal was coming directly at them, but not Nan, she was used to this sight and was pleasantly surprised by how quickly she came across the humpback.

But very soon, Nan realized this wasn’t going to be like any encounter she had previously had with a whale. It began displaying very odd behaviors for a humpback and she really didn’t know what to make of it. For some weird reason, the giant whale was holding Nan under its fin! Luckily she had enough oxygen in her scuba gear, but she was beginning to panic because the whale was showing no sign of releasing her. She wasn’t being hurt by the whale, but it just wouldn’t let her go. While Nan was underneath the whale she had all her camera and video equipment because she was making a documentary on whales.

After about 10-20 minutes of this Nan’s panic go even worse as she knew if the whale didn’t release her soon she was most likely going to die that September morning. As she began to come to terms that she was going to die by the fin of the creature she devoted her entire life to, a second whale was coming towards her. As the second whale got closer the first humpback who had her pinned under his pectoral fin finally released her near the surface of the water and she jumped back onto the boat as fast as she could happy to be alive!

Besides for a couple scrapes and bruises Nan escaped with very minimal injury. Immediately after she got on the boat, the scientist within her quickly kicked into gear. She was completely baffled and could not understand what had just happened between her and the giant male humpback whale. She began watching the two whales she had jus encountered in the waters swim by the side of the boat.

She then looked over and spotted another fin that had just breached the surface.  This was no whale, it was the second most lethal shark to humans in the world Tiger Shark. The only other shark that is responsible for more human deaths per year is the notorious Great White Shark! It suddenly dawned on Nan what the giant humpback was doing for that 10-20 minutes where she was pinned beneath his fin. She believed the whale was actually protecting her from coming into visual sight of the ferocious and deadly Tiger Shark.

She couldn’t be 100 percent positive, however humpback whales have been known to do this exact same thing to their babies and sometimes even other aquatic creatures such as sea turtles and seals. Also the fact that the second whale approached when it did was a clear sign both whales knew of the oncoming danger. Humpback whales usually come together as a group to try to avoid predators from attacking.

Whether the whale was truly trying to shield her and save her life from the threat of the looming Tiger Shark is still up for debate. However Nan, is thankful and completely amazed that whales could potentially have the capacity to exhibit such behaviors! Nan has spent her whole life helping whales and this humpback may of just paid her back by saving the veteran marine biologist’s life from the hungry Tiger Shark!

Watch the video below for the footage and full story:

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